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PoliGAF Official May 6th Primary Thread (All I need is a Hirracle, all I need is you)

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Master of the Google Search
Triumph said:
That's great and all, I understand there are may different ways to figure out where a person lies on the political compass. But if it's all the same to you, anyone involved in the DLC is not a liberal in my book, and can pretty much be classified as a DINO.

So.. Bill Clinton, Hillary, Biden, Edwards, Kerry, Richardson, Lieberman, Emanuel, Sebelius, Napolitano, Kaine, Rendell, Warner, Webb and a hundred other Democrats are all not liberals. Really?


grandjedi6 said:
So.. Bill Clinton, Hillary, Biden, Edwards, Kerry, Richardson, Lieberman, Emanuel, Sebelius, Napolitano, Kaine, Rendell, Warner, Webb and a hundred other Democrats are all not liberals. Really?
Bill? No
Hillary? No
Biden? No, but he is awesome on foreign policy
Edwards? Liberal now, very liberal now. He abandoned his overly moderate DLC roots after 2004
Kerry? He wasn't DLC
Richardson? No way he is not a liberal, he has a lot of conservative views on guns and the court
Lieberman? :lol :lol :lol
Emanuel? Don't know enough
Sebelius? No, she is a moderate
Napolitano? Don't know enough
Kaine? Very moderate
Rendell? Dont know enough
Warner? VERY Moderate. He was going to run to the RIGHT of Hillay when he nearly ran for President
Webb? :lol :lol he still thinks Reagan was the best president ever and still sides with republicans on a lot of domestic issues


testicles on a cold fall morning
Cheebs said:
wanting to obliterate Iran, refusing to talk to enemies, and jumping at the chance to invade Iraq really seems liberal to me.
you've never defined what liberal means to you. can i ask for that yet again?

as to the post above, well. shock and awe. (hint: modern day liberals are considered to be moderate or left-of-center. maybe you are thinking of the term progressive?)


scorcho said:
you've never defined what liberal means to you. can i ask for that yet again?

Anything to the left of the middle.


Master of the Google Search
Cheebs said:
Bill? No
Hillary? No
Biden? No, but he is awesome on foreign policy
Edwards? Liberal now, very liberal now. He abandoned his overly moderate DLC roots after 2004
Kerry? He wasn't DLC
Richardson? No way he is not a liberal, he has a lot of conservative views on guns and the court
Lieberman? :lol :lol :lol
Emanuel? Don't know enough
Sebelius? No, she is a moderate
Napolitano? Don't know enough
Kaine? Very moderate
Rendell? Dont know enough
Warner? VERY Moderate. He was going to run to the RIGHT of Hillay when he nearly ran for President
Webb? :lol :lol he still thinks Reagan was the best president ever and still sides with republicans on a lot of domestic issues

Holy crap Cheebs


Hillarys views change depending on who has a primary next week. Hell she told Guam she'd make them a state for crying out loud.


Master of the Google Search
Cheebs said:
Would you consider Webb liberal? I dont see how the hell he is liberal in the slightest outside of foreign policy.

1.) Your definition of liberal is so insanely narrow that its to the point of foolishness
2.) You stereotype people into ideologies based soley on one or two decisions. You know everyone isn't just a 2-dimensional talking point.
3.) Your definition of liberal is VoteMatch Quiz's political compass? Not only is using a political compass to define ideology silly, but you choose one of the worst on the internet?


testicles on a cold fall morning
grandjedi6 said:
1.) Your definition of liberal is so insanely narrow that its to the point of foolishness
2.) You stereotype people into ideologies based soley on one or two decisions. You know everyone isn't just a 2-dimensional talking point.
3.) Your definition of liberal is VoteMatch Quiz's political compass? Not only is using a political compass to define ideology silly, but you choose one of the worst on the internet?
there are words here, but no picture. therefore your points are invalid.


grandjedi6 said:
1.) Your definition of liberal is so insanely narrow that its to the point of foolishness
2.) You stereotype people into ideologies based soley on one or two decisions. You know everyone isn't just a 2-dimensional talking point.
3.) Your definition of liberal is VoteMatch Quiz's political compass? Not only is using a political compass to define ideology silly, but you choose one of the worst on the internet?
Ok then, tell me how Webb is a liberal in your world. A former republican who still holds a multitude of conservative views and worships Reagan.

