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Resident evil

Before saying how RE4 5 and 6 games aren't RE games, maybe you should actually play the them.

I played them all, it's still dumbed down shit since RE4. You arguing against it with story makes no sense, since it was rebooted in 4 (and brought ,,back on track'' very poorly in 5) and because it has nothing to do with the fact, that they've killed more complex gameplay and focus on good atmosphere for a Michael Bay version of ,,surival horror'', aka being a linear shooter with monsters in it for a wider appeal. You killed more enemies in RE4 than in the entirety of the series before that, it was a new (inferior) IP in everything but name. RE5 then obviously was a shitty version of 4 (finished it twice in coop, best time we always had was the first chapter and laughing at how bad that pos was after that). RE6 finally was nothing but desperately reaching for dat CoD money, instead of simply making a good game. They heard kids like like Cod, Gears of War and Uncharted nowadays and randomly put that shit into a package. They even said they made that generic ass bald, mean looking character because teens would like that. Way to have the wrong priorities.


Only one game gives me Leon sitting on a throne.



Resident Evil 2

It was just perfection. The setting. Protagonists. Atmosphere.

One would think police station would be the safest place when scary shit like this happens in your town. Challenged my perception as a kid.



They said they are taking the criticisms of it being too bloated and not survival horror enough to heart, but we'll see where that goes. It's too big of a seller for them to kill. I agree 6 sucked hard though.

It simply wasn't good. They made Ada a main character and literally everything she said was a fucking 1 liner. The presentation, boss fights, and gameplay felt terrible. It just felt too... video gamey, if that makes sense. Way too many crazy batshit close calls.

Doubt it. That franchise is a cash cow for Capcpom

RE6 sold well, and it deserved to.

I didn't like it at all. Why haven't we heard of a new RE yet? It's been what, 2+ years?
I'm amazed at how many people think RE5 is an acceptable game. It's certainly polished. But it has zero atmosphere and pacing. RE4 is about as action packed as you want a resi game to be.

I'd love a reboot. Small scale, slow pace, lots of puzzles...ain't gonna happen though is it.


RE5 is my favorite.
It just gave me everything I could ask for in a game. The cheesiness of the story and characters added a lot to that as well.


I'm sure this thread has popped up before so infect if old

My GF begs me to play Resi 5 like every time she gets. She can't get enough of it.

I decided to play the entire series with her because fuck it, gotta know the story. She had no interest in resi 1, graphics put her off.
She loved Resi 2 - story was intense
Loved Resi 3 - the 'jumpy' moments were exciting etc...
Just gotta do 'Code Veronica' and 'resi 4' and we sorted lol

Personally I've played them all and loved all but resi 6 but my question is, which Resi do you think is the best and why?

My vote - resi 3 hands down every time. It's like an updated version of Resi 2. Easier to play and better graphics.

I had the same experience with RE4, she loved it so much that I beat it in one sitting with her watching.


For me it goes something like this:

1. REmake
2. RE3
3. RE2
4. Revelations (I know it's "heresy" to put this game above 4, but to be honest I actually enjoyed it more than I did 4)
5. RE4
6. Zero
7. CVX
8. 5

Note: There are currently 10 RE games that I have yet to play ( Gaiden, Deadly Silence, Mercenaries 3D, Gun Survivor 1 & 2, Dead Aim, Umbrella Chronicles, Darkside Chronicles, Outbreak, Outbreak File #2) and 2 others (ORC & 6) that I'm currently in the process of playing through for the first time.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
No love for Code Veronica again. I'm single handedly gonna convince every person on GAF how good it is, even if it kills me. My order would be:

1: REmake/RE4 - Inseparable, they are both utterly perfect at what they do
2: Code Veronica
3: RE2
4: RE3
5: RE5
6: RE0
671: RE6 - I have noticed that some people have started warming to this on GAF, IMO that should be a bannable offence
REmake is the best of the classic style games, RE2 is the best of the original classics (though I personally prefer 3), RE4 is the best of the action titles. In terms of co-op I feel its kind of a toss up between the last three games, but RE5 is the most polished and has the greatest of Villains.

