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PoliGAF Thread of PRESIDENT OBAMA Checkin' Off His List

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WTF is up with these idiots repeating over and over that Obama is handing over our nukes to the Soviets?

Are people really this stupid?

Also how many nukes do you need God forbid if we get hit and retaliate.

And even though both sides agreed to cut down on the nukes there is no plan in effect to check if either side did.

Also why do everyone that gets on the radio with Beck, Rush, Hannity, etc. are always "scared" of what Obama is doing to the country?


TiVo said:
Also why do everyone that gets on the radio with Beck, Rush, Hannity, etc. are always "scared" of what Obama is doing to the country?

Because Beck, Rush, Hannity, etc. perpetually fear monger.


Skiptastic said:
And now you're fear mongering the fear mongers!


Be quite or I´ll put some rubber bullets in your face, hippie. :D

Republicans get away with this shit because they LOVE America. Well, the real America. Even when they want Americans to be killed or try to secede, it´s love.
PHOTOS It's Smile Time: Senator Al.







Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn, poses with Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn, and former Vice President Walter Mondale after his ceremonial swearing-in
PHOTOS Past meets Present

President Barack Obama meets with former Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev in Gostinny Dvor, Russia, Tuesday, July 7, 2009. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)


Deus Ex Machina said:
Morning Joe's Mika: 'Sarah Palin Attracts Real Americans'


What are we, chopped liver?

Uh Mika . . . if she really represented the views of most 'real americans' then she would have won the election. By definition, she did not. And if you look at the polling, you'll see that she got the lowest polls of Obama, McCain, Biden, and Palin.

BTW, most of us 'real americans' live in cities and suburbs. Stop the fake romanticizing of the USA as some rural nation. That ended back in the 1800s.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Deus Ex Machina said:
Morning Joe's Mika: 'Sarah Palin Attracts Real Americans'


What are we, chopped liver?
Ugh I hate that term "real American" or "real Canadian" that rednecks like to use. It makes them feel like they are the first class superior citizen of the country and those who don't agree with their views are second-class shit. If you're a citizen of a country, you're SUPPOSED TO BE EQUAL. DIDN'T JESUS SAY TO TREAT EVERYBODY EQUALLY ?
Deus Ex Machina said:
PHOTOS Past meets Present

President Barack Obama meets with former Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev in Gostinny Dvor, Russia, Tuesday, July 7, 2009. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

Medvedev, Putin, Gorbie . . . is he going to visit Yeltzin's grave next?


'Real America' is code for stupid, fat and lazy Americans.

Stop skirting around the bush and just say Palin appeals to the more uneducated portion of America. The majority of people watching Morning Joe aren't 'real'.


Insertia said:
'Real America' is code for stupid, fat and lazy Americans.

Stop skirting around the bush and just say Palin appeals to the more uneducated portion of America. The majority of people watching Morning Joe aren't 'real'.

Now you're taking the polar opposite view. Everyone in the country is a "real American", good or bad, uneducated or educated, no matter what race, class, or creed.
NetMapel said:
Ugh I hate that term "real American" or "real Canadian" that rednecks like to use. It makes them feel like they are the first class superior citizen of the country and those who don't agree with their views are second-class shit. If you're a citizen of a country, you're SUPPOSED TO BE EQUAL. DIDN'T JESUS SAY TO TREAT EVERYBODY EQUALLY ?
Conservatives don't want to know Jesus was a socialist.
Deus Ex Machina said:
PHOTOS It's Smile Time: Senator Al.


Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn, poses with Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn, and former Vice President Walter Mondale after his ceremonial swearing-in

WHOAH. That's Mondale? It's been a long while, Walter. :D

Also: Well said, Clevinger.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
ChoklitReign said:
Conservatives don't want to know Jesus was a socialist.
Haha, his action of sacrificing oneself for the good of community (human kind) is the definition of extreme socialism.


speculawyer said:
<--- Hugs his commemorative Lincoln Medallion.

I wish I could find the original broadcast video for the Al Franken Decade sketches. I can't believe SNL hasn't rolled them out.
Insertia said:
'Real America' is code for stupid, fat and lazy Americans.

Stop skirting around the bush and just say Palin appeals to the more uneducated portion of America. The majority of people watching Morning Joe aren't 'real'.

Joe actually pointed out something interesting (for a change but it was unintentional) . . . Mika is a total elitest by birth . . . daughter of Democratic cabinet member. Raised in NYC & Washington. Summers in Maine. (Who uses 'summers' as a verb?) And is part of the mainstream media . . . and because of all that and the endless 'librulz media' whining, she is clearly trying to overcompensate by praising Palin and talking about 'real americans'.

Oh stop it Mika. Palin is what she is. A former beauty pagent contestant turned hockey mom with community college background who is adored by the red-meat base of the GOP because she is anti-abortion, pro-gun, fundamentalist, and folksy.