I adore Webb, but I dont see how you consider him a liberal.


testicles on a cold fall morning
a: tell me your views on liberalism
b: huh?
a: tell me your views on liberalism
b: [shows picture, acts smug]
a: that's not a definition
b: why don't YOU tell MEEEEEE.


Master of the Google Search
Cheebs said:
Ok then, tell me how Webb is a liberal in your world. A former republican who still holds a multitude of conservative views and worships Reagan.

I adore Webb, but I dont see how you consider him a liberal.

1.) How does worshipping Reagan make you not a liberal?
2.) How does being a former Republican make you not a liberal
3.) Why do keep making political ideology a one issue subject? Sure Webb supports gun rights, but he also is Pro-choice. OMG he has differing opinions on subjects!!
4.) What does any of this have to do with Webb? You are just trying to single out Webb only because you can't actually argue the point at hand


grandjedi6 said:
So.. Bill Clinton, Hillary, Biden, Edwards, Kerry, Richardson, Lieberman, Emanuel, Sebelius, Napolitano, Kaine, Rendell, Warner, Webb and a hundred other Democrats are all not liberals. Really?
In my opinion, no. You have to remember who you're talking to, tho- my scores on the political compass test were -9.88, -8.15. I'm not exactly what you'd call a reasonable person.

Kucinich is a liberal, and a good one too. So is Nader. I don't even really consider Obama to be a liberal but he's preferable to Clinton, and I think that he can achieve a watershed, landslide victory this fall that will usher in a real opportunity to push America forcefully to the left on a lot of issues. Thus my support, but like Wright I will be trying to hold him accountable and get what I want out of his Presidency starting on the 5th of November.


Master of the Google Search
Triumph said:
In my opinion, no. You have to remember who you're talking to, tho- my scores on the political compass test were -9.88, -8.15. I'm not exactly what you'd call a reasonable person.

Kucinich is a liberal, and a good one too. So is Nader. I don't even really consider Obama to be a liberal but he's preferable to Clinton, and I think that he can achieve a watershed, landslide victory this fall that will usher in a real opportunity to push America forcefully to the left on a lot of issues. Thus my support, but like Wright I will be trying to hold him accountable and get what I want out of his Presidency starting on the 5th of November.

Well at least you are consistent


grandjedi6 said:
Well at least you are consistent
And honest- I flat out SAID I'm not a reasonable person. But then again, reasonable people don't get shit done. They compromise. It's the unreasonable man that refuses to back down, as Shrillary has certainly shown us.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Triumph said:
And honest- I flat out SAID I'm not a reasonable person. But then again, reasonable people don't get shit done. They compromise. It's the unreasonable man that refuses to back down, as Shrillary has certainly shown us.
well as someone who's an unabashed conservative, i think all of you are crazy liberals ;)
Rick Sanchez on CNN just said that Obama said he'd have talk with Hamas. Please open the floodgates of hatemail to CNN so they'll retract that comment/statement. He is definitely the bottom of the barrel on CNN.
Anyone else surprised that Newt Gingrich's "Dear Senator Obama" in Newsweek is actually filled with honest advice, and not a op-ed hit job?

Maybe he is reading the writing on the wall.
maximum360 said:
Rick Sanchez on CNN just said that Obama said he'd have talk with Hamas. Please open the floodgates of hatemail to CNN so they'll retract that comment/statement. He is definitely the bottom of the barrel on CNN.

