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Remember when Iwata apologized for the Wii U software drought?


Iwata says Wii will avoid major droughts that plagued GameCube. (March 2007)
“When we launched GameCube, the initial sales were good, and all the hardware we manufactured at that time were sold through. However, after this period, we could not provide the market with strong software titles in a timely fashion. As a result we could not leverage the initial launch time momentum, and sales of GameCube slowed down. To avoid repeating this with Wii, we have been intensifying the software development, both internally at Nintendo and at developers outside the company, in order to prepare aggressive software lineup for Wii at and after the launch.” says Iwata. He then says, ”We believe it is important to provide the market with strong software without a long interval in order to keep the launch time momentum.”
Source: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/library/events/060607qa/02.html

Iwata promises that 3DS will avoid major droughts that plagued Wii and DS.
“It’s important that you be able to supply software with no pause,” said Iwata. “With the DS and Wii, following the titles that were released at launch, the momentum dropped when there was a gap in software releases. We’re making plans so that this type of thing won’t happen.”
Source: http://www.vg247.com/2011/01/10/iwata-promises-to-avoid-wii-style-gap-in-software-with-3ds/

Iwata promises that Wii U will avoid major droughts that plagued 3DS and Wii.
“ As we learned a bitter lesson with the launch of the Nintendo 3DS, we are trying to take every possible measure so that the Wii U will have a successful launch.”
“The company was unable to launch much-anticipated first-party titles for the Wii nor for the Nintendo 3DS in a timely fashion in the first half of the term. In the game platform business, creating momentum is very important, but the momentum was once lost, and it has had a large negative effect on our sales and profits.”

Source: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/324133/wii-u-will-learn-from-3ds-bitter-lesson-iwata-vows/

Iwata apologizes for Wii U drought in January and February.

“I apologize to those supporting Wii U about the lack of titles in January and February.”
Source: http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2013-01-23-iwata-apologizes-for-wii-u-software-drought
Via Emily Rogers:


Anybody still wondering why the Yamauchi kids want to sell their Nintendo shares? Looks like it's not just consumers who are tired of Iwata's "Let's do nothing apart because we're failing" strategy.


How is this man still employed?

Does the board of directors at Nintendo even have the power to fire him? Because if they could, I'm pretty sure they would have done it already. From what we can surmise, Iwata appears to have absolute control of the company--like Yamauchi did before him.


Where did he talk out of his ass though :p Say what you will about the droughts but the games that have came out have been extremely polished and good experiences. Donkey Kong looks like it will continue this trend.

He talks out of his ass by saying they'll do something about the droughts. This has been a continuous problem that Iwata has apologized for going back to the Wii.



Can he at least get two years of failure before the endless parade of you-know-what? I mean, we're all seeing the problems. But I think it's a bit hasty to ask he resign right now. There is still time to right the ship, however difficult, if he takes bold action. I am unconvinced he will, but i can at least give them a few more months or years.
In fairness to him, it takes 2 years on average to make a lot of these games. I would hope that for the last, say, 14 months or so they've been working to remedy that and we'll see the results at E3 or something.

That said, I'm not optimistic. However, it's only fair to give them more time in this case, you know?


He talks out of his ass by saying they'll do something about the droughts. This has been a continuous problem that Iwata has apologized for going back to the Wii.

I don't know. Post-launch droughts are still an universal thing. Obviously when pressed he is going to say they are working to make sure it won't happen again but we have to draw the line between PR talk and what they're actually doing.

Speaking about what they're actually doing: unifying their platforms (think iOS approach with iPad and iPhone getting the same games) could go for a long way to avoid this happening in future. If not then at least similiar architecture across platforms is going to make the development more efficient. In addition they are (and have been) expanding their research and development teams both in Japan and overseas.


Can he at least get two years of failure before the endless parade of you-know-what? I mean, we're all seeing the problems. But I think it's a bit hasty to ask he resign right now. There is still time to right the ship, however difficult, if he takes bold action. I am unconvinced he will, but i can at least give them a few more months or years.

We can as long as we can also get people to acknowledge he hasn't done an amazing job lately. People act like we either need to remove his limbs and mail them to his family or declare him infallible.


They've also been doing a pretty decent Indy push on the eShop, which does seem to be paying off somewhat:

■Shovel Knight — 31st March
■1001 Spikes — Q1
■Wooden Sen'SeY — February
■Ittle Dew — February / March
■Ballpoint Universe — 18th March
■Armillo — 24th March
■Nihilumbra — March
■Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails — March (April was the month indicated by Dakko Dakko earlier today)
■Squids Odyssey — March
■Monkey Pirates — Q1
■Teslagrad — March / April
■QUBE Director's Cut — April
■Assault Android Cactus — Q2
■Child of Light — 30th April

There were also a few just released recently.

I'm not saying Nintendo hasn't dropped the ball on releases or that third parties aren't MIA, but this list is missing a lot of games that are coming out over that time frame.


Can he at least get two years of failure before the endless parade of you-know-what? I mean, we're all seeing the problems. But I think it's a bit hasty to ask he resign right now. There is still time to right the ship, however difficult, if he takes bold action. I am unconvinced he will, but i can at least give them a few more months or years.

At a point how long do you give him though? Unless there are major numerous announcements by/at E3 for titles out this year the system is dead(er). Hell, when was the last time we even heard about SMT x FE or Yoshi Wii U, and how long ago were those announced? And how long after launch it took for Pikmin 3 to come out? And where's Bayonetta 2? I don't think I have ever had such a lack of faith in a 1st party company.


Just look at the wii u third party game list for this year.