It is OK to state that Palin is loved by many because of that. But it is also OK to state that she is dismissed as a lightweight by many for the same reasons. And although Palin as a strong sizeable group of followers, the majority fall into the camp of not liking her.

So drop the 'real american' crap. You are overcompensating.
NetMapel said:
Haha, his action of sacrificing oneself for the good of community (human kind) is the definition of extreme socialism.
Wow . . . that never occurred to me before. I always thought about the things he did while alive (helping the poor & sick) as being socialistic. But yeah . . . he literally gave his live for the benefit of others.

Damn dirty hippie socialist.


I don't think the "real America" bit is particularly offensive. Palin is "real America" in the same way that most Americans are average workaday schmoes trying to balance work and family, and don't, for example, live and work in DC or NYC, but are affected (in different ways) by decisions made in those capitals. All of the things most of yall keep hatin on her for only serve to underscore this point, and make that image stronger in folks' consciousness: her inadherence to rigid grammatical and rhetorical structure, her less-than-stellar educational record, her non-political career, her family, fuckin how dare she be winkin, etc.

Being "real America" isn't offensive. Saying we should toss some random schmoe into the Highest Office in the Land is.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I dunno if I mentioned it here, but apparently my atheist, pro-choice, pro-stem cell research, pro-gay marriage, sub $250k earning roomate hates Obama because he hasn't provided the long form of his birth certificate, and thinks that we'd be better of with John McCain at this point. :/

Actually, I wasn't caught up in the 'birther' shit, but what exactly was the reason Obama didn't release the complete version of his birth certificate?
APF said:
I don't think the "real America" bit is particularly offensive. Palin is "real America" in the same way that most Americans are average workaday schmoes trying to balance work and family, and don't, for example, live and work in DC or NYC, but are affected (in different ways) by decisions made in those capitals. All of the things most of yall keep hatin on her for only serve to underscore this point, and make that image stronger in folks' consciousness: her inadherence to rigid grammatical and rhetorical structure, her less-than-stellar educational record, her non-political career, her family, fuckin how dare she be winkin, etc.

Being "real America" isn't offensive. Saying we should toss some random schmoe into the Highest Office in the Land is.

For Palin, Real America is not all of America and doesn't include all Americans. Infact, only her real America is a very pro-America.



We believe that the best of America is not all in Washington, D.C. We believe, we believe that the best of America is in the small towns that we get to visit, and in the wonderful little pockets of what I call the real America, being here with all of you hard working very patriotic, very pro-America areas of this great nation. This is where we find the kindness and the goodness and the courage of everyday Americans.


I seem to remember Rick Davis (McCain's campaign manager, IIRC) saying something to the effect of "This election won't be about issues, this election will be about personalities". That's how you end up with a Sarah Palin- all style and no substance. And certainly not ready to lead.

APF said:
Being "real America" isn't offensive.

Actually, I find the whole "real America" thing to be one of the most offensive ideas ever. It's a stupid polarizing trick used by politicians to make small town voters want to elect them, and it's part of the reason we had such rampant jingoism in the last 8 years. I especially hate it when they say "This is where the real Americans are" in some middle-of-nowhere town and then segue into how tragic 9/11 was.


Oblivion said:
I dunno if I mentioned it here, but apparently my atheist, pro-choice, pro-stem cell research, pro-gay marriage, sub $250k earning roomate hates Obama because he hasn't provided the long form of his birth certificate, and thinks that we'd be better of with John McCain at this point. :/

Actually, I wasn't caught up in the 'birther' shit, but what exactly was the reason Obama didn't release the complete version of his birth certificate?

Why would he? No other politician has to release a "complete" version of it.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Tamanon said:
Why would he? No other politician has to release a "complete" version of it.

Yeah, but which other politician had people harping on such a thing at all?
Oblivion said:
Actually, I wasn't caught up in the 'birther' shit, but what exactly was the reason Obama didn't release the complete version of his birth certificate?
because he doesn't cater to retards

tell that guy that McCain was born in Panama Bay and is only a US citizen by a technicality


Oblivion said:
Yeah, but which other politician had people harping on such a thing at all?

Sarah....Palin and Trig's birth certificate?

It's a rumor, if it was anything based in fact, don't you think that someone would've been able to uncover a smidge of actual evidence?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Aaron Strife said:
because he doesn't cater to retards

tell that guy that McCain was born in Panama Bay and is only a US citizen by a technicality

Oh snap. This should prove useful.

Sarah....Palin and Trig's birth certificate?

It's a rumor, if it was anything based in fact, don't you think that someone would've been able to uncover a smidge of actual evidence?

I didn't know they did that to the Palins...

