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Red Dead Redemption 2 Trailer


Mona Sax is one of the best characters in the history of crime games, but I don't credit that to the Housers at all. That was all Sam Lake.

Yeah I wouldn't give the Housers any credit for Mona at all. Like you said, it was all Sam Lake. I thought Bonnie, Luisa, and Abigail were great women characters in Red Dead Redemption though. In general I hope RDR2 isn't written like GTAV though...
Game looks beautiful (as expected) but they didn't really show us anything we could have a serious discussion over. Hell, we still don't know who the main character is going to be.

"Dat foliage" is all there really is to say.

Nintendo has the switch.


I feel like this thread should be moving faster for this trailer. Where's the switch on this hype train!?

I've been having a hard time accessing GAF and I'm assuming other people are to. It's been down most of the day for me. Could be a reason considering how fast the last two threads were rolling.


I've been having a hard time accessing GAF and I'm assuming other people are to. It's been down most of the day for me. Could be a reason considering how fast the last two were rolling.

Yeah it's a strange thing but mobile is working flawlessly.


Yeah it's a strange thing but mobile is working flawlessly.

Forgot about trying mobile, but everything seems to be working fine now anyway.

still can't stop watching this trailer. Every time I watch it, it makes the wait that much longer.


I wonder if anyone would be interested in a hardcore mode for this game? Similar to something similar to Ranger Mode in Metro Last Light or the survival mod for Fall Out New Vegas where you are tasked with taking care of your character in a more realistic and lets be honest, stressful way? Personally I love survival games and ones that push you to take care of many elements of your characters well being and so on but I realize its not for everyone.

I would totally be down for that. Like you said make it a seperate mode, limit my guns to two pistol holsters, rifle/shotgun on a sling, another rifle/shotgun holstered on my saddle, tie health into eating/drinking. Let me shoot some critters, build a fire and eat 'em.


Rockstar fans are the type of people who would try to find the year the game takes place based on the position of the night sky.

Baha I can't wait to see some of that. Maps, constellations, rock formations, horse breeds, steam engine models, dream catcher types, all of it!

Yo where's Raptomex? I feel like he's probably really hype, don't know if I saw him post in here.


What are the chances of 7 playable characters? Probably unlikely as 3 or 4 will be dead within the first 5 hours I think. Oh man, I want more info. This is too damn exciting.
Rockstar fans are the type of people who would try to find the year the game takes place based on the position of the night sky.

Rockstar is the kind of game company that would position the night sky paced on the year the game is set

What are the chances of 7 playable characters? Probably unlikely as 3 or 4 will be dead within the first 5 hours I think. Oh man, I want more info. This is too damn exciting.

7, I think very low. If the characters are riding in a gang together, the experiences of each one wouldn't be that different from the other... And if they were disaparately spread about the map, it's not like GTAV where you can hop in a helicopter or a fast car and join your mates. ANd how would they communicate, etc.

I actually think we may only get 1 main playable character. The character wheel just doesn't seem like it fits the tone of the game... If there are multiple characters, I could see it where you play as some character part of the time and another character another part of the time.


I haven't been here in a few hours...can we talk without the board taking a shit now? lol

I wonder when Game Informer will run their cover story... We need details!

Keep an eye on those social networks of GI staff. lol When they did the GTAV cover story they did post prior to that on Twitter they were in New York at Rockstar so who knows. I'd wager keeping an eye on Edge too since they're another outlet Rockstar generally does big cover stories with.

Rockstar fans are the type of people who would try to find the year the game takes place based on the position of the night sky.

lol They're already trying to map the game based on the teaser and leaked map. Interesting stuff already..
Rockstar fans are the type of people who would try to find the year the game takes place based on the position of the night sky.

Yeah, and Rockstar has the attention to detail to allow that to be possible.

It'll be like a small flower breify spotted which grew in Wyoming in 1879, coulped with a picture of a general store from Sheridan, and suddenly we'll have a google maps recreation of the game thats scarily accurate. We don't need any dumb leaks.


Forgot about trying mobile, but everything seems to be working fine now anyway.

still can't stop watching this trailer. Every time I watch it, it makes the wait that much longer.

CHRIST. I just spent hours thinking it was me


Keep an eye on those social networks of GI staff. lol When they did the GTAV cover story they did post prior to that on Twitter they were in New York at Rockstar so who knows. I'd wager keeping an eye on Edge too since they're another outlet Rockstar generally does big cover stories with.

lol They're already trying to map the game based on the teaser and leaked map. Interesting stuff already..

Good call! Yeah every tiny morsel of information is going to impossible to come by before that cover reveal. Next trailer around January you think? Maybe a character focused one for the next go around!


One more thing -- I could be wrong but this shot looks like actual gameplay here, with a slightly skewed camera angle. I guess your horse following you is a new mechanic, idk. But it seems like actual gameplay with the walking animation

Also raises an interesting point how it's seemingly a small house or ranch on a pretty big open area...building up your own house/ranch/farm indicator?

The canoe scene to me would seem like it's both a sign you can possibly swim and the dream catcher hanging there could mean strong native american involvement too which the leaked map had a lot of locations in one part named after native american words or meanings.

Good call! Yeah every tiny morsel of information is going to impossible to come by before that cover reveal. Next trailer around January you think? Maybe a character focused one for the next go around!

