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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Trailer #2 (Official)

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Does anyone think that Disney could use Rogue One as the launching point of a possible trilogy? Rogue One being the film that is safe by virtue of it being tied directly to the classic OT, but then branching out into more independent territory in the sequel?
Does anyone think that Disney could use Rogue One as the launching point of a possible trilogy? Rogue One being the film that is safe by virtue of it being tied directly to the classic OT, but then branching out into more independent territory in the sequel?

It has a sequel: A New Hope.

One of the most refreshing things about Rogue One in this era of mandatory trilogies and pentalogies is that it appears to be a one-off deal. Not only does the storyline only warrant one film, it couldn't possibly have any direct sequels without encroaching on the events of ANH.


Does anyone think that Disney could use Rogue One as the launching point of a possible trilogy? Rogue One being the film that is safe by virtue of it being tied directly to the classic OT, but then branching out into more independent territory in the sequel?

I don't think so, we might see some characters appear in other anthology films but I think this is a one-off for most of the characters.

What I'd still really like to see is an anthology film purely based around the dogfights. Dual perspectives, Soontir Fel for the Imperials and Wedge for the Rebels. Now that I think about it I wonder if we're going to see Fel in the Han Solo film if they're gonna incorporate his time at the academy.
I don't think so, we might see some characters appear in other anthology films but I think this is a one-off for most of the characters.

What I'd still really like to see is an anthology film purely based around the dogfights. Dual perspectives, Soontir Fel for the Imperials and Wedge for the Rebels. Now that I think about it I wonder if we're going to see Fel in the Han Solo film if they're gonna incorporate his time at the academy.

I figure that someone from Rogue One will survive and that Disney could end up spinning off some of the characters into another anthology film. Use the characters from this film as the bridge to films that aren't necessarily tethered to the classic iconography we're seeing in Rogue One. Carrying on with some of the characters wouldn't mean having to require them to mingle with Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader, for example, but they could exist within the timeframe.
What I'd still really like to see is an anthology film purely based around the dogfights. Dual perspectives, Soontir Fel for the Imperials and Wedge for the Rebels. Now that I think about it I wonder if we're going to see Fel in the Han Solo film if they're gonna incorporate his time at the academy.

Not canon


By the way that blonde Rebel X-wing pilot has GOT to be Evaan Verlaine. Why else withhold her name?




I'd swap Kaminoans and Nemoidians in your list. At least the Nemoidians sort of looked like an extension/evolution of the Emperor's aide designs in RotJ:



Plus, bonus points for being practical costumes with cheesy rubber masks.

The Kaminoans barely evoked Star Wars at all for me. Maybe it was the general fakeness of every scene they were in that put me off.

In contrast, nearly every Rogue One design I've seen is on point.
Hmm, fair enough.
And Kylo Ren's design is just stunningly good on its own, much less compared to the PT. Maul is cool and all but he doesn't evoke the classic Star Wars aesthetic like Kylo. His helmet alone is a masterpiece.

Ehh, I'm going to have to strongly disagree. I didn't find Kylo's design anything particularly standout, especially compared to the tons of Jedi/Sith we've gotten, but Maul will always be standout as the first Sith we've seen.

The scene where he pulls down his robe and takes out his double light saber in the final fight and Duels of Fates starts playing is iconic among ALL the SW movies


I figure that someone from Rogue One will survive and that Disney could end up spinning off some of the characters into another anthology film. Use the characters from this film as the bridge to films that aren't necessarily tethered to the classic iconography we're seeing in Rogue One. Carrying on with some of the characters wouldn't mean having to require them to mingle with Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader, for example, but they could exist within the timeframe.

Yeah true, I could see that happening.

Not canon

Isn't Thrawn back in the canon?


semen stains the mountaintops
By the way that blonde Rebel X-wing pilot has GOT to be Evaan Verlaine. Why else withhold her name?



That'd be cool, I really hope they introduce EU characters into the movies a lot like this.

Here's hoping Aphra shows up one day.


Ehh, I'm going to have to strongly disagree. I didn't find Kylo's design anything particularly standout, especially compared to the tons of Jedi/Sith we've gotten, but Maul will always be standout as the first Sith we've seen.

The scene where he pulls down his robe and takes out his double light saber in the final fight and Duels of Fates starts playing is iconic among ALL the SW movies
The detailing of Kylo's helmet is great. Those four metal bands merging into the complex grillwork, just awesome. And the helmet's overall design is top quality, from the instantly recognizable silhouette with its hint of Vader to the perfect balance of different materials. Just in terms of design fundamentals it's A+.

Kylo's cloak is deceptively simple, but also very well designed. Its weight, cut, and asymmetrical elements make him look menacing at rest and dynamic in motion.

Maul is really good though. I wish his big fight with Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon had been half as well done as the beginning scene you mentioned. And Maul himself was terribly underused and had a stupid death scene.


