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Racist Black History Month essay shocks school

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The Onion levels of parody on display here.

"I'm not racist but I hate almost every black person"


Some people have no self awareness, it's really disturbing.
Jesus was in no way shape or form white.

Not according to my bible!


Here we have the classic story of Jesus carrying around the 10 commandments in the European countryside.
hey, gotta give credit where credit's due, i guess.

It would be worth the whopping 1% score she would receive if I was grading her paper, so that is a literal statement of fact, yes.

Notes: "You started out with a weak but arguable thesis statement about not being fully racist, but none of your supporting arguments were able to successfully support the point."


I can see her point of view, imagine walking out your house and not knowing if you are going to get shot, living in constant fear just because of the colour of your skin, black people have no idea how that can feel.
Parents may not necessarily be to blame for spreading the hate

kids can get all kinds of information online or between themselves without parents finding out about it

She says her grandma called her when she hid behind the car, but not really enough evidence to say either way what the rest of her family thinks

Regardless, if they are good parents and did not previously know about this (probably did though, since she doesn't seem too shy about it...) They'll do whatever they can to nip this in the bud now (if possible at this point...)


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Who is really that shocked? I'm not. There are a metric fuck ton of bigoted, nasty,ignorant hatemongers in my country. This girl just happened to write an essay saying, poorly, what they were all thinking. So no,I wasn't shocked in the slightest.


Matt Heimbach is a well-known white supremacist.

His parents disowned him and have made it clear that they never taught him that shit.

White supremacy and racism is not just something taught to by one's parents. It's a function of American culture and history that everyone is susceptible to.

Fact is, we don't know where this chick got this shit from. Maybe it was her parents, maybe it was her friends, or maybe it was the Internet- I mean, are we not all aware now of the mind of white supremacist recruiting happening online due to the alt-right? Why would white women be immune from it?

We need to stop putting this kind of shit on the parents all the time, especially when we don't know the life of a racist, because it deflects from how deep this shit really goes.


Matt Heimbach is a well-known white supremacist.

His parents disowned him and have made it clear that they never taught him that shit.

White supremacy and racism is not just something taught to by one's parents. It's a function of American culture and history that everyone is susceptible to.

Fact is, we don't know where this chick got this shit from. Maybe it was her parents, maybe it was her friends, or maybe it was the Internet- I mean, are we not all aware now of the mind of white supremacist recruiting happening online due to the alt-right? Why would white women be immune from it?

We need to stop putting this kind of shit on the parents all the time, especially when we don't know the life of a racist, because it deflects from how deep this shit really goes.

I don't know man. I'm not super familiar with the lore...

but kinda sounds like the work of a troublesome Yo-kai.


I can see her point of view, imagine walking out your house and not knowing if you are going to get shot, living in constant fear just because of the colour of your skin, black people have no idea how that can feel.

Well of course they don't, they don't have houses silly!
Intriguing, what would give someone such a delusional thought process?

I suppose it's down to bad influences, propaganda and an impressive lack of self-awareness which has created an individual like this. What a shame, this is really sad.
It just shows how society can shape people for the worst.


Are there even any white people in the Bible? The Romans maybe? Italians weren't even considered white until like half a century ago in the US.


If you use the white-supremacist definition of white, then no Jews aren't white. If you use the sane scientific definition, then Jews/ Arabs/ Indians etc are all Caucasian.

yea but most people don't use the scientific definition of Caucasian. In today's world, caucasion = white.


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Why promote this stuff? One shithead teen wrote a stupid, hateful essay and now they're being rewarded with an audience of tens of thousands. Even better, they're left anonymous, so they'll suffer zero repercussions for having these views.


Thats one of my favorite ironys here.

The only people who should actually be "afraid to leave the house" are minorities.

If you believed White people when they talk about race, they hide under their beds at night afraid of minorities and live in constant fear of their lives.

In reality, they never give it much thought until they hear something bad in the news that confirms their racism. Most don't live in dangerous neighborhoods or neighborhoods with majority of minorities. They are isolated and yet still, they fake a fear.
Are there even any white people in the Bible? The Romans maybe?
Romans and Greek (Though depending on how racist you are these groups may not count) Perhaps some of the Roman Soldiers came from Gual which be likely the closest to Northern European looking white you would get.


So what happened to all the white people in the Middle East after Jesus died? I assume they all just left the neighborhood and moved to Europe when the brown people moved into the neighborhood?

Also, why we still got monkeys?

