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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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PhoenixDark said:
While Stevens did win yesterday it's very likely he'll be forced to resign. If that happens the governor has the power to replace him with whoever he/she wants.

Palin could replace Stevens with herself :drudge :drudge :drudge
What's the over/under on Bush pardoning Stevens? How will that affect Stevens standing in the Senate? Conservatives dined out for years on Marc Rich's pardon, I'm sure Bush's final acts in office will be even more reprehensible.


Cloudy said:
So what is gonna happen to Lieberman? He is total scum...

The only way he was remaining in the caucus and keeping his charimanship was if the Dems hit exactly 60. That's not going to happen. There's no real difference between 57 and 56. He's gone.
AstroLad said:
Smart. Let McCain keep the one bright spot of his entire campaign.
Yeah, also maybe I'm late on this but Palin looked amazingly distant from McCain and seemed like she barely wanted to shake his hand. I bet more shit comes out in the next few months about that pick and what went on behind the scenes.


estimate from turnout guru Dr. Michael McDonald at George Mason University. Almost 137 million (136,631,825) went to the polls -- 64.1% of the voting-eligible population. 1960 saw 63.7% of the populace go out to vote; In 1908, 65.7% voted. It was, of course, the most people ever to go to the polls topping 2004's 122 million. That's 12% increase from 2004. For those wondering why the current total vote in the presidential adds up to approximately 117 million, note that it's going to climb. There is still a ton of vote missing on the West coast.
Might push Obama's margin much higher


Batteries the CRISIS!
Sooooo why am I not seeing Elizabeth having an epic meltdown? She looks remarkably put together.

Clearly, someone has replaced her with a hologram.


artredis1980 said:
The Obama campaign was provided with reports from the Secret Service showing a sharp and very disturbing increase in threats to Obama in September and early October, at the same time that the crowds at Palin rallies became more frenzied.
Just as we all predicted. Damn McCain for that.
I wouldn't say that the early vokes in AK were incredibly pro-Stevens. Sort of flies in the face of the early voting trends across the country, which were heavily Dem even in the red areas.

Regarding Lieberman-you all do realize that he has a very strong liberal track record on a lot of key issues, right? He has a dreadful neoconservative streak on foreign policy matters but as a Senator that's not super meaningful.


artredis1980 said:
CNN calls INDIANA for OBAMA!!!



Lawblob I'm going to have to disagree with you on "the toothless southerner racists" comment. If this election proved anything its that racism exists beyond the southern demographic. This is why it was so important for me that NC turned blue or at least come close.

Yeah, I guess I over-reacted with that post. :lol

I blame the lack of sleep. But look, I get so god damn sick and tired of Republicans mindlessly spouting these inane platitudes, like "college educated people vote for the GOP," etc., when thats just NOT TRUE.

Go look at the exit polling data, college graduates went for Obama nationally. That's just reality.



What a beautiful day. Obama is president, McCain flushed his reputation down the toilet for nothing, and Palin is the new face of the GOP. :D
Fragamemnon said:
Regarding Lieberman-you all do realize that he has a very strong liberal track record on a lot of key issues, right? He has a dreadful neoconservative streak on foreign policy matters but as a Senator that's not super meaningful.
Well he's also got that anti first amendment streak, which is not very liberal.
Hi, I too am crying, I just burst into tears, now fully realizing the enormity of this win. Mr. Mann's post got me to reality. It's true. buy your guns NOW! I told my hubby I'm getting my gun permit, guns and ammo right away. He was glad to hear it. Things will change really fast. No time to lose. Pray and witness, there are alot of folks still hungry for God.


So very Christian like.


Cyan said:
Just as we all predicted. Damn McCain for that.
I want to believe McCain himself didn't intend that and wasn't fully aware of how bad it was. I'm an optimist.

Palin, though... She knew.


GitarooMan said:
Yeah, also maybe I'm late on this but Palin looked amazingly distant from McCain and seemed like she barely wanted to shake his hand. I bet more shit comes out in the next few months about that pick and what went on behind the scenes.

It's been no secret their relationship has been strained to say the least from all reports. The Newsweek piece further highlighted some alarming things, I personally can't wait until the dirt starts leaking out.

Almost as troubling was the huge amount of in fighting with Clinton campaign. Anyone have any good information/editorial about that mess?


ggnoobIGN said:
I see nothing of income on there. Again, McCain won with people who make more than 100,000.

Last night, IIRC, NBC news was reporting exit poll data to the contrary. I will have to dig around and find it.


Unconfirmed Member

This sounds like a really interesting article. Will probably go pick up Newsweek (though I know it's online for free). Should have a LOT of inside info on relations within the campaigns. Best part -

So when Brian Williams is asking me about what's a personal thing that you've done [that's green], and I say, you know, 'Well, I planted a bunch of trees.' And he says, 'I'm talking about personal.' What I'm thinking in my head is, 'Well, the truth is, Brian, we can't solve global warming because I f---ing changed light bulbs in my house. It's because of something collective'."

I also like that one of the "read more" tabs is "Obama fucking light bulbs." :lol


lawblob said:
Thank you, CharlieDigital!

For I minute I was worried I had imagined that statistic in a fever dream last night!

But those same statistics disprove your point. Poor people voted overwhelmingly for Obama. It was the MIDDLE CLASS that seemed to favor McCain.
Free TheGrayGhost!

Let's all call Sean Maelstrom offically an idiot now!!

EDIT: I see TheGrayGhost has already been freed.

It's a Christmas Miracle!!!


I see the black statistic for voting, and am not surprised. McCain/Palin pretty much demonized the black demographic. How could it ever go any other way?


Cyan said:
Just as we all predicted. Damn McCain for that.
Yeah, that reminds me of McCain's speech last night, when people started booing Obama. McCain was looking a bit embarassed, and I was glad. His own goddamn campaign supported that shitty attitude, and I am glad that he had to stand up there looking like a clueless moron as his supporters did exactly what his campaign encouraged them to do.

Fragamemnon said:
I wouldn't say that the early vokes in AK were incredibly pro-Stevens. Sort of flies in the face of the early voting trends across the country, which were heavily Dem even in the red areas.

Regarding Lieberman-you all do realize that he has a very strong liberal track record on a lot of key issues, right? He has a dreadful neoconservative streak on foreign policy matters but as a Senator that's not super meaningful.
But early voting went heavily for dems because the Dems encouraged it. I doubt they made a big push for early voting in Alaska.

As for Lieberman, regardless of his stances, he got Obama to campaign for him by promising to return the favor, then spent McCain's entire campaign right behind him, giving him a reach-around. He just goes whatever way the wind blows, politically. Fuck him. He can caucus with himself for all I goddamn care, regardless of his stances.


Zapages said:
My African American friend voted for McCain... *major facepalm* by me..

He did not like his "socialist" ways concerning health care... :lol :lol :lol :lol

Seriously dude, you have to make him a shirt. You need to comemorate his historic missed opportunity. Take pics.

I can't decide what the "I voted for McCain" shirt should be. Of course it could simply be a picture of Sad Panda McCain. (See concession speech photos) or maybe something more abstract, like a bus speeding off with a black guy chasing after it.

As if by fate I got a bunch of T-shirts delivered to me from Design by Humans. they said three weeks delivery at least but they sent it in only two.

I wore this one today and the smiles and hugs I'm getting from my black co-workers is awesome.


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