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PoliGAF Thread of PRESIDENT OBAMA Checkin' Off His List

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Clevinger said:
Now you're taking the polar opposite view. Everyone in the country is a "real American", good or bad, uneducated or educated, no matter what race, class, or creed.

There is no side to take. Everyone in this country is a Real American™.

Unfortunately the Fox News party has made it a decisive term to shore up the base.
When Mika says real America, it's clear her liberal elite ass is referring to 'backwoods america'.
Oblivion said:
As I said above, the issue with them is that the one posted online is not verifiable or could be easily forged. Or something. :lol
So basically there is no data that will satisfy them . . . allowing them to believe what they want to believe.

Is it any surprise that the GOP is also more highly correlated with religion?


Oblivion said:
As I said above, the issue with them is that the one posted online is not verifiable or could be easily forged. Or something. :lol
Your friend's either a racist or believes Obama's a secret Muslim, that's really the only two options for him.

You could try this:
Obama is a naturally born US citizen because none of his enemies in the "know," for instance Hillary Clinton, John Edwards and all his other adversaries in the Democratic primaries ever outed him. I think it's foolish to believe that everyone in the Democratic party are such party first people as to not secure their own shot at the Presidency by outing a non natural born citizen. Not to mention the fact that if this were a conspiracy that it would make George Bush and Dick Cheney equally guilty for not ensuring that their successors were legit.

Same reason it makes more sense that we did go the moon as opposed to a conspiracy, Russia would have known if we were lying and yet never pushed the issue. It would have been a huge embarrassment to the country had they exposed our "lie" and yet they didn't, because we did go.

That's the best I got, but I really think he's just a racist or Muslim hater.

Zero Hero

speculawyer said:
Is it any surprise that the GOP is also more highly correlated with religion?

It's a front to get some votes. Jesus helped the poor but the GOP takes great strides to keep the government from doing it.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Zero Hero said:
It's a front to get some votes. Jesus helped the poor but the GOP takes great strides to keep the government from doing it.
Also don't forget that Jesus was the definition of an extreme socialist... and we know where GOP stands in the debate about socialism.
APF said:
I like how populism is now considered the most evil thing you can espouse.
Well it depends on how you define populism. Populism is often defined as support for unions and the workers . . . and that is not what Palin is about.

She is just Jane six-pack who is actually anti-populism . . . she wants to cut taxes for the rich people (which means more of the tax burden falls on the poor people).


But Am I Safer, Mr. Secretary?

When someone invokes 'humane' treatment, what springs to mind for you? Maybe the ASPCA battling the abuse of dogs or PETA railing against the cruelty of animal testing; perhaps the ACLU advocating for proper treatment of terrorism detainees.

Whatever comes up, usually it involves people being urged to properly value the life of something that, for some reason, might be considered sub-human. It's the act of visiting kindness or compassion on something deemed less deserving -- which made it all the more telling last week when Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said he was seeking "a more humane way" of enforcing the military's policy that bans gay men and lesbians from service.

To be specific, Gates gave an interview in which he said Pentagon lawyers were researching alternative ways of implementing the ban, which currently bears no resemblance, by the way, to the magnificent policy misnomer "don't ask, don't tell." Just to be clear, in many cases, soldiers are told on, they are investigated, and they are asked.

Among other things, Gates said they were reviewing whether third-party outings should necessarily prompt an investigation.

"When we're given information from someone with vengeance in mind or blackmail, somebody who has been jilted," Gates explained, "If somebody is outed by a third party, does that force us to take action? That's the kind of thing we're looking at -- seeing if there's a more humane way to apply the law until it gets changed."

If it sounds like the government has sometimes been a willing participant in the blackmail of men and women who are voluntarily defending America's freedom -- that's not far off.

Now on one level, Gates's comments were welcome -- they were the very first indication in several months that military leaders are engaging in serious discussions with President Barack Obama about changing the policy.

On another level, his words were not only offensive, but when the phrase was repeated last Sunday by the Joint Chiefs Chairman, Admiral Mike Mullen, the tandem laid bare the cultural generation gap that remains the biggest hurdle to our nation doing what 23 of our NATO allies have already done -- let those who are willing to die for their country do so in full view of their countrymen.

