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Remember when Iwata apologized for the Wii U software drought?

Drought? Not if you count indie games. UnEpic was released in January, which I'm really enjoying.

Enh. I don't count on Nintendo's Indie push to help the drought very much. 2013 was absolutely barren for eshop releases despite their supposed 'big push.'

Would love to be proven wrong though.


We can as long as we can also get people to acknowledge he hasn't done an amazing job lately. People act like we either need to remove his limbs and mail them to his family or declare him infallible.

Yeah I mean i think most people agree he has not been too great these past few years. His Wii U launch was mediocre and their messaging confused, and their went through a languishing drought that made even the most diehard Nintendo fan a little sick to their respective stomachs. The games they have chosen to release have so far been unimaginative and hardly showcases for the hardware's gamepad - remakes, more new super mario bros, 3d world (land), more Donkey Kong, more Mario Kart. We finally got Pikmin 3 after a decade in hiding, but it fails to have even the most basic of online coop/competitive modes. In 2013, they were finding that difficult, and it was remarkable. Most of their first party games released to date on Wii U hardly had online or if it did emphasized it so little as to be pointless. How they can make a more social system that still seems so utterly disconnected from the rest of the world in terms of basic features (unified account) and actual, well, connectivity. If few flagships care to support it, a community can not start to be fostered and groomed.

The 3DS is nothing to write home about either. The declines in that sector should be especially troubling for Nintendo. Their trajectory indicates a dark future that would destroy the Nintendo we know today. Their goal must be to find a way to offset this or revolutionize a piece of handheld gaming hardware somehow once again.

At a point how long do you give him though? Unless there are major numerous announcements by/at E3 for titles out this year the system is dead(er). Hell, when was the last time we even heard about SMT x FE or Yoshi Wii U, and how long ago were those announced? And how long after launch it took for Pikmin 3 to come out? And where's Bayonetta 2? I don't think I have ever had such a lack of faith in a 1st party company.

But, I'm just saying, they had a good many years of stringing along success with Nintendo DS and Wii, and I think he has earned at least a few years of legitimate failure before calls of resigning don't seem a little premature.


It's really just noticeable because it has no third-party support. If it had the third-party support we wouldn't notice all the gaps.


You do realize that 3D World came out 3 months before TF and MK8 is coming 3 months after that, right?

I do. See the context. 3D World had releases from both 3rd parties and Nintendo around it. Tropical Freeze? Not so much.

You said that you're unconvinced that Nintendo isn't going to add games to soften their gaps and I don't see them investor more money in retail titles outside of the games we already know about.

Any games coming out this year would have been greenlighted way before Wii U went to shit. Besides they still have games coming out this year with no specific date announced. In any case they can't just drop the console. Or of course they can do anything but if Wii U is having hard time now I'd like to see their next console after that. Might as well quit making hardware after pulling a stunt like that. Wii U is a colossal failure but nothing Nintendo can't recover from. They knew something like this could happen. What really could make waves if Nintendo did something stupid like discontinuing Wii U early (and with early I mean like this year not after a life cycle of 4 years that still can be explained).


Enh. I don't count on Nintendo's Indie push to help the drought very much. 2013 was absolutely barren for eshop releases despite their supposed 'big push.'

Would love to be proven wrong though.

Yeah, but most of the indie titles in this "big push" were in development and weren't planned on being released until 2014, right?

Again, games take time to make, so when Nintendo convinces a bunch of indies to put out games on the Wii U, and those games aren't ready yet, then how can we say "2013 didn't have indie games, so 2014 won't either."?

Obviously for a lot of people, indie games won't make up for the lack of AAA games, but let's not act like the indie games aren't coming.


Like it doesn't exist indeed. Still gave them more money than to make W101 happen than Sega or Konami ever did.

Yeah like I said I'm thankful that they funded the game (although TW101 was a Nintendo game from the beginning, so Nintendo was the only one who could give them money :p), but being a good publisher is more than just funding a game. The developers get their money alright, but obviously they want their games to be played by as many people as possible. Nintendo is never gonna even come close to the level of marketing Sega did for Bayo 1 (which was a lot).

I don't think they're treating it much differently than any of their other games, really, in terms of advance exposure. This is just their MO when it comes to upcoming releases.

But Donkey Kong and Smash get updates like every two weeks. even small updates like screens or character reveals but they're still updates. We haven't heard anything about Bayo 2 since E3.

