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Rocket League suddenly has the most toxic community i've seen. and its a shame.


it's a bummer when you report a guy 3 times and keep getting matched with him

idk what the current report function does and I dont think anyone does

salame is the equivalent of "doofus" compared to "SHUT THE FUCK YOU STUPID KID" which is basically what he says in the screenshot

I know Salsa, i know.
Uruguay Noma.
it's a bummer when you report a guy 3 times and keep getting matched with him

idk what the current report function does and I dont think anyone does

Yes, I can see how that would be annoying. But still, its a person you'll NEVER meet in real life and if he's that negative, it's not worth it getting salty about. I've been called every name in the book in games since I got XBL in 06. Never gotten mad. Not once.


I love it when im starting a game and I type "GLHF" and then I type somethin like "close one!" "nice shot!" to me savin a shot from them

then they score

and by them not responding or quickchatting "Thanks!" to my legit compliments I think "oh here it comes"



Pretty much happens in every community. Once you reach a certain level, you just can't play with randoms anymore :\ If you can, just try and make friends with randoms you enjoy playing with. I did that with L4D and had a good time with it. Nothing is worse than playing with some dude with 1000 hrs of playtime who only ever plays with randos and expects people to conform to his strategy.


My experience hasn't been that bad. Maybe one out if every 5 or 6 matches someone says something dumb. What I do hate is the "What a save!"ers when someone screws up.


That stuff bothers me too.

I don't understand why I can see the nicknames of people in For Glory in Smash. Seeing their NNID's is fine, but I don't get whey I can see the nicknames..


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
"salame", an insult i never tough id see on gaf.
On topic: it feels like every single game has the "most toxic community", proliferation of morons i guess...

It's like my most used insult.
* Latin GAF group hug *


Yes, I can see how that would be annoying. But still, its a person you'll NEVER meet in real life and if he's that negative, it's not worth it getting salty about. I've been called every name in the book in games since I got XBL in 06. Never gotten mad. Not once.

I aint gonna lose sleep over it. it's just a sad thing to see when the game can be a great experience with a certain kind of randoms that unfortunately are in the minority

just bummed, not angry (..anymore)


Junior Member
I'm 300 hours in and SAM servers are really rough in that department, I've read racists and homophobic comments in USEast servers but it's far from the norm. I spam some What a save! or Wow! after some terrible whiffs but that's it, other players end up typing more than playing just because another team-mate or I missed a save and that's in non-competitive games; I end up muting people at the first sign of assholery.
I've been reported by the people I was playing when we won by 2. I know reporting does nothing but it still agitated me... until I reported him :)
Yeah it was great in the summer but now its shit. Passive aggressive 'what a save' responses when you get scored on, people shitting on you and calling you terrible or even saying 'fuck you' or something when you mess up, and just your general ultra negative angry nerd competitiveness you'd expect from xbox live call of duty players. It sucks, so i just muted the chat.


its weird in some games though trolling. I think the only benefit is making youtube videos maybe of reactions?

like in rainbow siege you will sometimes get in a match and a guy just teamkills his own team, why? he's booted instantly I don't get it , as it auto boots you.

sometimes it is funny though, I had a teammate who went around shooting all our teams devices so I shot him in the face with shotgun but he didn't die so I revived him and he was like "he shot me in the face!" "why?" and I said "quit shooting our devices" and it was pretty funny all around.
I adore this game and I love the devs so I hate to give a game "bad" publicity but I gotta be real


idk what the report button does

but this is basically one guy out of every single one ive come across playing today. for some reason its worse in south american servers. I reported him 3 times in 3 different matches.

im having a fucking mental breakdown man. It just straight up ruined my mood. "time to put the controller down" and all, and I seriously rarely get mad at games, but god damn

here's the difference:

if a player griefs you in a fighting game when you lose, ultimately he's right, so you deal

playing Rocket League with randoms who are terrible and at the same time call you whatever racist / homophobic racist slur at you for missing and at the end of the game say "lol learn to play faggot" when your score is way higher than them seriously grinds my gears to a point I havent experienced in a game in a long time

it aint even about the moment itself, wether the trolling works (which fuck it but it does, I almost threw my controller today after being demoted a rank cause of a shitty teammate who kept shitting on me while playing awful), but it's the fact that its such a good god damn game that it seriously bums me out to see people ruining it like this

it was bound to happen, it's a very popular multiplayer competitive game, but god damn man Psyonix oughta implement a better report function cause it is seriously keeping me from playing. It's intolerable.

Ive been playing since it came out, and after hundreds of hours it is absolutely keeping me away from it at times.

So yeah, by the chat I can tell that you are probably from Argentina like me. I can't play on the SA server because of my ISP, I get like 250ms and the game is almost unplayable, so I play in us east with 125ms which is acceptable for me.

The thing is, even if I could play in SA I wouldn't, the community over there ruins it for me, there's insults in every game and people quitting a lot. And I can honestly say that I never get those levels of toxicness in US, of course you can find some toxic guy every now and then, but it isn't comparable at all.


Junior Member
I'll give a nod for sure on the flagrant insults.

But the, "Wow", "Nice shot!"? You are just being overly sensitive. You flipping your lid over a little ball-busting is weird bro.


What kind of offense is salame? That's the best you could come up with?
I dont think he was trying to exchange insults, it was more of "enjoy being a moron over a videogame" thing.
But salame does get a lot of use in Uruguay, not a heavy hitter insult anyway.
Welcome to online multiplayer.

