• Hey, guest user. Hope you're enjoying NeoGAF! Have you considered registering for an account? Come join us and add your take to the daily discourse.

Returning member after a long absence, how would you rate the overall health of this forum?


Definitely a form of hypocrites, but when is politics ever not.

The buffy topic is a complete display of utterly embarrassing stupidity. However, it's the same vocal group. I think that eventually like-minded people will come around to better police themselves. One cannot simply wallow forever, they'll get bored.

No, see, this is where you're wrong. The very, very small handful of people in the Buffy thread who have truly regressive/bigoted type viewpoints outed themselves, and were called out. Just because they didn't get immediately banned from the site entirely doesn't mean the entire topic is a complete display of stupidity. As I noted in that thread, most of the people rolling their eyes weren't saying anything remotely racist at all. We're better off BY FAR with the way moderation works now, focusing on disruptive posters, rather than 'wrongthink'. Better to go in with a scalpel and miss some stuff here or there then go in packing flamethrowers, catching numerous relative 'innocents' as collateral damage of a belligerent scorched earth campaign.

I wish online forums didn't have to skew so heavily to one side or the other, as it just creates partisan pockets of self-congratulating, masturbatory, bias confirming echo chambers all across the internet. I wish some of the posters here now actually spoke up back in the day, and I wish the administrative staff had done a better job of vetting moderators that had a mix of idealogies. I wish ResetERA wasn't going down the same path that old-GAF did, only ten times worse. I wish some of those posters would come back here, but they'd likely be shouted down by the new posters, and I wish some of the posters here would go over there, but they'd likely be banned.

The posters on the right who spoke up back in the day all got banned (and the same is happening now on era, as you noted yourself). And, I mean, if you think this forum "skews so heavily" to the right to the point that it's anything approaching the rightward equivalent of era... you need to get out more. Or something. Because that assertion is absurd on its face, and only makes sense from the standpoint of someone who was so used to oldgaf that it had seemed normal (something something equality feels like oppression, in terms of the ideological mix).
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The current era of NeoGAF will remembered and looked back on fondly in five years time by gamers. Mark my words.

The modern iteration of NeoGAF is about as close as you can get to a modern equivalent of the genuine gaming forums of the late 90s & early 2000s. Video games are currently the core focus of this "gaming" forum (as they should be). There's a contingent of console tribalism (acceptable and fun) and a few nutjob thirdwave feminists/political activists (unacceptable) infecting our ranks but I welcome their input as their insanity just highlights the fact that the rest of us (the majority) are completely awesome. Good times are ahead! Happy gaming GAF (y)
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The current era of NeoGAF will remembered and looked back on fondly in five years time by gamers. Mark my words.

The modern iteration of NeoGAF is about as close as you can get to a modern equivalent of the genuine gaming forums of the late 90s & early 2000s. Video games are currently the focus of this "gaming" forum (as they should be). There's a contingent of insane console tribalism (acceptable) and a few nutjob feminists (unacceptable) infecting our ranks but I welcome their input as their insanity just highlights the fact that the rest of us are completely awesome.

It is as if you completely ignored all the people who said that gaming side is slow compared to OT just to take a jab at feminists.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
It is as if you completely ignored all the people who said that gaming side is slow compared to OT just to take a jab at feminists.

Daily post counts have approximately doubled from this time last month and gaming side is significantly more active than off-topic.


Man, you're talking like I wasn't here before October, or this is my first message board experience, lol.

People who say "as a _____" in an attempt to add weight to what they're about to say are suspect. That's an internet rule. You discern who is who based upon context clues. The passion and knowledge mean more than a virtual box-check.

Speaking of internet, when you say "because internet" as a reason to justify why women would not be more proactive speaking about things that concern them, its strikes me as recognizing that we are participating in an environment that is not tolerant of their politics. A recent example is the Abortion in Ireland thread that is overflowing with MRAs. Two (arguably three...user was deleted from existence) women went among the wolves, but they can't/won't fight the mob alone. One of them hasn't posted since that thread died. Another pokes in on occasion to serve as a contrarian vorice.

I imagine there are other topics that they would be interested in, such as equal pay, women candidates running for office regionally and nationally, and #MeToo is still going strong. R. Kelly dropped a 19-minute song confessing to all of his sexual crimes, and so on.

