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Sakurai's Famitsu Column: Bayonetta, Corrin, Development Ended


It's weird you guys are reading this to mean the potential NX point will lack content when

Made me think the dead opposite, that the port would contain new characters because that's the feature people most look forward to and sell the game.

Yep. I have to wonder if they are already complete, or if someone else is in charge of the NX version.


Junior Member
It's weird you guys are reading this to mean the potential NX point will lack content when

Made me think the dead opposite, that the port would contain new characters because that's the feature people most look forward to and sell the game.
How would they do that without Sakurai? It'd be a bit weird to move on without him on a port of an older game.
The wording of the sentence implied Mewtwo isn't a returning veteran.

It's a translated sentence.

^Original Japanese

There's no Mewtwo in the sentence, and he clearly states, "excluding" (除き). It's a translated sentence but it's a proper representation of what he said.

Mewtwo is kind of special in regards to DLC. He was presented before the Wii U came out, and was probably worked on (in some regards) during main development. Therefore, Sakurai might see him as a half-DLC character, as Mewtwo has feet in both main and DLC development. Also, Sakurai nor Iwata have never mentioned that Mewtwo was a Melee vet.

We originally decided to create Mewtwo on the premise that we would distribute him as a special thanks to users who bought both versions...


Enjoy the time off. Your input isn't needed to port over the game to NX and make the 3DS stages in Wii U's art style. Do something new like when you did Uprising.


so bayonetta and corrin are staying the way they are? and samus is staying gutter trash?

word, I guess i've had my fill of this game then. I'm not gonna sit here and play Bayonetta Bros. For Wii U for the next couple of years, fuck that. So thanks for the good times Sak & co, and may you one day come to grasp the notion of balance.

The salt though lol
No more development doesn't mean no more patches, as pretty much anyone in actual software development will tell you. Just putting that out.

PK Gaming

I think it's a lot easier to make a case for Bayonetta and Corrin having disruptive and incredibly powerful properties to many of their moves than it is to make a case for them being balanced, to be frank. at any rate, one of those arguments is evident right off the bat whereas the other can't even be determined this early in the game. They just don't feel even close to balanced, to me, though. Although I've had a lot of success fending off bayo players with dedede.

For Bayonetta, sure.

For Corrin (outside of her silly counter), absolutely not.
The salt though lol

The shitpost though lol

seriously tho I definitely won't be playing the game much anymore and it's not like I hate the game, it's just that all of my favorite characters are trash and can't keep up. Gotta work extra hard to get that win lol
Thank you for everything, Sakurai. You made a truly amazing game and even added Bayonetta. She was in my top 5 characters for the ballot and I couldn't possibly be more happier. Also, if Namco develops the next game (without Sakurai) like the rumour said, I can fully expect KOS-MOS to be in the game now that nobody can make the "too sexual or violent" for smash argument". Bayo has guns, and her game is rated M. Last time somebody made that argument on smashboards I wanted to cry.

Edit: If corrin stays the same with his/her down b I say RIP to all other counter characters. It should get patched, imo.


Well this also means replays will stop being broken by newer updates

He deserved his vacation. He puts work above his health way too often
For Bayonetta, sure.

For Corrin (outside of her silly counter), absolutely not.

I suppose. I haven't toyed around with Corrin a whole lot yet myself but I can wreck shop with Buildacombo, eh, I mean Bayonetta

I'll be keeping an eye on the meta discussions at smashboards and elsewhere, so that I might figure out a consistent way to deal with Bayonetta players. Smash sometimes evens itself out like that but i'm not holding my breath here...
It's weird you guys are reading this to mean the potential NX point will lack content when

Made me think the dead opposite, that the port would contain new characters because that's the feature people most look forward to and sell the game.

Why would the game need unique fighters to sell? It isn't selling to the Wii U/3DS audience, they have the game already.

They could just copy the content from both versions to the NX and call it a day.


Cool that he's finally taking that vacation. Hopefully whenever he starts work on his next game, it's something other than smash.
Part of me is glad he'll finally get a break and work on something else. But I can't imagine the next Smash Bros game without his involvement.

Supervisory role, perhaps? If that's even possible for a perfectionist like himself.

Ideally, I want a new Kid Icarus on NX.


Why would the game need unique fighters to sell? It isn't selling to the Wii U/3DS audience, they have the game already.

They could just copy the content from both versions to the NX and call it a day.

They want the existing audience to get the new system.


As in "Heathcliff"
I don't think he'll let himself not be involved with a port.

Exactly, according to former NOA worker, he's too attached to Smash Bros so I can't really imagine that Sakurai would allows anyone to works on the port without him being there.

I'm very pleased with Smash Bros for Wii U but I can't help but feeling bad for some fans who lost their favorite characters or never got their favorite characters (Inkling, Snake, Ice Climbers, Rhythm Heaven) and if we actually get complete version for NX then I guess it's fair to expect that we wouldn't see newcomers for other 6-8 years until new console or never.

They already will. If they bought Wii U's they're Nintendo fanatics.

