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Remote play is the most next gen feature.

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It's great too, for sure, close second for me but I'd get so much use out of remote play. Love playing in bed and portable gaming.

Standby is a very awesome feature too, needs to come quick.

Isn't it sweet that we have so many great features on a console that we are aruging which one is the best?

PS4 makse me grin. -_,-
I have a Wii U and PS4. My son and I have alot of fun with the Wi U but the WiiU only works with a Direct Connection. If I leave my home theatre in the basement, the Wii U game pad will no longer work. The PS4 has direct connect too, but it also works over your home network or even over the internet. I have played both with amazing results. I just played a game of NFS Rivals online and raced within a hair length of first place using the vita while on the toilet two floors up and on the other side of the house from the PS4. It was glorious! I played Resogun and COD Ghosts Squads from work and it was also amazing. Great image quality, minimal lag. Biggest issue is that the VITA thumbsticks and layout is not great for FPS games in my opinion. But I agree with OP this is the best Next Gen feature so far. I was really disappointed with the Xbox TV stuff last night when I tried it.


nods at old men
You don't need a router for local Vita remote play.
It can direct connect which makes it faster than my tv.

Just clearing that up.

Thread is trash though.
(Setting aside all arguments of remote play predating the Wii U)

I think that it seems to be quite great to be able to use my Vita to RP the most tip top versions of ALL the big 3rd party games that you'll get on a console, rather than having to just settle for a miniscule selection of inferior, downscaled ports of last gen versions of 3rd party games... as I would have to settle for...
just buying those games on Vita natively!
OOOOOOOR - can you see the punchline coming yet? Can you? -



hide your water-based mammals
Lower latency
Comes with the system (greater likelihood of asymmetric gameplay integration)
Doesn't cost $200 extra on top of a $400 console
Doesn't require a router or connection
Has all buttons necessary available.

Welp lets just hope that no game ever needs to use these buttons together.

I already touched up on the price. It's the use and functionality of the feature which is being discussed. No one is holding a gun to anybodies head telling them to buy a Vita. Those of us who've used it are first hand testimonials on how great it is.

People buy super expensive smart phones just to use as companions. Take my friend who got the NFS Network app on his iphone to work with NFS on PS4. Again, most expensive accessory ever?

The rest is all one big assumption from someone like you who probably hasn't used remote play right? If you did then you certain would be a lot more informed on how good it really is.

You don't need a router for local Vita remote play.
It can direct connect which makes it faster than my tv.

Just clearing that up.

Thread is trash though.

It went in this direction when not only the 1st reply hit but a couple of people who just couldn't let the discussion stick to the topic at hand - a thread about remote play on PS4 and how useful it really is.


I already touched up on the price. It's the use and functionality of the feature which is being discussed. No one is holding a gun to anybodies head telling them to buy a Vita. Those of us who've used it are first hand testimonials on how great it is.

People buy super expensive smart phones just to use as companions. Take my friend who got the NFS Network app on his iphone to work with NFS on PS4. Again, most expensive accessory ever?
Except we're specifically comparing a feature.

The rest is all one big assumption from someone like you who probably hasn't used remote play right? If you did then you certain would be a lot more informed on how good it really is.
Just as you're assuming it's going to work great for all games simply because it worked in NFS?


To be fair, remote play is pretty shit if you don't have the PS4 connected via Ethernet. At least in my experience.

Maybe I need to do some more tweaking because I haven't had much luck.

It's more ideal to have it wired to Ethernet if you want to use it out of range of direct connection (ad hoc wifi on a channel that can be set on the Vita) or from an actual remote location i.e. outside the house (where speed of broadband and latency to the destination matter).The main issue is wireless on the ps4 and Vita are exclusively 2.4ghz which are often overlapping due to the limited number of channels available - which is why 5ghz was created; but they not only failed to include 5ghz in the new Vita model - they also failed to include it on the ps4. Typical Sony to only get things 70% right
Lower latency
Comes with the system (greater likelihood of asymmetric gameplay integration)
Doesn't cost $200 extra on top of a $400 console
Doesn't require a router or connection
Has all buttons necessary available.
More versatility
Addition to whoever wants it, not a mandatory purchase for something you may not even want.
Ideally, you already have a vita. You know, it's a gaming system. The analogy would be a 3ds giving you remote play (HA). Also, ultimate bundles.
It has many ways to connect to the ps4. And yes, the wiiU needs to establish a connection, the downfall is that said connectivity sucks balls.
Okay... i'll give you that one, although on the third quote there's a rebuttal to that.

