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Race Driver GRID demo available on the MP

you expected it to reward track position 20 times better than angle or speed, and it to only begin counting the scoring immediately if you use the E-brake, and not if you simply power over?

you have damn low standards. Juiced 2s Drifting was far less realistic, but far more fun.

:lol Juiced 2.

I was talking about the drifting mechanics. I was hoping that it'd *feel* like an interactive D1 event... which, at this point, it is. And it is just super fun. Scoring... it could use some work, but it is pretty rewarding to link a few perfects together. I can understand how it'd start scoring with the e-brake and not just powering into a turn, though.



You can't even do a propper 360 with the wheel because of that shit. Central Pivot Point should stay in Arcade realm forever - it has no future in any game that even tries to be simulation.


Other than that - I like what they did with everything elese - playing online with the friend also equipped with G25 - it was a nice racing.
thirtytwoutside said:
I can understand how it'd start scoring with the e-brake and not just powering into a turn, though.

Its incredibly dumb though. e-brake turns it starts scoring from the second you get a little out of line. powering over you have to hit about 25* before it begins scoring.

Also, linking doesn't mean anything, you can snake it through straitaways and get a 5x multiplier. you could drift the entire course and only get 20k points and a 5x multipler, or snake 1 straitaway and drift close to the pylon once and achieve the same result. 2 very good turns defeats 1 decent lap.

ps. its not rewarding to work around broken handling. Linking drifts is much more rewarding in games like PGR where its actually fun to drive.
AgentOtaku said:


Also, linking doesn't mean anything, you can snake it through straitaways and get a 5x multiplier. you could drift the entire course and only get 20k points and a 5x multipler, or snake 1 straitaway and drift close to the pylon once and achieve the same result. 2 very good turns defeats 1 decent lap.

You must have not noticed how I mentioned linking perfect turns, which equals massive points for a small portion of the track. 20,000+ points per turn x however many you can link together is insane, which is what I assume will be necessary to win at any of the higher difficulties. I only did the extreme difficulty once to see how high the opponent would score, and it was something like 1,400,000.


Junior Member
This is what I love about demos....

This game was completely off my radar. Didn't care about it at all. Decided to download the demo just for the heck of it and was blown away. Anyone who says the graphics are poor needs to have their eyes checked. It's about the closest to photorealism I've seen in a racing game so far.

This bad boy's going into my queue for rental. I may even purchase it. This is why demos help sell games.
thirtytwoutside said:
You must have not noticed how I mentioned linking perfect turns, which equals massive points for a small portion of the track. 20,000+ points per turn x however many you can link together is insane, which is what I assume will be necessary to win at any of the higher difficulties. I only did the extreme difficulty once to see how high the opponent would score, and it was something like 1,400,000.
You say that like its hard

OMG!!!!!! you actually FEEL like you are in the damn car in cockpit view!!!! was anyone elses head actually feel like it was getting knocked the F around? best rumble EVER.
You say that like its hard

Oh snap. Guess who just got shot the hell down? :lol

In my own defense, when I stopped playing I only had maybe 30-40 mins in with the drifting. I still maintain that it's a lot of fun - and a lot more fun than Juiced 2, that's for sure!

The drifting aside, I just checked out the other modes... eh, not quite. Way too arcadey for my taste.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.

It's right here.... Problem is, it kicks you back to the front page when you click on 'DownloadNow'.

I can't find it anywhere else either, ATM.



DaCocoBrova said:

It's right here.... Problem is, it kicks you back to the front page when you click on 'DownloadNow'.

I can't find it anywhere else either, ATM.

I usually go to gamershell for my demos. :/ Official site has nothing as well.

