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Risen 3: Titan Lords |OT| The magic is back


I'm about 4 hours in and loving it so far

IMO it has the best starting sequence out of all Gothic/Risen games. The game opens up right after the tutorial with 4 or 5 islands of choice for you to pick and travel between. Each of them is filled with a lot of small areas to discover (Native forests, Off Shore islands Pirate bay, Gnome Island, Mage guild ...)

Combat system is an upgraded version of Risen 2 - press mouse to attack, hold mouse to charge you can dodge and block most attack right out of the gate now. Its simple but does the trick. They also add a karma system but I'm still in a very early part of the game so no idea on how it might change your playthrough

I'd say Risen 3 is a good sequel to the original Risen and a step in right direction after Risen 2


Is there a order you're meant to do islands in? I only ask because a significant amount of the mobs on the island I went to (Kila) my weapon barely scratches them. :?

I assume they want us to go from bottom to top.... I went first to the pirate island on the bottom right.


Only played the first 2 hours or so, (
Just got revived
but I'm finding it rather fun so far.

Combat's not perfect, sure but it's absolutely fine the way it is. No mindless clicking, but no block/dodge-fest either. I'll see how i feel once I've played some more.

Two question's so far, though. I remember zilch about the story of Risen 2, but this is the same protagonist from both Risen 1 and 2, right? Because i thought I'd read somewhere there'd be a new one. And Patty's your sister? Man I don't remember anything.

Also, has anybody played far enough to recommend a good faction for magic? I guess Guardians would be the way to go but they look so boring compared to pirates or demon hunters...


Is there a order you're meant to do islands in? I only ask because a significant amount of the mobs on the island I went to (Kila) my weapon barely scratches them. :?

Antigua is the one you are supposed to go to first. then the three faction Islands.

you can do quests everywehre, as you like, but the game doesnt allow you to join a faction before you have visited Antigua and progressed the main Story there a Little bit.

after 6 hours I can say that I really like the game a lot.
ist also exactly what I expected: ist basically a risen 2 with lots and lots of community wishes fulfilled. like Magic, the factions, more world interaction, Swimming, climbing etc.

Two question's so far, though. I remember zilch about the story of Risen 2, but this is the same protagonist from both Risen 1 and 2, right? Because i thought I'd read somewhere there'd be a new one. And Patty's your sister? Man I don't remember anything.

Also, has anybody played far enough to recommend a good faction for magic? I guess Guardians would be the way to go but they look so boring compared to pirates or demon hunters...

its a brand new character. the old one is back as an NPC.

magic is very strong and important in this game.
ALL three factions can be played as pure casters, they all have strong attack spells and the Utility spells are divided equally among the factions.
you can craft utility spells of the other factions though, as consumables.

I believe the Guardians have some exclusive learnable perks that make them a bit better/faster casters than the other two, but I think no one can confirm that 100% yet.


Junior Member
With all the positive comments I've jumped in. Got it for 11 keys, at £1.50 a key, so about £16.50 in total :) Also paid £45 for £50 steam credit so it'll technically be slightly less than that.

Looking forward to playing when I get home.


Any 360 impressions would be appreciated. Its been far too long since I've steeped myself in a quality rpg. I liked and finished the first Risen but didn't like the second one and eventually stopped playing it.



Wow, Patty... sure looks different...


Pattys design is embarassing. PB always had trouble with female characters, but this... this ist just embarassing, really.

a few more reviews:
game-over.com 92%
-For every reason I play RPGs (big decisions, interesting characters, fun gameplay, immersive exploration), Risen 3 hits every sweet spot.

Gamespot 7/10
-Risen 3 has the potential to sweep you away, provided all that driftwood doesn't keep you at shore.


its a brand new character. the old one is back as an NPC.

Okay, thanks. Seems a bit jump-the-shark-ish though. Was there ever any mention of Patty having a brother before? I thought in Risen 2 she only found out Steelbeard was her father and he ended up dying?
Can't find much about the story online. I guess other people remember as little as i do from Risen 1 and 2.