Who's moving goalposts? That Diablo comment was only one part of my post.

Welp lets just hope that no game ever needs to use these buttons together.
User remapping would be possible if sony digs into it. Remapping keys seems pretty simple. Vita has a back touchpad which can be used in 4 zones to get the L2,R2, L3,R3 and a front touchscreen to emulate the ds4 touchpad. If they want, they can.
How are people even trying to compare off-screen play on Wii U to remote play on PS4?

Remote play works over the internet and works with every game.

Off-screen play works through NFC only and does not work with every game.

I can remotely connect, view, and control my PS4 and any game for it from anywhere, so long as my phone has a data connection. That's fucking amazing. You can bet your ass I will be playing Destiny remotely.


You're in a thread about the remote play feature on PS4 which works with just about every game. If this was a catch all thread then I think the TC would have stated that.

Well my comment is a response to the poster downplaying Nintendo's efforts to make Off tv play a next gen feature like it's almost a negative part of the console.

Oh come on, both features are great and have their own pros and cons. Nobody is "ignoring" Nintendo's efforts, but it's clearly a lot more limited in scope, even though perhaps still a superior experience overall.

Mr. Altano quickly turned this thread into a big ol' bickerfest though.

That's my point, one mention of the Wii U and most gets riled up because they think remote play was a heaven sent feature from sony when clearly both companies are making their best efforts to highlight it for their consoles. Which brings me back to my first post that when sony does it, it's awesome and when nintendo does it, it's awesome too but not next gen enough to be noticed and praised.


How are people even trying to compare off-screen play on Wii U to remote play on PS4?

Remote play works over the internet and works with every game.

Off-screen play works through NFC only and does not work with every game.

I can remotely connect, view, and control my PS4 and any game for it from anywhere, so long as my phone has a data connection. That's fucking amazing. You can bet your ass I will be playing Destiny remotely.

Because NintenDO what SoNEED.


First post shitted up entire thread... welcome to Hell.

Anyways, can't wait to try it with my Vita. The GCN/GBA link concept has sure come a long way!


Isn't it sweet that we have so many great features on a console that we are aruging which one is the best?

PS4 makse me grin. -_,-

I think we'll appreciate Sony "prioritising gaming" a lot more as time passes and we see what it actually means. They've really gone for the coolest new stuff for gaming, I hope MS don't fall too far behind, need Sony to stay on their toes so we get the best. MS has good ad money though.

How are people even trying to compare off-screen play on Wii U to remote play on PS4?

Remote play works over the internet and works with every game.

Off-screen play works through NFC only and does not work with every game.

I can remotely connect, view, and control my PS4 and any game for it from anywhere, so long as my phone has a data connection. That's fucking amazing. You can bet your ass I will be playing Destiny remotely.

Not to mention PS4 games vs Wii U games.

I mean...? Barely even in competition with each other. Both providing different experiences for the most part.

Not to say that I don't care about off-tv play - I think it's great! It just allows for different things despite being so similar - because the consoles are very different (not just power but their target and basically everything about them).


How are people even trying to compare off-screen play on Wii U to remote play on PS4?

Remote play works over the internet and works with every game.

Off-screen play works through NFC only and does not work with every game.

I can remotely connect, view, and control my PS4 and any game for it from anywhere, so long as my phone has a data connection. That's fucking amazing. You can bet your ass I will be playing Destiny remotely.

I wouldn't even classify what the WiiU does as "Remote Play". The gamepad doesn't really work remotely, just wirelessly. Big difference.

Anyways, can't wait to try it with my Vita. The GCN/GBA link concept has sure come a long way!

Please list me some GCN games that could be played on the GBA screen.


Who has actually offtv ps4 at work though or the bus or whatever..is it laggin?

I played some Killzone:SF remotely at school yesterday, it is impressive how very little input lag their is and controls are very responsive...

However it it dependent on connecting/using a WiFi network that doesn't suck (aka my college still uses G and it was great when I got in around 8 but as classes started the anomalies and artifacts became very noticeable including total session loss)


Blame the first post for that. A post which has been both lauded and critiqued.