Even more striking to me was their misguided emphasis on some perverse notion of mercy when one would think their focus would be on building the strongest military possible. Is it really conceivable that, somehow, it hasn't occurred to these guys that kicking out some 13,000 soldiers over the past 16 years -- hundreds of whom had mission-critical skills -- might undermine the military's ability to effectively do its job? If that is the case, then nothing short of homophobia is blinding them from the truth.

And while it's perfectly noble for Sec. Gates and Adm. Mullen to be aspiring to a kinder, gentler force, quite frankly I think they're pondering the wrong question.

Shouldn't the measure of any military policy be whether it's promoting
national security in a manner consistent with our constitutional values?

With all due respect, Mr. Secretary, the next time you're mulling the ouster of gay service members, skip the paternalism and just tell us whether we're safer and whether we're upholding American ideals.
NetMapel said:
Also don't forget that Jesus was the definition of an extreme socialist... and we know where GOP stands in the debate about socialism.
The GOP rails against socialism, but as far as sacrificing our freedoms and taking our monies for the sake of big business, I'd say Bush would make a great socialist.

re: Don't Ask Don't Tell thing. Seems a little odd. Just repeal it.
...and saw the news that Harry Reid developed a spine and is losing patience with Max Bacaus. In effect, he is telling Max to tell the GOP to get bent. Push me over with a feather-- best thing I've heard in weeks.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
mAcOdIn said:
Your friend's either a racist or believes Obama's a secret Muslim, that's really the only two options for him.

You could try this:
Obama is a naturally born US citizen because none of his enemies in the "know," for instance Hillary Clinton, John Edwards and all his other adversaries in the Democratic primaries ever outed him. I think it's foolish to believe that everyone in the Democratic party are such party first people as to not secure their own shot at the Presidency by outing a non natural born citizen. Not to mention the fact that if this were a conspiracy that it would make George Bush and Dick Cheney equally guilty for not ensuring that their successors were legit.

Same reason it makes more sense that we did go the moon as opposed to a conspiracy, Russia would have known if we were lying and yet never pushed the issue. It would have been a huge embarrassment to the country had they exposed our "lie" and yet they didn't, because we did go.

That's the best I got, but I really think he's just a racist or Muslim hater.

Yeah, it's really weird. It's doubtful he's racist or just hates Muslims since we have one of both living in our place (both he asked to stay). It's just really shocking since he's otherwise been extremely intelligent about almost everything.

He also seems to not think Obama's not right for our troops and seemed offended that he bowed to a Saudi king. Alas, what can you do...


Oblivion said:
Yeah, it's really weird. It's doubtful he's racist or just hates Muslims since we have one of both living in our place (both he asked to stay). It's just really shocking since he's otherwise been extremely intelligent about almost everything.

He also seems to not think Obama's not right for our troops and seemed offended that he bowed to a Saudi king. Alas, what can you do...
In my opinion not all racism is universally applied.

Being from the south I've been around a lot of people(family mainly) who are just fine around black people who are of the same "class" as them, it's only when one's in a position of power over them that they start to show an inkling of racism.

I think that for many, when you meet someone it's not hard to give them the benefit of the doubt, when contemplating whether they'll steal from you or be good towards you, even if you think you're a better person than them, but it's a totally different thing to be fine enough with a persons race or religion to feel that they're good enough to run the country.

I'm willing to bet this is the type of thinking applied to Obama.

Now I'm not saying that anyone who dislikes Obama is a racist, hell, I don't like Obama. All I'm saying is it's impossible that a pro-choice, pro-stem cell research, pro-gay marriage person would think McCain would serve their purposes more than Obama unless there was some other reason they'd rather not put into words for their dislike of the man.
PHOTOS Russia, Day Two (July 7)





1 Michelle Obama, her mother Marian Robinson and daughters Malia and Sasha meet with Russian First Lady Medvedeva and Russian singer Natalia Babkina at the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Academic Musical Theatre in Moscow 2 At the Kremlin














First Lady Michelle Obama speaks with nurses during a visit to the Sisters of Mercy St. Dmitry Nursing College in Moscow





Michelle Obama visits St. Dmitry Primary School, where around 160 students, many of them orphans, study