Bonus: one user said that men turn gay because they get tired of women's antics. What in the misogyny?!?

(RIP Zumphry)

Plus the added hint of blatant Transphobia in every LGBTQ thread is astonishing

Deleted member 12837

Unconfirmed Member
Daily post counts have approximately doubled from this time last month and gaming side is significantly more active than off-topic.

And that's genuinely great, it's an encouraging sign of recovery. But how do they compare to pre-split? I'm pretty sure that's the frame of reference people are using when they make comments about the boards "feeling slow"


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
And that's genuinely great, it's an encouraging sign of recovery. But how do they compare to pre-split? I'm pretty sure that's the frame of reference people are using when they make comments about the boards "feeling slow"

Oh it's still slow in that sense, certainly. I don't have those numbers on-hand since it was on VB3, but we're talking 50,000+ posts per day last year. It's about 2k/day right now, but not that long ago we were at more like 500/day. There's serious momentum right now, and the projects I mentioned earlier will likely accelerate it.
And that's genuinely great, it's an encouraging sign of recovery. But how do they compare to pre-split? I'm pretty sure that's the frame of reference people are using when they make comments about the boards "feeling slow"

The "breaking news" aspect is certainly missed.

For example, I'm not even sure if a thread was made about the Target coupon code leak last week.

To the credit of a few, they have been making threads about Death's Gambit (which is going to give Dead Cells a run for its money next month) and Remothered. I am pleased to see that.
Oh it's still slow in that sense, certainly. I don't have those numbers on-hand since it was on VB3, but we're talking 50,000+ posts per day last year. It's about 2k/day right now, but not that long ago we were at more like 500/day. There's serious momentum right now, and the projects I mentioned earlier will likely accelerate it.

That's good news. Everyone is going to come back to GAF; it's just a matter of time. The important thing is whether the moderation and core forum infrastructure (technical and otherwise) is in place to promote a positive gaming forum for the future.

Gamers = Yes. Political activists disguised as gamers= NO.


Personally, I much prefer the slower pace as I don't have the time to keep up 24/7. I'm reading/posting way too much as it is.

It's also not an apples-to-apples comparison to look purely at post count before and after 10/17. Before the split, a large proportion of posts were drive-by outrage posts like "yikes", "disgusting", and so on. I much prefer quality to quantity.

Deleted member 12837

Unconfirmed Member
Personally, I much prefer the slower pace as I don't have the time to keep up 24/7. I'm reading/posting way too much as it is.

It's also not an apples-to-apples comparison to look purely at post count before and after 10/17. Before the split, a large proportion of posts were drive-by outrage posts like "yikes", "disgusting", and so on. I much prefer quality to quantity.

Do a lot of people treat message boards as an Inbox Zero sort of thing they have to "keep up" with? I've never treated them that way. I dip in when I feel like catching up on a bit of news and scan the front page of the OT, and then I regularly check my subscribed threads (which I treat like my RSS feeds).

I also don't use Facebook at all so I might just be out of touch / an oddball with social media norms.


Daily post counts have approximately doubled from this time last month and gaming side is significantly more active than off-topic.
also gaming just now is a bit ona summer break. There is just not enough to talk about. At least that is the case for me.


Do a lot of people treat message boards as an Inbox Zero sort of thing they have to "keep up" with? I've never treated them that way. I dip in when I feel like catching up on a bit of news and scan the front page of the OT, and then I regularly check my subscribed threads (which I treat like my RSS feeds).

I also don't use Facebook at all so I might just be out of touch / an oddball with social media norms.

Facebook sucks, you're not alone there.

You don't have to keep up with it, but when you're doing desk-based work with lots of intermittent downtime like I do, the temptation is there to frequently open up GAF and browse. I can picture myself getting way too caught up in it and going insane if the pace were faster. It's also impossible to keep up with some of the meta stuff that carries over threads if you don't keep up, but that's totally fine.


