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#PS4NoDRM #XboxOneNoDRM || Now do you "Believe?"

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I'm still offering blowjobs / handjobs to whoever is in a position to make this console region free.
Willing to work long hours to get the results I need.
I'm still offering blowjobs / handjobs to whoever is in a position to make this console region free.
Willing to work long hours to get the results I need.

All the rumors Im hearing is that it is, indeed, region free. That's not 100% go-have-a-party-celebrating info... but i've heard it from multiple people.

Also, tomorrow when this thing does start. Those of us here really paying attention on a more intense level.... if we have the time we may want to make singular tweets to individual people. Like tweet just to yosp, and then boyes, and then koller, and each MS guy. That way the feed for #ps4nodrm gets more individual tweets during the early part of the day.

Of course if you're busy and all you have time for is one tweet at like 6 guys... that helps as well.


All the rumors Im hearing is that it is, indeed, region free. That's not 100% go-have-a-party-celebrating info... but i've heard it from multiple people.

Also, tomorrow when this thing does start. Those of us here really paying attention on a more intense level.... if we have the time we may want to make singular tweets to individual people. Like tweet just to yosp, and then boyes, and then koller, and each MS guy. That way the feed for #ps4nodrm gets more individual tweets during the early part of the day.

Of course if you're busy and all you have time for is one tweet at like 6 guys... that helps as well.

I've been begging / whining at a heap of game journos in the hope they can ask the right questions at the right time.
It's make or break for Aussies, region free = buy. Region locked = time to build a v.nice PC in the loungeroom.
If MS and Sony announce some sort of DRM at E3, I'd like to see all GAF avatars upside down.


All the rumors Im hearing is that it is, indeed, region free. That's not 100% go-have-a-party-celebrating info... but i've heard it from multiple people

I hope so. I also hope they announce it, even if it's just "Our region locking policy is the same on the PS4 as it is on the PS3." or something because then it's likely that everything is region free except in exceptional circumstances (-_-) like with a certain other game.

The rumour gives me some hope though so thanks.


lol at:

“The industry is acting like GameStop is stealing their lunch with used games,” Dodd says, “but the proposed systems, as rumored, actually gives them even more lunch to eat…. mainly ours.”


That was really good


Gold Member
Quick update, I got a reply back from CNN who said they will consider running another story, but I've seen nothing yet :(

Also Dojit told me they were really busy but will definitely join in the tweeting even if they don't get time to run a story, which is something :)


Quick update, I got a reply back from CNN who said they will consider running another story, but I've seen nothing yet :(

Also Dojit told me they were really busy but will definitely join in the tweeting even if they don't get time to run a story, which is something :)

Nice work mate!


Interview and story about phase 2.


Kinda proud of myself for the line at the end about lunch eating

I think we found your tag :-D :

Pete Dodd, campaign director for the #XboxOneNoDRM and #PS4NoDRM Twitter demonstrations that protest possible decisions made by Microsoft and Sony to incorporate digital rights management (DRM) into their popular Xbox and PlayStation gaming systems, told Highlight Press in an email that “both [companies] have made it quite clear that they won’t be talking about any details – DRM or otherwise – until E3.” That doesn’t mean, however, that the group is simply going to wait.
Baller, what happened to the tumblr links? They were in the homepage and now they're missing!

Wasn't getting much participation, and no easy way to reconcile it with #XboxOneNoDRM now that we're doing that as well. I removed "Tweet this" and "Like on Facebook" links from Newsfeed stories as well -- we don't want the movement to seem small. 2-3 posts per day on a tumblr account doesn't do us any favors in the eyes of the mega-publishers. Media coverage is the force multiplier here, combined with a massive number of tweets. With those two things we appear unstoppable.

I think we found your tag :-D :

Haha! I made that up when I gave the journalist Pete's contact information. XD

Honestly not that funny if you read the actual post I made and the subsequent posts explaining. Baller evidently did not understand the post. But it started to really derail the thread, so I'm done. Wish I could have made a thread and not derailed it.

I tried to keep the text clear, and the filesize is a bit too small, so I had to do a bit of rotating and resizing to get it to work. Here you go:


Maybe someone who's actually good with photo editing can help you more.

EDIT: I should check for recent replies before posting. =3

Sweet, thanks to the both of you. I'll switch when I can get a device that'll actually let me.
Honestly not that funny if you read the actual post I made and the subsequent posts explaining. Baller evidently did not understand the post. But it started to really derail the thread, so I'm done. Wish I could have made a thread and not derailed it.

