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RPS: "The Quest for Dark Souls PC"

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Official GAF Bottom Feeder
As much as I want this to happen (and I got a two week ban port begging for it so I reallllllllly want it) I doubt it would sell enough to justify the port costs.

This would sell gangbusters in Europe. The Two Worlds games are multimillion sellers in Europe for crying out loud.

Dark Souls is literally a PC WRPG released solely on consoles and made by the Japanese. A truly odd creature.
I don't want anything to get in the way of the success of the series. Experimenting with a new platform right now is a waste of time. The game is fine on consoles. I want the team spending time starting on the next game.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
If there was a mod to take invasions/shitty PvP combat out of the game and just leave everything else that is "online" in, the PC version would be the definitive version then.


Sinatar said:
Dark Souls is literally a PC WRPG released solely on consoles and made by the Japanese. A truly odd creature.
Dark Souls is a very Japanese 3D action game. I see the comparisons to stuff like Witcher and Ultima Underworld and whatnot, but they're mostly aesthetic. The combat (the heart of the game) is totally Japanese stuff, as is the retry structure.

Not that I disagree in the slightest that the game would do really well in Europe.


I don't want anything to get in the way of the success of the series. Experimenting with a new platform right now is a waste of time. The game is fine on consoles. I want the team spending time starting on the next game.

Putting this game on PC would by no means be a waste of time, it would be a huge success. PC gamers eat up this type of game far more than console gamers do.

And the game is not 'fine' on consoles. The frame rate is garbage and I only suffer through it because the game is so damn good.


°°ToMmY°°;34045014 said:
A quote on a forum by a random namco PR employe?

I was referring to RDR, which was accidentally listed as being headed for Windows a few times, but with almost no official communication from Rockstar on the subject.

I don't want anything to get in the way of the success of the series. Experimenting with a new platform right now is a waste of time. The game is fine on consoles. I want the team spending time starting on the next game.

If Namco-Bandai did the work, spent the money, and got a nice return on their investment, it wouldn't hurt.


I bet some money that Namco-Bandai admin doesn't even know they only published Demon's Souls over Europe and They're only this, just a publisher.


I think the other elements of the game will transcend the FPS issues, but yeah, a PC version that's the "definitive" one would be great.

The FPS really is the only huge glaring flaw in this otherwise flawless game.
You're right, I didn't word it correctly. I tried playing Morrowind on my Xbox a while back, this was a game that I had sunk several dozens of hours into and still like immensely, but the horrid fps and glaringly muddy visuals on my HDTV were so bad I couldn't get much enjoyment out of it. It kind of tainted my memories of the strange and outlandish world of Vvardenfell I loved so much. I really don't want that to happen to DS in the future. That's what I was getting at.
If there was a mod to take invasions/shitty PvP combat out of the game and just leave everything else that is "online" in, the PC version would be the definitive version then.
You don't need a mod, just don't revive. I was invaded twice in my entire first playthrough of the game.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Dark Souls is a very Japanese 3D action game. I see the comparisons to stuff like Witcher and Ultima Underworld and whatnot, but they're mostly aesthetic. The combat (the heart of the game) is totally Japanese stuff, as is the retry structure.

Not that I disagree in the slightest that the game would do really well in Europe.

Its also a difficulty game with numbers. PC gamers like those.
Only when you can quicksave to manipulate those numbers.

I think every third person game I have ever seen on the PC, there is always someone on the Steam forum who is like "WHERE MY FIRST PERSON AND QUICKSAVE"? "Third person is for console kiddies!"

Edit: Oh yeah, this classic one (for a terrible game)

3rd person has always been console mode lets be honest.

I'm PC and proud so the original poster gets my backing along with all my grown up mates.

However as this is just a mod for the Unreal Engine surely it can be modded? OP go to work and do something constructive.

Final note kids, the idea of 1st person is to make the game more involving and to draw you into the world more. Maybe theres just not much world to be drawn into?


I think every third person game I have ever seen on the PC, there is always someone on the Steam forum who is like "WHERE MY FIRST PERSON AND QUICKSAVE"? "Third person is for console kiddies!"

Well there's your problem right there.

Also you're talking shit
Well there's your problem right there.

Also you're talking shit

No, most people are fine and understand why there are no quicksaves (they ruin alot of games) and third person. I am just saying that (humorously) there is always some weird die hards out there. When Hard Reset did not have quicksaves there was a vocal minority who were mad about that for some reason.


First person Dark Souls would pretty much be King's Field V, which I also hope we see released at some point. Granted, it would be a bigger "WTF" than most series revivals since King's Field was never very popular in the first place.