I know how remote play works first hand and it's the real deal.

I was told Skylanders works as long as you have that USB thing plugged in.

Confirmed. I've played skylanders quite a bit via remote play. Looks and plays great. Also did it 4 rooms away, and in the bathroom. Only problem is, if your skylander dies... You are verrry far away from the portal, so you have to go put another figure on it ;-)

Wii u's implementation is good for the living room, but it's just not on the level of the ps4 implementation. There's a reason they don't put IR lan support on laptops anymore (I know the wii u isn't IR, just using it as a similar example).


Which brings me back to my first post that when sony does it, it's awesome and when nintendo does it, it's awesome too but not next gen enough to be noticed and praised.

The reality is Nintendo are not a part of the big race anymore, and regardless Sony were ahead of them on Remote Play so it wasn't a big innovation Nintendo brought along. The only reason Nintendo were first out of the gate is because of the weird way they've positioned themselves with their hardware specs.

Who has actually offtv ps4 at work though or the bus or whatever..is it laggin?
On a decent connection it works as good as from home.


How are people even trying to compare off-screen play on Wii U to remote play on PS4?

Remote play works over the internet and works with every game.

Off-screen play works through NFC only and does not work with every game.

I can remotely connect, view, and control my PS4 and any game for it from anywhere, so long as my phone has a data connection. That's fucking amazing. You can bet your ass I will be playing Destiny remotely.
More versatility
Addition to whoever wants it, not a mandatory purchase for something you may not even want.
Ideally, you already have a vita. You know, it's a gaming system. The analogy would be a 3ds giving you remote play (HA). Also, ultimate bundles.
It has many ways to connect to the ps4. And yes, the wiiU needs to establish a connection, the downfall is that said connectivity sucks balls.
Okay... i'll give you that one, although on the third quote there's a rebuttal to that.
Being voluntary means you won't see games like ZombiU come to the system.
Ultimate bundles won't be lower in price.
Connection differences both have benefits and negatives.

User remapping would be possible if sony digs into it. Remapping keys seems pretty simple. Vita has a back touchpad which can be used in 4 zones to get the L2,R2, L3,R3 and a front touchscreen to emulate the ds4 touchpad. If they want, they can.
Again, it likely won't work for certain games regardless.


Hearing people play at work or on the bus with the vita tethered to their phone is why it's one of the best features.

You can't do that on the Wii-U


I agree (except for power who comes obviously first)

I can't wait to stream games to the tvs in my house or to my mobile phone or smartphone when I'm out

Imagine: you'are on a business trip, you take with you a pad. You wake up your ps4 and start playing with it on the tv in your hotel room.
Has the WiiU off TV experience been improved since launch? Because last time I tried it the damn thing lost connection once I was out of eye sight of the console. (walked out of my room around a corner, damn walls)

I played PS4 via remote play from work the other day, with literally no noticeable input lag and it worked flawlessly.

Not even in the same ballpark let alone league if you directly compare the usability of both directly.


Hearing people play at work or on the bus with the vita tethered to their phone is why it's one of the best features.

You can't do that on the Wii-U

Wait, so that actually works? Any word for how far you have to be until it stops working? I'll be four hours away next week, but if it still works fine, that would truly be incredible. I could get some Assassin's Creed IV in from my hotel room!


Love remote play but the feature needs universal button mapping. Honestly want Vita to keep getting great games.

Had more fun with Vita Killzone than the PS4 version. Hope through this feature more realize how awesome Vita is on Its own.


Why are Sony fans and Nintendo fans fighting? They both have that sweet off-TV play feature. Celebrate!

Nintendo fans are saying the Wii U is still relevant. Sony fans want to showcase a feature x1 doesn't have / bigs up the Vita.

shitstorm for "most next gen"


Shame because it should be mostly about how awesome the feature is but it's hard to let things go.
This is patently insane considering the range of the tablet/vita when using direct connect, and the fact that the wiiU doesn't do wifi remote play.

That's like saying the PS4 is based around cds since it is going to maybe get an audio cd patch/update.

Ummm... what? Do I have to purchase a $200 add-on for the Wii U to have remote play? No, it is built into the system itself and is usually done with the click of a button on the gamepad.