Wow. great comment. /thread and all that.

My opinion on this matter is that RE4 is the best game overall, and quite possibly one of the -- if not THE -- greatest game of all time, but as it currently stands, REmake is the greatest Resident Evil.

RE2 is a strong sentimental favorite, though, and as Arklite said, the best of the original PlayStation trilogy.


The first one.

It established a brilliant formula, it made horror gaming mainstream, and there was nothing like it at the time (unless you count Alone in the Dark, which only bore a visual similarity).

It's also still the scariest and best designed game in the series, I feel.

There was Ecstatica
The situations you listed, with the exception of the Chris/Jake campaign crossover, which is perfectly fine (and obvious why it would be "re-used"), are examples of rough spots I had no issue mentioning (I would personally add the first part of Leon chapter 1 and few other weird parts shortly after that). As weird or bad as those parts are, they do not make most of the game; most of the game, a very long game, is spent giving you interesting enemies to fight in a variety of environments with that beloved combat system. Given I was linking the combat system and encounters, it should have been clear in that paragraph when I was and wasn't talking about the vehicle sections and whatnot.

RE5 had you more depended on your partner and it had a limited/cumbersome inventory system that was deepened by player interaction (particularly in comparison to online RE6, not split-screen RE6, where resources are not shared at all), true enough, but this does nothing to say RE6 didn't innovate in this area. RE6 pushed forward a new type of co-op in the form of crossovers (for that matter, Souls-esque aggressive multiplayer in the form of Agent Hunt), it got more creative in how co-op is featured in the level design itself particularly the increased effort spent after splitting the players up (two examples that come to mind are the bridge in Chris 2 and the lab in Jake 3), in the Chris campaign characters are defined into their roles as Chris is dominate in short-mid range while Piers is a sniper thanks to their base weapons (perhaps the best example of this playing out is the shipyard with hopping snipers in Chris 3 in addition to rushing grounded enemies), and while an increase in mobility meant more independence among other things this game balances it with much more aggressive and mobile enemies, on No Hope left, separating from your partner can turn a small mistake into a swift death. Sharing health recovery, one of the key co-op strategies, is just about as important here as it ever was in RE5.

The game throws you into big rooms, narrow hallways, and everything in between (sometimes as pieces in huge maps), and in these areas projectiles and numerous and/or powerful enemies can be very detrimental to how you make an approach or even obtain an opportunity where you can melee the enemy. A heavy machine gunner, multiple strelats, etc., are enemies which will lock down an approach (particularly in combination with others) if you don't put any consideration into how they will approach you and how you can approach them. I can't say I see your point, at least to an extent where it is a meaningful detriment of RE6 and not almost every TPS without a cover system (and I would question how good this ultimately is for most games) or stop-and-shoot (and even then, kiting enemies wasn't so limited that it was essentially tied at the heels to the environment in RE4 and 5), a la Vanquish (when not played cover-heavy) and so on.

What gave you the impression that you had any power in deciding what Resident Evil is? As if that part is "up to you", as you put it.

For me, those rough sections simply added up and took a toll on the overall experience. There were more than those I listed, too (the worst tutorial I've ever played, every single boss fight most notably the train fight in Leon's chapter, easily the worst story the series has seen and most annoying characters, a cluttered HUD and annoying inventory system). In addition, the reused elements make sense from a story standpoint, but when I didn't like them the first time I found them a drag to go through again. Maybe agent hunt and the cross-over moments added something more to the game, but they didn't actually work for me. I would often wait a full minute for them to find partners for a brief cross-over event but none would join, and someone would join in the agent hunt mode as an enemy and then leave or get disconnected before we even encounter them. Maybe this has been patched since then, though (I know it's not my internet connection which is quite good).

