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Pro CS:GO Player Banned for VAC at 15 Years old

His punishment was the VAC ban. He had to give up an old account and he hadn't done anything since, and definitely not since he became a pro. That's way over the top, especially since it didn't just cost him but his team as well.

Hell, he'd have gotten a less permanent mark on him if he'd killed someone at 15...


So what about the person just outside the top-X who played legit the whole time and is bumped out because cheaters get to persist? Hard cheese on the honest for the benefit of the frauds?

I don't think you understand the situation or competitive scene for this game at all lol. Anybody "bumped out" is simply because they are not as good. The MM servers are a complete shitshow anyways so he probably wasn't the only cheater in most of those smurf games.


So I‘m very much driven by curiosity so I can completely understand that you want to try out how it works. You probably should know everything about a game you want to compete in professionally. Using it during normal play or competition however is definitely a ban, but testing it out? That’s no big deal from my point of view. It depends on the actual reason for the ban and how long ago it was.
So I‘m very much driven by curiosity so I can completely understand that you want to try out how it works. You probably should know everything about a game you want to compete in professionally. Using it during normal play or competition however is definitely a ban, but testing it out? That's no big deal from my point of view. It depends on the actual reason for the ban and how long ago it was.

It's interesting you say that. One of the NA veterans of counterstrike admitted he used to wallhack back in 1.6 in practices, it greatly helped with his wallbangs/timings/player development when not cheating. I've often wondered where that lies ethically.

Kids are not as stupid and incompetent as you think. Kids learn this shit by kindergarten. There are cartoons aimed at pre-school aged children teaching them that lying, cheating, etc is wrong.

15 year olds are scout leaders, camp counselors, lifeguards, and learner drivers. They understand concepts as elementary as "play fair."

You heard it here folks, 3rd grader caught cheating on a science test should be banned from all science related fields as an adult.


It's interesting you say that. One of the NA veterans of counterstrike admitted he used to wallhack back in 1.6 in practices, it greatly helped with his wallbangs/timings/player development when not cheating. I've often wondered where that lies ethically.

I don't think someone should be lifetime banned over it but it's still a dick move. There's custom "wire" maps players could download which basically give wallhacks to everyone on the server. Would be easy to test these things with his teammates instead of doing it in scrims.


It's interesting you say that. One of the NA veterans of counterstrike admitted he used to wallhack back in 1.6 in practices, it greatly helped with his wallbangs/timings/player development when not cheating. I've often wondered where that lies ethically.

I can definitely imagine that it helps your map awareness, timing etc when you practice with a wallhack. You see where players run to, how long it takes them, how they react to certain events and so on.
It's interesting you say that. One of the NA veterans of counterstrike admitted he used to wallhack back in 1.6 in practices, it greatly helped with his wallbangs/timings/player development when not cheating. I've often wondered where that lies ethically.

It was reasonably common back in the 1.5 and earlier days for pro teams to enable wallhacks in practice for exactly that reason. It lets you find wallbang spots you might not otherwise know about or track flight paths for grenades thrown over walls or off corners. This was before Steam, so VAC wasn't a thing. Obviously they wouldn't be using the hacks in actual matches, but once you know the right angle to spam, you can use those wallbang exploits without needing the cheats enabled. I wouldn't be remotely surprised if pro teams still did this (on their own private non-VAC servers), though the new spectate modes do introduce x-ray modes that will give the same information. These guys are going to do whatever it takes to figure out tricks to beat you; just look at them constantly trying to find new boost spots or weird jump exploits. Learning where they can shoot through walls? Of course they want to know that.


Putting aside the debate on appropriate ban durations for a minute, the kid sure hasn't learned any lessons about responsibility; if he had, he would have told his team that he couldn't play because of the somewhat-recent VAC-ban. Instead, he's brought down his entire team with him, hoping that he just wouldn't get caught out... again. I don't have a lot of sympathy for him, over that.
Fuck cheaters in competitive online games. If VAC were to slam down a lifetime ban on everyone who ever hacked in CS:GO tonight and eliminated a third of the player base I would be the happiest motherfucker in the world.


