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Reuters: Trump says Syrian Christian refugees will be given priority

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So, putting aside the site you found this on, if we take it at face value:

They were not prioritizing anyone. This article is calling for them to prioritize Christians

Sorry about that. Here's Newsweek on the same topic.

The BBC says that 10 percent of all Syrians are Christian, which would mean 2.2 million Christians. It is quite obvious, and President Barack Obama and Secretary John Kerry have acknowledged it, that Middle Eastern Christians are an especially persecuted group.

So how is it that one-half of 1 percent of the Syrian refugees we’ve admitted are Christian, or 56, instead of about 1,000 out of 10,801—or far more, given that they certainly meet the legal definition?

Sounds like Christians are fleeing persecution in the Jordanian refugee camps that the US draws upon for refugee admittance. So while it doesn't look like the Obama administration was rejecting Syrian Christians on purpose, they probably should have found some way to address the disparity.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
What the fuck...

- He directly refers to Syria and how Muslim refugees have a priority currently (based on nothing), where the share is 92% Muslim to 8% Christian.
- Says that the reason why this is so was "so unfair" and doesn't say what that reason was.
- When asked if helping Christians was a priority he said "Yes".

He is directly talking about prioritizing Christians in areas of majority Muslim populations. Giving Christians a priority in these circumstances would inherently de-prioritize Muslims.

Where's the ambiguity here? This is straight up religious litmus testing.
I don't think it's as clear from the interview alone that he means to prioritize Christians over Muslims, but in combination with other statements and leaks, yes, that's what is being planned.

From the leak of the executive order: "to prioritize refugee claims made by individuals on the basis of religious-based persecution, provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual's country of nationality"
I don't think it's as clear from the interview alone that he means to prioritize Christians over Muslims, but in combination with other statements and leaks, yes, that's what is being planned.

From the leak of the executive order: "to prioritize refugee claims made by individuals on the basis of religious-based persecution, provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual's country of nationality"

Absolutely baffling and completely unenforceable.


Anti-Muslim crowd believe that every Muslim engages in Taqiya. So, do they think Muslims will NOT engage in Taqiya and say they are Christians to get into the US?

Discrimination based on severity of persecution is okay. It's the reason we should favor Syrian refugees over immigrants from peaceful nations.

I think gay men should be prioritized, women, children. And if it is true that Christians are exponentially at risk moreso for persecution, them too.

And in a Muslim war torn with sectarian violence, I think we should prioritize whatever sect is in the minority.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I mean, it sounds like that violates the Establishment clause, but what do I know
Sorry about that. Here's Newsweek on the same topic.

Sounds like Christians are fleeing persecution in the Jordanian refugee camps that the US draws upon for refugee admittance. So while it doesn't look like the Obama administration was rejecting Syrian Christians on purpose, they probably should have found some way to address the disparity.

I read that christians are less likely to be on refugee camps because other refugees attack them , and the organizations bringing refugees to the west look for them at those camps.


I have a hard time imagining Melania allowing that very often.

Regardless of his religious beliefs

Ahahah zing!

The small size helps I'm sure.

Seriously this is all so stupid and offensive.

"hey guys hyuuuge problem can't help folks dunno who they are can't vett them, oh what's that they look pretty white and say they are Christian? Cool let em in, they are in need,"


I'm not an expert on Christian theology, but I don't think being a Christian changes your skin color.

From the bible

For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile–the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved"

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.


A lot of Syrians aren't especially dark skinned people:




I wonder if the next big terrorist attack of foreign origin in the U.S. will be during these next few years, or during the next Democratic president. Assuming there is a next Democratic president and the U.S. doesn't go full dictatorship.

Trump is basically guaranteeing there will be one. Gutted the government of experienced staff that know what they are doing, is stuffing it with unqualified toadies who ignore facts and push falsehoods, and is giving terrorist groups material to use to recruit for decades.


Trump is basically guaranteeing there will be one. Gutted the government of experienced staff that know what they are doing, is stuffing it with unqualified toadies who ignore facts and push falsehoods, and is giving terrorist groups material to use to recruit for decades.

They'd welcome one with open arms.

Pray it doesn't, because it does we'll be beyond fucked.
So many of these things should die in the courts

Oh right, he gets to stack the SCOTUS too

It really puts so much of history into perspective to see firsthand how much functional overlap there is between the actions of a fascist demagogue with a messiah complex and the actions of a populist pandering insecure narcissist


Sorry about that. Here's Newsweek on the same topic.

