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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Zoramon089 said:
LOL, was this based on that article that didn't take into account teh cost of labor and various other factors that go into the cost of a system? Simply adding up the cost of the tech inside the system is stupid

Do you think this is the 1930's where everything's hand made by a individual(s). "Labor" is largely automated in third world countries for penny's on the dollar. It's $5-10 per unit at best--which includes packing and distribution. R&D, operations, and marketing would actually wind up being a tremendous savings if they had rolled both devices into a single product.
I was making a grilled cheese sandwich, and it came out looking like this:


Do you think it's a sign?


KAL2006 said:
You are just talking out of you ass now. A controller with a touchscreen would cost significantly less than a 3DS. You know that the touchscreen is rumored to be low res and only single touch according to that french website.

Also again you are ignoring if there was a hybrid handheld/console the console would not be as powerful, you won't be able to fit a DVD/Bluray into the handheld, battery life would be shit, screen on the handheld would have to be 1080p and etc. Also lets not forget Nintendo would rather make money on 2 things than just 1 thing.

you are just pushing for an idea that you are dreaming of, but is illogical in reality

You are confusing my point. The Wii 2 base station would remain as is, BR, R700 GPU, IBM CPU, and whatever else. Only difference would be redesigning the 3DS into a single 6" screen device. Maybe it could be 3D, maybe not. That wouldn't really be necessary with a unique product model like this.

wsippel said:
We actually have no idea how much a 3DS costs. We do know that the $100 are bullshit, though. Also, there's a lot of stuff in the 3DS the Frankenpad wouldn't need. No local processor, no storage, no RAM, no cartridge slot. It's basically a regular controller with a tacked on LCD and a slightly more expensive wireless chipset. I have no idea how much a 6" screen is in bulk, but according to TechInsights, a bigger, higher resolution capacitive touch screen is $45, and that's in much smaller numbers. Nintendo might pay Sharp, I don't know, $30 per screen? So no, we're not looking at a $250 controller either way.

I think you're over estimating the tier and expense of the 3DS's innards, much less what Nintendo actually pays. It's hardly cutting edge tech. I still do not believe it would be far removed from what would be required in some semi-smart streaming controller. Maybe $30-$50 cost increase at launch, obviously reducing over time.


Reallink said:
You are confusing my point. The Wii 2 base station would remain as is, BR, R700 GPU, IBM CPU, and whatever else. Only difference would be redesigning the 3DS into a single 6" screen device. Maybe it could be 3D, maybe not. That wouldn't really be necessary with a unique product model like this.

I think you're over estimating the tier and expense of the 3DS's innards, much less what Nintendo actually pays. It's hardly cutting edge tech. I still do not believe it would be far removed from what would be required in some semi-smart streaming controller.

I don't understand didn't you say before there is no point of 3DS, the WiiHD should have been a hybrid handheld/console. So my point stands. If all the processing, DVD remains on the WiiHD then how exactly would the controller be a handheld if it doesn't have any of that.
dvolovets said:
If we can get a sequel to Lords of Shadow at 60 FPS...


Hell yes. Aside from the first 2 chapters (which I thought were awful), Mercury Steam hit it out of the park with LoS. I'm surprised that the game goes rather unnoticed considering the name it carries.

And it was loooooooong - totally awesome.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
I can't believe this thread is still alive and kicking. I thought for sure the new IGN thread was the death of this.

Is there really anything else to talk about now? Haven't we covered all bases at least three times? I just wish a Mod would freeze this thread until Monday so I can stop clicking in the hope of new information or at least a decent conversation.

I mean A fake Wii 2 mock-up on a piece of toast? Really?
Skiesofwonder said:
I can't believe this thread is still alive and kicking. I thought for sure the new IGN thread was the death of this.

Is there really anything else to talk about now? Haven't we covered all bases at least three times? I just wish a Mod would freeze this thread until Monday so I can stop clicking in the hope of new information or at least a decent conversation.

I mean A fake Wii 2 mock-up on a piece of toast? Really?

As long as the discussion remains relevant, the thread remains open.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
AceBandage said:
As long as the discussion remains relevant, the thread remains open.

I hardly find Wii toast, Homer Simpson, and the incoming creation of bingo cards relevant.......


Skiesofwonder said:
I can't believe this thread is still alive and kicking. I thought for sure the new IGN thread was the death of this.

Is there really anything else to talk about now? Haven't we covered all bases at least three times? I just wish a Mod would freeze this thread until Monday so I can stop clicking in the hope of new information or at least a decent conversation.