Thing is in the summer from what i saw it wasn't really like this. There was mostly just 'nice shots' when people scored, or 'what a save's when someone actually saved a ball. Its gotten increasingly more negative and toxic over the past six months or so.

Lunar FC

Suddenly? Been this way since launch.

It's why I rarely play ranked. Some people get way to serious about it. The RL-Gaf thread is the same way.
Went to a 4-4 OT game last night. Teammate scored all 4 goals. He called me trash.

I score the winner in OT. His response?

"Ur still trash"

sounds like every online game ever. you're anecdote doesn't tell me that the community for this game is worse than any others.


If you let a random nobody troll cause you this much stress, then it is time to put down the controller for a while and play something else. I don't understand how anyone takes anything anyone says online at face value.


Gotta be honest, I play at least 2 hours a day and I never see this. I'm playing from the West Coast NA for what it's worth. The "What a save!" when you miss a block is just part of the game at this point I feel. I kind of laugh about it now.

the quitters fucking suck

down 2-0 with 4 minutes left? fuck this I'm out

THAT shit needs to stop. Last night I felt so bad for my opponent playing 3 vs 1 that I played as if I was on their team and we made it a 2 vs 2 match. We still lost but it was really cool :)
Don't play CS:GO if you don't like to hear homophobic/racist slurs hurled over voice chat by teenagers constantly.

Rocket League is pretty bad too though, it desperately needs some player report tools.


If my tem member is being a dick I just put on the chat "okay im playing for the other team now because you are a jerk"...then I play with the other team and destroy them.


I love it when im starting a game and I type "GLHF" and then I type somethin like "close one!" "nice shot!" to me savin a shot from them

then they score

and by them not responding or quickchatting "Thanks!" to my legit compliments I think "oh here it comes"

Have to admit, it is fun to shit talk the other team. Unless if they start giving legit compliments, in which case I'd just feel bad.

If my tem member is being a dick I just put on the chat "okay im playing for the other team now because you are a jerk"...then I play with the other team and destroy them.

Indeed, I just type "4v2" and have fun. I'd probably find RL more stressful if I actually played ranked matches though.


This post isn't by me, it's by a guy with the same username as me.
Sadly I fell you OP. I'm now playing RB Siege and I'm mostly paired with guys from my region (brazil).

When it isn't the opposing team typing stupid shit on the text chat, is somebody from my own team just calling everyone idiots (or worst) because we lost a round and later rage quitting.

And this is on the casual servers, where people are supposed to play just to have fun.

The HUEHUEHUE culture that brazillian players are know from is pretty terrible. I'm even got kicked form matches before just because I'm from Brazil. It sucks


Yes, it's terrible. Doesn't stop me from playing, though, it's rarely so bad that I get angry over it. But early quitters, that's probably an even bigger problem.

"Let me just leave this 0-1 game with 3 minutes to go."


I think you can leave the word 'suddenly' out of it, RL's chat is by far the worst chat I've seen in years and I've seen quite a few toxic communities. I honestly don't get annoyed by them anymore, they're just people I don't have to react to anymore. (EU servers btw, I'd say it's 50/50 between nice chats and awful chats here)

here's the difference:

if a player griefs you in a fighting game when you lose, ultimately he's right, so you deal

No you don't, grieving is uncalled for in any circumstance. I always stay nice to other players, even if they didn't hit the ball even once in RL or lose in a fighting game (how would that even be a good example of grieving?). Grieving benefits no one. If you're the kind of guy to report every instance of grieving, you should report those as well imho.


No you don't, grieving is uncalled for in any circumstance. I always stay nice to other players, even if they didn't hit the ball even once in RL or lose in a fighting game (how would that even be a good example of grieving?). Grieving benefits no one. If you're the kind of guy to report every instance of grieving, you should report those as well imho.

of course it aint the best, im just trying to stress how it bothers me more in RL cause it's your own teammate and it helps no one


I'm not sure what you expected from this thread. Rocket league is no different from any other online competitive game.

If you've got an online game where you can talk directly to your team mates then expect people to act like shitlords from time to time. Coming to expect it happening in doesn't make it ok to do but until developers permanently ban or punish players who act like this, it's not going to go away.

Your only options are to deal with it how you can or stop playing the game.
If the game has options to mute disruptive players then use it.
Report them if the function exists.

That's all you can do.
I love some good old trash talk. It's entertaining. I can't stand trolling your own team though. Like in Halo 5 when dude goes 0-15 in Slayer. Why bother booting up? Just want to keep me from ranking up?

The most annoying thing is French Canadians though. Sorry Quebec GAF. French sounds amazing when beautiful girls speak it, not so much when gamer bros do it.


Thing is in the summer from what i saw it wasn't really like this. There was mostly just 'nice shots' when people scored, or 'what a save's when someone actually saved a ball. Its gotten increasingly more negative and toxic over the past six months or so.

The bigger a community gets, the more trolls you get.
If it's cheap or free you'll get plenty of people who DNGAF.

It's been this way since the dawn of online multi.

Example: When I started Hearthstone, back in closed beta, no one ever "emote trolled" me. Even during the full release, I didn't see much. A couple years later every other match is shit tier emote trolling.
Example: Left 4 Dead, etc

I'm sure there are communities that improve with time, I'm just not thinking of any off the top of my head.


I remember nothing but nice things from Rocket League on PS4...

"Nice Shot" coming from teammates and heck even opponents.

"Sorry" when someone f's up....followed by "no problem" from teammates.

once in a blue moon someone would say something stupid though.

edit- US servers (North American?)
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