President Barack Obama greets students after delivering remarks at the National Economic School graduation in Moscow






Incognito said:
...and saw the news that Harry Reid developed a spine and is losing patience with Max Bacaus. In effect, he is telling Max to tell the GOP to get bent. Push me over with a feather-- best thing I've heard in weeks.
Maybe Al Franken had a heart to heart with Reid and told him to grow a pair.
Oblivion said:
He also seems to not think Obama's not right for our troops and seemed offended that he bowed to a Saudi king. Alas, what can you do...
He's got to be addicted to am radio or Hannity or something. Things like the 'bowing to the Saudi King' is one of those talking points you can only go for if you are hardcore GOPer/conservative. I mean fuck, look at this:




What ever . . . it is such a non issue.


I agree it's a non-issue, but bending over to have someone place a medal or necklace on you is not "bowing," nor are kissing or holding hands. Further, none of those acts acts of subservience, and many people *here of all places* were appalled, offended, and endlessly amused over these things when Bush did them [edit: see above]
APF said:
I agree it's a non-issue, but bending over to have someone place a medal or necklace on you is not "bowing," nor are kissing or holding hands. Further, none of those acts acts of subservience,
So Bush is his girlfriend but Obama just sucks his cock? Is that it? Key-rist.

And at least with Bush there was a legitimate issue . . . the Bush family and Saudi family have long ties. The crown prince is known as Bandar Bush. And Saudi oil money bailed out all of Bushes terrible business disasters. So Bush was literally subservient since he worked for Saudi money.

sub·ser·vi·ent (sb-sûrv-nt)
1. Subordinate in capacity or function.
2. Obsequious; servile.
3. Useful as a means or an instrument; serving to promote an end.


Water is not wet!
speculawyer said:
Dude, just google 'bush kissing saudi'. (Or was that sarcasm?)
There is zero hope for this country. i see this now.

EDIT: much smarter people than me are so entangled in the fucking sports mentality of politics they are blinded to whats in front of their face. Earlier today i heard "the other side" try to spin some shit about how the President said "living within your means" as some sort of bullying tactic from up high. "i want to buy what i want and nobody is going to tell me otherwise" Give me a fucking break.. that is sound advice most conservatives have been saying for years.. hell most people in general say this. Both sides are a flat out fucking disgrace. id laugh if it wasnt so dangerous and pathetic.


Chuck Godd on Morning Joe!


I guess pulling all nighters have their advantages. I usually miss this show because I wake up so late :lol


I thought we were supposed to be countering talking points and fakes, not perpetuating them. As I said, this is why we can't have nice things.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
APF said:
I thought we were supposed to be countering talking points and fakes, not perpetuating them. As I said, this is why we can't have nice things.
Even for GAF, this can be hard... and this is why people are often quick to criticize the media. By perpetually focussing on talking points and partisanship, the collective whole of the 24/7 news networks have made these things further ingrained in the political discourse of this country.

It's basic marketing/psychology stuff, really. Dumb down politics to talking points and crossfire banter in the media, and it will gradually be reduced to talking points and crossfire banter in the general populace. I'm not saying every person in the country would be discussing political philosophy like Hobbes, Locke, or Rousseau, but I'm certain there would be a higher level of intellectualism in the political discourse of this country if the media didn't neglect its social responsibility to inform and educate the masses on issues instead of regurgitating bullet points (provided by two "sides" that are, regardless of content, equally viable/logical and reasonable to consider) which over-simplify and spin information to the point of inaccuracy, and turning politics into a game of Red Team vs. Blue Team like it's some kind of professional sports league.
APF said:
Your first link doesn't even allude to "Real America." [edit: OIC, "pro-America"] Sill, look at what you wrote: "Everyday Americans" "Not all in Washington DC." If it was your intent, how does the quote you posted contradict my comment?

You folks never ever never seem to read anything you respond to. Where are the *real* posters here?

Read More.

The first link was a general report on Palin and the press part of which was related to Palin's speech at the NC Fundraiser. The 2nd link has the transcript of that part. Plus, I quoted the part where she talks about Real America. Let me do that again.

