Where on Amazon? I just bought it for 109.99. Shows 122.99.
Worth every penny for me. Rocking around 9 games and still have 726GB left.
How's the performance. DMprince scared me abit.
Where on Amazon? I just bought it for 109.99. Shows 122.99.
Worth every penny for me. Rocking around 9 games and still have 726GB left.
How's the performance. DMprince scared me abit.
I think these were LM's findings. A bit different from the 17 and 18 seconds figures on page 1. Mind you, I don't know if everyone is timing to the same point. He seems to be very happy with it though.....How's the performance. DMprince scared me abit.
Cold boot time on the Seagate 1TB SSD Hybrid - 21.5 seconds
Stand by Was 22.
Need to conduct more test in the future but I'm just chiming in.
Killzone boot up 9 seconds.
Edit: And yes my PS4 boots faster from full off than it does from standby.
Thanks for the tests.
That seems to be a common trend with all tests that are being done.
Standby pros: Update/Install while in standyby.
Standby cons: (significantly?*) longer boot time
* at least in stock HDDs
So will those new wd black drives with a 128gb ssd included fit in a ps4? Wonder how they would perform.
http://www.anandtech.com/show/7540/...-120gb-ssd-1tb-hd-dualdrive-in-25-form-factorWD doesn't actually call the Black2 a hybrid drive, but a dual-drive because the the SSD and hard drive are completely separate. In other words, the drive will appear as two separate volumes: 120GB SSD and 1TB hard drive. There's no caching involved and the end-user can decide what goes to the SSD as if it were a standalone drive. By default only the SSD portion is usable but WD supplies a USB drive with drivers in the retail package to make the hard drive portion visible to the OS as well. All Windows versions from XP and up are supported but there is no OS X support at the time of launch.
Seagate Hybrid Drives ST1000LM014 1TB MLC/8GB 64MB Cache SATA 6.0Gb/s NCQ 2.5" Laptop SSHD -Bare Drive
Down to $90 @ Newegg
Edit - Amazon now matching @ $90.
Seagate Hybrid Drives ST1000LM014 1TB MLC/8GB 64MB Cache SATA 6.0Gb/s NCQ 2.5" Laptop SSHD -Bare Drive
Down to $90 @ Newegg
Edit - Amazon now matching @ $90.
I ran some stock HDD tests this afternoon. Ran each test 3 times, average time is in bold.
Edit: And yes my PS4 boots faster from full off than it does from standby.
Awesome, thanks.
I hear that a standard philips head screwdriver won't work on the PS3 HDD screw? What screwdriver do I need for it?
How much better are hybrid drives supposed to be next year?
Which one should I get from these two? Any suggestion is welcome. Or any better other than these but within $100 budget?
HGST Travelstar 2.5-Inch 1TB 7200RPM SATA 6GB/s 32MB Cache Internal Hard Drive
Seagate 1TB Solid State Hybrid Drive SATA 6Gbps 64MB Cache 2.5-Inch ST1000LM014
Just did some quick tests with the Seagate 1TB SSHD.
- Cold boot was 15 seconds to the Epilepsy warning page and 18 seconds to the Log in page.
- Shadow Fall was 8 seconds from UI to the first splash screen (the opening white animation).
Which one should I get from these two? Any suggestion is welcome. Or any better other than these but within $100 budget?
HGST Travelstar 2.5-Inch 1TB 7200RPM SATA 6GB/s 32MB Cache Internal Hard Drive
Seagate 1TB Solid State Hybrid Drive SATA 6Gbps 64MB Cache 2.5-Inch ST1000LM014
guys do you need to fat32 the hard-drive before changing it like the PS3?
and can I re-install system software via USB external hard-drive?
nib (or someone else), test the level loading in KZ, please! Test Chapter 2.2 maybe, or whatever level you want, just select it from the chapter selection menu, and post the time and the level name. Just don't select any chapters that begin with the video.Just did some quick tests with the Seagate 1TB SSHD.
- Cold boot was 15 seconds to the Epilepsy warning page and 18 seconds to the Log in page.
- Shadow Fall was 8 seconds from UI to the first splash screen (the opening white animation).
Is there a 2.5" 2TB SSHD coming? I rather make one purchase and be done with it.
OK, Tested.com has a great video where they measure load times of KZ, Knack and Resogun, and load actual levels of each game, using Samsung SSD, Seagate SSHDD and stck drive.
There's a massive speed increase in level load times on a KZ level (they actually tested with Ch 2.2) with SSD and SSHDD compared to stock. It also shows that SSHDD lags only a second behind pure SSD, making it a clear choice for this purpose:
39s SSD
59s Stock
So it's in a few Samsung products supposedly but hopefully we'll see some early next year.
This drive is a really good value if you don't want to wait and the it's pretty snappy to boot.
The HGST Travelstar 7K1000 2TB drive is $70 bucks again on Amazon. I doubt it will last long though. I picked up one.....amazing price.
I'm going to put the PS3 stock HDD in the PS3 and put the 1 TB in the PS4. I think that I'm going to need an external enclosure to format the PS4 hard drive before putting in the PS3?
In short, I'm not seeing a huge improvement. Yes, most of the times are better by a little (excecpt Killzone where I maybe wrote the wrong time down or something!). I suspect the PS4 just can't make the most of the SSD drive.
I have a Seagate 1TB Hybrid drive sitting here too, but am not sure whether to open it and try as I may have to return it to Amazon.
The HGST Travelstar 7K1000 2TB drive is $70 bucks again on Amazon. I doubt it will last long though. I picked up one.....amazing price.
Bought a Seagate 1tb sshd today and the wondering how backing up and restoring saves with multiple accounts works. If I lose my girl's Knack save she will flip out haha.