You had more activity before the exodus but the quality of posts in general is better. There’s always going to be contentious people on the left and right, the forum has mature and intelligent moderation staff. And I have to give props to Evilore, that’s not easy having a chain of events like that. I never even considered going to the other forum, I didn’t like most of those dudes and I’m old and set in my ways. 👴🏻


You can post here w/o fear of being banned for having a different or unpopular opinion. For me that's what matters. I don't care if era has more active people if that place is an echo chamber and I would be insta banned for not wanting female link to be the next Zelda MC
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That's because racism (more specifically discrimination) IS thrown around like candy nowadays.

Maybe I am stupid, bit I can not see anything overtly racist in any of the posts you linked to.
If this is what you refer to when you say overtly racist, then maybe you are oversensitive and see racism even where it is not present.


I believe the release of publicly available photos has been deleted and the user warned.

That's correct, I've been warned for sharing a link with personal info of Era mods. In a civil and not threatening manner. Was it foolish? Yes. Have the mods reacted in good faith? Of course.


I'm happy to be back here, now with the new moderation and the possibility to openly discuss all topics without the fear of getting banned or getting devoured by the hive mind. Yes, the forum got a bit slow since the split but i believe that with the new rule,s and some time, things will look a lot better - new blood will come.


I believe the release of publicly available photos has been deleted and the user warned.

It was not just photos let's be honest , if someone wanted to bring actual harm to an Era mod the means to and the map had been provided. Jobs, university , namess and in some cases current address.

The bigger point I'm trying to make is that in that instance the poster felt it was acceptable, the same way other posters think it's acceptable to be Homophobic, Transphobic , islamaphobic etc..

The environment is being bred here .. but I won't go as far to say that's it's being encouraged because yes there is a better moderation standard then there was before. But just look at any thread about Race , Islam or Identity politics and it's not hard to find .

Like the old Gaf there where a group of posters that would crush discussion in a corrosive manner.. well there's a new set of posters that do the same but with an opposing view. In that respect nothing has changed.
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Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
I'd say the amount of users has gone down significantly and there is a pretty strong right-to-far-right influx of members, helped by most left-leaning people leaving for ResetEra, but moderation is relaxed and good discussions can be had. I'd say healthier than in the last few months before the allgeations were brought forth, but not as healthy as, say, four years ago.


Heavily right leaving now. And instead of the community ganging up on heavily right leaning and center voices, it gangs up on anything center and left leaning. And there's less people overall. So no its not healthier. It's more divisive then ever and everyone is funneled into anti or pro trump.


BraveOne BraveOne it's not hard to google that information, took me like 5 seconds to find it. But I admit, it was foolish and simply not right. Why did I post it then? Well, after reading about Era here and there I lost my temper for a bit. What's happening their isn't aligning with my personal moral compass. Not at all. Would they doxx the shit of their opponents if they could? Without a doubt. Nonetheless I did some stupid shit and acknowledge it.
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Iced Arcade

Overall I actually think had improved dramatically... whether that was the exodus of a large chunk. It's not so hostile and vile.

The board updates with likes and such really add to the forum as well.


I was never a prolific poster, for most threads there was no point in posting, it was so busy everything had already been said and no one would actually read what you wrote. On more charged issues, I saw someone earlier in the thread talk about the anxiety of posting sometimes, you'd need to check and recheck what you'd written. That still happens to an extent, but now it's more making sure your post can't be skewed so someone doesn't respond to what you wrote and instead goes on the attack.

I very rarely come in to off topic because life can be shit enough, so this is all based on the gaming side. It's without doubt more right leaning, significantly more. That's going to happen if everyone else stops posting though. It's, or I guess some users to be accurate, are paranoiacly obsessed with SJWs and resetera, to the point they pop up in threads you wouldn't expect. But, it's likely down to the same handful of people, if everyone came back it wouldn't be as noticeable, a smaller group and you hear everyone more clearly

The forum software is definitely better, and it being slower does mean you get some new voices posting, but I do worry how divisive it might get


Heavily right leaving now. And instead of the community ganging up on heavily right leaning and center voices, it gangs up on anything center and left leaning. And there's less people overall. So no its not healthier. It's more divisive then ever and everyone is funneled into anti or pro trump.

But you’re allowed to speak your mind without fear of being banned, so quit complaining, sharpen up your arguments, and change some minds.


I mean, in the previous incarnation of GAF I got permabanned for saying "can we not get all offended again?" in the thread about outrage over Chris Hemsworth's halloween costume.

