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Reggie on CNN: "3rd-party games like CoD look dramatically better on our system"


Mario Galaxy 3, dave

wait for it

ready yourself for buttons

seriously - spoiler here : No one gives a flying fuck. Outside of this assembled crowd -no one- out there gives a shit what he said. No one.

this also applies to the generational debate, as it were - wiki kinda already settled that


The Wii U is a generation behind in graphical power from whatever Sony and Microsoft's next consoles will have.

The Wii was a generation behind in graphical power from the 360 and PS3.

The Wii U isn't in this generational time frame, it's the Wii. The Wii U will mostly be against Sony and M$'s next babies. Making it a next gen console along with the two others.
Oh darling, no need to get so personal. Its all okay; I'll refrain from psychological assessments in future; its obviously put you out a little bit.

What generation are modern PC's then? Ninth? Ten?
This gets very very confusing.

Does that mean when PS4/720 come out they're last gen?
Cause if I have Big Picture on Steam I can make it a console...right?

Hmmm. No on second thought - your definitely wrong.
Not just wrong but a little bit sad.

I'd love you and Reggie just to go on TV together. Would be hilarious the amount of bollocks that would be spouted.

"Its not the same generation!"
When we talk generations of gaming consoles we're talking gaming consoles. Obviously the ever changing Windows PC platform isn't a gaming console.


I've tried explaining this before, so I'll just quote that:

If you still feel that you need to be a 'straight-up moron' to see the difference, so be it.

TY for re quoting that. I feel exactly the same way on the subject and I actively dislike the 200 post thread derail every time this debate pops up.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
If generations were actually based upon technological power, we'd be getting into some interesting problems.

For example, the technology of the original Game Boy was based upon technology developed in the mid 1970s :p Does that make it a "first generation console" even though it was released in 1989 and being used up until the end of the 90s?


seriously - spoiler here : No one gives a flying fuck. Outside of this assembled crowd -no one- out there gives a shit what he said. No one.

The fallout from this is going to be absolute ZERO. Don't confuse GAF uppitiness with anything that actually means a damn in real life. As much as it was nice to see some hard questions, the response to it, the lies or whatever ? It just doesn't matter. It's a nothingness.

The idea that Iwata or someone is going to call him up and say "hey - you said THIS on CNN and that was FACTUALLY INCORRECT!!!" - no one who matters cares.

Cool, you missed the point. All I said is that PR aren't supposed to lie. If they lie and people find out they lie, people will trust them less. If anybody watching him on CNN went out and bought a Wii U to get a graphically superior Black Ops 2, they're going to think, "This looks the same!" The may or may not notice the framerate is way worse.

And some people may feel like him straight up lying sets a bad precedent for how they're going to manage the marketing of this console. If they're having to lie already, what are they going to do next year when new consoles come out?

It's not like I'm saying he should get fired. It's not like I'm saying it's a huge deal. He did fuck up though, but it's possible he actually believes what he said and just didn't know any better.
If generations were actually based upon technological power, we'd be getting into some interesting problems.

For example, the technology of the original Game Boy was based upon technology developed in the mid 1970s :p Does that make it a "first generation console" even though it was released in 1989 and being used up until the end of the 90s?
No it'd obviously be a -2nd generation


I've tried explaining this before, so I'll just quote that:

If you still feel that you need to be a 'straight-up moron' to see the difference, so be it.

But the Wii U is a great technological advancement to the Wii, its gone from, what we could say... almost 10 years old graphics (That if we include the GC which almost have the same level of graphics) to actual, fresh HD graphics. It is also a brand new piece of hardware for the next 5 years.

If that's not enough of a generational leap for you, well, I don't know how I can make my point clearer than this.

You didn't even address what I actually said.

It's because I know what you mean, yes, it'll be clearly inferior to the other two, still, it'll be in competition with them, no matter how much power it got, they'll be fighting during the same generation.

Same thing for the Wii, even if it was a step behind, its in the same gen as the 360/PS3 because the Nintendo side of thing this gen was the Wii.


