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PSN Content 03/06/08


Reminds me a little of Time Pilot. Has potential, but the way bullets hit the player's ship without it seemingly taking any damage was confusing though.


Okay, it's Wednesday and NCS still hasn't e-mailed me my code. This is getting irritating. I could have had it shipped to me by now.



Kawa no Nushi Tsuri and Spyro light PlayStation Classics in Japan

By Spencer . March 12, 2008 . 6:17am

psone.jpgSony placed four addition classics in the archives section on the Japanese PlayStation Store. Spryo the Dragon leads the list, probably because he is the most recognizable name on the succinct four title selection.

Addie no Okurimono is probably the most obscure. The title is a puzzle game developed by Sony Computer Entertainment that gives players a Da Vinci Code-like toy to spell words. As seen in the screenshot the rotating letter toy uses the Roman alphabet, strange for a game designed for Japan. There is a story behind the game too, which involves wandering in people’s dreams. Interesting, but Addie no Okurimono doesn’t seem worth 600 yen to try out.

The other two games are from Victor Interactive. Kawa no Nushi Tsuri is an entry in the Legend of River King fishing RPG series and Gakkou wo Tsukurou is a pre-Bully school simulation game.

Here’s the rundown in handy list format, each game costs 600 yen:

Spyro the Dragon

Addie no Okurimono

Gakkou wo Tsukurou

Kawa no Nushi Tsuri
I hope they put up a 1080p Video of Motorstorm 2 on the PSN Store. a surprise game would be swell. wait. Let me lower my expectations :lol


when is my burrito
A source contacted me on GAF today and I'm not sure how reliable they are but what I've heard is that firmware 2.17 is coming out tomorrow. However, I'm guessing it will be up tonight at around 10PM or 11PM CST which is the time most past firmware updates have gone live.

Expect compatibility updates with some PS3 games in the official patch notes. Judging from the version number, I'm gonna say there are probably a couple stealth things in there too.


y'all should be ashamed
tanod said:
A source contacted me on GAF today and I'm not sure how reliable they are but what I've heard is that firmware 2.17 is coming out tomorrow. However, I'm guessing it will be up tonight at around 10PM or 11PM CST which is the time most past firmware updates have gone live.

Expect compatibility updates with some PS3 games in the official patch notes. Judging from the version number, I'm gonna say there are probably a couple stealth things in there too.

Oooooh, that'd be awesome. :D

Will be up in an hour and a half, if true.


Dot Hacked
tanod said:
A source contacted me on GAF today and I'm not sure how reliable they are but what I've heard is that firmware 2.17 is coming out tomorrow. However, I'm guessing it will be up tonight at around 10PM or 11PM CST which is the time most past firmware updates have gone live.

I want to believe.


Dot Hacked
Keyser Soze said:
What firmware are we on now, when was that one release?

...I have no idea why I nm excited about firmware!

2.10 just a little before Christmas. Ya nearly 3 months ago now~ ;_;


Crystal Bearer
tanod said:
A source contacted me on GAF today and I'm not sure how reliable they are but what I've heard is that firmware 2.17 is coming out tomorrow. However, I'm guessing it will be up tonight at around 10PM or 11PM CST which is the time most past firmware updates have gone live.

Expect compatibility updates with some PS3 games in the official patch notes. Judging from the version number, I'm gonna say there are probably a couple stealth things in there too.

Oh snap.


tanod said:
A source contacted me on GAF today and I'm not sure how reliable they are but what I've heard is that firmware 2.17 is coming out tomorrow. However, I'm guessing it will be up tonight at around 10PM or 11PM CST which is the time most past firmware updates have gone live.

Expect compatibility updates with some PS3 games in the official patch notes. Judging from the version number, I'm gonna say there are probably a couple stealth things in there too.

tanod if this turns out to be bunk post the username of whoever did it so that we may ridicule and make jokes at his expense.

Also assassinate him.


If it isn't substantial they should hold it off until they have more to give...

The only time I hate fw updates is when it does nothing for the user.

Give me a clock already

Guy Legend

tanod said:
A source contacted me on GAF today and I'm not sure how reliable they are but what I've heard is that firmware 2.17 is coming out tomorrow. However, I'm guessing it will be up tonight at around 10PM or 11PM CST which is the time most past firmware updates have gone live.

Expect compatibility updates with some PS3 games in the official patch notes. Judging from the version number, I'm gonna say there are probably a couple stealth things in there too.

