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Prototype Remastered PS4 Trophies Show Online


They were fugly in 360, imagine them in PS4. Recycling 2002 Spiderman 2's "New York" (20 blocks of Manhattan) map would lead to that though. That said, this prorably means there is a Prototype 3 coming.

Yeah, they will most likely make the game prettier because fun as they are, neither of the prototype games hold up well today. They were pretty ugly at release already. Fun as hell though.
If they do anything to the gameplay it have to be bringing the patsy button back.
Blaming some innocent soldier for being an evil mutant and seeing his friends shoot him down was terribly satisfying.
Yeah, they will most likely make the game prettier because fun as they are, neither of the prototype games hold up well today. They were pretty ugly at release already. Fun as hell though.
If they do anything to the gameplay it have to be bringing the patsy button back.
Blaming some innocent soldier for being an evil mutant and seeing his friends shoot him down was terribly satisfying.

Prototype 2 has some low-res textures but mostly looks alright whereas the first one is visual diarrhea.

And what's with all these shit posts from people who keep asking who asked for a Prototype remaster? No one is forcing you to buy it. It's obviously for people who didn't play those games to get them ready for Prototype 3 (or maybe just a cash-in).


Sonic handles my blue balls
Prototype Remastered?

Oh shit, the Master Chief Collection is coming to PS4.

I didn't think there'd be so much negativity towards this game here. I was too busy with inFamous when these came out, so I'm excited to play through them with better IQ and framerate.

The games look fun as hell.


I'm not being obtuse, I just don't remember.

What makes Prototype not just Ultimate Destruction with "some guy" instead of the Hulk, for me the games seem interchangeable. Which is why I don't understand why people would want Ultimate Destruction over Proto


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Even tho I liked the first (didn't play the second), nobody asked for this
Wait this means Radical will be free from cod map development.

That means radical will likely be making a new game along with these remasters. And guess what Radical was doing before and during prototype series?

CRASH BANDICOOT HAS RETURNED! After 5 long years since nitro kart 2 on ios, the wait is over!


Am I the only person who thought
Prototype (as in early stage) Remastered(remade)
Ps4 tropies. That would be awesome.

No one asked for this.


Prototype 1 had a dumb fucking story, terrible writing, terrible graphics, and a pretty empty/boring city. With that said, the powers were awesome and it was a pretty fun game. It is one of the few games where I think it's fun to just murder civilians. I used to get on a skyscraper, pick a target, glide down and swoop them up, take them back my perch, and then devour them like some kind of gross monster vampire. It served no real purpose but I loved doing it.

Never played P2.

I will definitely get these if they're reasonably priced. I can't remember if there's co-op but I'd love it if it does/gets added. I'm playing Saints 4 co-op ATM and having a blast (in ways it reminds me of P1, and its come up during play).


I actually liked prototype when it first came out. It was nothing special, but it was good dumb fun and I definitely prefer it to the first infamous game (though that's not saying much). Never played 2.


I'm not being obtuse, I just don't remember.

What makes Prototype not just Ultimate Destruction with "some guy" instead of the Hulk, for me the games seem interchangeable. Which is why I don't understand why people would want Ultimate Destruction over Proto
By and large they are similar enough, but Ultimate Destruction did several things better than Prototype. There were more interactive options in terms of weaponizing items, interacting with npcs, and most of the side challenge activities were better than Prototype. Also, cheat codes were in UD. Prototype had a whole cheat code(s) menu added for a single pre-order code for a move you can unlock through gameplay anyway. That move was a poor man's Hulk bus ride. It was a brief body slide on a pedestrian or enemy. In UD Hulk could turn a bus into a skateboard or surfboard and infinitely slide and jump around the city. Minor differences like that is why many consider UD the superior game, still.


What pissed me off the most was the first game had coop play. They removed it because they were like 2 years behind their original release and promised to add it in a sequel. The sequel did not add the multiplayer that was fucking demoed when they announced the first game. I refused to buy the sequel for that reason alone. Unless these remasters add it, what's the fucking point. There's no good will after the gameplay downgrade of P2.

Also, a Prototype x Red Faction crossover of tech is my dream sandbox/guyver game. Throwing dudes and tanks through skyscrapers and toppling a city with my bare hands...
If this runs 1080p 60fps, and polishes things up, I'll totally get it. This is probably them seeing if people are interested in a Prototype 3.


I really liked Prototype, they were waaaaay better than infamous, but I don't feel there is a requirement to upres these games. Whatever, I am kinda burnt out on upressed last gen games. If you haven't played it fellas, its from the guys who did hulk ultimate destruction which is one of my favourite games and is a blast to play. Enjoy.

No offence, but what does this add to the conversation? You're bringing up a debate which has no relation to this re-release and hasn't been relevant in over three years.

If this runs 1080p 60fps, and polishes things up, I'll totally get it. This is probably them seeing if people are interested in a Prototype 3.

I always felt like the Prototype series was a short distance from greatness. Like, a few tweaks in gameplay and a decent writer on board and it would have been a much better series. They just never felt like they were able to realise that potential though.


1 hasn't aged well but 2 is still a lot of fun played it recently. I'm all for this if it gets us a third. Considering the cliffhanger.


If it's both that's cool at least. I never played them so depending on the quality of the port I might jump in.


I played the heck out of Prototype 2 and even 1 got almost everything unlocked..dunno if i will get it. But had a lot of fun on PC and 360 version back then.


Maybe some people will play it for the first time.
That's not a good thing.

Prototype 1 was mediocre, featuring a neat traversal gimmick in a time where open-world games were still somewhat novel. Prototype 2 is just bad.

In 2015, when nearly every major game is open-world, and plenty have done its traversal stuff better, WHY? There have to be Activision games from last-gen that actually deserve a Remaster, this is just sad.

As far as game protagonists go, it really doesn't get much worse than Alex Mercer.
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