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PS3 v2.70 walkthrough up!

You people and your fucking clock. Also, its a firmware update. Since when were firmware updates something to get excited about. Obviously barring trophies.


nods at old men
cameltoe said:
i mute everyone when playing anyways so this is good for me. Would be if cool if games supported this. Like push "t" on the text pad (or select -> game chat) and an overlay pops up so you can chat with everyone in the room/server. Like PC gaming.
I'm just talking about having to pause whatever game you're playing to chat since you have to load the XMB. That's annoying offline, and even worse online.

I do hope this leads to more people just standing around in online games for easy kills or whathaveyou.
It's nice I guess... I mean, text chat should be an option for when people don't have mics - definitely easier than messaging them every time. This would of came in useful a couple of weeks ago when my old bluetooth headset broke, I got a new one the next day but for an entire RE5 game session I had to send him a message when I wanted to respond to his talking. But that's also the issue here, it should just be useful for people who don't have mics, if we have a headset let us talk to each other whenever we want ffs.

It's disappointing that they don't just implement a in-game XMB voice chat feature already. Basically the exact functionality of that chat they're implementing but with voice would be all they need.


nice update, one more step towards integrated voice chat.

This is a nice feature for those without headset or those who just don't feel comfortable talking or might have issues with foreign languages (it's easier to understand text than some people talkin :D ).

It would be even better if in a future you can have both voice chat and text chat at the same time. Some games like Calling all cars had something similar in the lobby and it was useful and missed it , as i said, for people without headset. You can also meet people without using forums or MSN....

One question btw, would voice chat cause lag? i mean, unless very well implemented (and considering not all games have same needs and optimized netcode)

btw, there should be a signal at the top of the screen (at least optional) to be informed when new messages are posted, as well for private messages.





Text chat is an awesome feature. I hate dealing with the clunky mail system. This is much better... especially if I'm playing a single player game and I just want to have a discussion in the mean time.
This is good news though....
Its a welcome feature to have 16 way instant messaging.

It will solve some ugly coordination issues we have in some PS3 games and multiplayer.


y'all should be ashamed
tzare said:
One question btw, would voice chat cause lag? i mean, unless very well implemented (and considering not all games have same needs and optimized netcode)
Definitely. Home had horrendous lag problems until they disabled public voice chat.


cameltoe said:
Would be if cool if games supported this. Like push "t" on the text pad (or select -> game chat) and an overlay pops up so you can chat with everyone in the room/server. Like PC gaming.
btw, there should be a signal at the top of the screen (at least optional) to be informed when new messages are posted, as well for private messages.

both of these ideas are great. being able to load only the chat window, rather than entire XMB, would make it a more streamlined feature. a little notification icon for new messages would also be great.


chubigans said:
Definitely. Home had horrendous lag problems until they disabled public voice chat.
it should be implemented very carefully then. I have friends that experience laggy games if use voice chat with SFIV .

It also might have some issues with games that have their own voice chat system, so i guess is not that easy to do.

both of these ideas are great. being able to load only the chat window, rather than entire XMB, would make it a more streamlined feature. a little notification icon for new messages would also be great.

exactly, s slight PS button press should take you to the chat window, and for XMB keep pressing for 1 sec o so. It would really very easy to jump from game to chat and viceversa for quick msgs


Sweet, we can finally back up our PSN Video Store content.

The amount of content available on the PSN Video Store is insane, especially considering the young age of the service; but I've been hesitant to buy anything because there was no way to back things up.
Blu_LED said:
We are not complaining about extra features, we are complaining about how Sony is putting resources and money into pointless features, when we could easily have something like cross game voice chat.

who cares, its not your money, this wont be the last psn fw update.


StateofMind said:
Yes! Now I can text chat while I'm in a game!



What the fuck Sony? What's the point of that? Now we can instant message each other with our clunky ass controller typing? Who's going to ever use this?

Get yourself a USB or bluetooth keyboard. I use one.


y'all should be ashamed
Voicechat on the 360 works because the OS is handling all of the code, if I recall. The PS3 system allows devs to use it the way they want their game to handle it. The Motorstorm devs used a channel on the PS3 that allowed for voicechat, but used up the channel for custom soundtrack support. Killzone devs, meanwhile, used a different implementation to have both voice chat and custom soundtrack support going at the same time.

