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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Wow, just the sheer number of outlets all reporting unique information that simultaneously all back each other up has me believing this.

I am excited.

But I do not expect to see any games or details at this year's E3.


If this isn't true Nintendo has no choice but to do this now. So many people will hate them now that this got out and if it didnt happen. Fuck yeah.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
They did that because 3ds had a really unique feature and all they did was annouce that feature. Unless there is some gimmick here, I expect a bit of a wait till Nintendo's annoucment

Not so fast!

Wii IGN said:
Additional sources tell IGN that Nintendo will release a pre-announcement this month with a full reveal expected at E3 and that the console will be backwards compatible with current Wii software.

Besides, I find it VERY hard to believe that this new console doesn't have a really unique feature.

Vatality Sensor.
Believe that.

mr. puppy

why would they be interested in capturing the hardcore markets if they made a fortune catering to the exact opposite of it at cheap prices?


Majine said:
My question is why they would abandon the blue ocean strategy that made them so succesful this generation. Oh well, I'm not gonna complain.

Because it's red again. Since the past five years, a market that was completely empty is now occupied by Nintendo DS, Wii, Apple, Kinect, Move, and Facebook.


shinobi602 said:
Am I the only one hoping that each game on this new console will be standard controller compatible as well?

Keep motion control, just please don't make it just motion control only...that's the only thing that stopped me from getting a Wii :(

Are you allergic to the classic controller?


Every time Nintendo tries to capture the "Hardcore" market they always fail.

Their strength has always been appealing to a broader demographic, than and their rabid fan base that has been following them throughout the years.




Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Majine said:
My question is why they would abandon the blue ocean strategy that made them so succesful this generation. Oh well, I'm not gonna complain.

I think they have seen that they only achieved partial success with that strategy.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Josh7289 said:
Wow, just the sheer number of outlets all reporting unique information that simultaneously all back each other up has me believing this.
Or cynically skeptical, considering games journalism. I'm actually not totally buying into this, although I want it to be true.
Majine said:
My question is why they would abandon the blue ocean strategy that made them so succesful this generation. Oh well, I'm not gonna complain.

That's why I think people are overhyping the power of this thing. Some of the 360 and PS3's tech wasn't that cutting edge when they were released, so it'll be easy for a new console to be substantially more poweful without there being a PS3-at-launch price tag.


I would bang a hot farmer!
To tell the truth I don't really care what they announce it can do because I will buy it any way.

Will Zelda get delayed and get a dual release again?
Azelover said:
unless they completely lost their minds I don't see this new console being as powerful as these journalists are saying. It's yet another bogus rumour of a Wii successor.
I feel like I'm reading a different thread, here. Though people are celebrating, nothing out of this world has been even remotely promised. It's apparently going to be "significantly" (whatever that means) more powerful than 7 year old hardware, and it will be capable of outputting in 1080P, which would only be remarkable if it wasn't true. This really doesn't tell us anything.


Excited, but do you guys think that they'll implement a new form of id for online play? or are we going to get 3DS style implementation of FCs.


grkazan12 said:
Excited, but do you guys think that they'll implement a new form of id for online play? or are we going to get 3DS style implementation of FCs.

Most likely just the 3DS version of FC.


kittoo said:
That will take some powerful hardware. My PC has a GTX 470, 6GB RAM and Core i7 920 and C2 runs at about 60FPS in 1080p, so that spec can be ballpark. No way nintendo has that, the price will go way above acceptance.
a) End of 2012 is 1,5 years from now. That's at least one production process update for both CPUs and GPUs. GTX470 is slower than GTX560 which is based on a GPU which you can find in cards selling for $150 right now. Thus, yes, GTX470/560 level of performance is certainly possible in a console releasing in the end of 2012.

b) You don't need 6 gigs of RAM to get 60 fps in Crysis 2. It works on PS3 for fucks sake. So 1-2 gigs will do just fine.

c) Why wouldn't they push the price a little bit higher if they'll have no competition at all? I'm thinking that $399 is a given and $499 is possible.


Sweet merciful crap. This week has just been overflowing with good news (for me)! :D
Day 1 - I'm getting in line now! haha

Hopefully the world doesn't end in 2012, lol?
From what i've read so far, this is the most hyped i've been for a Nintendo console since... N64 circa 1995? The tech sounds impressive, but they need to address other issues as well:

Online. No friend codes, please.
Price. I hope the 3DS isn't a trend.
Controls. Launch with a standard, normal, symmetrical controller in the box.
Media playback. Netflix out of the box.

If they can get these things right and 3rd parties treat it seriously, i'm all over it.
Would the new console need to be significantly more powerful than a PS3/360 to be able to render current Wii games natively at HD resolution with AA and without scaling?


neptunes said:
Every time Nintendo tries to capture the "Hardcore" market they always fail.

Their strength has always been appealing to a broader demographic, than and their rabid fan base that has been following them throughout the years.

bout time to change this, then. i say jump headfirst into the hardcore, nintendo. fuck the haters.

next-gen Zelda, Metroid, F-Zero, Star Fox, etc.

no motion control, no gimmicks, just straight up 720-1080p glory.


The Bookerman said:
Phil Kollar of GI is saying over twitter that they just got major heat because they were supposed to sit on the story until Nintendo did some sort of announcement. So I guess those "leaks" are true

He's getting heat from other journalists who are pissed off that GI got the big reveal in absence of a press release and "concrete information."
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