It's entirely depend on what games they are offering at launch title for NX. If there is nothing for me to pick up then heck, I'm not going to pick up NX just for Smash NX without any new contents. I'm pretty constant with my Wii U and Smash U.
And the 3DS audience?

I'd assume many of them are already going to get the new nintendo handheld as well, if they haven't been drawn away to mobile gaming. If they aren't going to get the new system, I also don't think adding a new character would convince them to make a multiple hundred dollar purchase unless it was a bombshell like an Inkling.
The "I guess he won't be working on the NX port" comments are interesting to me. Do we all really think that he (a noted workaholic) is going to take 6+ months off? I mean, ignoring that it's all hearsay anyway at the moment, presumably he'd be back from vacation to oversee stuff with a fair few months left before the NX launch.


Finally, Sakurai getting his well-earned vacation. He needs to rejuvenate his power of eternal youth.

Do we know if he's still involved in balance patches? Maybe another team are gonna continue working on it without Sakurai's "blessing" if so.

Masked Man

I said wow
Re: Mewtwo, I think he treats Mewtwo as separate for the reasons Push mentioned, and also because he was not exclusively paid DLC (like Lucas and Roy), but originally a "gift of thanks" to players who bought both the 3DS and Wii U versions.


If a Smash NX has snake I will be there day 1, standing in line at midnight. If it doesn't have snake I probably won't bother getting one for awhile. I bought a WiiU for Smash and honestly I could have done fine just waiting until now to get one and playing smash on 3DS. Didn't help that all of the other titles I wanted with the system didn't hit until like last year.

Sakurai can get a vacation when he makes me happy since im selfish.


I know I just said "Be free, Sakurai", but hey if he wants to work on Fighter Emblem that'd be cool too.

Just get the Soul Calibur team from Namco, team 'em up with Sora LTD and IS and let's go.
Hopefully he finally takes a well deserved vacation. That said, hopefully they get one more bug fixing patch released that fixes some of the major glitches introduced by the last update like Corrin's infinite grab on ZSS.


You can still have fun with her.

Do you play in tournaments?

Even out of tournaments playing a character with horrible hit detection in a fighting game....

Samus used to be my all time fave. I have fond memories of discovering she was a girl playing n64 arcade mode as a kid and lookng closely behind the victory visor. In melee she was at her peak and also at her most fun and I still played her primarily in brawl. Hell Smash 64 got me to buy Metroid Prime which blew my mind and introduced me to the series.

In fact it's become a tradition to always break in a new smash title by playing as samus in arcade so I get used to the new mechanic changes. I immediately noticed something was off with Samus in 4 and over time just found her not fun at all to play.

Several months later I see this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7CewcWnKs8

In comparison to characters like Bowser who got massively improved over his previous incarnations feels so brutally satisfying to play or half the new characters who all bring something unique and fun to the table Samus just feels awful, play awful and is an all around broken character.

If you can have fun with her socially then thats great, I just wish Sakurai would actually fix her to make her fun for more people, including someone whose been with her since the very beginning.

EDIT: Did not mean to shit up this thread.

Thank you Sakurai for everything you've done and of course giving me my Queen Bayonetta. I can't hate on you at all for that! :)


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
I know I just said "Be free, Sakurai", but hey if he wants to work on Fighter Emblem that'd be cool too.

Just get the Soul Calibur team from Namco, team 'em up with Sora LTD and IS and let's go.

Would rather see a Fire Emblem Musou from Tecmo Koei IMO.


The "I guess he won't be working on the NX port" comments are interesting to me. Do we all really think that he (a noted workaholic) is going to take 6+ months off? I mean, ignoring that it's all hearsay anyway at the moment, presumably he'd be back from vacation to oversee stuff with a fair few months left before the NX launch.

Sakurai works on his own projects in between Smash games. Smash is clearly a huge undertaking for him and so I assume when he says "extended vacation" he's not only referring to a vacation from work, but a vacation from smash in order to work on his own stuff.

Plus unless the hypothetical NX port has new characters/stages/modes they don't really need Sakurai just for a standard port job.


Samus isn't even trash tier. Even played in high level games by esam. Corrin counter is actually same as the other ones roughly just a different kb angle(up vs horizontal) and is rather slow. I feel the new character to are good but pretty balanced when the dust is settled.


You've more than earned it Sakurai. You managed to blow minds multiple times with DLC for this game, particularly Ryu, Cloud, and Bayonetta. The game easily stands as one of the best games of all time in my opinion. I know I will be playing this one for a long time.

Bayonetta was the #1 character I wanted to see in the game ever since Bayonetta 2 was announced in 2012, and I had given up hope when she wasn't in the base game. I voted for her in the ballot, and was surprised to actually see her get in. Thank you Sakurai, and enjoy your vacation.

Also, I don't think Corrin and Bayonetta are OP. Corrin in particular is really overrated. I'm not even a great player, I consider myself decent at best, and I have figured out how to deal with Corrin.
that will be one well earned vacation.
knowing the japanese, it'll probably an extended weekend.

one last balance patch 6 months down the line would be cool but the team is probably long gone by then.
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