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PoliGAF Official May 6th Primary Thread (All I need is a Hirracle, all I need is you)

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Hillary Clinton's campaign is $20 million in DEBT

Clinton aides continued to insist that she will remain in the race even while confirming that she is $20 million in debt. "The voters are going to decide this," senior adviser Howard Wolfson said on "Fox News Sunday," acknowledging the $20 million figure. "There is no reason for her not to continue this process." Wolfson said he has seen "no evidence of her interest" in pursuing the second-place spot on the Democratic ticket, contrary to rumors that she is staying in the race to leverage a bid for the vice presidential nomination.
How not to run a campaign.

Imagine how the Hillary Clinton administration would be if it's in any way how they run their campaign? Obama's campaign, on the other hand, is upwards of $40+ million at hand.


Hillary Clinton's campaign is $20 million in DEBT
Just give up already.

The rumors I've heard about her making a deal to be VP before dropping out bother me. :\ I really hope Obama doesn't pick her.


"The voters are going to decide this," senior adviser Howard Wolfson said on "Fox News Sunday," acknowledging the $20 million figure. "There is no reason for her not to continue this process."

Newsflash: they did. :lol
Diablos said:
Just give up already.

The rumors I've heard about her making a deal to be VP before dropping out bother me. :\ I really hope Obama doesn't pick her.
No chance in hell.


What's sad about the "wahhh the voters will decide" crap is, if you read between the lines, they are pissed that FL and MI were taken away from them. Even though they initially favored punishing them.

Who do they think they're trying to fool?

No chance in hell.
Obama himself admitted to having her on his short list.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Diablos said:
What's sad about the "wahhh the voters will decide" crap is, if you read between the lines, they are pissed that FL and MI were taken away for them. Even though they initially favored punishing them.

Who do they think they're trying to fool?

What's even more amazing is that the Clinton campaign's whole strategy was to wrap up the nomination after New Hampshire or Super Tuesday at the latest; their strategy was for a small number of states to give her the victory, "disenfranchising" millions of voters and a majority of the states.


Diablos said:
Obama himself admitted to having her on his short list.
He's being polite and not kicking her while she's down. He's also said she "doesn't really believe in grass roots democracy", which is the entire premise of his campaign.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
grandjedi6 said:
Is he Islamic or is he not? I know he's tried to talk about it but he hasn't looked me in the eye and told me

It's sad that I just quoted an elected official

To be fair, I just read it and it looks like, if you read the next part about Kennedy's (Catholic) visit to W. Virginia - he's actually saying, "He should come here and get rid of folks' doubts and misconceptions face to face."


Clothed, sober, cooperative
grandjedi6 said:
Is he Islamic or is he not? I know he's tried to talk about it but he hasn't looked me in the eye and told me

It's sad that I just quoted an elected official

To be fair, I just read it and it looks like, if you read the next part about Kennedy's (Catholic) visit to W. Virginia - he's actually saying, "He should come here and get rid of folks' doubts and misconceptions face to face."


Deus Ex Machina said:
Hillary Clinton's campaign is $20 million in DEBT


How not to run a campaign.

Imagine how the Hillary Clinton administration would be if it's in any way how they run their campaign? Obama's campaign, on the other hand, is upwards of $40+ million at hand.

after Hillary wins WV, someone in Obamas camp on the next call should quietly let slip...

"well she outspent us in WV!"
Diablos said:
What's sad about the "wahhh the voters will decide" crap is, if you read between the lines, they are pissed that FL and MI were taken away from them. Even though they initially favored punishing them.

Who do they think they're trying to fool?

Obama himself admitted to having her on his short list.


he was asked about clinton as veep, to which he was polite adn said 'clinton is smart and intelligent, to such an extent that she should be on anyone's shortlist'

...he's being nice, as he knows he has to be, if he is to get clinton supporters' votes.


Master of the Google Search
Stinkles said:
To be fair, I just read it and it looks like, if you read the next part about Kennedy's (Catholic) visit to W. Virginia - he's actually saying, "He should come here and get rid of folks' doubts and misconceptions face to face."

hmm, you're probably right about that. Though it was still a kinda stupid thing to say (though he is only a county clerk so...)


Setec Astronomer
DrForester said:
I'm all for ID's, drivers licenses, or passports being required for voting, but birth certificates is just silly.
This comment makes me ask...

Do you have a passport? They aren't exactly as easy to get as a Driver's License... or as cheap. Furthermore, a DL alone doesn't qualify as proof of citizenship.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
grandjedi6 said:
hmm, you're probably right about that. Though it was still a kinda stupid thing to say (though he is only a county clerk so...)