Sounds like Christians are fleeing persecution in the Jordanian refugee camps that the US draws upon for refugee admittance. So while it doesn't look like the Obama administration was rejecting Syrian Christians on purpose, they probably should have found some way to address the disparity.

Yes but the reason they can't find that solution is that the republicans insist on 'extreme vetting'. It's incredibly hard for all refugees to get into the US and part of that is having to go through the refugee camps. So this article is saying the same thing as the other one -- too many persecuted Muslims are getting in and not enough persecuted Christians. Neither article concludes this is deliberate, instead they argue for what Trump wants, which is to apply a religious test and let Christians skip the whole process:

The solution would be to allow Christians, and other religious minorities, to apply directly for refugee status, not through the U.N. U.S. Senator Tom Cotton has introduced legislation doing just that.

I'm all for getting the persecuted Christians out of there. But these are just attempts to minimize the persecution that Muslims of the wrong sect are facing. We could save them both. Guess who doesn't want to?
Someone should Photoshop that scene from Animal Farm with Trump in front of the barn, and the barn says "All Syrians are equal, but Christian Syrians are more equal than others."

We're only a week in.


never left the stone age
Yes Trump. Antagonize muslims more, I'm sure that'll hinder terrorism. I'm sure it won't make upset muslims easier to indoctrinate and lead to more terrorists.

Yes but the reason they can't find that solution is that the republicans insist on 'extreme vetting'. It's incredibly hard for all refugees to get into the US and part of that is having to go through the refugee camps. So this article is saying the same thing as the other one -- too many persecuted Muslims are getting in and not enough persecuted Christians. Neither article concludes this is deliberate, instead they argue for what Trump wants, which is to apply a religious test and let Christians skip the whole process:

I'm all for getting the persecuted Christians out of there. But these are just attempts to minimize the persecution that Muslims of the wrong sect are facing. We could save them both. Guess who doesn't want to?

I'm totally with you. We should prioritize Christians, Shia, and Yazidis.
Yes but the reason they can't find that solution is that the republicans insist on 'extreme vetting'. It's incredibly hard for all refugees to get into the US and part of that is having to go through the refugee camps. So this article is saying the same thing as the other one -- too many persecuted Muslims are getting in and not enough persecuted Christians. Neither article concludes this is deliberate, instead they argue for what Trump wants, which is to apply a religious test and let Christians skip the whole process:

I'm all for getting the persecuted Christians out of there. But these are just attempts to minimize the persecution that Muslims of the wrong sect are facing. We could save them both. Guess who doesn't want to?

The UN gets people from the refugee camps, since christians arent likely to be in camps for fear of violence against them then it makes sense to seek them directly.


No discrimination based upon religion, huh

This fucker is as anti-American as it gets and apparently half of America thought that meant "American"


This doesn't make any sense. The whole point is to stop radical Islamic terrorists from entering, right? Well I am certain that terrorists would have no qualms about lying about their religion to enter the country they wish to terrorize. While I am for the extreme vetting of displayed by US and Canada as opposed to Europe, religious discrimination is not only unethical, but unproductive from the POV that it could actually stop potential threats.
Hahaha now I can tell my mom she has the same ideas like Trump.
I fought so much with her when she spouted that BS. Blatant discrimination in countries that are supposed to be secular.
Another lie Trump told today (this was on CNN earlier) was when he was interviewed by a Christian TV network, and was asked if Trump would move Christians to the front of the line. In his answer, Trump said it was hard, very hard for Christians in the middle east to come to the States, unlike Muslims that were flooding in. Later, CNN had on a graph that showed the real numbers were something like 38,000 Muslims and 37,000 Christians.
Another lie Trump told today (this was on CNN earlier) was when he was interviewed by a Christian TV network, and was asked if Trump would move Christians to the front of the line. In his answer, Trump said it was hard, very hard for Christians in the middle east to come to the States, unlike Muslims that were flooding in. Later, CNN had on a graph that showed the real numbers were something like 38,000 Muslims and 37,000 Christians.

But are those numbers refugees in general or Syrian refugees? Reuters makes it sound like that number is refugees in general.

President Donald Trump said in a new interview Friday that persecuted Christians will be given priority over other refugees seeking to enter the United States, saying they have been "horribly treated."

According to a report by the non-partisan Pew Research Center, however, 99% of the nearly 12,600 Syrians granted refugee status last year were Muslims. Less than 1% were Christian. Syria's population is 87% Muslim and 10% Christian, according to the CIA World Fact Book.

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