I saw someone post this on the PS3forums, but doesn't seem that believable. If it is true, I agree that it will probably be a minor one.


tanod said:
A source contacted me on GAF today and I'm not sure how reliable they are but what I've heard is that firmware 2.17 is coming out tomorrow. However, I'm guessing it will be up tonight at around 10PM or 11PM CST which is the time most past firmware updates have gone live.

Expect compatibility updates with some PS3 games in the official patch notes. Judging from the version number, I'm gonna say there are probably a couple stealth things in there too.

Well, looks like you have a legitimate insider. Justed booted my PS3 for MLB and got the prompt.


It's downloading super slow (5%) now, which I hope is a sign that it's a big update. But probably not.

Pretty fast for me.

I made my last post before I started downloading, and I already installed it.


Wow I was gonna post a thread about it but Im glad I didn't. I disabled then enabled my internet connection ( just messing with the menus) and it promted a system update!! 72% so far... *rubs hands together*


The Japanese store appears to have 5 separate add-ons to Dark Mist, dated 13 March 2008. They're each ¥100.

Can someone with the language skills take a look and see what's up there? Are they just the previous add-on split into pieces?

Please bring Dark Mist to the U.S., Sony...

Update: They're THEMES not DLC. Sorry...see below
jvm said:
The Japanese store appears to have 5 separate add-ons to Dark Mist, dated 13 March 2008. They're each ¥100.

Can someone with the language skills take a look and see what's up there? Are they just the previous add-on split into pieces?

Please bring Dark Mist to the U.S., Sony...

THIS is relevant to my interests....

They are custom themes, for 100 yen each.......
you can preview them by clicking on them, i might try one, since they are only 100 yen. i hope they dont have shitty sounds. i hate that the most. i like the icons and walls on some of the free themese, but i hate the sounds. worst idea ever, and you need to be able to select what soundset you want to use.
jvm said:
Ah...themes. Sorry if I got people's hopes up. :^\

I just got dark mist last week, so, i might actually bite on some of these, but.....well its a goddamn theme, i probably shouldnt support this garbage.

At lease sony lets us make and distribute our own in addition to people charging for official ones.


Just purchased the first them as it looked the best out of the lot got nice sounds not meaningless sounds does brighten up my XMB if i had my cam handy i would post pics.
vercity82 said:
Just purchased the first them as it looked the best out of the lot got nice sounds not meaningless sounds does brighten up my XMB if i had my cam handy i would post pics.

Do they have special sounds? or just the normal clicks


For those who have dark mist its the sound of when you collect the coins so its soothing as such i like it and for 100yen its worth it i had 100yen left in my account so it worked out well if there was things like this i wanted i would buy them....Seems this is a first for paying for themes wonder what is instore next for digital downloads?
vercity82 said:
For those who have dark mist its the sound of when you collect the coins so its soothing as such i like it and for 100yen its worth it i had 100yen left in my account so it worked out well if there was things like this i wanted i would buy them....Seems this is a first for paying for themes wonder what is instore next for digital downloads?

I dont mind them putting pay themes on the store, since they give you the option to make and use your own. But putting them for sale when there IS no alternative is deplorable. I still wish they were free.

This looks like the only new thing on the jp store though.

Does each one have 1 theme or 2? i cant read the description well.


1up.com Previews Capcom's Plunder


SCREENS: The Xbox Live Arcade version of N+ made news recently because it had to cut a map-uploading feature to meet Microsoft's certifications, but Hoberman isn't concerned about this scenario affecting Plunder. "We've been upfront about the map editor for over a year now with Microsoft, and we've been talking with them a ton," he says. "We've been pretty careful." Click the image above to check out all Plunder screens.

Given Hoberman's history, it's no surprise to see an online multiplayer focus here, and that theme carries into the interface and options. Much like Halo 3, Plunder will feature a party system allowing players to jump between games in groups, and notably for a downloadable game (on the console versions, anyway), players will be able to create maps and share them with others.

For Plunder's single-player mode, you can expect something akin to Unreal Tournament's -- there will be a bit of story and a few characters, but for the most part it's a different way to play the same game types found in multiplayer. "We use the single-player to teach people how to play the game in a little bit, you know, less threatening scenario," says Hoberman, adding that certain single-player missions are also "just impossibly hard" for those wanting more than a tutorial.

And while all these options are nice, it's the basic tactical balance that will make or break Plunder; that's where Certain Affinity's key members' track records gives us hope. It's not often that we see a casual downloadable game like this made by people who know how to make and balance complicated multiplayer games, and that, more than anything else, makes us excited to see more of the game.
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