I mean A fake Wii 2 mock-up on a piece of toast? Really?

I thought 01net updated today with information that the controller looks a bit like the uDraw tablet from THQ except with buttons, info about the screen resolution, and about streaming "full games" to the controller like IGN said a while ago. If this is true we are slowly getting a clearer picture of the console and "confirming" some of our own speculation in this thread.

Edit: here's a google translation of the page

Edit Again: from the translation "Streaming plays a central role in the attraction of this "Project Café. The console will be able to stream wirelessly streaming multiple types of streams (different media, games) to the knobs.This will make it possible to play without turning on the TV, or start a frenzied games on the big screen, and continue uninterrupted into the toilet. A real revolution!"


"The console and the controllers could operate on a principle of "virtualization," the bulk of the calculations performed by the console itself, and controllers serving terminals capable of displaying the code pre-calculated. This system would distribute the game in high-quality controllers, without significant latency and without using a compressed video stream and demanding in terms of bandwidth."

Don't know how seriously you want to take this, but it is what they are now reporting.


artwalknoon said:
I thought 01net updated today with information that the controller looks a bit like the uDraw tablet from THQ except with buttons, info about the screen resolution, and about streaming "full games" to the controller like IGN said a while ago. If this is true we are slowly getting a clearer picture of the console and "confirming" some of our own speculation in this thread.

really? didn't know french website updated their info with this, are you sure


i was listening to giant bomb and they made an excellent observation, namely that nintendo is pretty much done with motion control. i can see where they're coming from and to me it's a very promising sign.

nintendo is at their best when they're running contrary to their competition. sony and microsoft are chasing nintendo's five year old fumes. microsoft with a slightly different take on things albeit with the same sort of software. sony with an almost direct copy, again with the same sort of software (and tacked on controls to normal ps3 games)

the new wii and the ngp signify everything that i like about nintendo/sony. i cant wait for e3


KAL2006 said:
I don't understand didn't you say before there is no point of 3DS, the WiiHD should have been a hybrid handheld/console. So my point stands. If all the processing, DVD remains on the WiiHD then how exactly would the controller be a handheld if it doesn't have any of that.

My proposal was to literally put the 3DS's guts (CPU, GPU, RAM, MOBO, Flash Reader) into this 6" streaming controller and market them as one product (that plays both console and portable games) While not a literal console/portable hybrid, it would be in practice as the "3DS" would serve as the Wii 2's standard primary controller and gimmick (the streaming stuff, and whatever else they have planned).


KAL2006 said:
really? didn't know french website updated their info with this, are you sure
Yeah they do talk about streaming games now. They dont specify what type of games but they do talk about streaming now.

The whole thing is slowly evolving via all the sources which can really go either way for accuracy.
From The Dust said:
I guess. how much battery does streaming drain anyway?

Probably not much more than it being wireless to begin with.
It would be the screen itself that would cause the battery drain.
And honestly, without all the fluff that handhelds have (strong CPU/GPU) and a larger battery, we're looking at longer than anyone should be gaming in a single day.


Reallink said:
My proposal was to literally put the 3DS's guts (CPU, GPU, RAM, MOBO) into this 6" streaming controller as market them as one product (that plays both console and portable games) While not a literal console/portable hybrid, it would be in practice as the "3DS" would serve as the Wii 2's standard primary controller and gimmick (the streaming stuff, and whatever else they have planned).

well that is kind of stupid, then that is not a console/handheld hypbrid, that is just bundling a handheld and a console together which is stupid. Why didn't GBA come with GameCube, why didn;t DS come with Wii, hell why doesn't NGP come with PS4. I will tell you why because it is pointless and only add to the cost, what is the point if it is not truly a hybrid, and they will have seperate games, this is basically just selling 2 devices together for no apparent reason. Like I said many times before having a screen on a controller does not make the price anwhere near a price of full handheld console.
I'm not sure if somebody has brought it up, but would it be possible for the controller to be charged wirelessly, so that it never runs out of juice as long as it is in range of the console?
KAL2006 said:
well that is kind of stupid, then that is not a console/handheld hypbrid, that is just bundling a handheld and a console together which is stupid. Why didn't GBA come with GameCube, why didn;t DS come with Wii, hell why doesn't NGP come with PS4. I will tell you why because it is pointless and only add to the cost, what is the point if it is not truly a hybrid, and they will have seperate games, this is basically just selling 2 devices together for no apparent reason. Like I said many times before having a screen on a controller does not make the price anwhere near a price of full handheld console.

