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Project Scorpio to be shown off next week according to Jez C... (READ MOD POST)

The thing is it seems Nintendo and Sony are both willing to eat some bombs in the chance of really hitting on something good. They realize that not everything will be a large success but giving their studios the room to experiment will eventually get the next Last of Us, Breath of the Wild, etc. MS is far more risk averse, while ironically having by far the deepest pocket books of the bunch.

Mario Kart has hardly changed at all, even down to rubber band AI. All Nintendo do is make the same game again and again I'll give you SONY and they are fab, but
Polyphony Digital are just a GT factory (wait they did make Omega Boost on the PS).

I love the way you 'conventionally' left out RARE. Who made the likes of Viva Pinata, Kameo, Grabbed by the Ghoulies, Nuts and Bolts to name, but a few. It's kind of hard for the The Coalition to make a new IP seeing as they've only just been set up and trying to be established, but yes MS needs to do far more, I agree

At least with MS and SONY you get a number of new IP and new games, with Nintendo you don't and yet people like you still give them a free pass... you couldn't make it up .
Well one things for sure, I'll not be getting one if it's still stuck with those POS Jaguar cores, because a 6Tflop GPU is going to be bottlenecked to hell & back by them no matter how much of an overclock they apply and we will still see serious issues with frame rates because of it.


If the rumour around DF doing a reveal Thursday is true, to me, this tell me MS have a lot of confidence around the hardware of Scoripo. They're not going to make the sames mistakes twice, as when the X1 had the DF treatment with the interview from one of the guys who helped designed it, it got slaughtered.

I don't think MS would go for the DF hardware reveal if we we're looking at upclocked Jaguar IMO. People, especially on here, will just be like big woop, we expected this, meh, letdown etc. Including myself.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Mario Kart has hardly changed at all, even down to rubber band AI. All Nintendo do is make the same game again and again I'll give you SONY and they are fab, but
Polyphony Digital are just a GT factory (wait they did make Omega Boost on the PS). .

Oh come on man, give Nintendo more credit here. BoTW is a huuuge departure of the type of games that Zelda usually were, not to mention stuff like Splatoon (a multiplayer game with no killing whatsoever and a neat concept?!). Heck, look at Super Mario Galaxy where they drastically change how Mario plays or even... say, Wind Waker--how many gaming studio actually willing to radically change the artstyle of its marquee series like that?

Nintendo tends to milk their IP, true, but they have also shown that they wouldn't be adverse into putting changes into them, even on their mainline games, if necessary.
What if nothing happens this week?


But dem Jez C connections.
Oh come on man, give Nintendo more credit here. BoTW is a huuuge departure of the type of games that Zelda usually were, not to mention stuff like Splatoon (a multiplayer game with no killing whatsoever and a neat concept?!).

One new IP ? Hey how about a platform game where you kill nothing? a neat concept maybe, but I'll hardly call SONIC original myself, just because you kill nothing it's still a platform game when all is said and done

Zelda? A long last NCL worked out there's open world games and openworld RPG's. I wouldn't say too much, but SEGA Japan worked that out with Shenmue, never mind the likes of ZeniMax Online who been making them for decades and even Square are in the act with Final Fantasy.
Yawn this is a Scorpio possibly announcement thread not a bitch about whether you like MS's first party games thread there's plenty of them already

I'm not "bitching" about anything. There is literally nothing new to discuss about this possible reveal. The conversation has naturally drifted to discussing MS 1st party and the pros and cons of it. That's not surprising or wrong in the face of no new information and as long as people can keep it civil and not turn it into some console war it's a topic worth discussing imo as it directly applies to Scorpio and it's future.


Junior Member
Seems very lowkey of Microsoft to want to out the final Scorpio this way instead of a broadcasted event. Perhaps they have more games than we think for E3?



- As I wasn't sure whether or not DF or whoever would know about the XDK not being completed, I decided it was time to leak that info as it would become pertinent following any leaks they had. Any assertions that Scorpio isn't hitting 6 TF would've been false, as the XDK wasn't ready yet.

- After posting that, I found out that DF or whoever WASN'T leaking, but was instead collaborating with Microsoft to get a look at the system. I confirmed that info with several sources. "

So Jez found out that DF was leaking and some time after that he found out that DF was not leaking but collaborating...what do you think happened in that span of time?