Ah well, at least it's definitely going up sometime today. :)


I was pleasantly surprised with this game. I didn't know much about it but tried the demo and you can now colour me impressed. Not sure if I'll buy it yet though, but the driving/crash detail/presentation and graphics are all really good.
Core407 said:
I don't get it. NEon was designed for the PS3 with Sony helping. DiRT looked better on PS3 too, so I can't see how this doesn't. Also, i didn't notice any slow down at all on the PS3 demo.
Dirt looked better on PS3. but it was mostly due to the toned down bloom and cut geometry allowing for a smoother framerate. in other words, it was better optimised by the time the PS3 version came out.

i remember at the time getting a bit of heat for suggesting that the PS3 version of Dirt wasn't technically more impressive... despite thinking then as i still do now that the PS3 version looks better.

but now we're seeing that the neon engine even with sony's assistance slightly favours the 360... at least currently.

even Epic needed Sony's assistance to get the UE3 engine up to par with the 360 version... so i don't think from here on we should assume that Sony helping out with the PS3 version of the game is any kind of a guarantee that the PS3 version will be better.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Haunted One said:
I usually go to gamershell for my demos. :/ Official site has nothing as well.

Ah well, at least it's definitely going up sometime today. :)
Gamershell is good for me too, ah well, at least it should be up by the time I get home from work. Anywho, after playing the 360 version I haven't got high hopes but then all it requires is a proper driving system and GRID will be a competant racer, maybe someone on the PC dev team realises this.
Rad Agast said:
I doubt it would be up today. Now I'll probably have to wait till monday.
plagiarize said:
but now we're seeing that the neon engine even with sony's assistance slightly favours the 360... at least currently.

20% of the engine was created by Sony and 80% of it was done by Codemaster's. So there was never any lock that the engine would run amazingly on the PS3 as most of it is Codemaster's only work. Although the entire point of them doing that was apparently so they could release high quality titles across all the formats they're working on. That isn't exactly working out too well for them.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Downloading right now on PSN. Can't fucking wait!
SolidSnakex said:
20% of the engine was created by Sony and 80% of it was done by Codemaster's. So there was never any lock that the engine would run amazingly on the PS3 as most of it is Codemaster's only work. Although the entire point of them doing that was apparently so they could release high quality titles across all the formats they're working on. That isn't exactly working out too well for them.
i think that's a bit harsh. i'm with dark on this one. the only reason there are compliants about the PS3 version is because of the 360 version. we'd decry the tearing, but the ps3 version isn't overly jaggy and keeps a steady frame right while looking pretty damn impressive.

i don't think you can point to it and say it isn't a high quality title on a technical level on both platforms.
plagiarize said:
i think that's a bit harsh. i'm with dark on this one. the only reason there are compliants about the PS3 version is because of the 360 version. we'd decry the tearing, but the ps3 version isn't overly jaggy and keeps a steady frame right while looking pretty damn impressive.

i don't think you can point to it and say it isn't a high quality title on a technical level on both platforms.

The framerate is pretty annoying on the San Francisco course in the PS3 version. Criterion has already showed people what ports should look like and that's the standard all games should be held to.
antiloop said:
oh god, terrible framerate and terrible bloom. But at least it looks next-gen.

You must've played a different game than me. The game I played ran at a rock-solid 30 fps and didn't really have excessive bloom.

I liked the demo more than I thought I would, especially after getting used to the weird car physics (they don't feel like they have a ton of weight except when going over a jump). The game is gorgeous, slow-mo replays are awesome, no lag online in my experience, and the front end is almost as awesome as DiRT's. I will probably never love the handling, but I can learn to live with it.


Junior Butler
I tried avoiding it, but no, this game doesn't even come close to GT5 graphically.

I can't imagine anyone who's played GT5 first sitting down with this and truly convincing themselves that this is the best looking console racer hands down.

And the odd behavior of the cars. Why even have a button for breaking? There's no need, just slow down before corners then floor it as you turn; your car magically sticks to the track as if your tires were made of glue.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
belvedere said:
I tried avoiding it, but no, this game doesn't even come close to GT5 graphically.

I can't imagine anyone who's played GT5 first sitting down with this and truly convincing themselves that this is the best looking console racer hands down.

And the odd behavior of the cars. Why even have a button for breaking? There's no need, just slow down before corners then floor it as you turn; your car magically sticks to the track as if your tires were made of glue.