I'd swap Kaminoans and Nemoidians in your list. At least the Nemoidians sort of looked like an extension/evolution of the Emperor's aide designs in RotJ:

Plus, bonus points for being practical costumes with cheesy rubber masks.

The Kaminoans barely evoked Star Wars at all for me. Maybe it was the general fakeness of every scene they were in that put me off.

In contrast, nearly every Rogue One design I've seen is on point.

Every scene with the Kamino aliens just has me feeling sorry for Ewan McGregor for having to try to act while clearly standing alone in a big greenscreen. He never once looks like he is really in a place, talking to aliens in any of those scenes, he just looks sort of uncertain and bewildered.
I figure that someone from Rogue One will survive and that Disney could end up spinning off some of the characters into another anthology film. Use the characters from this film as the bridge to films that aren't necessarily tethered to the classic iconography we're seeing in Rogue One. Carrying on with some of the characters wouldn't mean having to require them to mingle with Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader, for example, but they could exist within the timeframe.

I honestly hope that the entire team dies in order to succeed in their mission to deliver the plans to the Rebellion.


I have never seen a Star Wars movie because for some reason they really don't appeal to me. I'm quite interested in this movie however.
Can someone explain to me why it was always FINN who was constantly depicted wielding the lightsaber in all the marketing materials for EP 7?

The alt-right comic book nerd salt fuels the Disney empire nowadays.

They figured out how to get free energy from the public.

I have never seen a Star Wars movie because for some reason they really don't appeal to me. I'm quite interested in this movie however.

Oh man, welcome to the party! If you do return to the series after, start with the original trilogy.
I honestly hope that the entire team dies in order to succeed in their mission to deliver the plans to the Rebellion.

I don't think Disney would allow all of the characters to be wiped out. The film might be darker, but they're going to want to keep some levity to it -- especially while they're still early in this new cycle of Star Wars films. I expect Jyn to survive. Whether they spin her off into her own series is anyone's guess. It'll depend on how this film performs. But of that and the Han Solo film, Rogue One shows the more potential of being able to arch off into new territory by virtue that Jyn and her crew has no explicit ties to any of the previous films. And again, Rogue One's vintage setting and iconography would serve as the ideal gateway to fans before transitioning to ideas that operate outside the bubble.


I don't think Disney would allow all of the characters to be wiped out. The film might be darker, but they're going to want to keep some levity to it -- especially while they're still early in this new cycle of Star Wars films. I expect Jyn to survive. Whether they spin her off into her own series is anyone's guess. It'll depend on how this film performs. But of that and the Han Solo film, Rogue One shows the more potential of being able to arch off into new territory by virtue that Jyn and her crew has no explicit ties to any of the previous films. And again, Rogue One's vintage setting and iconography would serve as the ideal gateway to fans before transitioning to ideas that operate outside the bubble.

How much control over this film does Disney even have? They had none with TFA.
I don't think Disney would allow all of the characters to be wiped out. The film might be darker, but they're going to want to keep some levity to it -- especially while they're still early in this new cycle of Star Wars films. I expect Jyn to survive. Whether they spin her off into her own series is anyone's guess. It'll depend on how this film performs. But of that and the Han Solo film, Rogue One shows the more potential of being able to arch off into new territory by virtue that Jyn and her crew has no explicit ties to any of the previous films. And again, Rogue One's vintage setting and iconography would serve as the ideal gateway to fans before transitioning to ideas that operate outside the bubble.

I think there's a far greater chance of another Han film after 2020 than a sequel to Rogue One. Though hopefully they get to the Obi-Wan film instead.


Oh man, welcome to the party! If you do return to the series after, start with the original trilogy.

You should so watch them.

I don't even know how to relate to this first sentence.

I don't know... I've spent enough hours watching youtube reviews of the prequel trilogy to have watched the original trilogy, yet it doesn't appeal to me. If I do like Rogue One, I'll give the original trilogy a try.
I think there's a far greater chance of another Han film after 2020 than a sequel to Rogue One. Though hopefully they get to the Obi-Wan film instead.

Fair enough. But with the current business model, I just don't see Lucasfilm or Disney pulling the trigger and delivering a Star Wars film that's independent of classic characters and iconography. In Rogue One you have the iconography helping to prop up the new cast, while the Han Solo character being (presumably) the origin story to a classic character. I could see them basing a story around a band of new characters, but I have a gut feeling that it will involve more classic ideas and aesthetics serving as the backdrop.

Does anyone see any anthology films set during the current trilogy bearing fruit anytime soon?
If definitely like the team that did Rogue One to do another Star Wars film. Don't care what but the visuals here are just too good. Maybe get them working on the main series.


Unconfirmed Member
Can someone explain to me why it was always FINN who was constantly depicted wielding the lightsaber in all the marketing materials for EP 7?

I still believe Finn is secretly a Jedi(specifically a Jedi Sentinel, not Force User or Consular) based on a long list of evidence from the movie and previous star wars lore, but this isn't the topic for my explanation.
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