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PROMETHEUS Full Theatrical Trailer (2:32) + International UK trailer (2:47)

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Is this an Alien prequel or not?

I remember reading a few months ago that it was originally supposed to be an Alien prequel but then they changed it...

Well, the trailer shows the alien ship and the space jockey from the first movie so it's obviously related. I'm guessing that the Xenomorphs aren't going to be an important part of it though and because of that they want to avoid using the name.


I really hope Idris Elba's accent doesn't take me out of the film. I really like him but I think i've heard three different accents from him in the trailers so far.


I'm not surprised that they deliberated avoid saying Alien anywhere. It's not that they want to avoid the connect, but rather they feel the connection is obvious and well known enough to resonate without being stated out loud. That is true homage.

Maybe the word Alien is like the word Mars to John Carter.

Just don't say it.


Aliens ate my babysitter
Wow, two very different and both awesome trailers! As if the hype wasn't already high enough! Still have to watch the intl one properly, as I am at the school pc-lab and watched it without sound. But fucking hell! I might look forward to this more than graduating :D

Come ooooooon



I'm not surprised that they deliberated avoid saying Alien anywhere. It's not that they want to avoid the connect, but rather they feel the connection is obvious and well known enough to resonate without being stated out loud. That is true homage.

I think they have faith in Ridley. He hasn't let them down as far as I know. Even his most disliked films of the last twenty years make their money back, plus some with the inevitable Director's cut dvd then DC: Special Edition than DC SE E Edition.

But in all seriousness, if this looked like it was going to JOHN CARTER it, they would have put a fucking Alien label on this real quick. Watching dailies, marketing guys look at each other, BOOM. "Aliens: The Return".

I think they also know that the Alien films from the last few years have been pure popcorn and they want to basically Batman Begins the series without reminding people of AVP.

That said, I can easily see part 2 being called Alien somewhere.


One more thing I noticed in the international trailer;

When he's talking about those signs/wall paintings, he mentions:
"Mesopotamian, Aztec, cave paintings from France"

While the one they find in the beginning is on the Isle of Skye (says so on the hologram of their discovery, also the last one before it changes into that "starmap")
Might be he's just randomly choosing some of the places, but still :)

Just found it funny he mentions "cave paintings from France", when the only cave painting we see is the one from Scotland..


That international trailer is just too good OMG!!! I hope it delivers, because I love me some Sci-fi.

The talk about this trailer (or anything really) ripping off Avatar of all things reminded me of that thread over in the gaming side when some dude said that Tin Tin was kind of ripping off Uncharted, lol.


You have no idea how excited I am for this. Next to Star Wars/Trek, this is my big third tier sci-fi franchise. This movie made me realize at an early age that I preferred more realistic sci-fi - I loved feeling like you could go down on a lower deck and there's oil stains on the ground or dust on guages. The guys wore baseball caps and were essentially "truckers in space". I wanted more though, I wanted to see more types of creatures on other planets...Pitch Dark/Butcher Bay picked up that thread for me until Chronicles of Riddick came out and made that franchise more space opera-like.

I saw Alien when I was six or seven, and almost literally my entire life have been fascinated with the derelict ship the crew found. I've had to watch the Alien sequels spiral further and further from what I always thought of as being the most interesting ideas in the original film. So seeing this film get made, by the guy that made Alien, and have it come together like this...damn. It's literally a life-long wish I've had. It almost seems to good to be true.



My favorite part.

I saw Alien when I was six or seven, and almost literally my entire life have been fascinated with the derelict ship the crew found. I've had to watch the Alien sequels spiral further and further from what I always thought of as being the most interesting ideas in the original film. So seeing this film get made, by the guy that made Alien, and have it come together like this...damn. It's literally a life-long wish I've had. It almost seems to good to be true.

That's exactly it: there's a mythology built in the first 30 minutes of the film that they could have worked with and built something larger and more grander, but instead they just slowly started becoming more and more about alien-killing.

I hope this adds more to the mythology instead of simply explaining the intro. The universe is a huge place full of mysteries (say that in a Carl Sagan voice) and the space jockey and xenomorphs are but two.

The alien films are the first time I ever bought a series on DVD, with that nine foot long foldout case and I spent three days watching the special features like a religion (actually I think I skipped Ressurection's SF because as much as I love Jeunet and Aliens, yeah...it was shit).


Great, so does that imply parts of it are shot with imax cameras (like MI4 and TDK)?
No, it was shot digitally actually, no 70mm. However, I don't actually know the native resolution of the Fusion 3D cameras.

EDIT: I was sure this film used the Cameron stuff, but apparently not, Red Epics, so it could be more than Quad-HD.


well not really...yet
Prometheus was shot on the Red EPIC IIRC. As far as the native res, im not sure, but the EPIC can shoot up to 5K

I don't remember if the 3D rig is the Pace/Cameron Fusion or of its the 3ality one, or maybe another

edit: Wiki says its the Element Technica Atom 3d rig from 3ality


i seriously thought batman was my most anticipated movie this year, but everything for prometheus is blowing batman out of the water in terms of hype for me.


That's exactly it: there's a mythology built in the first 30 minutes of the film that they could have worked with and built something larger and more grander, but instead they just slowly started becoming more and more about alien-killing.

I hope this adds more to the mythology instead of simply explaining the intro. The universe is a huge place full of mysteries (say that in a Carl Sagan voice) and the space jockey and xenomorphs are but two.