I'd put my bet on December at PSX just because of the Sony partnership. That's a pretty big deal for any partner to get and no doubt Sony are going to be touting it for the next year.


I'd put my bet on December at PSX just because of the Sony partnership. That's a pretty big deal for any partner to get and no doubt Sony are going to be touting it for the next year.

Ooooeee it's going to be a hell of a wait. I hope they do show something at PSX, maybe every month following this trailer a slow drip feed. A screen here and there, three major trailers and then those gameplay series trailers would be a god send.

Well, let the speculation continue. Hope it doesn't get delayed either!


My PS4 is gonna get some serious mileage next year with all of these PC-excluded titles.

Its schedules to be released during 2017 fall.
Which is around Xbox Scorpio launch.
I'm guessing it'll look far superior on Scorpio, so my guess is that it might move more scorpios.


YESSSSSSS. FINALLY. RDR is my favorite game of last gen, if not ever. Haven't played a single game in 3 years....looks like that will change in 2017. Time to get a PS4.


Ooooeee it's going to be a hell of a wait. I hope they do show something at PSX, maybe every month following this trailer a slow drip feed. A screen here and there, three major trailers and then those gameplay series trailers would be a god send.

Well, let the speculation continue. Hope it doesn't get delayed either!

I'll remain optimistic that with the already long development time of this thing that it'll be here in November next year. By that time the game would of been 5-6 years in the oven.

Of course if GI or Edge has a cover story next month we should find out in 2 weeks. I mean it just a short week all eyes from everyone has shifted from GTAO and such to RDR2 so I wonder how they'll approach the coming weeks and months on if we'll see screens and words from them. lol


I wouldn't be surprised if they actually had a longer trailer but didn't want to get completely up staged by Nintendo announcing a new console so they just said fuck it and did an even smaller cut of it. Or maybe it really was always meant to be this short.

They seem the type to want all the attention in the moment.
I wouldn't be surprised if they actually had a longer trailer but didn't want to get completely up staged by Nintendo announcing a new console so they just said fuck it and did an even smaller cut of it. Or maybe it really was always meant to be this short.

They seem the type to want all the attention in the moment.
My mind went to "well fuck, if we don't show a female character, we're fucked. Cut down the trailer to keep it vague" but I know that's most likely BS lol but in this social media climate, you never know.
My PS4 is gonna get some serious mileage next year with all of these PC-excluded titles.

You might want to wait a bit. Most of it will come

I wouldn't be surprised if they actually had a longer trailer but didn't want to get completely up staged by Nintendo announcing a new console so they just said fuck it and did an even smaller cut of it. Or maybe it really was always meant to be this short.

They seem the type to want all the attention in the moment.

No. that's not how marketing works. This was planned and cut long in advance

Looks great for base PS4, can't wait to see what it's like on the Pro

You might want to hold off on believing the PR. Some of you really do have the memory of a flea lol


Dreams in Digital
I'm wondering if you can run your own oil rig and earn money for equipment and upgrades. They also seemed to show different seasons so perhaps it's broken into 4 acts.


Hmm so the below shot obviously gives an idea of the timeframe given the electric lamp but it looks like the town could be under construction? Notice the fella on the right carrying some lumber down the alley..

I like the following shot just on atmosphere alone but again it could be telling us a few things. First there's the native american paddling the canoe for what I imagine could be a "transit" system but also I wonder if it means our character can swim if say, we were able to paddle a canoe ourselves and it could tip? If we use the leaked map again as a reference it wouldn't be like RDR where the a major location is locked out by the story so you couldn't circumvent it and swim across the river anyways. lol

Again the dream catcher signaling lands or outposts owned by the native americans. Another point to make in that scene is the falling leaves off the tree. As well as dynamic weather and a day/night cycle, could Rockstar also have rotating seasons in the game too and having your character combat the elements?


No. that's not how marketing works. This was planned and cut long in advance

Obviously this was made in advance but I wouldn't be suprised if we get something at Playstation Experience. This is the shortest debut trailer they ever put out. GTA 4 RDR 1 and GTA 5 had at least a min each. They care too much about setting up the vibe.

Then again anything they put out gets hits so why bother


What are the chances of 7 playable characters? Probably unlikely as 3 or 4 will be dead within the first 5 hours I think. Oh man, I want more info. This is too damn exciting.

I believe we are thinking about this the wrong way. They are already talking about a new MP experience and there is an emphasis on the 7 guys both on the teaser for the trailer and the trailer itself.

What if the multiplayer was about co-op in the story ? Not necessarily all the story, not all the time, maybe limited to your friends in free roam, but that's something that would follow the trend of what Ubisoft tried to do with Watch Dogs or AC Unity and the co-op missions that Rockstar did for the MP of GTA V.

"Ride with 6 friends in the hearland of the Wild West in free roam or in the hold-ups missions ! Discover together the secrets with the sidequests and hunt a dozens of different animals to see who's the best gunslinger of the West !"

The game would still have the same kind of very cinematic narrative, but more fragmented with the story of a gang and its multiple characters and maybe their specialties. You could chose your character, customize him, but not change his story or characteristics. And if you don't play online, the AI controls everybody.

Mark my words, I bet it'll be around this, it totally makes sense.
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