Well, technically he did say he would talk with Hamas IF they accept Israel, renounce violence, etc.


scorcho said:
well as someone who's an unabashed conservative, i think all of you are crazy liberals ;)
That's fine and dandy, but as someone that's not totally a moonbat, let me ask you how you enjoyed your six years of GOP rule as a "true conservative".


testicles on a cold fall morning
Triumph said:
That's fine and dandy, but as someone that's not totally a moonbat, let me ask you how you enjoyed your six years of GOP rule as a "true conservative".
i was being sarcastic for no reason other than boredom.


This thread reminds me of the HD format war thread.

- Went on forever
- Moves too fast to read all of it
- Few, increasingly outspoken voices after the turningpoint/deathwatch
- BANNINGS galore!

Barack Obama Writing a New Chapter in American History in Oregon


BEND, Oregon -- Speaking with reporters in Bend, Ore. after touring PV Powered Plant, Obama brushed aside suggestions that the fall campaign may be largely about his race, liberalism or patriotism.

"In a contest between myself and John McCain," he said, "there is going to be a very clear choice on policy that I don't think is going to have to do with ideology and who theoretically is more liberal or who's more conservative. I think it is going to have to do with who has a plan to provide relief to people when it comes to their gas prices, who has a real plan to make sure that everybody has health insurance, who's got a real plan to deal with college affordability."


"So rather than an abstract set of questions about, 'Is he too liberal, is he too conservative, how do voters handle an African American, et cetera,' I think this is going to be a very concrete contest around very specific plans for how we improve the lives of Americans and our vision for the future," he said.

Obama said he realizes he must continue introducing himself to millions of Americans who do not know him well, and acknowledged that some question his patriotism because he no longer wears a lapel flag pin.

He said the test of patriotism "is whether we are true to the ideals and values upon which this country was founded," and willing to fight for them "even when it's politically inconvenient."


He was also asked what he made of an introductory speech by his supporter Rep. Peter DeFazio in Albany, Ore., the day before, in which DeFazio harshly criticized McCain's past involvement in the Keating Five scandal -- two of whose participants have endorsed Obama. Asked if he thought that Keating Five scandal was fair game as a campaign topic, Obama said that he thought that it was fair for others to raise but suggested that he would not be raising it unless asked about it. (http://blog.washingtonpost.com/the-trail/2008/05/10/oba... )

The fact was, he said, he himself was facing questions about topics of less validity, like the recent expression of support he got from a Hamas leader.

DeFazio "obviously delivered a speech that wasn't my speech," Obama said, adding that he didn't object to the speech. "I don't think there is any doubt that John McCain's public record for an issue that he has apologized for and written about is not germane to the presidency. I was just asked previously about a whole host if issues and association that were a lot more flimsy than John McCain's relationship to the Keating Five. So I can't quarrel with the American people wanting to know more about that and me having to answer questions about it."


Barack Obama spoke to a packed, cheering crowd at Bend's Summit High School Saturday, addressing a variety of issues and imploring his audience to help him "turn the page" and write a new chapter in U.S. history.

"How's it goin', Bend?" Obama said as he took the stage in an open-collar white shirt and rolled-up sleeves, pacing slowly back and forth as he touched on all the issues and took several questions from the audience over an hour-long span.

"I am so thrilled to be east of the mountains in Central Oregon," Obama said. "You guys have some pretty real estate out here. I want to stick around. Who's gonna teach me fishin'?"


Obama spoke grandly of how he believed Americans were "tired of politics that tear the country down," but instead want politicians who "lift people up."

"I was convinced the American people were tired of spin and PR," he said. "They wanted someone who would talk straight," and "remind them of what we hold in common. We are Americans. When we come together ... there's no dream we cannot achieve, no destiny we cannot fulfill.'

After all that campaigning and talking and shaking hands and kissing babies, "I'm here to report our bet paid off," Obama said. "People are standing up, saying we want to write a new chapter. And now, Oregon, it is your turn to stand up and say, it's time for a change."


The Illinois Democrat said he would put a higher tax on companies that pollute and use the money to invest in wind, solar, geothermal and other alternatives to oil. He said he wouldn't rule out nuclear energy as a future source of power, if problems of waste storage and safety can be resolved.