This essay, while horrible, brings up some really tough questions for the "scientists" and fake news people to which they have no answers.


That was absolutely disgusting. She must live a really sheltered life to believe any of that trash she wrote.


Why promote this stuff? One shithead teen wrote a stupid, hateful essay and now they're being rewarded with an audience of tens of thousands. Even better, they're left anonymous, so they'll suffer zero repercussions for having these views.

I think there is something to take away from this. It shows the racism problem in America today especially in youth. Why keep ignoring it like it doesn't exist? How does that help anything. You really think people are reading this and she is somehow swaying them to be racist? I don't get your point.


For people blaming her parents

You do know she can come to her conclusions right. She probably watches tv. She decided to be like this. Its on her fully.

That being said, she can get fucked. My god. And the writing on her essay is so bad. She is stupid.

Kids don't just "come up" with this stuff on their own. Children are not inherently racist, they are taught to be racist by those who raise them. Yeah, she may watch TV and come up with some of these ideas on her own, but the basic racial bias was already present in her long beforehand.


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Are there even any white people in the Bible? The Romans maybe? Italians weren't even considered white until like half a century ago in the US.
Romans and Greek (Though depending on how racist you are these groups may not count) Perhaps some of the Roman Soldiers came from Gual which be likely the closest to Northern European looking white you would get.

Applying modern racial standards to antiquity is futile. A lot of people in the Bible would be considered white walking down a Brooklyn sidewalk, but in the Roman Empire were just "Jewish", "Greek," or "Syrian." A lot of them wouldn't be.

The idea of a white race didn't emerge until Spanish and Portuguese settlers took land from Native Americans and settled it with African slaves. Before then, people would have identified by their city or tribe. If you told an ancient Sicilian that he was part of the same group as a Sarmatian clansman, he wouldn't believe you.
As a white person you're not fully racist unless you hate every single black person, and since there's no way to personally know each and every one of them... technically no one is racist if you really think about it.
For people blaming her parents

You do know she can come to her conclusions right. She probably watches tv. She decided to be like this. Its on her fully.

That being said, she can get fucked. My god. And the writing on her essay is so bad. She is stupid.

It's possible to come to some "conclusions" on your own, but with a kid young enough to still be in high school, these influences would have had to come from other places than TV or other popular media. Those places aren't filled with messages of hate like her essay. That comes from a deeper, ingrained belief system.


So what happened to all the white people in the Middle East after Jesus died? I assume they all just left the neighborhood and moved to Europe when the brown people moved into the neighborhood?

Also, why we still got monkeys?

This essay, while horrible, brings up some really tough questions for the "scientists" and fake news people to which they have no answers.

Yes. The entire world (except Africa) used to be white actually. All 4 trillion white people lived in peace. Then everything changed when the brown people attacked.
Her essay is so poorly written that it makes the rest of what she says comical.

I'm pretty sure some girl just submitted Donald Trump's entrance exam.

*sigh* all the time it's "this is the last generation of this" and then you see the future of the country spouting this shit.


She ain't fully racist, she beyond it. This bitch probably uses a burning cross as a night light. Smh. She can rot tbh. How can Jesus not be Hispanic tho? Show me one white dude out here with Jesus as his name.


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I think there is something to take away from this. It shows the racism problem in America today especially in youth. Why keep ignoring it like it doesn't exist? How does that help anything. You really think people are reading this and she is somehow swaying them to be racist? I don't get your point.

What do we learn from sharing this essay? It's not at all surprising that lots of young teens are racist pricks. A lot of them grow out of it and a lot of them don't.

Broadcasting hatred to such a wide audience amplifies its harm and tells like-minded teens that they aren't alone in their views.


In this day and age, she can use that essay to launch a multi-million dollar career, complete with book deals and speaking engagements. That is so long as she doesn't condone pedophilia.
Why promote this stuff? One shithead teen wrote a stupid, hateful essay and now they're being rewarded with an audience of tens of thousands. Even better, they're left anonymous, so they'll suffer zero repercussions for having these views.

It seems like it got shared online somewhere and the school had to put out a message to separate themselves from it.

I wonder how old this student is. Not just because the grammar is horrific, but because it's horribly immature even besides the racism.

Makes me sad though, no one should be that full of hate and ignorance.
I guess the little girl hasn't reach the verse in the bible where they refer to Jesus skin as Bronze...

his feet were like burnished bronze, refined in a furnace, and his voice was like the roar of many waters.

Revelation 1:15
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