Again, you're missing the point entirely. Please read what I said. The Wii U's main selling point (as a system / OS, excluding games) is off-TV gameplay via the gamepad. Everyone said this last year. Everyone said it this year. Everyone will say it next year. It is what it is.

On-topic: Remote play IS a next-gen feature and it's awesome to see it fully appreciated.


Lower latency
Comes with the system (greater likelihood of asymmetric gameplay integration)
Doesn't cost $200 extra on top of a $400 console
Doesn't require a router or connection
Has all buttons necessary available.

Yep. The Wii U model is an infinitely better proposition than PS4 + Vita. And it's still failing. Shows you how important of a feature off-screen gaming actually is to the masses. That's why it's going to fail even bigger for Vita due to all the limitations you mentioned combined with the fact that it's already been rejected as a handheld by the masses.
Wait, so that actually works? Any word for how far you have to be until it stops working? I'll be four hours away next week, but if it still works fine, that would truly be incredible. I could get some Assassin's Creed IV in from my hotel room!
It's over the internet so anywhere there's wifi.


Nintendo fans have successfully shitted up this thread.

Not everything has to be "Ninty did this first/better!" It's okay, stop shitting up threads just to validate your purchase decisions...


Neo Member
The reason why I don't think remote play on PS4 is anything special is because it's capped at 30 FPS and the Vita screen isn't all that large. Also, using the rear touch is kind of awkward, not a huge fan.

It's a good feature, but Wii U does it better.


Wait, so that actually works? Any word for how far you have to be until it stops working? I'll be four hours away next week, but if it still works fine, that would truly be incredible. I could get some Assassin's Creed IV in from my hotel room!

It's over the internet so anywhere there's wifi.

You need at least a STEADY 2000kbit/s data connection on your phone or it will straight up deny you from connecting straight away


The fact that the vita is missing the trigger buttons ruins remote play in games that require them. The back touch pad is not responsive enough as a substitute. So while I thought it was cool for Knack, Resogun was frustratingly annoying to play.
Nintendo fans have successfully shitted up this thread.

Not everything has to be "Ninty did this first/better!" It's okay, stop shitting up threads just to validate your purchase decisions...

Pointing out that another next-gen system has had the same awesome feature from last year is shitting up the thread? Wrong.

Needing to validate my purchase decisions? Wrong. I'm a grown man.

Contribute to the thread please instead of backhanded remarks.


The reason why I don't think remote play on PS4 is anything special is because it's capped at 30 FPS and the Vita screen isn't all that large. Also, using the rear touch is kind of awkward, not a huge fan.

It's a good feature, but Wii U does it better.

It's a bandwidth limitation, remote play in it's current form has a bitrate between 2000kbits and 100000kbits (200kb to 1 MB/s) to allow 60fps would almost double the bit rate (which most ISPs are incapable of providing)
Pointing out that another next-gen system has had the same awesome feature from last year is shitting up the thread? Wrong.

I still don't see the direct comparison when relating it to on the go remote play/ off TV functionality.

I don't have to carry my PS4 to work to use it's remote play feature. Where as with the WiiU last time I checked you have to basically be within eye sight of it and have no walls/barriers in its way.

Both are great uses of the off TV feature but I feel like remote play via the Vita is more practical for taking your console games with you out of the house/room.


Remote Play is one of the main reason for choosing the PS4 over the XB1. It also means that I'll be buying every single multi platform title on the PS4. If things stay the same, the PS4 version will offer higher resolution and remote play over the XB1.


Nintendo fans have successfully shitted up this thread.

Not everything has to be "Ninty did this first/better!" It's okay, stop shitting up threads just to validate your purchase decisions...

Every next-gen thread is a fight to remain relevant. The struggle is alive and real and the warz is upon us.


Absolutely my favorite feature...

Love playing Resogun, while watching some shit on television.

My Wii U gets lots of off TV play too...

Thank you Sony, and Thank you Nintendo for this feature.
That is one feature I couldn't care less about.
Console + big screen + great soundsystem will do just fine.

If I want to play portable, it's mostly dingoo or g2px, but that doesn't happen very often.


Yeah we've been doing it on Wii U for a year. Welcome to Earth.
No shit? I had no idea the tablet controller supported remote play. I always thought you had to be within range of the console to work.

The tablet is WiFi/3G enabled for remote operation? No shit?

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