I'm not "bitching" about anything. There is literally nothing new to discuss about this possible reveal. The conversation has naturally drifted to discussing MS 1st party and the pros and cons of it. That's not surprising or wrong in the face of no new information and as long as people can keep it civil and not turn it into some console war it's a topic worth discussing imo as it directly applies to Scorpio and it's future.

If there is nothing new to discuss concerning the subject of the thread then let the thread drop. There are other threads to discuss Microsoft's 1st party output or lack there of. No need to divert this one.


When does this become a Scorpio spec thread again?

Someone text me when its time.

I'm not "bitching" about anything. There is literally nothing new to discuss about this possible reveal. The conversation has naturally drifted to discussing MS 1st party and the pros and cons of it. That's not surprising or wrong in the face of no new information and as long as people can keep it civil and not turn it into some console war it's a topic worth discussing imo as it directly applies to Scorpio and it's future.

NeoGAF, The Art Of Derailing And Not Reading The Damn Thread (TM)


So Jez found out that DF was leaking and some time after that he found out that DF was not leaking but collaborating...what do you think happened in that span of time?
He probably presumed it was a leak until getting wind that it was actually a collaboration.

I'm excited. If MS are collaborating, they're obvs confident.
Seems very lowkey of Microsoft to want to out the final Scorpio this way instead of a broadcasted event. Perhaps they have more games than we think for E3?

My guess is they would rather do it in collaboration with DF, instead of DF leaking it all a week before an 'official' reveal.

DF generally uncover this stuff beforehand so I can see why they'd rather do it this way.


A DF dive into the system specs should mean E3 is more about software than charts talking about memory solutions and what gpu it has. Hopefully.
Seems very lowkey of Microsoft to want to out the final Scorpio this way instead of a broadcasted event. Perhaps they have more games than we think for E3?

Phil has gone on record as saying he doesn't think Scorpio is a huge next-gen deal and he fully expects the Xbone S to continue to be the best-selling SKU for the foreseeable future.

Makes sense that they go with a softer launch, roll out the specs now to satisfy the likes of GAF who care about (or pretend to, at least) Flops and clock speeds and then have another event just before E3 to officially unveil the console to the gaming public at large. Leaves E3 free for games without having to spend too much time on Scorpio.


It would be pretty dry announcing specs, what do you do arrange a press conference?

It's not a bad idea to get DF to go through the specs for the reveal as they are the defacto rulers in this field. It means you dont have to spend the full reveal talking about specs and what this means.

By having an NDA set it means you can have everyone in place for the fallout etc


Mario Kart has hardly changed at all, even down to rubber band AI. All Nintendo do is make the same game again and again I'll give you SONY and they are fab, but
Polyphony Digital are just a GT factory (wait they did make Omega Boost on the PS).
And Tourist Trophy on the PlayStation 2. Question is: if they want to make Tourist Trophy 2, what will Sony say? We know what Microsoft said when Bungie wanted to make Destiny or what Activision said when Infinity Ward went for Titanfall. From time to time, Microsoft should learn to take a risk and give these established studios a chance to do a passion project.


MS biggest problem with their 1st party is they haven't fostered any sort of culture of just allowing their studios to be creative. Turn 10 is a Forza factory, 343 is a Halo factory, and Coalition is a Gears factory. Before that Liohead was a Fable factory, Bungie a Halo factory etc. They laser lock on individual franchises and don't move on. Nintendo and Sony are both far riskier in what they develop and produce. Sure Nintendo has had mostly the same stable of franchises for a long time now but they do a lot within those franchises. Just look how different each Mario game is, each Zelda, etc. Sony similarly seem to give their teams far more space and room to work with.

The thing is it seems Nintendo and Sony are both willing to eat some bombs in the chance of really hitting on something good. They realize that not everything will be a large success but giving their studios the room to experiment will eventually get the next Last of Us, Breath of the Wild, etc. MS is far more risk averse, while ironically having by far the deepest pocket books of the bunch.

