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Project Scorpio to be shown off next week according to Jez C... (READ MOD POST)


Glitch is Back!


Metal Arms Re-Make ala Splatoon meets Rocket League!

Extended Story
Awesome weapons and abilities!
4 Player local and 16 player arena

Would you buy?
Day one. Metal Arms was a phenomenal little gem.
There is no lack of games. There is only a lack of knowledge on what they have in the pipeline for the coming years. Quantum Break, one of my favorite games ever, came out on Xbox One just last year. Even on the Playstation side, which is seeing a nice set of releases right now, a lot of what we know about is a ways off or doesn't even have a release date yet.

Kojima Title
God of War
Last of Us 2
Days Gone

and that's just to name a few. Horizon Zero Dawn's release doesn't really change this.

Sure you have titles like Persona 5, which will probably be one of the top 3 games this gen, probably #1 for an RPG fan like myself. but special releases like these aren't an every day, or even every year thing. Based on what has already released already, Microsoft has had a nice lineup of diverse games. The problem is, with Scalebound's cancellation, we lost something big people were looking forward to, and it leaves you wondering without knowledge of much else out there in the pipeline for xbox just what Microsoft has. I'm sure they'll more than answer that question this E3. I'm not really worried about that. Sea of Thieves is also a nice looking new IP releasing this year. And while I wasn't a fan of the previous crackdown games, maybe this one will manage to surprise me. Microsoft has games, they just need to announce more. We can't honestly expect Microsoft to have a new major IP every single year. It's not realistic and certainly doesn't occur that way for any other platform. I see Quantum Break as a pretty major release from them and an excellent game, and that was just last year. I think people overlook that fact.

Look at their first party studios, it's just Rare + Minecraft, Halo, Forza and Gears studios. So for every new exclusive game they need to work with a third party studio. That's not impossible, Microsoft has some ties with Remedy, Undead labs etc, but an exclusive line-up like Sony has nowadays is impossible imo.
I think they also said that's for MP mode.
Though not sure about coop.

I am probably in the minority but I think this is a mistake. Sony and MS both said this in regards to Pro/Scorpio for base systems and honestly I don't get it.

If you pay for the better machine, you get better performance. This has been true on PC forever


Power means nothing to me. Exclusives are the ones i'm interested in. I know multiplatform games will 100% be more fluid, better looking on Scorpio, but who cares as long as i can play the same game on Ps4 with an acceptable framerate and graphical quality.

The price factor is important. Scorpio selling at more than 400 euros will be a commercial failure in my opinion, especially if there are no real reasons to buy it.


Honestly surprised if it's true. I was expecting a reveal before E3, but not this soon. However, I maintain my prediction that they might release it in September, giving them a window to cut price, momentarily, for black friday.
I think it could release earlier than the usual November. Spencer has said a couple of times that they are ahead of schedule.

Daffy Duck

Honestly surprised if it's true. I was expecting a reveal before E3, but not this soon. However, I maintain my prediction that they might release it in September, giving them a window to cut price, momentarily, for black friday.

Xbox is losing mindshare, what better way to get people talking about it again and get a buzz for E3.


Xbox is losing mindshare, what better way to get people talking about it again and get a buzz for E3.

I agree with you on that. Specially having in mind the Switch launch and Zelda, alongside the very strong exclusives that are being released for PS4 lately.
Even if we're not getting any new titles alongside Crackdown, State of Decay 2 and Sea of Thieves this year it will be the best system for the many multiplatform games and that will go for next year as well. I think it's likely that we will see what Moon Studios has been up to and it will probably be for next year.

Halo 6 is a given of course for next year and it remains to be seen what else. Maybe they work with a third party on a exclusive, who knows. But I don't understand the comments that if they don't have games they shouldn't bother with Scorpio. Because one, they do have games just not nearly as much as Sony and again, multiplatform games. Or don't those count anymore or something?
Ahead of schedule on hardware doesn't mean they vacancies release. Games being ready is more important

They can release before cod if the upgrade is pro similar but if it's too dog they need to treat it like a launch.

I think they will have a nice push cause its been in the making for quite a while in software plans imo

I hope games are more ready than what pro got but either way it's ok.

I've been waiting on titles to go down in price.


There is no lack of games. There is only a lack of knowledge on what they have in the pipeline for the coming years. Quantum Break, one of my favorite games ever, came out on Xbox One just last year. Even on the Playstation side, which is seeing a nice set of releases right now, a lot of what we know about is a ways off or doesn't even have a release date yet.