I read the post, it was just completely idiotic. There's absolutely zero reason for Sony/MS to enact those policies. They don't give a shit about physical disc convenience -- they care about keeping publishers' breath off their necks by giving them a kickback on used sales. Your "plan" didn't address that at all since the system could potentially work as it does now regarding used games. Basically, you completely failed to grasp the entire reason for DRM in the first place and put forth an argument that would accomplish nothing besides adding a bunch of complicated registration bullshit to get in the way of playing games and act as a trojan horse for more draconian DRM schemes in the future.

Feel free to get either a clue or TFO, thanks.
It's a hard choice between campaign manager and slacktivist. I hope if I do get a tag a new challenger appears....

The guy who made the article on NBC just contacted me. I told him about the twitter campaign and our plans to get the hashtags trending and the like. He asked who else he could get in touch with and I directed him to you, told him your twitter and email adress. Expect Yannick LeJacq contacting you soon. Or you can contact him. He also wants to write a new article about always-online and what bothers people so much about it.
I read the post, it was just completely idiotic. There's absolutely zero reason for Sony/MS to enact those policies. They don't give a shit about physical disc convenience -- they care about keeping publishers' breath off their necks by giving them a kickback on used sales. Your "plan" didn't address that at all since the system could potentially work as it does now regarding used games. Basically, you completely failed to grasp the entire reason for DRM in the first place and put forth an argument that would accomplish nothing besides adding a bunch of complicated registration bullshit to get in the way of playing games and act as a trojan horse for more draconian DRM schemes in the future.

Feel free to get either a clue or TFO, thanks.

1. That was not the point of my post. You say that developers would never go for my plan because it doesn't restrict used game sales. No it doesn't, your right, but neither does your plan. That's the point, if the refuse to go after mine, it will not be for the same reason the refuse to go after yours, it will likely be because it takes too much time or something. Also, while it does not restrict used games, it does encourage people to buy new. If I do not want to risk having to wait a week at max for buying a used game, then I will probably buy it new. If Jim from the example is sitting their with the game already installed on his console, he may be encouraged to buy it. That, paired with random (to us), but specifically timed sales (meaning the DD, which, as Harrison said, could also just work as an unlock), significantly increases the chance of an impulse buy.

2. My suggestion would definitely be an advertising bullet point against a competing company. MS: "Hey look, you don't have to have the disk in the drive and you can sell it at well. Nobody else offers this!"

3. famousmortimer, the OP mind you, thought it was a great idea. He just thought it would take too much time to implement. I disagree
(as long as the disks have not started production, which I have no idea about if so)
, but whatever.

Anyway, like I said, I would have started a new thread if I could have. I couldn't, so I tried to find a remotely relevant thread. Excuuuuuse me.


Can someone take this image and recreate it with a GameStop second hand sale?


Bioshock Infinite is 54.99 pre-owned at GameStop, they will give you $20 for it. The breakdown becomes

Retailer Margin - $35
Original Owner - $20
Distribution, Cogs - $0 (you bring it right to them!)
Platform royalty - $0
Publisher - $0

I wonder why the publishers and platform holders want DRM.
That was not the point of my post. You say that developers would never go for my plan because it doesn't restrict used game sales. No it doesn't, your right, but neither does your plan.

Our "plan" doesn't force a bunch of needless anti-consumer restrictions down gamers' throats either. Used games are the only reason MS and Sony are looking at DRM. If we can make our voices heard and convince them to abandon it, why the fuck would we want them to implement a bunch of unnecessary bullshit anyway? If they agree to give up taxing used games then we've won and there's zero need to ask for more severe restrictions on how we play. Do you even read the shit you're posting? Just stop.

Back on topic again: I added a bunch of new media coverage, including two articles in Portuguese and one in Italian from GameStop's official blog.



Gold Member
Can someone take this image and recreate it with a GameStop second hand sale?


Bioshock Infinite is 54.99 pre-owned at GameStop, they will give you $20 for it. The breakdown becomes

Retailer Margin - $35
Original Owner - $20
Distribution, Cogs - $0 (you bring it right to them!)
Platform royalty - $0
Publisher - $0

I wonder why the publishers and platform holders want DRM.
That comparison is flawed. In that GS breakdown the original owner @ $20 should be the publisher, since they are the owner of the game and the publisher is the owner in your chart. At the point it is sold to GS the publisher does not own it anymore and are not entitled to a cut.

I don't wonder why they want a cut, I know why they want a cut, but they are not entitled to a cut.