If generations were actually based upon technological power, we'd be getting into some interesting problems.

For example, the technology of the original Game Boy was based upon technology developed in the mid 1970s :p Does that make it a "first generation console" even though it was released in 1989 and being used up until the end of the 90s?

No, it's a handheld ;)

Seriously though, it's all about context. Either definition makes perfect sense as long as you don't have people wilfully misunderstanding what is being said.

But the Wii U is a great technological advancement to the Wii, its gone from, what we could say... almost 10 years old graphics (That if we include the GC which almost have the same level of graphics) to actual, fresh HD graphics. It is also a brand new piece of hardware for the next 5 years.

If that's not enough of a generational leap for you, well, I don't know how I can make my point clearer than this.

It is not a technological leap above the PS3 or 360 in a way that we are used to seeing between consoles with a seven year release gap.

With that said, I'm out! This is a semantics issue with two right answers so I can't see it being resolved any time soon. It only 'matters' on message boards anyway.


For example, the technology of the original Game Boy was based upon technology developed in the mid 1970s :p Does that make it a "first generation console" even though it was released in 1989 and being used up until the end of the 90s?

First, it's a handheld, not a home console. When you start walking outside the lines, you'll eventually end up talking about PCs and Smartphones. Second, you can say it's way older techwise, it's not that ridiculous to say. Third, generations overlap. The PS2 is 12 years old, and still going strong.
I almost halfway believe that Reggie believes what he said, even though it was completely wrong.

I felt this with Batman at E3. I think he honestly believed EA was making an entirely new game. So he spent 30 fucking minutes on it.

I have no problem with him heading up NoA; hes got to have other talents.
But I don't think hes got what it takes to be the face of NoA.

Mind you Jack talks as much shit at E3 every fucking year (okay I shouldn't single him out, but its the mindless clapping/cheering that pisses me off; this is partly down to them inviting all the PSBloggers but it and the tone always puts me right fucking off Sony, even when they turn up with quality); so its not the worst thing in the world.

Still. Reggie...get a grip; or don't pretend to know stuff you don't know anything about.

When we talk generations of gaming consoles we're talking gaming consoles. Obviously the ever changing Windows PC platform isn't a gaming console.

Yeah but if I build a PC and thats of a certain graphical power...surely that power means I can define it as Ninth Generational?

Going by your own logic.


Maturity, bitches.
It's Nitnendo's fault!!! (lol).

I blame Nitnendo for everything these days.

To the people saying that the Wii U is "next-gen", how did you feel about AT&T branding their HSDPA+ 3G as 4G?

To the people saying that the Wii U isn't "next-gen", how did you feel when you discovered your local Sainsbury's doesn't sell bottles of apple juice in the meal deal section?


Dude, I own Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 and I've never bothered to complete either. They just don't 'push my buttons'. I loved M3DLand though, I'd be well up for a sequel to that.

..you drive a hard bargain, dave

i too havent finished either galaxy yet! they're good too, i dont know what my problem is.
but i did finish & loved the crap out of 3D land and want another! i know you're not normally a 3DS fan so i wasnt sure if you'd played that one but it kinda feels underrated as marios go, made NSMB2 look kinda plain to me in comparison.

also? just got a vita, holy crap this thing's pretty cool

If generations were actually based upon technological power, we'd be getting into some interesting problems.

For example, the technology of the original Game Boy was based upon technology developed in the mid 1970s :p Does that make it a "first generation console" even though it was released in 1989 and being used up until the end of the 90s?

No it'd obviously be a -2nd generation

i enjoyed both parts of this exchange

Smoky is in here making sense too now oh snap

...so the answer you endorse is a dichotomy, where the proper term next generation is time-based, and the colloquial "next gen" means "prettier than i played before"? that's a tricky answer, especially given stuff like the neo-geo in the day
I don't see 'next gen' about a jump of technological changes anymore. I used to, but it's not about that now.