Kojima Title
God of War
Last of Us 2
Days Gone

and that's just to name a few. Horizon Zero Dawn's release doesn't really change this.

Sure you have titles like Persona 5, which will probably be one of the top 3 games this gen, probably #1 for an RPG fan like myself. but special releases like these aren't an every day, or even every year thing. Based on what has already released already, Microsoft has had a nice lineup of diverse games. The problem is, with Scalebound's cancellation, we lost something big people were looking forward to, and it leaves you wondering without knowledge of much else out there in the pipeline for xbox just what Microsoft has. I'm sure they'll more than answer that question this E3. I'm not really worried about that. Sea of Thieves is also a nice looking new IP releasing this year. And while I wasn't a fan of the previous crackdown games, maybe this one will manage to surprise me. Microsoft has games, they just need to announce more. We can't honestly expect Microsoft to have a new major IP every single year. It's not realistic and certainly doesn't occur that way for any other platform. I see Quantum Break as a pretty major release from them and an excellent game, and that was just last year. I think people overlook that fact.

This is some next-level delusion post.


I think it will be $349 - $399

Nope, the top Xbox One S with 2TB drive was $399. As Scorpio will be marketed as "premium device" there needs to be another level in pricing and on the other hand just try to build a system with similar specs less than $1000. Good luck!

The price range for Scorpio will start at $499 with 1TB drive.


My money is on Shadow of War and BF1. Also showing previous first party titles in 4K (GOW4,FH3)

The Reveal!

If stories are true the reveal comes with articles and maybe videos on Eurogamer/DF. As I understand this next step in communication it is all about the hardware specs and technology and the benefits by that for native 4K with FM7 as a showcase. The complete list of games coming to Scorpio or will get patches will be part of the E3 presentation.


Nope, the top Xbox One S with 2TB drive was $399. As Scorpio will be marketed as "premium device" there needs to be another level in pricing and on the other hand just try to build a system with similar specs less than $1000. Good luck!

The price range for Scorpio will start at $499 with 1TB drive.

You're assuming the S pricing stays the same? More likely they drop that price tier to make space. I can see a $499 Scorpio SKU for eg 2TB but I hope they do a $399 one as well. S can reduce to $299 and if necessary drop the 2TB model to hit that price


I'm not expecting the controller to change much and I'm fine with that. The Xbox One controller is pretty awesome. My hope is that they show off how snappy the UI is, and they do a frame rate test on one of the launch titles they announce. I'm more excited to see benchmarks than I am anything else.
Microsoft doesn't need a ton of exclusives. Never did. They just need some damn good ones, and that are either on the new side, or represent them building on new IP that has potential.

Yeh but they have neither a ton of them nor some damn good ones so…

They've spent the last 5 years butching halo, Fable is dead, gears is wounded (admittedly don't think they did much wrong here), only forza is doing well but I still feel pushing it each year will become an issue.

And none of their new ips this gen except the one that launched day and date on steam have actually taken off.

They need exciting exclusive software, they currently clearly have consumer and press apathy, the only way you build back from that is with exciting must have exclusive games.

Since Gamescom 2015 they've announced FH3, SOD2 and Dead Rising 4, a truly pitiful state despite how good fh3 is and sod2 will hopefully be. If they announce FM7 next then 50% of those announced were forza and the other 50 zombie games, that will get very few excited if they keep that up
Kojima Title
God of War
Last of Us 2
Days Gone

and that's just to name a few.

Well, you're right. You just named a few indeed.

MS cannot compete on that front with PS. They just lack the sheer amount of studios to do so. And they probably never will. You think it's just a coincidence or sheer sandbagging that they didn't announce more 1st party games since last E3? Give it a try and think again. One might ask if their current 1st party studio approach doesn't need a remodelling as well at this point.

Now, this is where Scorpio's pitch comes in: Make it the best place (at least in terms of graphics) to play all those 3rd party games, at least for the forseeable future. In short, becoming the tech-leader of the industry.

I for one am very curious to find out how that strategy will turn out.


Nope, the top Xbox One S with 2TB drive was $399. As Scorpio will be marketed as "premium device" there needs to be another level in pricing and on the other hand just try to build a system with similar specs less than $1000. Good luck!