I'm not trying to start a childish "omg nintendo sucks!!11" discussion here. I respect Nintendo, nothing against them. just sharing my opinion on how Nintendo treats Bayo 2.
Enh. I don't count on Nintendo's Indie push to help the drought very much. 2013 was absolutely barren for eshop releases despite their supposed 'big push.'

Would love to be proven wrong though.
They started their push quite late though, so it's somewhat understandable that there weren't much indie games during the drought of last year.

Quite a few indie games already have a release date or a targeted month/quarter now. And of course there are some of which we have no clue but they are there and coming.

I'm still not expecting anything like one per week of course, but I'd expect 2 or 3 to come out monthly from now on. Might be wrong on that too though.


But Donkey Kong and Smash get updates like every two weeks. even small updates like screens or character reveals but they're still updates. We haven't heard anything about Bayo 2 since E3.

I'm not trying to start a childish "omg nintendo sucks!!11" discussion here. I respect Nintendo, nothing against them. just sharing my opinion on how Nintendo treats Bayo 2.

That's how they treat every game that isn't called Smash. Think about the positive side: at least this way the team can actually focus on making the actual game better instead of shovelling out PR material. They will gear up the marketing once they start getting closer to the release. Like always. As for W101's marketing. I wonder. I think unfortunately the title never had that much of a marketing potential. Colorful, cartoon-like visuals with hardcore gameplay? That's hard.



Fast forward one year and the exact same situation is happening again, except this time January, March, and April are the empty months. It gets even worse if you look at the Japanese release schedule. How is this man still employed?

You got a problem with the lack of games you want coming to the WiiU? Go complain to third parties. They need to know WiiU owners like yourself want their games. Because they dont think the audience is there.
Yeah, but most of the indie titles in this "big push" were in development and weren't planned on being released until 2014, right?

Again, games take time to make, so when Nintendo convinces a bunch of indies to put out games on the Wii U, and those games aren't ready yet, then how can we say "2013 didn't have indie games, so 2014 won't either."?

Obviously for a lot of people, indie games won't make up for the lack of AAA games, but let's not act like the indie games aren't coming.

They started their push quite late though, so it's somewhat understandable that there weren't much indie games during the drought of last year.

Quite a few indie games already have a release date or a targeted month/quarter now. And of course there are some of which we have no clue but they are there and coming.

I'm still not expecting anything like one per week of course, but I'd expect 2 or 3 to come out monthly from now on. Might be wrong on that too though.

Suppose so. I've been taught to not expect very good release schedules on Nintendo platforms I guess. :p I'd love to see a nice release schedule happen on Wii U but I've yet to see it even with Nintendo's own stuff and Virtual Console. Plus, they were talking about their indie push even prior to the launch of the system weren't they? Unless I'm misremembering.

Again, would be very happy to see that change though. We'll see how many of the indies that have loose Q1 and Q2 2014 dates actually end up making it.


You got a problem with the lack of games you want coming to the WiiU? Go complain to third parties. They need to know WiiU owners like yourself want their games. Because they dont think the audience is there.

Because it's not. Nintendo not only failed to bring a big, diverse audience to their console, they also made it so that devs don't even like designing for it.

They literally did none of the things they said they were going to do this time around.


It's over for the wii u, dude. Let's just ride this bitch off the cliffs with the few games we get.


Enh. I don't count on Nintendo's Indie push to help the drought very much. 2013 was absolutely barren for eshop releases despite their supposed 'big push.'

Would love to be proven wrong though.

You've already been proven wrong. I already posted an eShop release list in here that went largely unnoticed.
I do. See the context. 3D World had releases from both 3rd parties and Nintendo around it. Tropical Freeze? Not so much.

I'm guessing you mean indie titles? Cause the same amount of retail titles released between 3D World and TF as there are scheduled between TF and MK8. Almost Nothing.


Not really sure why this thread exists. January was basically dead for Video Games across all Platforms. We already have an Announced AAA Game in February. There are already 6+ first party games announced for this year. There are likely more that haven't been announced. There are at least 2 AAA Third Party Games coming. There are something like 20 Indies coming in the next two and a half months.

Nintendo has pretty much verified that there is going to be at least one Major Title for every month this year. They just haven't announced which one is coming in which month.


Nintendo doesn't believe there is a drought because they are assuming Wii U owners also own a 3DS. No Wii U games in March? No prob, 3DS has you covered. That's what I firmly believe what they think.