Also the whole GS comparison is wearing a bit thin. Aside from the fact that there is no GS in my country and games are sold worldwide, where is the empirical evidence to support this? I hear people say well it's obvious - is it? Used games stores normally offer credit, which is spent on new games and if the pubs have these cold hard figures why are they not sharing them? It would shut people like me up for sure, but I suspect they can't quantify the damage it causes and are using it as a boogie man; and of course to create another revenue stream.


I don't wonder why they want a cut, I know why they want a cut, but they are not entitled to a cut.

Thats a valid opinion (I'd rather see the money go back to the publishers than retail) but that isn't my point.

My point is it doesn't matter whether or not they're entitled to it, it is in the platform holders hands to decide, and they get money of every sale in the DRM scenario.


Gold Member
Thats a valid opinion (I'd rather see the money go back to the publishers than retail) but that isn't my point.

My point is it doesn't matter whether or not they're entitled to it, it is in the platform holders hands to decide, and they get money of every sale in the DRM scenario.
For sure, it is in their hands to decide :)

The flip side of that is we as consumers also have a right to decide, will it effect sales overall? Possibly not, most will just roll over when they see the shiney new game. Although I was reading through this study which seems to think it could effect the industry as a whole.

Time will tell I guess...
Can someone take this image and recreate it with a GameStop second hand sale?


Bioshock Infinite is 54.99 pre-owned at GameStop, they will give you $20 for it. The breakdown becomes

Retailer Margin - $35
Original Owner - $20
Distribution, Cogs - $0 (you bring it right to them!)
Platform royalty - $0
Publisher - $0

I wonder why the publishers and platform holders want DRM.

The publisher and platform holder already got their $27 and $7, respectively, from the original purchase. What the purchaser and any third party do with that disc afterward should be between them.


My point is it doesn't matter whether or not they're entitled to it, it is in the platform holders hands to decide, and they get money of every sale in the DRM scenario.
It's also our choice to make our voices heard that this will not be acceptable. It isn't trying to strong-arm them into not using DRM, it's letting them know where consumers stand on the idea, which is a firm "No!". That should clear up any misconceptions you have about this movement; if you already knew this, then what was the point in you posting that?

It's pretty amazing the amount of people that have come into this thread trying to dissuade or outright shit on the efforts made here.
The publisher and platform holder already got their $27 and $7, respectively, from the original purchase. What the purchaser and any third party do with that disc afterward should be between them.

And around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around we go!


Tomorrow on the next big push for #PS4noDRM, if I re-tweet an existing tweet I've sent will it still add onto the #PS4noDRM campaign on Twitter as an additional tweet for the trend?
Tomorrow on the next big push for #PS4noDRM, if I re-tweet an existing tweet I've sent will it still add onto the #PS4noDRM campaign on Twitter as an additional tweet for the trend?

I believe retweeting does help with Twitter's voodoo as to what's trending or not. But I don't know if we will have the numbers to actually make it trend anyway.

My biggest piece of advice would be to write each person individually if you have time throughout the day. So that way you are writing 10-15 tweets instead of loading up on usernames and just doing two or three.

Also... remember that the hashtag is really just a search tool for us. Writing something personal to each person is what will be effective. Like the tweet in phase one where someone said "Your controller has a share button but we might not be able to share games with friends? #PS4NODRM" was a great tweet because you know if someone read it they were like 'yeah, man! right on' instead of some generic tweet like "we like used games! #PS4NoDRM'

That's also why I would move away from just using a form tweet. Though a form tweet is better than no tweet at all.


I believe retweeting does help with Twitter's voodoo as to what's trending or not. But I don't know if we will have the numbers to actually make it trend anyway.

My biggest piece of advice would be to write each person individually if you have time throughout the day. So that way you are writing 10-15 tweets instead of loading up on usernames and just doing two or three.

Also... remember that the hashtag is really just a search tool for us. Writing something personal to each person is what will be effective. Like the tweet in phase one where someone said "Your controller has a share button but we might not be able to share games with friends? #PS4NODRM" was a great tweet because you know if someone read it they were like 'yeah, man! right on' instead of some generic tweet like "we like used games! #PS4NoDRM'

That's also why I would move away from just using a form tweet. Though a form tweet is better than no tweet at all.

I'll do my best. I did a couple of personalised tweets, this time I'll do more and as you say, to many people listed in the OP, thanks!


Gold Member
Hey guys, finally my account is approved and I can post.

Did my fair share on twitter, will go at it again tomorrow, made a couple of images, the facebook page and reddit post.

Keep up the good work, hope we'll do well tomorrow.
Welcome :)

Nice FB page, you have one more Like.

I'm heading off to bed soon, so happy tweeting guys! I'll be tweeting everyone individually tomorrow and spacing them out a bit to try and get as many tags out there as I can.
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