Okay, thanks. Seems a bit jump-the-shark-ish though. Was there ever any mention of Patty having a brother before? I thought in Risen 2 she only found out Steelbeard was her father and he ended up dying?
Can't find much about the story online. I guess other people remember as little as i do from Risen 1 and 2.

no she always knew who her father was. in risen 1 she's looking for him. and they mentioned in risen 2 he has many kids, so having another son is not really weird. I dont know why they felt the need to change the character in the first place though.


Just started playing so I can't comment on the quality of the game yet, but it's stuttery as hell on my system. I've tried lowering settings, but the stutter remains. Any idea?


So far, all the locations from Risen 2 are exactly the same. So I know where to go, where all the buildings are, etc. It's a bit of a bummer from an exploration standpoint, but it does offer some continuity.

Does anyone know what level you are supposed to be able to handle the pre-order bonus Gnome island?


I assume they want us to go from bottom to top.... I went first to the pirate island on the bottom right.

Antigua is the one you are supposed to go to first. then the three faction Islands.

you can do quests everywehre, as you like, but the game doesnt allow you to join a faction before you have visited Antigua and progressed the main Story there a Little bit.
Ah yeah. I did actually stop doing Kila and went to Antigua last night and that did seem easier to do.


Can't wait to play this game in a few hours. :)

Still undecided whether I should go for the german dub or english dub. Already decided Imma go Demon Hunter. That blink move is just like too godlike. I always love powers like that.

Just started playing so I can't comment on the quality of the game yet, but it's stuttery as hell on my system. I've tried lowering settings, but the stutter remains. Any idea?
Risen 2 had the same problems. I tweaked the ini a bit to fix a magnitude of graphical issues in the basic game.
Just started playing so I can't comment on the quality of the game yet, but it's stuttery as hell on my system. I've tried lowering settings, but the stutter remains. Any idea?
Looks like an Nvidia issue.

My PS3 version arrived in the post today. I will try to give some console version impressions when I get home from work later.

As for Patty - I love it when she talks dirty - "Fucking Bastards!"
Looks like an Nvidia issue.

My PS3 version arrived in the post today. I will try to give some console version impressions when I get home from work later.

As for Patty - I love it when she talks dirty - "Fucking Bastards!"

I was able to play the PS3 version last night and it's pretty rough. Playable but some issues with stuttering, draw distance, and pop in.


Just started playing so I can't comment on the quality of the game yet, but it's stuttery as hell on my system. I've tried lowering settings, but the stutter remains. Any idea?

I have no idea if it helps in this game, but in some other games (most recently Divinity 2) setting "maximum pre-rendered frames" to 1 in the Nvidia control panel has helped (I assume AMD has an equivalent setting). Might be worth a try.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Okay, 6 hours in and I think this may be my favorite PB game yet.

I do wonder though, how can I tell what is vendor trash that I should sell and what I should hold on to.

For instance, I met some guy who wants to buy silver plates from me for inflated prices. I also noticed that a sword I have needs a silver plate to upgrade it. There is no indication on the object that it can be used for crafting. As a matter of fact, the object description explicitly says "sell this to a vendor"!
I was able to play the PS3 version last night and it's pretty rough. Playable but some issues with stuttering, draw distance, and pop in.
Sounds like Risen on consoles. I 100 percented the achievements on both Risen 1 and 2 on 360, and I'm some of the way through 2 on PS3. I'm a sucker for console Euro RPG Jank. Bring it!


I saw someone mention hyper threading caused stuttering, setting it to 4 cores got rid of it. Dunno whether that'd work for anyone else, my CPU doesn't even support it.

Edit: Seems that thread mentions it as well, heh. :p
Man, I forgot this was on console.

So PC, in the states.
I'm in the UK, so I'm probably not much help.

I believe that the only way to play in the US is through Steam. So either get it from Steam or try your luck at online outlets that sell keys. I couldn't recommend any though.
Glad to see some positive reviews. This is a fantastic game that has me lost for hours just exploring and admiring the beautiful scenery like I used to with Gothics/Risen. morrow wind etc. I love that its more mysterious and stat based vs more modern Action RPG's. its clunky sure, but its nice to have something more like those older games that feel a lot more mysterious and interesting than the streamlined ones that can be played on autopilot.