That doesn't mean anything. What about publishers not having interests in making Wii U games, because the state it is in? What about publishers asking a shitload of money just for multiplatform ports etc.? "Third party game list for this year" is not a source and doesn't tell us what Nintendo has or has not done in regards to getting third parties on board.
I saw this coming as soon as they announced Tropical Freeze's release date.

"We'll have a better Q1 in 2014. Our first release will be Donkey Kong in the middle of February!"

As per Yamauchi, third parties are "useless" to Nintendo's business. Takeda is also sick of how they keep asking for more and more horsepower. So...here we are.


Iwata: What is my schedule looking like today ?

Reggie: Mr. Iwata, you have to record a new Direct video this afternoon.

Iwata: I see..anything else?

Reggie: Yes. You have to apologize again to Wii U consumers for the lack of game releases for this quarter.

Iwata: I suppose Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze just isn't enough. Well, we'll give out some tentative release dates to tease them.

Reggie: Well, you know how gamers are. If we could just secure some more third party support this whole thing would practically have been prevented. It's just been an issue for us for so long now.

Iwata: Reggie, remember what I said?

Reggie.. Don't talk about that subject?

Iwata: That's right. Please understand, Reggie. So, do you think I should apologize in the Direct itself or release it as a separate statement ?

Reggie: It's up to you sir, you are the boss, after all.

Iwata: *flicks hair* Yes, I am the boss, aren't I ?


If this man was fired one year ago, you'd still have the same release schedule.

But you would also maybe have someone in charge now who doesn't believe in Yamauchi's philosophy that strong first party above all else must carry the day. The man was hostile to third parties and his legacy lives on in those he left behind. An Iwata/Miyamoto led Nintendo will never have strong third party support because they don't actually want it.

As per Yamauchi, third parties are "useless" to Nintendo's business. Takeda is also sick of how they keep asking for more and more horsepower. So...here we are.



"2014" but it has been on development for a long time.

Very long time. about 3 years I guess. man Nintendo is treating Bayo 2 just like TW101. almost as if it doesn't exist. I'm thankful that the game is being made and all, but man...


I saw this coming as soon as they announced Tropical Freeze's release date.

"We'll have a better Q1 in 2014. Our first release will be Donkey Kong in the middle of February!"


IMO 3D World -> Tropical Freeze gap is ok. Tropical Freeze -> Mario Kart 8 gap is not okay but I remain unconvinced that Nintendo isn't going to release any games for Wii U between those releases. People are just jumping the gun a bit here.

The OP is also missing a good number of interesting eShop games coming for Wii U around March and April even if it does include Shovel Knight.

Very long time. about 3 years I guess. man Nintendo is treating Bayo 2 just like TW101. almost as if it doesn't exist. I'm thankful that the game is being made and all, but man...

Like it doesn't exist indeed. Still gave them more money than to make W101 happen than Sega or Konami ever did.
What gets me is they at one point had Tropical Freeze slated for release in 2013... What the heck were they expecting to do for the first half of this year? Did they just wake up one day, look at their release calendar and think, hm, five months without a game might not be such a good idea... Or have there been further unexpected delays for games that they somehow thought would be ready by now?

It doesn't bother me much, I'm patient and I have lots to play. I'm very excited about the overall lineup they have for this year. But the constant droughts are really hurting them and they must know it.


As per Yamauchi, third parties are "useless" to Nintendo's business. Takeda is also sick of how they keep asking for more and more horsepower. So...here we are.

...who cares what Yamauchi said during an era were nintendo could actually be profitable on their own. Iwata knows the importance of third party, even if he has done a poor job in getting them on board.


IMO 3D World -> Tropical Freeze gap is ok. Tropical Freeze -> Mario Kart 8 gap is not okay but I remain unconvinced that Nintendo isn't going to release any games for Wii U between those releases. People are just jumping the gun a bit here.

The OP is also missing a good number of interesting eShop games coming for Wii U around March and April even if it does include Shovel Knight.

I don't really see the point in announcing new Wii U games outside of maybe eShop titles.


The drought is here because there's no third party support. They release just as much, if not more, first party content than the two other guys. They're doing everything they can to make the installbase attractive to thid parties. There's nothing more they can do.


Time for some HD ports, beginning with F-Zero GX.

That would be masterful. Hell give us a few HD remasters each year, along the lines of WWHD. Metroid Prime HD anyone? That'll help pad your release schedule. Hell give me Metroid Prime Trilogy in HD!!!


That doesn't mean anything. What about publishers not having interests in making Wii U games, because the state it is in? What about publishers asking a shitload of money just for multiplatform ports etc.? "Third party game list for this year" is not a source and doesn't tell us what Nintendo has or has not done in regards to getting third parties on board.

I wonder who's to blame for this.

Very long time. about 3 years I guess. man Nintendo is treating Bayo 2 just like TW101. almost as if it doesn't exist. I'm thankful that the game is being made and all, but man...

I don't think they're treating it much differently than any of their other games, really, in terms of advance exposure. This is just their MO when it comes to upcoming releases.


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
Drought? Not if you count indie games. UnEpic was released in January, which I'm really enjoying.
IMO 3D World -> Tropical Freeze gap is ok. Tropical Freeze -> Mario Kart 8 gap is not okay but I remain unconvinced that Nintendo isn't going to release any games for Wii U between those releases. People are just jumping the gun a bit here.

You do realize that 3D World came out 3 months before TF and MK8 is coming 3 months after that, right?
...who cares what Yamauchi said during an era were nintendo could actually be profitable on their own. Iwata knows the importance of third party, even if he has done a poor job in getting them on board.

Iwata keeps mentioning Yamauchi when he tries to explain/justify the philosophies of the company.


I don't really see the point in this post. Did it have one?

You said that you're unconvinced that Nintendo isn't going to add games to soften their gaps and I don't see them investor more money in retail titles outside of the games we already know about.
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