Now it seems to be a jump in 'how' you play games. The Wii changed the rules with motion controls. Now the WiiU is changing things again (in terms of consoles anyway) but I just don't see the next Xbox and Ps4 to be a big jump in power.


It's also true.

Posts that disregard such a logical assessment with cognitive dissonance are the pathetic thing.

Nintendo has been a generation behind in graphical power since the Wii released, and the Wii U looks to continue that trend. And when people state this fact it drives Nintendo loyalists completely mad.

Your point doesn't stop the wiiU being a next gen console. It has 'last gen' tech in it, but has some innovations like the gamepad. And who knows, maybe Sony and MS will go nuts and bring out machines barely more powerful?


No, it's a handheld ;)

Seriously though, it's all about context. Either definition makes perfect sense as long as you don't have people wilfully misunderstanding what is being said.

Except in X years time when we look back on the different generations, nobody is going to think the Wii U was in the same generation as the 360 and PS3. Nobody is going to think the Wii was in the same generation as the Xbox/PS2/Gamecube. It's all about which consoles existed together at the same time. The ones which competed against eachother and occupied the shelves of stores. And while we may have in the past expected next gen consoles to offer a big bump in graphics, that obviously isn't the case anymore. Perhaps instead people should say "next generation of graphics."
Your point doesn't stop the wiiU being a next gen console. It has 'last gen' tech in it, but has some innovations like the gamepad. And who knows, maybe Sony and MS will go nuts and bring out machines barely more powerful?

Dreamcast had some innovations in its controller like the VMU (and the first with analog triggers), but many people still want to put that in the PS1/N64 generation.


Maturity, bitches.
If the PS4 comes with another Duelshock will that mean its still in the same generation as the PS3 because it's old technology?


seriously - spoiler here : No one gives a flying fuck. Outside of this assembled crowd -no one- out there gives a shit what he said. No one.

The fallout from this is going to be absolute ZERO. Don't confuse GAF uppitiness with anything that actually means a damn in real life. As much as it was nice to see some hard questions, the response to it, the lies or whatever ? It just doesn't matter. It's a nothingness.

The idea that Iwata or someone is going to call him up and say "hey - you said THIS on CNN and that was FACTUALLY INCORRECT!!!" - no one who matters cares.

So now you're saying that nobody cares about games? They are a multi billion dollar industry and new console launches are a big event that impacts retail etc.

What if the CEO of a sun cream manufacturer went on CNN to talk about skin cancer, and said his product was dramatically better than others, when it wasn't true? It might not 'matter' in the grand scheme of things but its basically fraud, and some people may buy that product based on that.

You can't advertise saying you are better unless you can prove it.

We know he is talking bollocks so we should give him a pass? What about those that don't know he is talking bollocks? Shouldn't the informed be helping the uninformed?


..you drive a hard bargain, dave

i too havent finished either galaxy yet! they're good too, i dont know what my problem is.
but i did finish & loved the crap out of 3D land and want another! i know you're not normally a 3DS fan so i wasnt sure if you'd played that one but it kinda feels underrated as marios go, made NSMB2 look kinda plain to me in comparison.

also? just got a vita, holy crap this thing's pretty cool
We ought to make a pact to finish 'em over christmas. You've made a good choice with the other thing ;)

...so the answer you endorse is a dichotomy, where the proper term next generation is time-based, and the colloquial "next gen" means "prettier than i played before"? that's a tricky answer, especially given stuff like the neo-geo in the day

Messy, ain't it. Lines are blurred all over.

Except in X years time when we look back on the different generations, nobody is going to think the Wii U was in the same generation as the 360 and PS3. Nobody is going to think the Wii was in the same generation as the Xbox/PS2/Gamecube. It's all about which consoles existed together at the same time. The ones which competed against eachother and occupied the shelves of stores. And while we may have in the past expected next gen consoles to offer a big bump in graphics, that obviously isn't the case anymore. Perhaps instead people should say "next generation of graphics."
Indeed, I agree. I think that the association between generations and power will wither and die over the next few years anyway. With Nintendo going their own way, MS & Sony might well diversify and mobile tech is confusing things even further.
So now you're saying that nobody cares about games? They are a multi billion dollar industry and new console launches are a big event that impacts retail etc.