Not really sure why this thread exists. January was basically dead for Video Games across all Platforms. We already have an Announced AAA Game in February. There are already 6+ first party games announced for this year. There are likely more that haven't been announced. There are at least 2 AAA Third Party Games coming. There are something like 20 Indies coming in the next two and a half months.

Nintendo has pretty much verified that there is going to be at least one Major Title for every month this year. They just haven't announced which one is coming in which month.

If they come out and say that Bayonetta 2, Yarn Yoshi, or whatever else is coming out in March and April, then I'm with you. Until then, I don't buy it.


That's how they treat every game that isn't called Smash. Think about the positive side: at least this way the team can actually focus on making the actual game better instead of shovelling out PR material. They will gear up the marketing once they start getting closer to the release. Like always. As for W101's marketing. I wonder. I think unfortunately the title never had that much of a marketing potential. Colorful, cartoon-like visuals with hardcore gameplay? That's hard.

Yeah I can't consider that a positive side, sorry. I mean devs focusing on the game is a good thing but PR or marketing was never in the way of them doing so. There's nothing positive in bad marketing :(

Yep TW101 was a hard title to market. Nintendo could've done it better than they did (at least in Japan, with all the "Super Sentai" influences the game had), but not so much better. like you said cartoon-like visuals and hardcore gameplay is a strange mix for the market.
So the problem here is that GameFAQs' list is inaccurate?

Only slightly. Gamefaqs only lists games with exact release dates. The only things it's missing is Ballpoint Universe and Child of Light (the latter of which is on their list, just not in OP's screen grab for some reason.)
At least they will be creating a new pillar. Surely, that won't require and time or resources that they already don't have enough of to support their current businesses.

Are we really falling for this? How have we forgotten what happened the last time they announced a "third pillar"?

The machine is the next Nintendo system. We don't know if it's meant to succeed the handheld or the home console or an entirely new path, but it's not some superfluous side venture, it's the real deal.


Are we really falling for this? How have we forgotten what happened the last time they announced a "third pillar"?

The machine is the next Nintendo system. We don't know if it's meant to succeed the handheld or the home console or an entirely new path, but it's not some superfluous side venture, it's the real deal.

That's really not a good comparison.


So many threads to re-realize Nintendo has become inept and has been for some time. Folks, it hurts me to say it.
This is what boggles my mind. Nintendo's consoles are bought almost exclusively for Nintendo games. But Nintendo struggles to supply sufficient software without third parties. And Nintendo will continue to be oblivious to third party support. WTF...
Iwata says Wii will avoid major droughts that plagued GameCube. (March 2007)
“When we launched GameCube, the initial sales were good, and all the hardware we manufactured at that time were sold through. However, after this period, we could not provide the market with strong software titles in a timely fashion. As a result we could not leverage the initial launch time momentum, and sales of GameCube slowed down. To avoid repeating this with Wii, we have been intensifying the software development, both internally at Nintendo and at developers outside the company, in order to prepare aggressive software lineup for Wii at and after the launch.” says Iwata. He then says, ”We believe it is important to provide the market with strong software without a long interval in order to keep the launch time momentum.”
Source: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/library/events/060607qa/02.html

Iwata promises that 3DS will avoid major droughts that plagued Wii and DS. (January 2011)
“It’s important that you be able to supply software with no pause,” said Iwata. “With the DS and Wii, following the titles that were released at launch, the momentum dropped when there was a gap in software releases. We’re making plans so that this type of thing won’t happen.”
Source: http://www.vg247.com/2011/01/10/iwata-promises-to-avoid-wii-style-gap-in-software-with-3ds/

Iwata promises that Wii U will avoid major droughts that plagued 3DS and Wii. (October 2011)
“ As we learned a bitter lesson with the launch of the Nintendo 3DS, we are trying to take every possible measure so that the Wii U will have a successful launch.”
“The company was unable to launch much-anticipated first-party titles for the Wii nor for the Nintendo 3DS in a timely fashion in the first half of the term. In the game platform business, creating momentum is very important, but the momentum was once lost, and it has had a large negative effect on our sales and profits.”

Source: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/324133/wii-u-will-learn-from-3ds-bitter-lesson-iwata-vows/

Iwata apologizes for Wii U drought in January and February. (January 2013)
“I apologize to those supporting Wii U about the lack of titles in January and February.”