-Nintendo and Sony willing to eat some bombs? First of all, none of them are willing to eat some bombs, as it is equal to losing money and no company wants that by definition. Sony canceled Eight Days and The Getaway 3, some of the infamous examples.
-Not allowing their studios to be creative?
Naughty Dog during the PS1 era worked on Crash Bandicoot/Crash Team racing exclusively. During the PS2 era they worked on Jak exclusively. Since 2007 till now they have released The Last of Us and all the other games have been Uncharted. Has Polyphony Digital done anything other than Gran Turismo for Sony? Since Guerilla Games signed a contract with Sony in 2004, they've released only Killzone games exclusively to PlayStation, only now in 2017 they've diversified. That is 13 years.

Other than Rare, Microsoft doesn't even have a first party studio that is older than the period Naughty Dog worked on Uncharted (6.5 years), let alone the period Guerilla worked on Killzone (11-13 years). 343 Industries' first game released in 2012, which started development in 2009. Prior to that 343 was working on Halo Legends, an anime, and map packs.. The Coalition/Black Tusk is also a brand new studio formed in 2012. I love that people are quick to point out that Microsoft axed Shangheist in favor of Gears, but completely ignore that fact that 2 years after the teaser for Shangheist was shown, they were still looking for game designers for it. It was never in active development.

The point I'm trying to make is that your expectations of what Microsoft 1P should be and do is completely unreasonable. Microsoft's current 1P studios aren't mature enough to assess the diversity of its output. However, the output of Microsoft Studios published games have been diverse this gen: Ryse, Ori, Sunset Overdrive (which could have been released on the PS4 exclusively if Sony didn't demand ownership of the IP), Quantum Break etc.

To not go completely off topic, Microsofts 1P is what excites about gaming in general. Of all the Microsoft 1P games I buy from now on, I own a remastered version automatically though Play Anyways. Years down the road after Scorpio launches I can play the games I already own for Scorpio on a higher resolution and fps on a possible PC I will build. That's exciting for us gamers.


Gold Member
What is a "real gaming" company?

He has a point. Sony is all in on PlayStation at the moment since it's one of the primary reasons why the company is still afloat along with being their most recognised brand. Then there's Nintendo which is through and through a gaming company, it's all they've ever done.

The same cannot be said for MS. As a company, their primary focuses lie elsewhere. Xbox is just one division of many, it is not THE division for them.


He has a point. Sony is all in on PlayStation at the moment since it's one of the primary reasons why the company is still afloat along with being their most recognised brand. Then there's Nintendo which is through and through a gaming company, it's all they've ever done.

The same cannot be said for MS. As a company, their primary focuses lie elsewhere. Xbox is just one division of many, it is not THE division for them.
No, it'll be one of their most important divisions due to the fan-nature of gaming and the nature of the brand with consumers.

Considering Satya has affirmed time again how important Xbox is to MS, and even had a picture with Coalition with all the division heads related to Xbox. Just little things like that show how much they're behind it.


Idk. I get that specs are important to people and more important to many than they are to me, but when I think about Scorpio and the buzz about it being MS's way forward and not just a Pro like thing for the spec-interested consumer, I scratch my head and ask what's going to be special about it wrt software and what's going to distinguish its career from that of the One.

I also get that there are currently other threads and have been numerous other threads to discuss this, but this is the one about reveal strategy and the way they're doing this (or seem to be) does have me curious about what E3 has in store. Are they going to be able to have a software focused showing with the hardware stuff out of the way? Is this the plan? I don't think this line of questioning is particularly derailing, but, again, I'm not one to dwell on specs.

I also get GAF has an anti-MS bent, that GAF often reduces consoles to their exclusives when less hardcore consumers aren't as much about that, etc. but I don't think this means that MS doesn't have a software and core mindshare issue insofar as they want higher market share. They can't really sit on the laurels of being the place to play the biggest third party games. PS4 is that more often than not in the public mindshare. I don't think a spec gambit aimed at high end consumers changes that. The S's value gambit does more in that regard, I'd think.

Idk. I think 360 was so successful in part because of where the OG put it wrt software at the beginning of the generation. BioWare, Bethesda, Irrational, etc. were making hugely influential then-console-exclusive games for XBox. Halo was still the hottest online shooter and it and Live set 360 up to be the CoD console when that happened. Gears was a huge deal when it started too and really changed the whole 3rd person shooter game. I don't think it's silly to see this model of a more competitive XBox and when you hear Scorpio as the answer to wonder what their strategy wrt software is.

Throw in the Windows store initiative and, again, compelling exclusive software looks important. It is just where MS is at the moment, as much as it is the place to kick them while they're "down," if that's your (unfortunate) inclination.