What if the CEO of a sun cream manufacturer went on CNN to talk about skin cancer, and said his product was dramatically better than others, when it wasn't true? It might not 'matter' in the grand scheme of things but its basically fraud, and some people may buy that product based on that.

You can't advertise saying you are better unless you can prove it.

We know he is talking bollocks so we should give him a pass? What about those that don't know he is talking bollocks? Shouldn't the informed be helping the uninformed?

Your first mistake is comparing video games to skin cancer. You second is assuming Nintendo cares about a little "fraud" here or there.


Dreamcast had some innovations in its controller like the VMU (and the first with analog triggers), but many people still want to put that in the PS1/N64 generation.

I put it in the PS2/GC/Xbox gen because it was basically built to fight against those.

But failed and crashed quickly. :(

Except in X years time when we look back on the different generations, nobody is going to think the Wii U was in the same generation as the 360 and PS3. Nobody is going to think the Wii was in the same generation as the Xbox/PS2/Gamecube. It's all about which consoles existed together at the same time. The ones which competed against eachother and occupied the shelves of stores. And while we may have in the past expected next gen consoles to offer a big bump in graphics, that obviously isn't the case anymore. Perhaps instead people should say "next generation of graphics."

This. ALL of this.

Good night gentlemen, it was a pleasure debating with you but I need some sleep now. (5AM here)


So now you're saying that nobody cares about games? They are a multi billion dollar industry and new console launches are a big event that impacts retail etc.

What if the CEO of a sun cream manufacturer went on CNN to talk about skin cancer, and said his product was dramatically better than others, when it wasn't true? It might not 'matter' in the grand scheme of things but its basically fraud, and some people may buy that product based on that.

You can't advertise saying you are better unless you can prove it.

We know he is talking bollocks so we should give him a pass? What about those that don't know he is talking bollocks? Shouldn't the informed be helping the uninformed?

are you comparing polygons on a screen to skin cancer prevention?
but many people still want to put that in the PS1/N64 generation.

Only reason for that perception is it DIED in the generation.
Nothing to do with its internals, which is suppose to be the point your making.

Its irrelevant to any generation. The dreamcast can only be taken in its own light; nothing affected it and it affected nothing.

It just died.


Dreamcast had some innovations in its controller like the VMU (and the first with analog triggers), but many people still want to put that in the PS1/N64 generation.

As with all rules, there are cases which stress them. What happens when a console is released midway through a cycle? Is it prematurely launching the next generation, or late to the party?


Your first mistake is comparing video games to skin cancer. You second is assuming Nintendo cares about a little "fraud" here or there.

are you comparing polygons on a screen to skin cancer prevention?

Random analogy, use cat food if it helps.

And the argument isn't whether Nintendo 'cares'. It's not whether Iwata will WiiU chat with Reggie and tell him off. It's whether anyone will call them out for lying.

IMO Sony and MS should issue comments refuting what he said.


I don't think I've ever met a person who considered the Dreamcast a part of the N64/PS1 generation. It was closer to the PS2 generation than the PS1 generation both in terms of time and power. It was killed by the generation it basically started, because it couldn't compete.
Random analogy, use cat food if it helps.

And the argument isn't whether Nintendo 'cares'. It's not whether Iwata will WiiU chat with Reggie and tell him off. It's whether anyone will call them out for lying.

IMO Sony and MS should issue comments refuting what he said.

The people who care will call him out but it doesn't matter because he's already gone on CNN and done his little bit, all the people who don't know any better will go "Well derp da derp!" and go out and buy themselves a little WiiU, hence the whole reason behind going on CNN and saying bullshit. Considering Sony and Microsoft wholeheartedly subscribe to a sprinkling of bullshit here and there they would be massive hypocrites to say a single fucking thing about this.
I've pretty much ignored this guy ever since he was first hired by Nintendo (And couldn't tell you a single thing he ever said)...so it looks like I made the right choice way back then!