The alien films are the first time I ever bought a series on DVD, with that nine foot long foldout case and I spent three days watching the special features like a religion (actually I think I skipped Ressurection's SF because as much as I love Jeunet and Aliens, yeah...it was shit).

What's been interesting to watch is how the film started as an Alien prequel, and has now budded into what appears to be a much richer mythology. That seems to be what really sparked Scott and the writers; rather than do a literal lead in, they started with the question, "what is that ship?" and built up a mythology around it.

It makes me think of the recently released The Thing, in some ways. Prometheus could have gone in that direction, with the entire reason it exists being to fill in questions asked in the first film. Instead it's touching on some of the same ideas - the spark for Alien - and building something greater from it. It's such a smarter way to go about a prequel, if you can even call it that.


But there haven't really been any trailers for Batman like for this were there?

the main batman trailer was released a few months ago. i am sure another can be coming but it didn't do a good job on selling the last installment of the trilogy or getting me as excited for it as prometheus has.
One thing I'm worried about is that the dialogue seems like your average dramatic Hollywood stilted type. Not that it's bad, but it doesn't seem to compare at all to that wonderfully realistic chit chat that takes place in Alien.


One thing I'm worried about is that the dialogue seems like your average dramatic Hollywood stilted type. Not that it's bad, but it doesn't seem to compare at all to that wonderfully realistic chit chat that takes place in Alien.

All of the lines that people seem to be complaining about are pretty much single words taken from different characters, and cut into a narrative for the trailer. I think I would wait until hearing them in context before calling it stilted.


One thing I'm worried about is that the dialogue seems like your average dramatic Hollywood stilted type. Not that it's bad, but it doesn't seem to compare at all to that wonderfully realistic chit chat that takes place in Alien.

I don't think we can take too much from it; its sliced up to telegraph the plot in condensed form. You could do the same for Alien in a similar trailer.

"She's intercepted a transmission of unknown origin and wants us to check it out."



*dun dun dunnnnn*


One thing I'm worried about is that the dialogue seems like your average dramatic Hollywood stilted type. Not that it's bad, but it doesn't seem to compare at all to that wonderfully realistic chit chat that takes place in Alien.

you're a better man than i if you're worried about that based on the limited dialogue heard. the lines heard when things start getting tense actually remind me quite a lot of Alien/s.

BTW, anyone know if the music from either trailer are made for the movie or licensed? i especially like the tone of the music in the Int. trailer. quite different than the US ones.
It may not be marketed as such (wisely, imo) but it IS a prequel. The original title of the script was 'Untitled Alien Prequel'

And when asked by someone how much of that script made it over to Prometheus, writer Jon Spaihts said:

Hopefully we'll be seeing more of him in the future.


will gain confidence one day
What's been interesting to watch is how the film started as an Alien prequel, and has now budded into what appears to be a much richer mythology. That seems to be what really sparked Scott and the writers; rather than do a literal lead in, they started with the question, "what is that ship?" and built up a mythology around it.

It makes me think of the recently released The Thing, in some ways. Prometheus could have gone in that direction, with the entire reason it exists being to fill in questions asked in the first film. Instead it's touching on some of the same ideas - the spark for Alien - and building something greater from it. It's such a smarter way to go about a prequel, if you can even call it that.

I'd rather call it an expansion than a sequel/prequel. It's EU in film format.
BTW, anyone know if the music from either trailer are made for the movie or licensed? i especially like the tone of the music in the Int. trailer. quite different than the US ones.
The international trailer uses a track by Max Richter. I can't recall which one just now, but I think it's from his Memoryhouse record.
I don't think we can take too much from it; its sliced up to telegraph the plot in condensed form. You could do the same for Alien in a similar trailer.

"She's intercepted a transmission of unknown origin and wants us to check it out."



*dun dun dunnnnn*

Hmm that is true. Some of the archaeological presentation dialogue had a few dramatic pauses which felt kind of cheesy. But I guess that's about my only complaint and hopefully isn't indicative of the rest of the movie. Having said that, Prometheus is clearly going for a more theatrical route, so perhaps 'realistic' dialogue might not even be needed.


The international trailer seem to indicate that Noomi and Logan (Tom Hardy Twin) are a couple, holding hands.
There was a image in the December trailer showing a fit guy sitting on the edge of a bed with someone else sleeping.


Wouldn't you be? (Assuming that most of the final script can accurately be attributed to his work.)

Lindelof has said as much, in multiple interviews. He's not trying to pull the wool over anyones eyes as far as his contribution to the final story. He says he took a pass on Spaight's script, removing overt Alien bits and adding more hints at larger mythology. Then he sat down with Ridley Scott and was effectively was Scott's channel to the page to make even further changes. I don't think anyone deserves to be salty... the WGA has some pretty set math on who gets credit, and from what I can tell we'll be seeing:

Screenplay By:

Jon Spaights and Damon Lindelof

Especially if the guy taking credit is Lindlof of all people.


Damon Lindelof is also an executive producer on the movie. That's the main reason why he's doing all the rounds along with Scott.



will gain confidence one day
Lindelof has said as much, in multiple interviews. He's not trying to pull the wool over anyones eyes as far as his contribution to the final story.

Wasn't accusing him of such. Just saying, if I was the one who wrote the thing, I would be a little annoyed that I wouldn't at least get to be on the stage with Lindelof and Scott.
Yeah I posted a screen a few pages back:


Just watched the trailer, had a "WTF?" moment when I saw that. So this is looking like it may have more to do with Alien than Scott was leading us to believe? I thought he'd pretty well made it sound like it didn't really have shit to do with Alien?
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