This would be like banning someone from the NBA because they carried in a pick-up game when they were 15 and didn't call it on themselves.

Did this dude cheat as a pro? No? Who cares.

It's interesting you say that. One of the NA veterans of counterstrike admitted he used to wallhack back in 1.6 in practices, it greatly helped with his wallbangs/timings/player development when not cheating. I've often wondered where that lies ethically.

That's fine. Every pro-athlete "cheats" in practice. The NBA isn't gonna ban Carmelo for wearing a hoodie during a scrimmage. They're not gonna ban LeBron because he traveled in the lay-up line.


I'm ok with this. I don't think he should be permabanned from the game or anything but playing at any sort of professional level, players should be held at a professional standard. Would a publisher publish a known plagiarist? Would a police force hire a known felon? Would an accounting firm hire a known embezzler?


This would be like banning someone from the NBA because they carried in a pick-up game when they were 15 and didn't call it on themselves.

Did this dude cheat as a pro? No? Who cares.
We don't know that, but we do know that he cheated.
Does a Vac ban mean he was cheating in an online match or is it possible to get that from messing around in single player with mods and things!
I'm pretty sure it's only when you've entered VAC servers with cheats on and it got detected.
Actually it's pretty easy according to Valve since Super Bunnyhop got VAC banned for a bloom mod.
This seems likely to be because of From Software's incompetence?


This seems likely to be because of From Software's incompetence?
You're missing the point, he got VAC banned from using a Bloom mod on Half-Life 1. To assume that people with VAC bans are cheaters is wrong since they are cases of false positives.


You're missing the point, he got VAC banned from using a Bloom mod on Half-Life 1. To assume that people with VAC bans are cheaters is wrong since they are cases of false positives.
Ah sorry, I only watched few minutes from the start. Thought it was Dark Souls ban since even in the description there's an update that FS removed VAC from the game.


Do not really follow the scene of competitive gaming but I just think of other scenarios in life when a 15 year old fucks up and should not have to pay for it later on.

By the time I was 15 I had been arrested twice for dumb shit. "Providing false information to a police officer" (I told a cop who was harassing me and my friends because we were by a fight my name was Tony Hawk, this was 1990 before the game came out and he was nowhere near a household name) and "Vandalism" (spray painting graffiti). Once I turned 18 that shit was erased and luckily did not affect my adult life.

I am eternally grateful that is how the system is.

So if he has never cheated as a pro, who the hell cares if he cheated as a kid at some point?

He was a kid. Kids do dumb shit. Even when they know better.
Good for Valve, sticking to their guns.

Even after reading the story I feel absolutely no sympathy for the kid, glad I'm not the only one


I"m sorry but I disagree with this ruling.

At the time he probably had 0 intention of going pro at the age of 15. He did it on a separate account, and we don't even know the extent of this "cheating" he did. Probably was 1-2 games of smurfing or some shit.

It's a video game at the end of the day. He can't have casual fun? Yeah cheating in any game ruins the experience and so he got the ban hammer I assume on this alt account which is the correct response.

Taking away his ability to compete in a tournament setting where he isn't cheating 3 years later now that he is an adult is overkill for such a minor thing.

I feel bad for the guy. He can't even do anything to fight this or prove his worth to Valve.


I don't think you understand the situation or competitive scene for this game at all lol. Anybody "bumped out" is simply because they are not as good.

You say I don't understand the situation or competitive scene, then repeat exactly the complaint I had? Huh?


You say I don't understand the situation or competitive scene, then repeat exactly the complaint I had? Huh?

Nobody is being "bumped out". Cheating on a smurf account is irrelevant to his positioning in the current competitive scene prior to the ban. That different enough from your "complaint"?


Nobody is being "bumped out". Cheating on a smurf account is irrelevant to his positioning in the current competitive scene prior to the ban. That different enough from your "complaint"?

Well, it's certainly different to any point I was making, but sure, if you think it's irrelevant, that's your prerogative.


Well, it's certainly different to any point I was making, but sure, if you think it's irrelevant, that's your prerogative.

He cheated on a smurf dude. I don't think it's irrelevant to how far he got, I know it is. Leagues have real anti cheat and lan is well... not a place where people will try cheating lol.