He has a point. Sony is all in on PlayStation at the moment since it's one of the primary reasons why the company is still afloat along with being their most recognised brand. Then there's Nintendo which is through and through a gaming company, it's all they've ever done.

The same cannot be said for MS. As a company, their primary focuses lie elsewhere. Xbox is just one division of many, it is not THE division for them.

Sony recently became that game centric because the other divisions did not work so well regarding marketshare and profit. Before those cuts Sony was as diversified as Microsoft is but with the big difference that Sony always was a consumer electronics company and Microsoft is an IT & Software company. Or in other words Sony is used to deal with the consumer electronics segment while Microsoft is not used to it other than with Xbox and now with Surface (a little bit).

And if we talk "game companies", by this definition the only real game company is Nintendo as they don't do anything else like Sony and MS do.


Has Polyphony Digital done anything other than Gran Turismo for Sony?

Yes. This is easily checked: they have made Motortoon Grand Prix 1, Motortoon Grand Prix 2, Tourist Trophy, Omega Boost and quite some non--gaming stuff with Nissan.


I'm the only one that remember the DF articles about xbox one vs ps4 where the difference between the two where almost nonexistent because of how well balanced was the x1(with Penelo interview all over the site)? MS was confident before and they never learn from their mistake, the power isn't the key factor, it's how you sell your games to the customers and they aren't good enough for this.
Sony recently became that game centric because the other divisions did not work so well regarding marketshare and profit. Before those cuts Sony was as diversified as Microsoft is but with the big difference that Sony always was a consumer electronics company and Microsoft is an IT & Software company. Or in other words Sony is used to deal with the consumer electronics segment while Microsoft is not used to it other than with Xbox and now with Surface (a little bit).

And if we talk "game companies", by this definition the only real game company is Nintendo as they don't do anything else like Sony and MS do.

Dear God we really are dealing with the 'Playstation generation' SONY used to view and look on video games as a TOY sector and not one they had any interest in. Nintendo used to make cards, next will be saying RPG's started with FF7

Apple didn't start out with phones, not that many people care these days. Corps change and adapt
Idk. I get that specs are important to people and more important to many than they are to me, but when I think about Scorpio and the buzz about it being MS's way forward and not just a Pro like thing for the spec-interested consumer, I scratch my head and ask what's going to be special about it wrt software and what's going to distinguish its career from that of the One.

But MS themselves have said it's a console for the hardcore consumer who is interested in specs and they expect the Xbone S to continue to be the more popular model.

The "It's not like the Pro" was just their way of saying it's a much bigger leap from Xbone -> Scorpio than PS4 -> PS4 Pro.


Dear God we really are dealing with the 'Playstation generation' SONY used to view and look on video games as a TOY sector and not one they had any interest in. Nintendo used to make cards, next will be saying RPG's started with FF7

Apple didn't start out with phones, not that many people care these days. Corps change and adapt

Recent 10 years, not how they started.
Recent 10 years, not how they started.

LOL . Sorry to kill a dream 'PlayStation Generation' fans... Nintendo wasn't always about Videogames, SONY used to look down at 'Toy' sector, sorry I mean Videogames
Corps change and move with the times Microsoft are no different


LOL . Sorry to kill a dream 'PlayStation Generation' fans... Nintendo wasn't always about Videogames, SONY used to look down at 'Toy' sector, sorry I mean Videogames
Corps change and move with the times Microsoft are no different

SMH. You missing the point here. I recommend to re-read the conversation I am in and then come back. I will not further derail the thread.

Probably fake, but still...


Abbreviated XBO X, lol.

That looks nice and clean. Color grading with the characters is well done. I like the mock up.


He said multiplayer. Not Multiplatform.

He said multiplayer because Sneakers said multiplayer when he meant to say multiplatform, that's why Sneakers says multiplatform, as a playful way to imply that he meant multiplatform when he said multiplayer...is really not that hard guys ;P


But MS themselves have said it's a console for the hardcore consumer who is interested in specs and they expect the Xbone S to continue to be the more popular model.

The "It's not like the Pro" was just their way of saying it's a much bigger leap from Xbone -> Scorpio than PS4 -> PS4 Pro.
Makes sense but when your daily interaction with Scorpio is mostly "wait for Scorpio" posts in threads about the future, it is going to inspire thinking on what Scorpio is supposed to do.