Blighttown was fun. I surfed through that place in a couple of tries. You pussies. I didn't even purchase anti-poison herbs. I JUST USED WHAT DROPPED FROM THE ENEMIES HOW ABOUT THAT. DIDN'T EVEN USE THE WATER RING EITHER.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Blighttown was fun. I surfed through that places in a couple of tries. You pussies. I didn't even purchase anti-poison herbs. I JUST USED WHAT DROPPED FROM THE ENEMIES HOW ABOUT THAT. DIDN'T EVEN USE THE WATER RING EITHER.

And that makes the shitty framerate OK! Fuck off haters!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The Souls games and Red Dead Redemption are just begging for PC versions.


I don't want anything to get in the way of the success of the series. Experimenting with a new platform right now is a waste of time. The game is fine on consoles. I want the team spending time starting on the next game.

No offense, but that's a strange train of thought. I'm not even sure how to respond.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Blighttown was fun. I surfed through that place in a couple of tries. You pussies. I didn't even purchase anti-poison herbs. I JUST USED WHAT DROPPED FROM THE ENEMIES HOW ABOUT THAT. DIDN'T EVEN USE THE WATER RING EITHER.

Yup the poison is why people dislike Blighttown. You hit that one on nose.



I've been saying this since demon's souls came out. "Why is this not on PC?" I would jizz my pants if they made a double pack of Demon/Dark souls and put it on steam...and it ran on OS X.

Demon's Souls is owned by Sony, so the game would not be on PC.

FromSoftware hasn't been known for their PC games, but they did make a King's Field application for the PC to let people make their own games. The King's Field games are often considered spiritual precursors to the Souls games.


It would be exactly the same? Game mechanics don't magically change on PC.

Actually, while the genesis of this line of conversation was really about a preference for "xbox functionality", with a PC platform such as steam, there's potential to tweak the online mechanics for a game like this. Ideas could include persistent server worlds, selective summoning and forging alliances/conflicts based on group/server/friends preferences, for starters.

Is this all a bit of development theorycrafting? Of course it is. However, Steam has demonstrably tested cross-game theme and incentive integration before, and it's not entirely unreasonable to think that there's potential for further improvement of what is already a relatively innovative online system within Demon/Dark Souls. I'll stop before this begins to sound too suggestive, however. Long shot is long.


Yup the poison is why people dislike Blighttown. You hit that one on nose.


epic fail bro

ironic post for teh win

the framerate is a lie (portal reference, don't know if you got that, gamer thing)



Blighttown was fun. I surfed through that places in a couple of tries. You pussies. I didn't even purchase anti-poison herbs. I JUST USED WHAT DROPPED FROM THE ENEMIES HOW ABOUT THAT. DIDN'T EVEN USE THE WATER RING EITHER.

I never used the ring either in all my trips to Blighttown, I don't even know where it is. The problem is the frame rate. Trying to hit 4 mosquitos and dodge the flames of those bug things at 10FPS.. it's just not fun. If the frame rate was solid I'd like blighttown a lot more, it's very well designed and it's pretty big. The swamp in Demons is more treacherous. For one, god forbid you press circle in the swamp. You won't roll.. you'll just go even slower. And the giant depraved ones with the clubs are WAY more of a threat than the big boulder creatures in Blighttown's swamp.

see5harp said:
Considering the system they have in place to block party chat and the fact that you can't even invite a specific person into your game, any benefits that would have come from a 360 version were sorta absent for me. The online was just piss poor in general for the 360 at launch.

I hear you can do 1 on 1 chat on XBL just fine. Idk, playing with strangers and communicating with the very limited options the game provides seems like the intentional way to experience online in this game. It's not trying to be the co-op of any other game. But anyway, if there was a PC version, there would probably be a ton of mods to suit everyone's preference (not that I'm expecting this to happen)


I would pay $100 that I don't even fucking have and live off ramen for a week as my overdraft fees accumulate.

I realllly don't like booting up my PS3 for the three or four games I play on it, and Dark Souls is held back graphically and technically by the console it's on fairly badly.
.... a fucking internet petition, they should do a kickstarter like a post said. None of this vague bullshit. Put up preorders for the PC version on steam hit X amount of buy ins cash in on 50% of preorders and make the product.


.... a fucking internet petition, they should do a kickstarter like a post said. None of this vague bullshit. Put up preorders for the PC version on steam hit X amount of buy ins cash in on 50% of preorders and make the product.

RPS is trying to follow up with Namco-Bandai on this, so hopefully we get some sort of update.
I hate being filled with hope and dragged around like a bitch, but I must have this game on PC now that it's even remotely possible.

I've signed up to the Namco boards and posted (you all should, too, even if they read GAF) and joined the Dark Souls PC group. THIS MUST HAPPEN.


I prefer 50 myself. 60 is too soap-opera ish. I cap all my games at 50. For movies I prefer motion plus because it adds frames that were lost in the digital conversion. Pretty awesome tech my LG has, called interpretation.


Don't see it happening. Still waiting for the infamous ports of Gears of war 2 and RDR that PC gamers been blowing there loads over on gaf
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