Wow, let's wait until we see it before we call it stupid and pointless.
Igor Antunov said:
I'm not sure if somebody has brought it up, but would it be possible for the controller to be charged wirelessly, so that it never runs out of juice as long as it is in range of the console?

Err... No?
Unless you have a new Tesla Machine that we don't know about...


brochiller said:

I think they are just assuming this, in their last leak they said you can stream without using TV, but they were not sure if it is full games or other stuff like checking messages, playing minigames, videos and etc. I just don't see streaming full games working because of lag, it would only work in the same room, then streaming full games wouldn't work for motion games and games that use the extra screen of the controller as an extension or for gameplay. The technology is not there to have streaming without any input lag.


Phonomezer said:
Wow, let's wait until we see it before we call it stupid and pointless.

wait and see for what, this is not happening, they are not going to package a 3DS (or a handheld equivalent) with a WiiHD as standard, that idea was just silly
Igor Antunov said:
I'm not sure if somebody has brought it up, but would it be possible for the controller to be charged wirelessly, so that it never runs out of juice as long as it is in range of the console?

Unfortunely, Tesla wasn't available to work with Nintendo..

Holy Order Sol said:

They say in the beginning that IGN's article confirmed everything they had already stated earlier about the specs, but wasn't that originally something that was different in both? I'm confused.

This is an example of rumors cross chatter.
One source says something, so the other says "Hey, yeah, that sounds good. We'll confirm on that." even if it isn't 100% true.


Holy Order Sol said:

They say in the beginning that IGN's article confirmed everything they had already stated earlier about the specs, but wasn't that originally something that was different in both? I'm confused.
What they are basically saying now is IGN is supporting them in general hardware info. A Tri-Core IBM CPU and R700 GPU. The French said it first so basically tooting their horn.


I know people are worried about a new gamepad splitting the market with the WiiMotion Plus if games are going to use one or the other, but (and this is a rumor that's been floating around a few lesser known sites) what if all new games are compatible with both control options. Like, say, an option screen similar to the one from SSBM integrated into the actual system. WiiMotion Plus remotes are cheap as hell to manufacture now-a-days. Couldn't they just throw one in the box?

Maybe you're saying this doesn't jive with the rumors about upgraded Wiimote functionality. Well, the Wiimote Plus already has a dual-axis tuning fork gyroscope, and a single-axis gyroscope. Is there a way to increase the performance/accuracy of the WiiMotion Plus without changing its internals? Would adding an external camera or upgraded sensor bar directly to the Wii2/Project Cafe' system itself achieve this? It could be a great option for Nintendo. Stick on in the box for cheap (alongside the new controller) and just keep the ones they already have on the shelves that can be used by both Wii and Wii two, but when used with Wii 2 they become more accurate. Nintendo's already shown they have no problem with putting additional hardware inside the box to justify cost (like the charging cradle included with the 3DS) Seems like a nice solution if it's possible. Sorry if this has already been covered. Long thread is long.


If you'll be able to play the whole game just on the controller doesn't that mean any usage of the controller-screen (for menus and such) when playing on the TV has to be completely optional?

GDGF said:
I know people are worried about a new gamepad splitting the market with the WiiMotion Plus if games are going to use one or the other, but (and this is a rumor that's been floating around a few lesser known sites) what if all new games are compatible with both control options. Like, say, an option screen similar to the one from SSBM integrated into the actual system. WiiMotion Plus remotes are cheap as hell to manufacture now-a-days. Couldn't they just throw one in the box?

Maybe you're saying this doesn't jive with the rumors about upgraded Wiimote functionality. Well, the Wiimote Plus already has a dual-axis tuning fork gyroscope, and a single-axis gyroscope. Is there a way to increase the performance/accuracy of the WiiMotion Plus without changing its internals? Would adding an external camera or upgraded sensor bar directly to the Wii2/Project Cafe' system itself achieve this? It could be a great option for Nintendo. Stick on in the box for cheap (alongside the new controller) and just keep the ones they already have on the shelves that can be used by both Wii and Wii two, but when used with Wii 2 they become more accurate. Nintendo's already shown they have no problem with putting additional hardware inside the box to justify cost (like the charging cradle included with the 3DS) Seems like a nice solution if it's possible. Sorry if this has already been covered. Long thread is long.

I guess the main problem with this is devs are going to have make two control systems for every game, which they won't be ecstatic about.
onken said:
If you'll be able to play the whole game just on the controller doesn't that mean any usage of the controller-screen (for menus and such) when playing on the TV has to be completely optional?

For most games, that is likely. I'm sure some weird games will use it functionally, though.
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