LOL I don't even know where to start.

Well you should probably have figured it out before you decided to post.

If you want to use the phrase scrambling to catch it would be better applied to the casual market that Nintendo managed to find and tap. Which may have been helped by the wiimote but I still don't think was solely attributable or even primarily attributable.

Except in X years time when we look back on the different generations, nobody is going to think the Wii U was in the same generation as the 360 and PS3. Nobody is going to think the Wii was in the same generation as the Xbox/PS2/Gamecube. It's all about which consoles existed together at the same time. The ones which competed against eachother and occupied the shelves of stores. And while we may have in the past expected next gen consoles to offer a big bump in graphics, that obviously isn't the case anymore. Perhaps instead people should say "next generation of graphics."

except we're not in x years time yet and things that matter now won't matter then. There isn't just one meaning for a word and it often depends on context. It's "all about" nothing, there's nothing it's all about other than the fluidity of language.


Dreamcast had some innovations in its controller like the VMU (and the first with analog triggers), but many people still want to put that in the PS1/N64 generation.

it was aimed that way though, wasn't it? i wanna say i recall next gen (heh) magazine at the time having the sega prez talk about it going against the PSX.
dont get me wrong, i think it'dve held up okay against the PS2 for quite a while longer if their house'd been in order.

We ought to make a pact to finish 'em over christmas. You've made a good choice with the other thing ;)

i should, but ive one zelda to go and 2 metroids. mario's on deck right after that though!
yeah, felt good. the PSN+ deal sold me, most of my wish list was on there.

Messy, ain't it. Lines are blurred all over.

indeed. i'm still gonna default with the former (time-based) but just read people here as adapting the colloqiual.
it's still weird for me, though. when i was using waggle to play No More Heroes, that was an experience i'd not had prior, same as solving puzzles with them in Skyward Sword.
even Wii Sports - which many on here labeled a glorified tech demo - that was still something i couldnt do on another system. for me, thats what i seek from next gen, and usually its not something i get until a year after launch anyway.

Only reason for that perception is it DIED in the generation.
Nothing to do with its internals, which is suppose to be the point your making.

Its irrelevant to any generation. The dreamcast can only be taken in its own light; nothing affected it and it affected nothing.

It just died.

man that's just harsh
i mean for one, it affected both nintendo (i still argue their lateral move came partly from watching sega's exit) and MS, who built live on the bones of sega.net


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Let's change the word (at least just to reframe the argument in this thread). When most people use the word "console generation", they actually mean "console cycle".

I can accept that there are generations of technology. There are new processors, new graphics chips, etc.

But consoles do not have generations, in this sense of the word. They are consumer products, like cars, toaster ovens, vacuums. No one ever said they need to contain the cutting edge of human achievement to be considered a legitimate new product. Do you care whether the 2013 Vacuums have the latest hepa filter or not?

Some console products being released in the next couple of years contain more advanced generations of technology than others, but they are all part of the next console cycle. I think few people would disagree with those definitions.

But you get the sense that some trolls have essentially tried to say "the Wii U is not really a part of this coming generation" to imply its a kind of mistake or a scam to release a machine like this in 2012 at all. I would consider this a bizzare trait of this industry being so tech-dominated. In no other consumer product category would we require a level of technological achievement to be considered a legitimate new product.


Does anyone here think Reggie actually believe what he said? Lets be honest here, I doubt he plays video games at all, no telling what type of technical knowledge the man has.

I almost halfway believe that Reggie believes what he said, even though it was completely wrong.

Perhaps. And no, he doesn't play videogames judging by his skills on actual Nintendo games. I saw him playing Mario Kart on the DS in an E3 video and he was... It was... Shit.
man that's just harsh
i mean for one, it affected both nintendo (i still argue their lateral move came partly from watching sega's exit) and MS, who built live on the bones of sega.net

Yeah its maybe a bit harsh but I mean from a consumer perspective. It never affected them at all. Not significantly anyway, and certainly not long term.