If he said it innocently, he is probably HORRIFIED reading it back. He will get all kinds of hate mail.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
pxleyes said:
Just saw a bit where Obama said he thinks to move away from the combustion engine we need a movement to the scale and scope of the Apollo program. I've been saying that for 2 years now and to hear him actually come out and state that is the kind of movement we needs is so refreshing...because he's right. It will take something to that scale and funding to move us away from oil and if this man is willing to do that, then he not only has my vote but anything I can do from now till Nov to get him in office.

But I like my combustion engines :(

There's nothing in this world that can replace the sweet purring of a high-revving, horsepower infused V6 or V8. I don't even want to think about V10s in the fear of my pants exploding.


reilo said:
But I like my combustion engines :(

There's nothing in this world that can replace the sweet purring of a high-revving, horsepower infused V6 or V8. I don't even want to think about V10s in the fear of my pants exploding.
I don't think anyone is going to take your gas engine away, but it is just going to become increasingly expensive to have it once the switch is made. Not much different from what is already happening though with the price.


reilo said:
But I like my combustion engines :(

There's nothing in this world that can replace the sweet purring of a high-revving, horsepower infused V6 or V8. I don't even want to think about V10s in the fear of my pants exploding.

And what alternative technology can replace one of these?


These slow engines actually get better than 50% thermal efficiency.


KRS7 said:
And what alternative technology can replace one of these?

These slow engines actually get better than 50% thermal efficiency.
Nothing probably, but the idea is to switch the infrastructure for consumer cars, not necessarily huge commercial vehicles.


Kills Photobucket
I haven't heard the media go to much into the West Virginia stuff. They mention it, but they don't seem to be harping on it. Be interesting to see how they report it on Tuesday. They really seem to be looking at May 20th stuff.


Deus Ex Machina said:
I'm trying to find the clip of Hillary where she says "it will be me" from that same interview. She was sooo confident.

DrForester said:
I haven't heard the media go to much into the West Virginia stuff. They mention it, but they don't seem to be harping on it. Be interesting to see how they report it on Tuesday. They really seem to be looking at May 20th stuff.
28 delegates up for grabs on Tuesday. 103 are up next week. And aside from the fact that it's over, there's no suspense in the outcome this week.


Master of the Google Search
DrForester said:
Is it likely that Hillary can get enough votes on Tuesday to start bringing up the "Popular Vote" crap again?

Only if there is a 90% turnout of voters and Hillary wins all of them


Kills Photobucket
grandjedi6 said:
Only if there is a 90% turnout of voters and Hillary wins all of them

Oh good, I really didn't want to hear that crap again. I had no clue how "close" the popular vote was according to "The Hillary Clinton School of Political Mathematics".
DrForester said:
Is it likely that Hillary can get enough votes on Tuesday to start bringing up the "Popular Vote" crap again?

from RCP:
Popular Vote (w/FL & MI)** O-16,579,735 47.9% C- 16,466,237 47.5% Obama +113,498 +0.33%

this includes mi and fl, and gives O zero votes from MI, and no caucus estimates from the 4 without official numbers. This is the Hillary school of counting the pop vote.

so she would have to NET 113,498 votes in WV or close to bring up how she might win the pop vote. aka - probably not.
Three interesting stories from Political Wire

Robert Novak: "Support is growing in Democratic ranks for Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland as vice president. He would bring to the ticket maturity (he's 66), experience (six terms in Congress) and moderation (rated ''A'' by the National Rifle Association). He is very popular in Ohio, a state Republicans must carry to elect a president."

Another important factor: As a supporter of Sen. Hillary Clinton, Strickland could help unite the Democratic party.
Quote of the Day
"You're going to see people (superdelegates) making decisions at a rapid pace from this point on. We've been announcing several each day for the last few days. We're going to continue to unfurl these endorsements on a regular basis."

-- Strategist David Axelrod, quoted by the Washington Post, as Sen. Barack Obama has now surpassed Sen. Hillary Clinton in superdelegate support.

Emanuel Slams Kennedy
Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-IL) called the New York Times to criticize Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) "for remarks he made when asked about the possibility of" Sen. Barack Obama choosing Sen. Hillary Clinton as his running-mate.

