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PS+ version of Driveclub will have 5 tracks (1 country) and 10 cars.


Drunky McMurder
Comments as off topic as yours I would say are generally pretty fucking dumb, so take a guess since you can't follow a simple conversation.

As opposed to you, who has done nothing but bitch about other people but somehow think you're above people who are complaining about being told one thing and getting another. And you, somebody so fucking slow that they don't know what the word "free" means. But everybody else is stupid and not contributing to the discussion at hand.


Basically it's Sony's version of KI on X1.

Not entirely accurate actually, because Killer Instinct's base package is free to everyone, not just Gold subscribers. Also over time you can actually play essentially all of the content (minus some customizations) for free, because they continuously rotate the free character.
Both of you are changing the argument to make it seem worse than what people are actually saying. It's really poor and disingenuous and you should stop doing it.
There are many lines of conversation crossing here.

Some of this thread is reaction to the first detailed info on the content breakdown in the PS+ version, some of it is comparing the initial descriptions of the PS+ version with the current description, some people are very happy to see so much on offer, others expected more relative to the full game, and still others are wondering whether this will count as the PS4's PS+ game for that month, or there will be another title as well.

I'm not sure which argument you think I'm mangling though.

Nor am I upset. I'd love to see posters able to ask why there seems to be a difference between the initial PS+ description and the new one and get a decent response. Instead, posters who bring it up are being jumped on and dismissed as entitled or dupes - now THAT bugs me - because its exactly that which turns these threads into full on arguments and mud slinging, not the raising of the question in the first place.


They painted it as something more like a complete game versus a GotY Edition, it's really looking more like a Prologue versus a compete game. Is a Prologue worthy of being a PS+ game? I absolutely think so, but I'd still like to know why the change.
I suspect it's less a change and more that they never really fully hammered it out until just recently. Which means they should have probably kept quiet, though they may've been considering heavier as a launch incentive.


If that becomes the main reason, of course I will. I got PS+ for the games, not the MP and not the demos.

Exactly, for many online-multi-player isn't the main reason for subscribing and others won't care about it at all, hell plenty of people stocked up with several years of PS+ due to the games it provided (and other benefits) long before MP was ever part of the service.
Most don't see it as paying for online MP and everything else being a bonus


As opposed to you, who has done nothing but bitch about other people but somehow think you're above people who are complaining about being told one thing and getting another. And you, somebody so fucking slow that they don't know what the word "free" means. But everybody else is stupid and not contributing to the discussion at hand.

Look, I'm not going to be baited into another side conversation with you because of some fight you feel I've picked, but its a chore to read a thread full of disingenuous bullshit on a topic I'm genuinely interested in.

I agree that this appears to be a lot less than what they were offering last year, I honestly do. I just think some of these responses are completely over the top, and the random off topic bullshit about if the games labeled "Free games" on PS+ should be called as such is a product of that, as are assumptions that most PS+ games will be like this in the future. It's just people trying to steer the conversation away from games and its frustrating.
There are many lines of conversation crossing here.

Some of this thread is reaction to the first detailed info on the content breakdown in the PS+ version, some of it is comparing the initial descriptions of the PS+ version with the current description, some people are very happy to see so much on offer, others expected more relative to the full game, and still others are wondering whether this will count as the PS4's PS+ game for that month, or there will be another title as well.

I'm not sure which argument you think I'm mangling though.

Nor am I upset. I'd love to see posters able to ask why there seems to be a difference between the initial PS+ description and the new one and get a decent response. Instead, posters who bring it up are being jumped on and dismissed as entitled or dupes - now THAT bugs me - because its exactly that which turns these threads into full on arguments and mud slinging, not the raising of the question in the first place.

I don't agree with a lot of the stuff you say, but that sums up my feelings on the matter perfectly.
Nice. It's enough content for me to get a good feel for the game and decide whether or not I want to buy the full retail release.


How is the online going to work if there's only one country available?

Will PS+ players be kicked out if another country comes up?


I can understand the reasons why they have done it, and am not annoyed really coming as an ex 360 player everything in PS+ is a bonus am getting used to.

However, Sony so seem to have misled a little, saying you could platinum the game infers you will be getting more than they have offered.

I expected to get all the tracks but just say 2 cars...and you had to buy the full game to get lots of cars and maybe more options...


So it sounds more like assumptions made by the precedence of being a PS+ member and poor marketing on Ubisoft's part.

Nothing new. I just hope this doesn't set a precedence for future title releases.
Yeah, this is a load of crap. People from Sony/Evolution repeatedly said this was the game "minus a few cars/tracks". 80%(based on known countries) is not a few! Sony lied, and it's amazing how much of GAF is willing to stand up for them.