Everyone messes up as a kid. Doesn't mean that your potential career should be instantly over, shut, closed, go work at McDonalds.
He is still basically a kid, let him grow up first then let him compete. It's been just 3 years, which ofcourse can feel like an extremely long time to a kid.


Weird that someone squealed. Some of the best players in North & South America (peruvians) fixed games before the prize pools started incluing South American teams and had an established multi-million dollar system


Americas Division
Rank Player Solo MMR
1 Sector V.SmAsH.❤q 9665
2 coL.Limmp 9223
3 Sector V.vanN 9164

Current NA #1 and #3 are Peruvian and lifetime permabanned from all Valve events. Not VAC banned - so they can play in non-Valve events and stream etc.

Conversely one of the top CIS Dota captains fng was VAC banned in CSGO but can still play top level Dota.


Sucks for the guy but given it was only 3 years ago, I don't really have a problem with this.
Part of their rules is that you can't compete with a VAC ban on your account and this guy did just that for who knows how long. If more time had gone by since his offence and when he got into the pro comps I might feel a bit more sympathetic, but that's just my outside opinion on it atm.

It seems as though there’s a lot of righteous jerkoffs in this thread who don’t understand that documenting the answer to a common question is better than telling someone to google it over and over.

Haha. You sure did. Aren’t you just the sweetest.

Although if he looked it up then the answer would not have been documented, eh? So how about documenting the answer and being a little more cordial about it next time?

What do you say?

You would have more of a point in my eyes if the guy didn't pop into the thread with a garbage post like "how the fuck am I supposed to know what X is?" in a thread explicitly about/related to X.

If you really feel the need to make a post about something you don't know the meaning of, expecting others in the thread to fill you in (equating to far far far more time taken than if you had just googled it from the start), a little courtesy would likely go a long way.

"Hey bros, scratching my head at "VAC" here, anyone mind filling me in?"

I'll admit I had no idea what it meant, and was wondering myself, but my first thought wasn't that I should shit post an answer out of the thread.
If he'd done it while he was a professional, then fine, ban him all you want. To punish him, and his team, for something he done as a kid, is harsh, I think.

It's harsh, but those are the rules of the private organization. He knew this going in but instead he lied and benefited from this lie when he was never qualified in the first place.
At least in regards to age (I'll get to timing after). I'd say it's deserved (if justified) regardless of age. 15 year olds are plenty sophisticated enough. At that age (not the best analogy incoming but it's the only anecdote I have), the guys I hung out with in Diablo 2 basically dominated Battle.net in part. Pre-LOD or very early LOD, a lot of the Lv99 firsts, but especially a lot of the most famous exploits were found by guys I played with, and we were mostly all teens. A lot of the griefing/stealing tricks like corpse/loot exploding. We were plenty sophisticated enough to 'exploit' a game so no way should we have or have not received different treatment. If anything, at that age, I think that was the period when game integrity (or the shame associated with bans around late 90s/early 00s) was the highest it ever was. A ban back then was like the ultimate disgrace lol delete your account you're not welcome on the forum anymore. The notion that someone plenty sophisticated to exploit and dominate a game should receive forgiving treatment based on age is wrong imo.

What is messed up, from my understanding of the OP, is that this came so much later, and somewhat not as directly related.... I mean, how does some smurfed wins really matter to a tournament 3 years later? I don't know CS:GO pro scene really, but I think cheating and smurfing, etc, should have serious bans -- online RPG cheating should result in account bans, deleted characters, etc -- but they should directly and immediately impact the thing affected. Notably, that specific account, season, character, etc.

Unless smurfing is so huge an issue that such a thing isn't enough and they need the fear of lifelong blacklisting to deter people, which seems unlikely... Then it seems kinda messed up. As does the timing.


check out my new Swatch
I have no sympathy for cheaters. People who cheat and hack in an online game even once should be banned for life.

Don't like those rules? Then don't cheat.


As an outsider, the idea that someone could be disqualified henceforth from something they excell at because they dicked around with mods at some point in their life is insane.

Is there an appeal process?
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