Also, though, Scorpio could spearhead a new Xbox initiative and not be the primary seller of that initiative. But, again, software would have to be the real mover imo, with Scorpio as an attractive 'hype' vehicle and S and Windows store as primary delivery routes.

Then again, perhaps XBox is not gearing up for a serious initiative, and it is not trying to say it is. Perhaps Scorpio's been made into a bigger thing than it is on the back of vague statements.


Junior Member
Enthusiasts follow enthusiast sites and thus it's perfect fit for their target audience.

Sure, but respect for the most powerful console goes beyond the hardcore. The PS4 was known to be the more powerful console at a cheaper price by many leading up to launch. Sony continually touted it as well for a long while and it worked to their advantage.

Honestly I would rather have DF than another event as boring as the PS4 pro event.

I agree, the event was particularly boring. This mostly stemmed from the fact that Sony treated it as a briefing for the press rather than an event the word would have its on eyes a la the 2013 PlayStation Experience. Plus, they tried to sell us on HDR gaming while we watched the event on our SDR displays, so there's that.

But, who knows if Microsoft is taking the "Pro" approach or rather using the Scorpio as a way to transition into ending console generations and making the cycle much more rapid and consistent a la smartphones. This should be Microsoft's time to step up to the plate and hit a home run with the Scorpio. It's a new console, and new consoles build extreme hype among the fans. Dropping all the details online is good and doesn't leave us waiting, but it certainly doesn't elicit the same feeling as a dedicated event does.
Makes sense but when your daily interaction with Scorpio is mostly "wait for Scorpio" posts in threads about the future, it is going to inspire thinking on what Scorpio is supposed to do.

Also, though, Scorpio could spearhead a new Xbox initiative and not be the primary seller of that initiative. But, again, software would have to be the real mover imo, with Scorpio as an attractive 'hype' vehicle and S and Windows store as primary delivery routes.

Then again, perhaps XBox is not gearing up for a serious initiative, and it is not trying to say it is. Perhaps Scorpio's been made into a bigger thing than it is on the back of vague statements.

Scorpio is going to be the most powerful console. Everything will look prettier and run smoother than on any other console on the market.

But, it's also only going to run the same games that Xbone does already, like Ps4 and PS4 Pro. At least for the next two or three years, until they start to phase out the OG Xbone and we start seeing Scorpio exclusive titles appear.

Microsoft don't care if you buy their games on Xbone, Scorpio or PC. They only care that you buy them, that's why they have the Play Anywhere initiative. If you can get people to buy into your ecosystem then you can keep them locked in by promising that your games will be backwards compatible on future consoles.

Everything else is fanboy wankery.


Mario Kart has hardly changed at all, even down to rubber band AI. All Nintendo do is make the same game again and again I'll give you SONY and they are fab, but
Polyphony Digital are just a GT factory (wait they did make Omega Boost on the PS).

I love the way you 'conventionally' left out RARE. Who made the likes of Viva Pinata, Kameo, Grabbed by the Ghoulies, Nuts and Bolts to name, but a few. It's kind of hard for the The Coalition to make a new IP seeing as they've only just been set up and trying to be established, but yes MS needs to do far more, I agree

At least with MS and SONY you get a number of new IP and new games, with Nintendo you don't and yet people like you still give them a free pass... you couldn't make it up .
Splatoon is pretty recent, arms is coming out soon, w101 was funded by Nintendo, Botw may not be a new ip but it's a serious shakeup of an old one. I agree MK is pretty much the same.


Maybe they will say something later today.

Why MS should spoil anything? They just can sit back and wait for the DF article(s). This isn't an announcement, it is at max a series of hands on reports and interviews the guys from DF had with MS about Scorpio. If anybody might tease something then it is Eurogamer, not MS imo.
This one turned into a Sony fanboy comfort thread too?

It's pointless locking threads mods when you just let the babies start wailing again 5 minutes later.

Can we talk about Scorpio and potential specs and not how amazing Sony is?
This one turned into a Sony fanboy comfort thread too?

It's pointless locking threads mods when you just let the babies start wailing again 5 minutes later.

Can we talk about Scorpio and potential specs and not how amazing Sony is?
You can ask the thread to stop derailing in a nice way, or you can do what you just did lol.
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