The price range for Scorpio will start at $499 with 1TB drive.

I think they are going to drop the price of the S to accommodate a minimum of 399 for a Scorpio.


I think it's better for the industry because instead of starting over with a small user base for the games that cost more to make they get to make the game for a large user base & also push higher graphics for the people who own the higher end hardware.

Yeah I get it , but they will never be massive sellers as the vast majority of user base will be on base model (probably 90-10 or something ), so never going to see Scorpio or pro only games . So yeah, you get your 4k etc but your not getting updated frame rate on new games etc . So I suppose if 4k is important to you , it's fine , but will never be a big seller from any console company . It's for the hardcore . It won't turn around anyone's fortunes , that's for sure
Let's try this again, this time without the shitty console warriors. Your behavior in the last thread was embarrassing, and we will be looking through it in-depth.

Serious question:

What's the point of discussion and debate if you can't make comparisons between consoles?

Nope, the top Xbox One S with 2TB drive was $399. As Scorpio will be marketed as "premium device" there needs to be another level in pricing and on the other hand just try to build a system with similar specs less than $1000. Good luck!

The price range for Scorpio will start at $499 with 1TB drive.

I'm willing to bet on $399. When Phil was on Unlocked a few weeks ago he seemed to clarify that "premium" doesn't mean expensive. It's meant to look premium relative to their other Sku... Dropping the One S to $250/$299 would definitely make a $399 Scorpio look "premium".
Nope, the top Xbox One S with 2TB drive was $399. As Scorpio will be marketed as "premium device" there needs to be another level in pricing and on the other hand just try to build a system with similar specs less than $1000. Good luck!

The price range for Scorpio will start at $499 with 1TB drive.
Well, at least it's obvious which Colbert persona you're trying to emulate.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Finally! Very excited to see some new information. Would not be surprised if they show games like Forza Horizon 3 and Quantum Break running on a Scorpio versus an Xbox One.


Serious question:

What's the point of discussion and debate if you can't make comparisons between consoles?

I didn't know the thread was for comparisons, or was it more so for talking about the actual subject in the title and OP.



extra source of jiggaflops
I thought GAF resolution wars were mostly over but they will be back stronger than ever.

Switch doesn't get enough games to satiate the hunger for resolution face-offs therefor Scorpio will bring the goods.

Resolution Wars Revengeance because enough enthusiast press people have made their points over the years that it doesn't matter which in turn means their 2017 4K epiphanies will yield much mud slinging.

Well, you're right. You just named a few indeed.

MS cannot compete on that front with PS. They just lack the sheer amount of studios to do so. And they probably never will. You think it's just a coincidence or sheer sandbagging that they didn't announce more 1st party games since last E3? Give it a try and think again. One might ask if their current 1st party studio approach doesn't need a remodelling as well at this point.

Now, this is where Scorpio's pitch comes in: Make it the best place (at least in terms of graphics) to play all those 3rd party games, at least for the forseeable future. In short, becoming the tech-leader of the industry.

I for one am very curious to find out how that strategy will turn out.

We all know how that strategy will work out, but we can keep guessing until Fall I guess.


Junior Member
To clarify for all of you beautiful people.

A major outlet visited Microsoft this week to take a look at Scorpio and its specs, using Forza Motorsport 7 as a showcase.

I've had the information about FM7 being a 4K "showcase" for a while, but it wasn't until a friend of a friend of a friend of a writer at this particular outlet (no prizes for guessing who) leaked the big reveal to me that I considered it confirmed. It made previous information I had make more sense, combined with info I got from what's happening with the Forza guys, etc. Expect a deluge of coverage next week.

The fact MS is showing off Forza and Scorpio now potentially bodes well for E3, hopefully they're going to give us a better idea of what their games line-up will look like in 2018 and beyond, but they're prob going to be cautious with how far out they go, due to the whole Scalebound thing. I think they're aware of the narrative surrounding how their line-up looks like compared to Sony's.

We generally have good info on Microsoft's internal happenings from years and years covering Windows, Surface, Lumia (RIP) and whatnot, as tech press rather than games press.


Hope we see more than Forza 7, one of Microsoft's most dull games imo. Unless they're changing this one up. Horizon yes, Motorsport *snore*
What Shinobi602 said should actually be put in the first post in my opinion. It's starting to sound really good. The hardware sounds damn impressive he said. Wonder what MS went with for this system.
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