We believe, we believe that the best of America is in the small towns that we get to visit, and in the wonderful little pockets of what I call the real America, being here with all of you hard working very patriotic, very pro-America areas of this great nation.

Of course this is nothing new. Republicans at one time called anybody who opposed the Iraq War Unpatriotic, so no surprise they feel that there is a pro-America America and anti-Ameirca America.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Dude APF is just fucking with you. He knows that what Palin said is bullshit and that there's no such thing as a "real American". You're either an American or you're not.

There are real Americans that live in DC, LA, NYC, Chicago, etc. GTFO is you don't believe that.


cartoon_soldier said:
Read More.
No, you read more. As I said, the first link doesn't mention "real America.". The second one does, and I address that too. Christ people. And WTF does the Iraq war have to do with her comments? Note you don't try and address anything I actually said. In fact, as usual I have no idea what you are actually arguing now.


who is this new douche on MSNBC talking about how its bad to use tax money to boost the economy? Am I missing something? Isnt this what tax money is for?
Shiggie said:
who is this new douche on MSNBC talking about how its bad to use tax money to boost the economy? Am I missing something? Isnt this what tax money is for?
Where is JayDub, normally a comment like this would've brought him to the computer already.

EDIT: It appears that he got himself banned again. I wonder what it was this time.


Steve Youngblood said:
Hasn't that love affair ended? He's a terrible White House correspondent.
Sadly it has. He regurgitates false talking points and tries to 'balance' it with facts.
He knows hes gotten dirty now that hes in a new relationship.
Wow @ the propaganda on CNN right now.

"Americans are nervous about health care reform." It's like an infomercial for the insurance companies right now, shamless.

And what's going on with the public option? I haven't been following closely but it's sounding bad right now.
Americans don't want the government in the way of getting healthcare!

They prefer insurance companies in the way of getting healthcare!
Not sure if this has been posted already (did a search, nothing came up). This dumb senator says Earth is 6000 years old:

Blogs / Bad Astronomy
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Arizona is 6000 years old?
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Ian O’Neill at Astroengine posted this stunning bit of video featuring Arizona State Senator Sylvia Allen.

It’s not that she says the Earth is 6000 years old — twice, just to make sure — that floors me. It’s the casual way she said it, as if she said "I had a cup of coffee today." From her manner, it’s clear that not only does she believe this complete and utter nonsense, but this is a simple fact woven into her mind just like the Sun is bright or chocolate is tasty.

To her, the Earth being 6000 years old just is.

Now, to be fair, this video is without context, and so we can’t be absolutely sure she’s a creationist. But it sure as heck sounds that way, and given her voting record it fits right in.

The irony, of course — and there’s always irony when creationism is involved — is that she’s talking about uranium mining, and it’s through the radioactive decay of uranium that we know the Earth is billions of years old. And she also praises technological achievements!

The video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtzJhTfQiMA
Masta_Killah said:
:lol spec, look around the area of Bush's tie(near the bottom). He's obviously talking about the bad editing to the image.
Yeah, I see it now . . . someone took the image of them kissing and just pushed their faces even closer together. I didn't notice it when I grabbed the image from the many available.
mckmas8808 said:
Dude APF is just fucking with you. He knows that what Palin said is bullshit and that there's no such thing as a "real American". You're either an American or you're not.

There are real Americans that live in DC, LA, NYC, Chicago, etc. GTFO is you don't believe that.

The secessionists are the real Americans.


IMF Sees Stronger Global Rebound From ’09 Recession

July 8 (Bloomberg) -- The International Monetary Fund said the global economic rebound next year will be stronger than it forecast in April as the financial system stabilizes and the pace of contractions from the U.S. to Japan moderates.

The Washington-based lender said in a revised forecast released today that the world economy will expand 2.5 percent in 2010, compared with its April projection of 1.9 percent growth. A contraction this year will be 1.4 percent, worse than an April forecast for a 1.3 percent drop, the IMF said.​


Lucky Forward said:
"You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the Senate."

Arkansas Senator Mark Pryor, "Religulous"

Why are the vast majority of the crazy politicians concentrated at the local and state level? Almost every one of these stories involve a state rep/state senator/city councilman etc... You hear dumb stuff from politicians on the federal level but not nearly as much or as batshit crazy.
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