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Prince of Persia Prodigy Screens

Teknoman said:
Of course the indian guy would've fit the prince better. That actor placement was just as bad of a screw up as getting some random non-muscular/ non martial arts skilled guy to play Goku in that Dragon Ball live action movie.

I was really surprised they went for Jake in the POP movie. If you can't get an Iranian actor, for fucks sake go to bollywood. A lot of the prime candidates speak english and could mask their accent.

Anyway, the gameplay and art looks great, but I hope when a developer wants to make a game based on a different culture, they -actually- do so, you know. How great would it be if they actually spoke Farsi in a POP game.


C- Warrior said:
I was really surprised they went for Jake in the POP movie. If you can't get an Iranian actor, for fucks sake go to bollywood. A lot of the prime candidates speak english and could mask their accent.

Anyway, the gameplay and art looks great, but I hope when a developer wants to make a game based on a different culture, they -actually- do so, you know. How great would it be if they actually spoke Farsi in a POP game.

I'd play it. Subtitles usually dont bother me in a game, or anything else for that matter.

Rad Agast

C- Warrior said:
I was really surprised they went for Jake in the POP movie. If you can't get an Iranian actor, for fucks sake go to bollywood. A lot of the prime candidates speak english and could mask their accent.

Anyway, the gameplay and art looks great, but I hope when a developer wants to make a game based on a different culture, they -actually- do so, you know. How great would it be if they actually spoke Farsi in a POP game.

They did use some Farsi refrences in the Sands of Time (Jamshid's sword, the prince making small comments some times, etc...). While I wouldn't mind a game with complete Farsi voice work, most people would be put off by it I would think.
It's funny. When threads like this come up, I like to look at the screens and guess what GAF's reaction is going to be before I scroll down. I was totally wrong here. I thought the consensus would be pretty shit.

PS. I think it's cool.


His hair style and the head wrap around his forehead reminds me of MGS4 Raiden. Anyone else get that vibe?

Either way, this game looks amazing.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Holy crap that looks really nice.


Agent Ironside said:
Wonder if there gonna use the AC animation engine.

The EDGE article said it was completely based on the AC engine. I think they started once the engine was feature complete and choose the artstyle to differantiate.

The gameplay is also not based on time etc anymore, but on wall based manouvers and "grip shifts"
It also uses a dark world/light world mechanic, if you defeat enemies in an area everything will come to life there (okami style) it's not in cutscenes but "real time" - they state it is very rewarding visually and gives a real sense of accomplishment..

Also, no Wii port, the team wasn't happy with the previous port. They are looking if it's possible to do a seperate game.


ivysaur12 said:
I'm not a fan of PoP games, but I might get this just for the graphics alone. Wow.
same here...
Uber drool @ the pics, WOW.

Between this and Mirror's Edge, NOW the nextgen is starting to look like i hope it woud: fuck the browinsh palette that's everywhere.
jett said:
I wonder if we'll ever get a game that looks closer to this:

b og1.jpg
Absolutely amazing.

So are the screens. Super pumped, SoT is one of my favourite games.
anyone think they should try thinning the black line surrounding the character or just remove it completely? I really like the painterly look the game has, but the black outline really separate the character from the environment like it didn't belong there.


Callibretto said:
anyone think they should try thinning the black line surrounding the character or just remove it completely? I really like the painterly look the game has, but the black outline really separate the character from the environment like it didn't belong there.

Eh... normally I prefer no outlines with cel-shading, but it works really well in these shots and I think it'd look too odd if they weren't there. He'd blur with the environment too much.
batbeg said:
Eh... normally I prefer no outlines with cel-shading, but it works really well in these shots and I think it'd look too odd if they weren't there. He'd blur with the environment too much.

you think so? I think the prince stand out already because of his bright red and blue color. even with no outline, I don't think he'll be a blur compared to the background


Teknoman said:
Of course the indian guy would've fit the prince better. That actor placement was just as bad of a screw up as getting some random non-muscular/ non martial arts skilled guy to play Goku in that Dragon Ball live action movie.
Not necessarily. In Iran, the light-skinned, blond hair and blue eyes people pride themselves on these features, because it means that their family has a lot less Arab blood in it then most Iranians. One would think that a Price of Persia would have the most Persian background of all...
Matt said:
Not necessarily. In Iran, the light-skinned, blond hair and blue eyes people pride themselves on these features, because it means that their family has a lot less Arab blood in it then most Iranians. One would think that a Price of Persia would have the most Persian background of all...

It's an oddity very rarely seen. I wasn't that old when I lived in Iran (from 12 to 14 yr. old) but I don't ever recall seeing many blue eyed and blonde haired IRANIANS. Not saying they don't exist, but for a movie on a cultural generalization, it'd make a lot more sense for a common grounded person (in appearance)

In old civilizations there is a lot of gene flow. I know a few punjabi girls (north India) who has natural green eyes. But the common eye color is light to dark brown. I'm only making these comments since I've spent my early child hood living in Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Punjab, only when I was 15 did I move to the US (though I've been there often growing up since my parents had citizenship there).