So, you know, I will rather take some people with questionable opinions on stuff and not get banned over the stupidest shit than the alternative (hello era).

Also, if someone calls people like Adrian Chmielarz or Dan Vávra a nazi or racist, I feel like I can tell them they are full of shit here. Baby steps.
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Ah, it looks like the usual far-left militants have found another opportunity to sh*t on these forums for opening discussion to people from all walks of life. Those are the same people that like to point fingers and make baseless assumptions about others, screeching "alt-right Nazi Drumpf" when their arguments are failing them. It's the same prohibitive mindset that managed to transform this forum into the hellish echo-chamber that it was a couple of months ago, yet these people are still allowed to spew their venom.

Their agenda is clear as day, destroy the reputation of NeoGAF by repeating the lie that it has become an alt-right forum and trying to get other voices banned by labeling everybody who doesn't agree with them a bigot and a fascist. Apparently no discussion can be had and no opinion expressed without these people desperately trying to put you into a neatly defined drawer you don't even belong, only because social media has robbed them of their critical thinking skills and political tribalism has replaced their debating skills.

Free speech is allowing these people to discharge their bile, even though the agenda behind their routine attacks is clear as day. They can't stand that this forum has finally made open discussions possible again, because now that people can talk back they look silly and they have to actually start using real arguments now. For that crime alone NeoGAF must be smeared and shamed into submission.


It was not just photos let's be honest , if someone wanted to bring actual harm to an Era mod the means to and the map had been provided. Jobs, university , namess and in some cases current address.

The bigger point I'm trying to make is like that instance the poster felt it was acceptable, the same way other posters think it's acceptable to be Homophobic, Transphobic , islamaphobic etc..

The environment is being bred here .. but I won't go as far to say that's it's being encouraged because yes there is a better moderation standard then there was before. But just look at any thread about Race , Islam or Identity politics and it's not hard to find .

Like the old Gaf there where a group of posters that would crush discussion in a corrosive manner.. well there's a new set of posters that do the same but with an opposing view. In that respect nothing has changed.

But it IS different.

Nobody here is stopping left wing posters from stating their mind. THAT is the difference.

Yes there is currently more right wing posters in OT, however, admin is not going to ban anyone for posting leftist arguments, threads etc.

Now everybody gets a say. As the other poster said above "When you've been used to privilege, equality feels like oppression."

Lefties no longer have privilege on GAF, but they aren't going to be banned either. The forum is now welcome to all.


But it IS different.

Nobody here is stopping left wing posters from stating their mind. THAT is the difference.

Yes there is currently more right wing posters in OT, however, admin is not going to ban anyone for posting leftist arguments, threads etc.

Now everybody gets a say. As the other poster said above "When you've been used to privilege, equality feels like oppression."

Lefties no longer have privilege on GAF, but they aren't going to be banned either. The forum is now welcome to all.

I think it’s more that the goalposts have been shifted so much that people being labelled “right wing” are often moderates.


Gold Member
The bigger point I'm trying to make is like that instance the poster felt it was acceptable, the same way other posters think it's acceptable to be Homophobic, Transphobic , islamaphobic etc..

Haven’t you already been found guilty of this type of behaviour?

You should step away from politics for a bit. It’s only a big part of your life if you make it so.
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But it IS different.

Nobody here is stopping left wing posters from stating their mind. THAT is the difference.

Yes there is currently more right wing posters in OT, however, admin is not going to ban anyone for posting leftist arguments, threads etc.

Now everybody gets a say. As the other poster said above "When you've been used to privilege, equality feels like oppression."

Lefties no longer have privilege on GAF, but they aren't going to be banned either. The forum is now welcome to all.

I think you missed the point of my post if that's what's you got from it . In no where did I say right wing posters need to be banned so I don't know how you got that from my comment but okay.

It's the embrace of the rethoric I posted above that is the problem


Haven’t you already been found guilty of this type of behaviour?

You should step away from politics for a bit. It’s only a big part of your life if you make it so.


I've been pretty outspoken on those 3 topics

And don't tell me what I should do in my own time , it's unhelpful and really adds nothing
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It’s 2018, evidence is no longer required.