And for everyone who keeps saying it's free: Can you spare a few years of Plus codes? Apparently I'm an idiot because I paid for this premium demo. I'll stop complaining if I get a few years of this free service, apparently it doesn't cost you guys anything.


That's flawed logic.

If you're paying monthly to be able to play Driveclub PS+ for free, then yes, there is a cost associated. If you're paying monthly for any other reason then Driveclub PS+ is free.

If I buy 10 cups of coffee at Starbucks and get a complimentary coffee, that cup of coffee did not cost me $cup x 10. It cost $0. I got what I paid for originally, and this was a bonus.

So, yeah if you signed up to PS plus just to play Driveclub then I understand the mentality but if not then you have an incredibly skewed perspective of "what" you are paying for.

Personally, I don't mind a reduced version because it will let me know "if" I want to invest more in this game. With a scenario like this, there is enough to judge how the game plays overall and especially if every mode is available.
Answer this very simple question

Would you rather have the game include, say, 40% of the tracks and cars but lock away features?

I wouldn't .

Also lol at your complaining over paying for PS+, are you intending to stop playing MP anytime soon?

Of course not.

You're really making a lot of assumptions about what others want here.

Like for me, tracks are the most important, vehicles are of secondary importance, and as long as there's a decent single-player mode, I couldn't care less about any other modes. Not everyone cares about MP.


OK but how many cars and tracks(countries?) will the final version have?

I think before delay they were talking about 50 cars (all high end). We know that demo has one country, which means 5 tracks and 11 variants. We also know of at least 5 countries...So the actual $60 product is definitely worth it, IMO.


Personally, I don't mind a reduced version because it will let me know "if" I want to invest more in this game. With a scenario like this, there is enough to judge how the game plays overall and especially if every mode is available.

Last I checked it was the Instant Game Collection, not the Instant Demo Collection.


I was under the impression that the Plus version was just a glorified demo
of the real thing. Did some folks seriously think the Plus version would be
a substitute for the full priced game?


I was under the impression that the Plus version was just a glorified demo
of the real thing. Did some folks seriously think the Plus version would be
a substitute for the full priced game?

Not really... although the use of "glorified demo" could get you killed around here.


Hahaha ahhh bro give it a rest. We all know your shtick.

Good lord. I'm not referencing his post when I say this, but today has had some of the shittiest, asinine posting I've seen in a long time and all about one game. If it's not the framerate, it's the release date. If it isn't that, then it's the bitchin that Sony is giving outless content then what was originally promised. Does anybody even know why or even tried to ask Rushy why this has even happened? Not at all. All we've gotten are idiotic concern trolling. Shit is beyond ridiculous.


Does forza 5 have 16 tracks in the full game?
16 unique tracks I believe. I wonder if they have different variations of each track in this PS+ version (if variations exist)

The reason the comparison is odd for track count in DC vs Forza is odd because there are lots of track variations in Forza that can make the race course completely different.

i think it has 14.
They added 2 more for free


I'm pretty exited to drive in India. Hopefully they have the local road blocks in the game.



That's flawed logic.

If you're paying monthly to be able to play Driveclub PS+ for free, then yes, there is a cost associated. If you're paying monthly for any other reason then Driveclub PS+ is free.

If I buy 10 cups of coffee at Starbucks and get a complimentary coffee, that cup of coffee did not cost me $cup x 10. It cost $0. I got what I paid for originally, and this was a bonus.

Answering flawed logic with a flawed analogy.
While I think that Sony implied that there would be more content in the PS+ version, they made few solid promises. And I can't argue with Free, so I'm fine either way. DemoPlus it is.


Odd, what we are getting in the PS+ version is EXACTLY what I always expected it to be. The full game with a small collection of content. Able to play all the modes and do everything, just on limited tracks and with limited cars.


This is way, way less than they initially hyped and I don't see how anyone could claim otherwise with a straight face. Because they were using vague terms such as "few" and "slightly"? Come on now.

I'm actually fine with it being the PS4 freebie in October, provided that they still hand out several PS3 games. I am disappointed though because they made it sound like almost a full game.

Calling it a demo is justified, because that's what it basically is. They give you a piece of a game with the purpose of getting you to buy the whole thing
and to fill the PS+ quota
. That's kind of the definition of a demo. Sure it's a very large demo (because it's on PS+), but there isn't some magical "20 minute sample" limit for demos after which you get promoted to a bonafide game. This is more of a demo than Ground Zeroes, that's for damn sure.


And yet here you are, not dead...in fact this line of thinking is proliferating.
I don't think it's a demo, although that seems like a strange thing to be banned for, unless someone is just saying it to troll, which I guess is hard to tell.


So, if the 5 tracks weren't in the same country, say in 5 different countries, that would be ok?

And people are calling it a demo? You must be playing different demos than the ones I get...
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