I really like how they kept the hardcore experience where even regular enemies can kill you if you arent careful, but they streamlined some of the time consuming elements like automatically creating provisions. They also give you a lot of cool combat moves off the bat so you dont feel powerless and can dodge/charge attacks, and having companions helps you master this system without being constantly killed.

I also really like having the level up system allowing you to upgrade your character stats, yet having many skill/abilities dependent on a person to train you. It makes exploring a lot more interesting since anyone you meet could be important. The game is so beautiful-looking on PC that it really isnt a chore exploring everywhere I see. I also can imagine playing the game again in the future and choosing a different faction.


I'm enjoying it a lot so far.
It's much better than Risen 2, the combat system is not perfect but it's actually playable which you couldn't say about the combat system of Risen 2.


Yeah, this game is really fun so far though I've only explored Tacarigua a little bit by completing Jack's light house quest. Someone mentioned that all of the previous locations from Risen 2 are the same? That's kind of a bummer but that's how I would've built it too.. just makes sense. Although I overheard in a conversation with a NPC that
the pirates cove has been overtaken by "the shadows"

Busty Patty is a pretty glaringly dumb idea. They should have kept the same character from before if they're going for the whole continuity thing.

My only grudge with combat is that sometimes an enemy (even a human) can leap like 25 feet and hit you. It doesn't feel right... maybe that's a bug. Invincible companions really help during those hard-creature fights (is this the case on hard difficulty? I'm playing on normal). Multiple-creature fights are still really tough on early levels.

I've already run into several chests I can't open. I just hope I remember to go back and open them when I have the right stats. Feels good to be playing another Risen/Gothic game :)

The music's great!


Just started playing. Combat feels great! Biggest tip here is that you better bind the Dodge key to a thumb button (space, alt, x,c,v,b) or a mouse button. Makes it way more fluent than having to double tap. :)


this game is what risen 2 was supposed to be. a modernized, overhauled framework for piranha bytes values. there is so much gothic in this, I just joined the mages and I absolutely love it, they are hilariously overpowered.


I really really love the graphical diversity of the locations.
You start of on this Caribbean paradise:


Then you can visit the Demon Hunters on this rugged island:


Or you can visit the mages on the more "traditional" looking island:

So much better than the endless and boring jungles from Risen 2.


Likely to be eaten by a grue
Do you determine your "class" like in R1, where it depends on what you do early on?

God, I love R1 even though it was so warty. I love physical spaces and R1 is a masterful


Do you determine your "class" like in R1, where it depends on what you do early on?

God, I love R1 even though it was so warty. I love physical spaces and R1 is a masterful

well your "class" depends mostly on how you allocate your skill points. in gothic and risen 1 that was with classic attributes like strength, dex and int. in risen 2 and 3 its done with "magic", "melee" and "ranged combat", but the effect is the same in all cases.

if you mean the faction joining, that will be done after about a quarter of the game, but in risen 3, just like in the very first gothic game, all factions support all "classes".


A lot of good impressions in here makes me cautiously optimistic. Currently don't have the funds to jump straight in, but definitely subscribing to this thread so that I can keep up with how you guys feel about the game over the course of its entire campaign.

If things still look positive then, hopefully I'll be able to scratch enough dough together to pick it up!

syko de4d

i wonder how their handcrafted world would look like with an engine like Cryengine or UE4.

Their next gen could be end on a whole other level now they could work with over 10 times more RAM :)


So far the game runs very smoothly for me. Around 40-60 fps on ultra settings with everything maxed out on a fairly old PC. (3 years?)


Question just popped in my head as I was clicking through the messages...

Are the Risen/Gothic games typically as mod-friendly as the Elder Scrolls series, or are they generally stand-alone adventures?

It wouldn't make or break a purchase for me, but it would certainly make it more enticing to know that there was a mod community for it.


Cripes, I hope we don't let Durante down. He's sort of a celebrity 'round these parts.

Or as Risen 3 would say the above: "Fucking hell! I hope Durante doesn't think of us as shitbirds now. He'll make me sweep the fuckin' lighthouse."
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