I’m lazy and don’t care enough to search for the times people have said your statements were a bit racist.

Oh so your just shit posting with no actual evidence after you made a claim.

And no it's not racist to say a word is exclusive to a group of people who have been heavily marginalized over the last 400 or so years.


Gold Member
Oh so your just shit posting with no actual evidence after you made a claim.

And no it's not racist to say a word is exclusive to a group of people who have been heavily marginalized over the last 400 or so years.

You sound very angry, are you OK?



I've been pretty outspoken on those 3 topics

And don't tell me what I should do in my own time , it's unhelpful and really adds nothing

I disagree with plenty of what you said in the past, but I don't think your outspokenness is a problem.
You have to have different opinions and mindsets or else dialogue or growing is not possible.

Please continue to be outspoken and challenge people and myself. It is only through discourse we can grow.
I root for you to continue being outspoken.
(And being ALLOWED to be outspoken.)
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It’s 2018, evidence is no longer required.

I’m lazy and don’t care enough to search for the times people have said your statements were a bit racist.

Come on man. We are better than that. BraveOne is engaging in discourse. Cpunter his arguments and not his person or how the extremes on his/her side behaves.
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Gold Member
Come on man. We are better than that. BraveOne is engaging in discourse. Cpunter his arguments and not his person or group belonging.

I just figured he knew of all the cases people have called him out.

I’m not judging though, everyone is different and that should be embraced.

The world would be a boring place otherwise.


Come on man. We are better than that. BraveOne is engaging in discourse. Cpunter his arguments and not his person or how the extremes on his/her side behaves.

I disagree with BraveOne BraveOne more often than not, and I think his ideas have evolved primarily from a deeply ingrained victim mentality, but I gotta say I admire the balls it takes to stick around and argue his points when they’re no longer the majority opinion. You could say he’s... brave...


Well am enjoying my short time on NeoGaf immensely , Yes there might not be the numbers now then there was in previous years , but its steadily increasing by the month. A lot of that is down to the MODS here they have been great since I've started using Gaf (so Gratz Mods).

I keep hearing about the number's on other forums well unfortunately on certain other forums its 10 pages of fools saying the same thing over and over not deviating from the message to much in case they get banned. Granted we dont have the numbers yet but ill take 3 pages here of people disagreeing then 10 pages of intellectual midgets agreeing with each other.
Calling the forum ‘heavily right leaning’ is just ridiculous. It’s just most of the fanatical leftism moved away from the site during the fallout. That has certainly altered the tone of the forum, but not for the worse. We just need a bit more balance and diversity of opinion. That should come as the forum grows again and more topics are created. We are still in the aftermath of the blast zone.

In the end the forum is Western in nature for the most part. If you think most modern day Westerners are right wing or even far right (lol) then you are mistaken. Even those who vote conservative or republican are going to be more like centrists / moderately liberal in the traditional sense of meaning. This is all well within the grounds of normality.

Being critical of religion is not racism or far right ideology.
Not agreeing that the next James Bond should be black is not racism or bigotry.
Being critical of modern day feminism is not sexism or bigotry.
Acknowledging that Trump is a bit of a moron but certainly not a Nazi, is the rational middle ground.

OldGAF or ERA would have you believe otherwise, and they would be wrong. Let’s actually progress into some sensible discussion and debate. That’s where this forum has an opportunity to thrive over others.


Well am enjoying my short time on NeoGaf immensely , Yes there might not be the numbers now then there was in previous years , but its steadily increasing by the month. A lot of that is down to the MODS here they have been great since I've started using Gaf (so Gratz Mods).

I keep hearing about the number's on other forums well unfortunately on certain other forums its 10 pages of fools saying the same thing over and over not deviating from the message to much in case they get banned. Granted we dont have the numbers yet but ill take 3 pages here of people disagreeing then 10 pages of intellectual midgets agreeing with each other.

“Intellectual midgets” 🤣
Heavily right leaving now. And instead of the community ganging up on heavily right leaning and center voices, it gangs up on anything center and left leaning. And there's less people overall. So no its not healthier. It's more divisive then ever and everyone is funneled into anti or pro trump.


OK old gaf had its issues, but to go into anything political on new Gaf is just embarrassing.
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