Saud Enanuel: "I have a lot of respect for Ted Kennedy, but I don't know how the hell he comes off saying that. The gratuitous attack on her is uncalled for and wrong. He is a better senator than that comment reveals."
The Lamonster said:
Listen to how sick Obama sounds on the morning of the Iowa Caucus:

the modesty of obama's expectations and the sheer smug arrogance of Clinton in those days is so striking.

oh, and fuck you , Gloria Steinem, you retarded feminist, for daring to make a blanket assumption that a liberated woman must vote for Clinton or otherwise she is submissive to society's 'sexual castes'....fuck you! how do you like clinton's downfall!? ;)


Robert Novak: "Support is growing in Democratic ranks for Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland as vice president. He would bring to the ticket maturity (he's 66), experience (six terms in Congress) and moderation (rated ''A'' by the National Rifle Association). He is very popular in Ohio, a state Republicans must carry to elect a president."

Another important factor: As a supporter of Sen. Hillary Clinton, Strickland could help unite the Democratic party.
As much as I want Sebelius to be in the White House, Strickland does make a lot of sense from a Get-Him-Elected perspective. Whatever it takes to get Obama in is fine with me.


I wonder what exactly they mean by "re-unite the party," do they want democrats to get behind Obama despite Hillary continuing on her downward spiral, wait for her to get on board or to quietly shun her and turn their backs to what is becoming an embarrassment to the party.

I thinks any election numbers from here on regardless if she "wins" are going to reflect what most of us already know, that its over. She didn't help herself any by continuing on, what it did highlight is that Like the current Commander in Chief she will adopt scorched earth policies to no end regardless of the consequences and when that doesn't work, rather than concede, encase yourself in a bubble of denial and bunker mentality. She has disqualified herself by becoming the very thing we all want to defeat.
Zeed said:
As much as I want Sebelius to be in the White House

She has the perspective of a governor and the wisdom, competence, and integrity necessary to achieve the goals she strives for. Her bipartisan approaches match those of Obama and she has the credentials to be VP. She is a powerful advocate for education and is fiscally responsible.

Her father was actually Governor of Ohio! John Gilligan

Strickland does make a lot of sense from a Get-Him-Elected perspective.
Strickland....the guy standing behind Hillary?! hell no!!!



Deus Ex Machina said:
Hillary Clinton's campaign is $20 million in DEBT


How not to run a campaign.

Imagine how the Hillary Clinton administration would be if it's in any way how they run their campaign? Obama's campaign, on the other hand, is upwards of $40+ million at hand.

I really hope that the expectation is not that the Obama campaign pays off her debt no matter how far she goes. It wouldn't be fair that at $11.5 million in that there is talk of it and then she just blows on through to $20 million and even past that just for the hell of it to see what happens and then get it all paid for in the end.

Obama should just say that he knows that Hillary wants the best for the Democratic party and that the money his campaign has would be better spent against the upcoming campaign against McCain rather than increasing the Clintons wealth from $80 million back up to $100 million.


Deus Ex Machina said:
She has the perspective of a governor and the wisdom, competence, and integrity necessary to achieve the goals she strives for. Her bipartisan approaches match those of Obama and she has the credentials to be VP. She is a powerful advocate for education and is fiscally responsible.
Like I said, I think she's better for the job. But objectively Strickland would probably be better for getting Obama elected. I will support an Obama/Sebelius ticket more enthusiastically than an Obama/Strickland ticket, but at the end of the day I want Obama to be our President.


laesperanzapaz said:
OH MY GOD :lol

THIS is so delicious....how fucking arrogant can you be, jeebuz...
It was inevitable!

The smugness on Clinton's face when Katie is doing her follow-up question says everything.
Zeed said:
Like I said, I think she's better for the job. But objectively Strickland would probably be better for getting Obama elected. I will support an Obama/Sebelius ticket more enthusiastically than an Obama/Strickland ticket, but at the end of the day I want Obama to be our President.
People only suggest Strickland because he may bring Ohio into play, but people don't know Sebelius was born and raise in ohio and her father John Gilligan was a popular governor there.
laesperanzapaz said:
the modesty of obama's expectations and the sheer smug arrogance of Clinton in those days is so striking.

oh, and fuck you , Gloria Steinem, you retarded feminist, for daring to make a blanket assumption that a liberated woman must vote for Clinton or otherwise she is submissive to society's 'sexual castes'....fuck you! how do you like clinton's downfall!? ;)

I thought you were exaggerating with this post but a little research into Gloria Steinem revealed otherwise...what a terrifyingly ignorant way to view the world.
Fresh GE Polls! Get your fresh GE polls right here: Michigan, Virginia, North Carolina, and Oreg


Obama: 44
McCain: 45

Election 2008 Michigan


Obama: 44
McCain: 47

(Rasmussen hasn't released these yet, but these are the numbers that have been leaked.)

North Carolina

Obama: 45
McCain: 48

(Rasmussen hasn't released these yet, but these are the numbers that have been leaked.)


Obama: 52
McCain: 38

Election 2008 Oregon
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