There are things in the game I like, or rather appreciate. As you said it's a very lengthy game. I think it's a really cool and ambitious idea that there are 4 separate campaigns that all have their own unique tones and styles. However, I think this severely impacted the polish of the experience because none of them were well thought out in my opinion. I also like the wide and versatile array of enemy types, but these were hampered by an incredibly inconsistent art-style (pretty much every enemy looks like they belong in a different game or is crazy over designed). And, frankly, I didn't find many of them all that fun to fight, because the game increased the worst aspect of 5 (and by extension 4) of having enemies with guns. I will grant that this game handles the encounters with ranged enemies better than 5, because of the fluid control and mobility, but they are still a nuisance especially when they can knock you off your feet in a couple hits. I did really like the oily black monsters you encounter in China, as they were pretty creatively designed and were one of the few (only?) enemies to actually add some real tension to the encounters.

One of my biggest gripes with 6 though, is that ultimately it lacks an identity of its own. The old Resident Evil's have their own distinct style with their inventories, type writers, music, camera angles etc. Even 4&5 have a totally unique style. But with 6 they keep taking away elements that are identifiably 'Resident Evil' and instead simply take aspects of other games. While I was playing I was always thinking to myself 'oh, now it's doing Uncharted, Call of Duty, Metal Gear Solid, Gears of War, or Vanquish". Those are all games I strongly felt the influence of well playing the game, and it ended up resulting in an incredibly soulless experience for me, as the game couldn't decide what it wanted to be--or was too afraid--so it just grabbed things from the most popular games out there.

RE5 was ultimately 'RE4 but not as good'. But that was still a really strong framework to grab from, so ultimately it was the more polished, well thought out, and more fun game. I personally think it's leaps and bounds better than 6, and the gameplay works better for co-op and level design as well. There were a ton of great co-op moments in 5, like the licker chamber where you have to split up and one character has to cover the other and defend themself, was incredibly intense and well designed.


No love for Code Veronica again. I'm single handedly gonna convince every person on GAF how good it is, even if it kills me. My order would be:

1: REmake/RE4 - Inseparable, they are both utterly perfect at what they do
2: Code Veronica
3: RE2
4: RE3
5: RE5
6: RE0
671: RE6 - I have noticed that some people have started warming to this on GAF, IMO that should be a bannable offence

I'm with you on this. The only RE I never finished was 0. I hated that there were no save boxes and that I had to drop shit on the ground. RE6 shouldn't even be as close to 1 as 671.
No love for Code Veronica again. I'm single handedly gonna convince every person on GAF how good it is, even if it kills me. My order would be:

1: REmake/RE4 - Inseparable, they are both utterly perfect at what they do
2: Code Veronica
3: RE2
4: RE3
5: RE5
6: RE0
671: RE6 - I have noticed that some people have started warming to this on GAF, IMO that should be a bannable offence

Hmmm maybe I will do Code Veronica next, because minus 0 and CV my rankings are exactly the same as yours...


It's all about RE1 and REmake for me. Total horror, set in awesome haunted house-esque mansion, without the complexities of the later narratives. Among my favourite games of all time.



Either will do to get the bad taste out of your mouth.

BAHAHAHA! That gif is great. Still, I found Revelations to be the most enjoyable. Solid gameplay, great setting and monsters! So nyah.

I mean, I also dig the older ones a lot too, but Revelations just just did pretty much everything right for me.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
BAHAHAHA! That gif is great. Still, I found Revelations to be the most enjoyable. Solid gameplay, great setting and monsters! So nyah.

I mean, I also dig the older ones a lot too, but Revelations just just did pretty much everything right for me.

Revelations is the only one I haven't played. I was waiting for the Vita port that would have complete sense but, since this is Capcom were talking about, I should have known better. If it shows up on PS Plus I will play it, just can't bring myself to buy it otherwise.
Revelations is the only one I haven't played. I was waiting for the Vita port that would have complete sense but, since this is Capcom were talking about, I should have known better. If it shows up on PS Plus I will play it, just can't bring myself to buy it otherwise.

A VIta port would be great but I also loved the 3DS version and didn't care much for the console ports. It's not the best RE game by any stretch but for me it fit best on a handheld (with the circle pad pro). It was also one of only a handful of 3DS games where I left the 3D turned on for the majority.
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