Source: http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2013-01-23-iwata-apologizes-for-wii-u-software-drought

BONUS COMBO BREAKER - Reggie promises no drought in 2014
“The way we’re going to be different is, we’re gonna certainly have a steadier pace of games – both for Wii U and for 3DS.”
“The marketing activity is going to be constant throughout the entire year. You tease me a little bit that ‘boy the first half [of 2013] was a little quiet,’ and y’know what, you look back and it was. We’re not going to be making that same mistake in 2014.”

Via Emily Rogers: http://www.notenoughshaders.com/2013/04/02/satoru-iwata-hubris-versus-western-culture/

See, if it was just the Wii U I would understand things don't go according to plan, maybe I'll even understand if it was Wii U and 3DS as they were not successful out the gate.

However when you make so many empty promises and apologies, this just means you are out of touch or straight up misleading your customers. Nintendo Wii was a hit with all manner of customers and what did Nintendo do...another drought and worse even they abandoned it 2 years before the Wii U came out, I'm not surprised some haven't bought it .

I mean I understand many saying you cant fix things in one year, well the quoted post just proves they have had this problem for 10+ years.It seems Nintendo were quick to abandon the Wii(I was scorned) it could of earned them income while they learn the ropes with HD development.

Though I don't know why they didn't start dabbling in it when they saw the whole Industry struggle with it.
Nintendo has pretty much verified that there is going to be at least one Major Title for every month this year. They just haven't announced which one is coming in which month.

What's coming in March and April? June and July? I don't think there is going to be a happy ending I'm afraid.


This is what boggles my mind. Nintendo's consoles are bought almost exclusively for Nintendo games. But Nintendo struggles to supply sufficient software without third parties. And Nintendo will continue to be oblivious to third party support. WTF...

Part one of that answers why part three happens. Nintendo got great third party support to launch the Wii U, but those games didn't sell and the support dried up. At this point unless Nintendo is going to pony up the money to make the port and advertise it, there's no incentive for a third party to do a port...the idea of an exclusive is laughable outside of SEGA who - to be fair - hasn't made a good business decision in at least as long as Nintendo.


You could almost say that's been detrimental to their business today...
People like to put Yamauchi on a pedestal, but they often forget he was responsible for the N64. Now that thing had huge droughts and nearly no 3rd party support whatsoever. Rare was essentially its saving grace, filling in where 1st party couldn't.


It'll be pretty funny 3 years later when Nintendo does introduce their next system everybody will be like 'Nintendo to finally kill off Wii U, will iwata resign yet?'


Part one of that answers why part three happens. Nintendo got great third party support to launch the Wii U, but those games didn't sell and the support dried up. At this point unless Nintendo is going to pony up the money to make the port and advertise it, there's no incentive for a third party to do a port...the idea of an exclusive is laughable outside of SEGA who - to be fair - hasn't made a good business decision in at least as long as Nintendo.

I think we have different definitions of "great third party support".
the idea of an exclusive is laughable outside of SEGA who - to be fair - hasn't made a good business decision in at least as long as Nintendo.

I don't understand what you mean – multiplatform Sonic games usually sell better on Nintendo hardware. Even Sonic Transformed on Wii U.
They should just get a team to floodgate their VC. That said, I've had a Wii U for months and there's still tonnes of games I'm yet to play. Just bought Pikmin and its sublime!!!
Lets hope those DS ports turn out to be something good.

And some quick and dirty HD ports are needed, I'd love Mario 64 even if it's the DS version with added analog support.

Also I'd love to have the Konami Rebirth Wii Ware titles on the WiiU too.


Iwata says Wii will avoid major droughts that plagued GameCube. (March 2007)
“When we launched GameCube, the initial sales were good, and all the hardware we manufactured at that time were sold through. However, after this period, we could not provide the market with strong software titles in a timely fashion. As a result we could not leverage the initial launch time momentum, and sales of GameCube slowed down. To avoid repeating this with Wii, we have been intensifying the software development, both internally at Nintendo and at developers outside the company, in order to prepare aggressive software lineup for Wii at and after the launch.” says Iwata. He then says, ”We believe it is important to provide the market with strong software without a long interval in order to keep the launch time momentum.”
Source: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/library/events/060607qa/02.html


Satoru Iwata said:
The GameCube has been well received by the development community, but we don't believe in overwhelming third party support. However, we're certainly talking with more developers about the possibility of working together. Frequently, developers use our platforms solely for their own self-interests, so it's hard to form management relationships.
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