If people think this looks better than GT5, thats thats good for them. It doesn't make them wrong.

As for the driving. I don't know, Try turning the aids off.


SolidSnakex said:
The framerate is pretty annoying on the San Francisco course in the PS3 version. Criterion has already showed people what ports should look like and that's the standard all games should be held to.
But Burnout runs worse on 360 and has heavy screen tearing. It seems the golden standard of a good port is one that runs better on ps3. All others be damned.


dammitmattt said:
You must've played a different game than me. The game I played ran at a rock-solid 30 fps and didn't really have excessive bloom.
Maybe he played the PS3 version? :p

dammitmattt said:
I liked the demo more than I thought I would, especially after getting used to the weird car physics (they don't feel like they have a ton of weight except when going over a jump). The game is gorgeous, slow-mo replays are awesome, no lag online in my experience, and the front end is almost as awesome as DiRT's. I will probably never love the handling, but I can learn to live with it.
That's actually how I played through Dirt. :p

I'm almost sure that I will enjoy this game, but it looks like it doesn't deserve the Race Driver tag.

Also, a question while I'm waiting for the goddamn PC demo to be uploaded - can you switch what car you you're following in the replays? Or is it fixed on your car again?


I really dislike how you can't seem to choose manual-only or driving-aids off games. There seems to be no advantage to playing in manual at all, the automatics seem to make it up to the high speeds just as fast and these people playing on the default auto with all driving aids on are just gliding around corners like nobodies business, while I'm there screwing around with gears making sure I don't slide out of a turn and god help me trying to reverse if I screw up and end up facing a wall


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
m0dus said:
actually, I imagine if you put this next the GT5 some people would effectively argue that some aspects of it DO look better. the grittiness of the cars, the damage effects, the way you can actually interact with the environment (plow into a tire barracade to see what I mean). I agree with you that the cars absolutely do NOT handle the least bit realistically, but the game does visually impress nonetheless. Some people like to go for that 'hyper real' look, and the extra shaky-cam effects do tend to draw you in.
In some ways, yes, I can see how someone could make such an argument. It's all negated when you remember that GT5P is 60 fps while this is limited to 30. 60 fps is a LOT more demanding and I'm not entirely sure that CM could pull it off at 60.

I know that DiRT was actually pretty demanding on the PC already. I mean, I have to run the game at 1280x720 with 2x AA in order to achieve a perfect 60 fps. Anything higher results in drops here and there. Can't wait to try GRID on the PC, though.


The cock-pit hand animations are really jarring after GT5. I prefer not to play in the cockpit mode at all because it's just distracting and unnatural


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Yoboman said:
The cock-pit hand animations are really jarring after GT5. I prefer not to play in the cockpit mode at all because it's just distracting and unnatural

Very true. Such a waste.

So can things like that, along with controls, car weight etc., be fixed before release? How likely is that?
I just played the PS3 version and it was noticeably worse than the 360 version:

* The frame rate was not as smooth, especially on the San Francisco track. I also saw some slowdown on the European road course when rounding corners with 10+ cars. While the 360 version felt rock-solid, the PS3 version felt like the 360 version of DiRT, which had definite frame rate problems.

* There's more aliasing in the PS3 version, which is noticeable in the menus and in-game..

* There's MUCH more screen-tearing in the PS3 version, although it seems to be a lot worse in the San Francisco track than the road course for whatever reason.

I very much respect dark10x's opinion on these matters, but my eyes are telling me something completely different about the frame rate than what you're saying. Am I crazy, or are you so distracted by the screen tearing to really notice the frame rate?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I very much respect dark10x's opinion on these matters, but my eyes are telling me something completely different about the frame rate than what you're saying. Am I crazy, or are you so distracted by the screen tearing to really notice the frame rate?
Well, to be fair, I didn't try every mode before posting my initial impressions. I had only messed with the Yokohama drift course. I later did try the other courses out and, yes, there is indeed additional slowdown on top of the tearing. It's still much smoother than DiRT on 360 was, however.
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