Also agree with Nintendo's lateral move being down to Sega's exit. That must have shaken them quite a bit at the time; they were always stronger ofc, but since then Nintendo has gone to freshen up franchises and move strongly into the marketing realm.

Wasn't until Gamecube where they really raised eyebrows though.
Wii was basically a 'we can't afford to fail at those HD costs' and the Wii mote was the way to ensure they still stood out in the next generation.

I can't imagine the problems Nintendo would be in just now if they were in HD at the price of the Yen and seeing their handheld market greatly reduced.

They'd have been forced to go the lateral route. Fortunately Sega showed them why Gamecube couldn't just be shrugged off. Over time I bet Sega has become even more of a motivator - going third party is not an attractive option.


except we're not in x years time yet and things that matter now won't matter then. There isn't just one meaning for a word and it often depends on context. It's "all about" nothing, there's nothing it's all about other than the fluidity of language.
Except I was illustrating a point and there's no reason to think differently about it now than we do later on. In case you didn't notice, I was drawing parallels to the Wii, 360 and PS3. Everybody considers them to belong within the same generation because they've existed front and centre in stores for the past 6 years and have competed against eachother. If you don't consider them to belong in the same generation, I'd seriously question your understanding of the word generation.

So fast forward 5 or 6 years. Try and imagine, for a second, which consoles you will feel like will have been in competition and existed together in that timeframe. If your answer is "Well, the Xbox and Playstation consoles, of course. The Wii U was in the same generation as the 360 and PS3!" then you're goofin' hard and I don't know what to say to you. Except quit goofin'.


Let's change the word (at least just to reframe the argument in this thread). When most people use the word "console generation", they actually mean "console cycle".

I can accept that there are generations of technology. There are new processors, new graphics chips, etc.

But consoles do not have generations, in this sense of the word. They are consumer products, like cars, toaster ovens, vacuums. No one ever said they need to contain the cutting edge of human achievement to be considered a legitimate new product. Do you care whether the 2013 Vacuums have the latest hepa filter or not?

Spoken like a hoover fanboy. Dyson is MUCH better. :p


I don't see 'next gen' about a jump of technological changes anymore. I used to, but it's not about that now.

Now it seems to be a jump in 'how' you play games. The Wii changed the rules with motion controls. Now the WiiU is changing things again (in terms of consoles anyway) but I just don't see the next Xbox and Ps4 to be a big jump in power.

Too bad that 3rd parties care more about technological changes rather then new ways to play. Just look at IR pointer in the wiimote it was largely ignored....and it will again with wiiu...
Because this thread about a qualitative opinion from a company talking head has fulminated into an argument about the Wii U's "generation" I thought it would be fun to really expand the power equals generations into its fullest manifestation.

Generation - Console

1st - Magnavox Odyssey
2nd - Philips Odyssey
3rd - Atari 2600
4th - ColecoVision
5th - Atari 5200
6th - Atari 7800
7th - Sega Master System
8th - Nintendo Famicon
9th - PC Engine
8th - Sega Mega Drive
10th - Super Famicon (because colours)
11th - SuperGraphx
12th - SNK Neogeo
13th - ??? 3DO
14th - Sony Playstation
15th - Atari Jaguar
16th - Nintendo 64 (because carts rule!)
17th - Sega Saturn
18th - Dreamcast
19th - Playstation 2
20th - Nintendo Gamecube
21st - Microsoft Xbox (because it's so big)
22nd - Wii
23rd - Xbox 360
24th - Playstation 3 (because Ken Kutaragi and price)

Note: I may have missed a console or two but I think it's clear from this list that the Wii U is not 8th generation.

Note 2: I didn't put any effort whatsoever into this list so feel free to correct it, debate it, hate it or ban me :)
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