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Report: WB is worried about ‘Batman v Superman’, but not because of its quality

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Another Rumour. WB did not say this. Just speculation.


Last week HitFix reported that Warner Bros. was worried about Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and the internet freaked out! Now a second source, Batman on Film, backs up that story, but for a different reason.

According to BOF, Warner Bros. is indeed concerned about Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, but not because of the quality of the movie. They’re more concerned about how the audience will respond to it, and how it will perform at the box office.

BOF speculates that the mainstream audience is used to the “popcorn” movies that Marvel produces, and won’t respond well to Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’s deep story that was written by an Oscar winner.


This is a very weird article.

First of all, it is a report on another site's opinion piece of a comment made by yet another site about something WB allegedly said. What the heck.

There's also nothing in said opinion piece that even said anything close to "deep story written by an Oscar winner".
Unless Bats and Supes spend half the film pontificating on the inevitability of death in comics, I don't think a "deep story" is going to be a problem at all.

People will go see it regardless of the story.

Or is this some kind of stealth marketing? "Oh God, the story's too deep", said no one ever.
Lost me with that last line lmao.

I definitely think the tone of (some of) the trailers is too serious for audiences more enamored with the marvel output tho

I like the variety and I hope trailer 3 is not indicative of its goofiness. I want that comic con trailer to be the tone for this

El Topo

Deep story. Sure, sure. I fear, as much as I'm looking forward to the movie, convoluted or bloated seems more appropriate, given how much they seem to be cramming into the movie.
Bring your A-Brain people, this shit's gonna get deep.


I don't really think that this or the HitFix piece are really on the money. Warner execs are nervous because... it's a big fucking deal to them. Launching their cinematic universe that's going to serve as the cornerstone of their line for the foreseeable future. Nervousness is to be expected. Movie could be basically anything and you'd be hearing similar reports.

Zack Snyder makes crap movies, not deep movies

You realize there are,


other people

working on this movie, right? He's not Kubrick, it's not like Snyder's dictating every single little thing personally.



Yes, turning Zod into Doomsday is genius story telling. And that trailer dialogue has been Oscar worthy.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.

BvS screams "popcorn" movie, the fuck are they talking about? :lol
Unwarranted stealth bragging when they know people will watch it regardless of any kind of depth because it's got Batman and Superman in the name.


I microwave steaks.
i dunno, dark knight was pretty good and felt somewhat intellectual, in whatever capacity that was.
Well much like MOS flew over the heads of a lot of you guys, for being such a deeply rooted exposition of love, life, religion, hope, and who we are as human beings, I can understand the concerns. This is comic book movies for the arture.


So in other words the move is horrible right WB?

Lol these clowns are so incompetent compared to Marvel


Nose how to spell and rede to
This is going to be just as bad as MoS except for a few of the Batman parts :(
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