Individuals, he said, must take responsibility as well.

"We can't all be driving Chevy Suburbans at eight miles per gallon," Obama said. "That's no slight against Chevys," he quickly added, "because I want us to drive American-made cars" -- but they need to be built to get better gas mileage.


“I decided to run because the state of this country required a different kind of politics,” he said Friday night at Oregon State University. “The challenges we face had outstripped our broken policies.”

His list of those challenges began with the country’s involvement in two wars — one Obama said “we had to fight” in Afghanistan against those who had killed Americans on Sept. 11, 2001, and one “that we should never have waged ... that has not made us more safer,” in Iraq.

He then turned to what he called “a different kind of struggle — people here at home trying to hold on to the American dream” in a time when wages and family incomes have declined despite a period of economic growth. He talked about the rising cost of food and gasoline, unemployment, record bankruptcies and foreclosures, millions without health insurance.


“I decided that we can’t afford to wait to deal with global warming, with the health care situation, with the war,” he said. “I was betting on you and people like you all over the country. I was absolutely convinced that people are decent and hard-working and willing to sacrifice for future generations. I believed they were tired of politics that were about tearing one another down. I believe they wanted to remember that we are Americans with common dreams and hopes, and that if all of us could come together, there is nothing we couldn’t accomplish.”

The crowd, already roaring, went wild when he continued, declaring: “Here we are. My bet has paid off. We’re ready to turn the page and write a new chapter in American history, and we are going to bring this election to a close right here in Oregon.”

Deus Ex Machina said:
Now it's time to give Rachel her own show. The could drop lockup or lockdown or whatever the Hell they call it. It would be nice too, to maybe see Cenk invited for some of the upcoming discussions during the GE.
That was really interesting. I've never heard of TYT.

Olbermann = KING and HERO of the LEFT

Rachel = sidekick (who still deserves her own show)
Lt. Gov. Daniel Mongiardo (KY) endorses Obama

Word comes today from The Associated Press that Lt. Gov. Dan Mongiardo has today endorsed Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama.

Mongiardo said Obama can unite the Democratic Party and build a coalition with independents and Republicans before the November general election.

Mongiardo, a surgeon, also praised Obama's health-care plan, which would cut the medical cost for all families.

Gov. Steve Beshear, a superdelegate, has yet to announce which candidate he will back at the Democratic National Convention his summer.

Obama is schedules to make a campaign appearance in Louisville tomorrow.
Woo HOO! Great news!


Drudge has something up about Missouri requiring Proof of Citizenship to register to vote, some sort of amendment. Doesn't sound promising, no details as of yet:p


Master of the Google Search
Speaking of Missouri, Obama is having some fundraisers there next week. So add another state to Obama's new General election focus


Master of the Google Search
Tamanon said:
Drudge has something up about Missouri requiring Proof of Citizenship to register to vote, some sort of amendment. Doesn't sound promising, no details as of yet:p
A bill quietly approved by a Missouri House committee earlier this month is reigniting the same heated debate that accompanied a voter ID law struck down by the state Supreme Court less than two years ago.

The bill would require anyone registering to vote to submit explicit proof of citizenship to the local election authority, even when registering by mail. The bill's chief sponsor, Rep. Cynthia Davis, R-O'Fallon, says the measure aims to keep illegal immigrants out of the voting booth.

But critics suggest that requiring specific documents to prove citizenship — for example, an updated passport or birth certificate — would disenfranchise legal voters.

Those arguments mirror the ones surrounding the state's voter photo ID provision enacted and subsequently struck down in 2006. Citizenship proof requirements are the latest trend in a larger national debate over voter identification. While Indiana's photo ID law, the strictest in the nation, is being challenged before the U.S. Supreme Court, more than 10 other states are advancing citizenship proof laws

Ouch. Making an updated passport or birth certificate required to vote? That really is going to disenfranchise alot of people. Hell, I don't think even I have those documents on me o_O
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