Having a universal voice chat system on top of these two games wouldn't necessarily work without retooling the games to disable in-game chat. It can't be done on the PS3 OS because both games use different systems. So you would either have two voice chat streams at once (not gonna happen) or have devs implement them on a game by game basis (which is how custom soundtrack/in game invites work now).

So universal voice chat won't likely happen till PS4 or at least for the next year. I just don't see how it's technically possible at this point.


This update does nothing for me...but it made me think how cool it would be if the PS3 keypad had a backlit screen that would display your chat logs (without having to use the XMB at all).


Justin Dailey said:
This update does nothing for me...but it made me think how cool it would be if the PS3 keypad had a backlit screen that would display your chat logs (without having to use the XMB at all).
yeah, i wish the VMU would come back


dfyb said:
yeah, i wish the VMU would come back
Exactly! It'd be great...the TV screen could indicate you have a new message...your controller could rumble..and the message would display on the keypad. Then...without pausing the game, you could type a response on your keypad...no pausing...no XMB.

It would be nice because, as it stands now, responding to a message is an extremely cumbersome experience.


alien from planet Highscore
Greg said:
This is going to be awesome during SOCOM.

Anything is awesome during SOCOM.

I'll probably use this chatroom thingamajig often. Much better than listening to some of my nerdy PSN friends talk.
I don't even know if I'm kidding or not.


chubigans said:
Definitely. Home had horrendous lag problems until they disabled public voice chat.

I thought public voice chat being removed had a lot more to do with the idiots shouting profanity, not lag. I don't even remember Home having much for lag (outside of the fading-in people thing) though I only used it one or two times before finding something fun to do instead.
chubigans said:
StateofMind said:
The only thing to save this is if you have a keyboard hooked up to your PS3, and how convenient is that? About as convenient as a $50 voltron machine on top of your controller. And how many people out of everyone you'll be "chatting" with will have a keyboard? This update is for like 3 people.
The chatpad works great. Sony did release an official chatpad, ya know.
:lol :lol :lol
gofreak said:
A small in-game overlay would solve that..fingers crossed...
Hmmm, I'd actually really like this. Something like Xfire or Steam.

I'm not really sure what I think about not having voice chat yet, though. It just seems strange that Sony hasn't talked about adding it tat this point, and we're already over 2 years since launch.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I'll say, if this text chat has some kind of game-overlay mode that can accept input from keyboard/keypad immediately as you type, without having to go into any menus or anything like that, the whole thing would be neat and useful. Otherwise, almost not worth it.

I have Apple's mini BT keyboard that I use with PS3, and if this works like I mentioned above, it would be quite useful.


Well it's in the right step at least.

Sigh I can't wait for the moment when I can say... damn what's the point of Live's party chat when the PS3 has that and it's FREE!!!

But for now back to Live sigh~


Lord Error said:
I'll say, if this text chat has some kind of game-overlay mode that can accept input from keyboard/keypad immediately as you type, without having to go into any menus or anything like that, the whole thing would be neat and useful. Otherwise, almost not worth it.

I have Apple's mini BT keyboard that I use with PS3, and if this works like I mentioned above, it would be quite useful.
home does this. at least with the official chat pad. i'm hoping something similar for the chat rooms


Ok, can someone actually be honest and tell me how much they use the x-game chat on the 360? It seems like a cool feature, but at the same time it seems like people just use it as a "ZOMG PSN DOESN'T HAVE IT XBL SUPERIOR CONFIRMED!!" bullshit response. I'm not saying it wouldn't be cool to have, but honestly I don't see myself using it THAT much...

I don't see myself using chat rooms much either, but getting ANGRY/BITCHING about adding features in a fw update is fucking ridiculous.

Media backups are cool and much needed.


Couple things not mentioned in the notes. You can now normalize the volume on your music and copy/paste.


Distinguished Air Superiority
Dynamic Normalizer, nice. Hope its for everything xmb and not just music.


I guess text chat is nice enough, but I am still waiting for voice chat.
And yea, that long ago rumored 2.7 list was just to good to be true.


____ said:
lmao from 1 - 9% it took about 0.01 seconds, now it's creeping :lol
That's partially from the background downloading while you read the change log and agree to the terms and conditions. Always makes it look really fast at the start.
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