Jake Gyllenhaal goes way beyond the rarely seen Aryan look, to the point where it just comes off as stupid. It's like, Jake -- is the Prince of Persia...really? REALLY? That's the best representation of a Persian you could find?


C- Warrior said:
It's an oddity very rarely seen. I wasn't that old when I lived in Iran (from 12 to 14 yr. old) but I don't ever recall seeing a blue eyed and blonde haired persian. Not saying they don't exist, but for a movie on a cultural generalization, it'd make a lot more sense for a common grounded person (in appearance)

In old civilizations there is a lot of gene flow. I know a punjabi girl (north India) who has natural green eyes. But the common eye color is light to dark brown.

Jake Gyllenhaal goes way beyond the rarely seen aryan look, to the point where it just comes off as stupid.
You didn't see them because they are generally isolated to specific parts of the country in their own communities.

And PoP doesn't take place now, so why should the appearance of most Persians now effect the look of the prince?
C- Warrior said:
In old civilizations there is a lot of gene flow.

How is this an argument against casting a more typically caucasian (Gyllenhaal has Scandinavian heritage I think?) face as the Prince?

Rainy Dog

Looks absolutely fantastic, great to see proper screens of the Edge scans. Just hope Ubisoft don't insist the game's on shelves come Xmas even if it's not finished...
Matt said:
You didn't see them because they are generally isolated to specific parts of the country in their own communities.

And PoP doesn't take place now, so why should the appearance of most Persians now effect the look of the prince?

Arabian civilization existed before Persian civilization according to archeological evidence. With India predating them with evidence of written Sanskrit. (Taylor, 2007). Also gene flow extended from Africa (cited as the origin of Homo sapien), upward. So it'd make sense as to why most Iranians are mistaken as Arabs instead of Europeans.

As for how they looked centuries ago, I doubt human evolution and/or artificial selection works that fast to change a look of an entire race, from blonde hair blue eyed looking swedes (coughjakegyllenhaal). All I can say is that I'm half iranian, I went to UCLA which is loaded with Iranians -- and most my iranian friends think Jake Gyllenhaal is well and beyond any sort of aryan look that persians may have had. (IMDB rumored Jake months ago)


If the gameplay matches the graphics I'd might even buy it. Sands of Time was the only playable PoP for me after the original.
C- Warrior said:
Arabian civilization existed before Persian civilization according to archeological evidence. With India predating them with evidence of written Sanskrit. (Taylor, 2007). Also gene flow extended from Africa (cited as the origin of Homo sapien), upward. So it'd make sense as to why most Iranians are mistaken as Arabs instead of Europeans.

As for how they looked centuries ago, I doubt human evolution and/or artificial selection works that fast to change a look of an entire race, from blonde hair blue eyed looking swedes (coughjakegyllenhaal). All I can say is that I'm half iranian, I went to UCLA which is loaded with Iranians -- and most my iranian friends think Jake Gyllenhaal is well and beyond any sort of aryan look that persians may have had. (IMDB rumored Jake months ago)
At least it's not as much of a horrible blunder as Zhang Ziyi as a Japanese person in Memoirs of a Geisha, right?


Waikis said:
So this is what SurferGirl meant when she said Okami will be the inspiration for the next PoP game...
Not just the artstyle. The "healing the world around you" mechanic is inspired by okami.


Yeah, I think it looks fantastic as well, but I'm not a big fan of the color palette. I can only stand so much teal. *shudder*
proposition said:
How is this an argument against casting a more typically caucasian (Gyllenhaal has Scandinavian heritage I think?) face as the Prince?

It's not an argument against. But ultimately there is a limit. You can have a dark skinned Greek or Armenian look Iranian, or a light skinned Indian look Iranian, but there are limits to both ends. It doesn't look appropriate for a person with European background to play a middle eastern.

Observe: which -- and lets just focus emperically, from what you know -- which individual looks more Iranian. Naturally, since we should just give up on an actual Iranian playing an Iranian role -- here is an arab/ indian actor pics. Honestly, aside from acting (even though both Oded and Arjun have done a lot of films) who would you choose as "the prince of PERSIA."

Jake Gyllenhaal (European descent)


Oded Fehr (Arabic descent)


Arjun Rampal (Indian descent)


Naturally, this is more about the movie then the game -- although I'd imagine there are cross references since the releasing should both be in 2009. Ultimately, all I can say is that for the game I don't like the character design, everything else (including the graphics engine) seems wonderful. Odd as it sounds -- the warrior within prince looked more persian. Slightly darker skin tone, facial hair, arm hair, chest hair. A persian girl has more hair than Jake Gyllenhaal for fucks sake.

I just kind of which a game based off a different culture wouldn't concern itself with culture shocking an audience. I think people would actually enjoy that then seeing the game "try to be western" aesthetics. Same with the movie. And I wouldn't be surprised if the new POP movie has much backlash from the Persian community as 300 did.
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