Oh and don't get the wrong idea. I know there massive evidence, as well as logic to the contrary. :lol


According to Democratic sources, Reid told Baucus that taxing health benefits and failing to include a strong government-run insurance option of some sort in his bill would cost 10 to 15 Democratic votes; Reid told Baucus it wasn&#8217;t worth securing the support of Grassley and at best a few additional Republicans.

By Tuesday afternoon, the Finance Committee began looking at ways other than taxing health benefits to deliver a health care overhaul that costs less than $1 trillion and is deficit-neutral, as Baucus wants.


Reid.....Reid realized that bipartisanship in this atmosphere isn't the best idea? I don't buy it!


cartoon_soldier said:
For Palin, Real America is not all of America [...]
Your first link doesn't even allude to "Real America." [edit: OIC, "pro-America"] Sill, look at what you wrote: "Everyday Americans" "Not all in Washington DC." If it was your intent, how does the quote you posted contradict my comment?

You folks never ever never seem to read anything you respond to. Where are the *real* posters here?

Trakdown said:
Actually, I find the whole "real America" thing to be one of the most offensive ideas ever.
Then you've led a very sheltered life.
Oblivion said:
I dunno if I mentioned it here, but apparently my atheist, pro-choice, pro-stem cell research, pro-gay marriage, sub $250k earning roomate hates Obama because he hasn't provided the long form of his birth certificate, and thinks that we'd be better of with John McCain at this point. :/

Actually, I wasn't caught up in the 'birther' shit, but what exactly was the reason Obama didn't release the complete version of his birth certificate?

WTF? Ask your roommate if we ever went to the moon, if the Jews run all the banks, and if 9/11 was an inside job.



speculawyer said:
WTF? Ask your roommate if we ever went to the moon, if the Jews run all the banks, and if 9/11 was an inside job.


If someone was so easily swayed by the birth certificate argument than showing a machine generated birth certificate from 2001 or later isn't going to satisfy them.

It's a battle that just can't be won, because frankly, I don't think the birth certificate is even the issue.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
mAcOdIn said:

If someone was so easily swayed by the birth certificate argument than showing a machine generated birth certificate from 2001 or later isn't going to satisfy them.

It's a battle that just can't be won, because frankly, I don't think the birth certificate is even the issue.
I don't think birth certificate is the issue here as well. The people demanding to see Obama's birth certificate, even now, are those crazies who thinks he's a secret Muslim.
mAcOdIn said:

If someone was so easily swayed by the birth certificate argument than showing a machine generated birth certificate from 2001 or later isn't going to satisfy them.

It's a battle that just can't be won, because frankly, I don't think the birth certificate is even the issue.
Oh I agree that the birth certificate is not the issue . . . the issue is paranoia and people that wish so strongly for something to be true that they believe it.

Kinda like WMDs, we will be greeted as liberators, if we cut taxes it always results in more revenues, the Iraq war will cost less than $100 Billion, Saddam is tied to Al-Qeada, torture saves lives, etc.

And if that birth certificate doesn't work for people, the notice in a Hawaiian newspaper posted by Dram should further confirm things.


NetMapel said:
I don't think birth certificate is the issue here as well. The people demanding to see Obama's birth certificate, even now, are those crazies who thinks he's a secret Muslim.
It's just amusing.

Technically, there's only one scenario for them, Obama's not a citizen no matter what is ever shown to the contrary.

Think about it, he got into the Senate and into the Presidency. Our identities are verifiable, but only as much as we trust the organizations that issue them to us. If one does not trust the US government enough to verify his citizenship before attaining the highest office of the land, then all branches of government all the way down to the local level are suspect. If the Federal government is so suspect as to not verify his identity, then surely it's within their power to make a fake birth certificate as well, especially when it's a machine generated copy printed after the fact. If the birth certificate is valid, all it proves it that a Barack Obama was born, not necessarily that the man in the Oval Office is that Barack Obama born in Hawaii.

There's just no winning.


Setec Astronomer
mAcOdIn said:
It's just amusing.

Technically, there's only one scenario for them, Obama's not a citizen no matter what is ever shown to the contrary.

Think about it, he got into the Senate and into the Presidency. Our identities are verifiable, but only as much as we trust the organizations that issue them to us. If one does not trust the US government enough to verify his citizenship before attaining the highest office of the land, then all branches of government all the way down to the local level are suspect. If the Federal government is so suspect as to not verify his identity, then surely it's within their power to make a fake birth certificate as well, especially when it's a machine generated copy printed after the fact. If the birth certificate is valid, all it proves it that a Barack Obama was born, not necessarily that the man in the Oval Office is that Barack Obama born in Hawaii.

There's just no winning.
That's the magic of untestable claims.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
speculawyer said:
WTF? Ask your roommate if we ever went to the moon, if the Jews run all the banks, and if 9/11 was an inside job.


As I said above, the issue with them is that the one posted online is not verifiable or could be easily forged. Or something. :lol
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