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SCEA President: "We don't buy exclusivity."

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dr3upmushroom said:
Yet they always strike deals with publishers to release their games first on their a Sony platform (GTA 3, Vice City, GTA SA, Guitar Hero 2, Guitar Hero 80's)

Sony had nothing to do with GTA3 or the GHs
Zonar said:
"Microsoft is too dependent on the third-party community, and Nintendo is too depended on first-party. We like to feel that we got a pretty good mix."

It's called "no-party" gaming. It's why their third right now.



they call me "Man Gravy".
methane47 said:
Every GTA game on PS2 was released on the XBox.. (except for the "Stories" games)

I was not aware that Sony had anything to do with that exclusivity maybe barring San Andreas... and that is a maybe..

The others were just timed exclusive by default..

IIRC, they entered into an agreement that allowed the GTA games to use all the music from the Sony catalogue without licensing fees in exchange for some kind of exclusivity. That's why the soundtrack for those games is entirely drawn from the Sony library. You could make the argument that it's not them paying cold, hard cash for something, but fundamentally it's the same thing.


"Microsoft is too dependent on the third-party community, and Nintendo is too depended on first-party. We like to feel that we got a pretty good mix."

Does he mean third party games like Metal Gear Solid 4 and Final Fantasy XII? Or first party games like Halo 3?


Tieno said:
I thought Insomnniac was an independent 3rd party developer...

Yes and no, SCE has a concept of in-house and outside 1'st party. They treat them as 1'st party and even call them so but allow the studios to retain their creative freedom of 3'rd developers (a philosophy about freedom equal better creative products).


GCQuinton said:
Talk about a 180 from what Sony used to do regarding exclusives.
When they actually *had* them. Buy and bribe, if that's what it takes Sony. You're not going to be able to sell your overpriced console any other way.


GAF's Bob Woodward
SapientWolf said:
To me they might as well have said, "We're too cheap to support our platform. We'll take whatever we can get."

For cryin' out loud, they invest more in the support of their platforms themselves than any other platform holder.

He's talking about not funding third party published games, and trying to sound big about it. They're right not to do that, if you're going to fund a game, you should at least publish it. At least when it comes to original games..I can understand funnelling money to a third party for an established franchise if needs be, but otherwise it seems sort of undesireable (and hopefully unnecessary in the long run).


VonGak! said:
Yes and no, SCE has a concept of in-house and outside 1'st party. They treat them as 1'st party and even call them so but allow the studios to retain their creative freedom of 3'rd developers (a philosophy about freedom equal better creative products).
I'm just saying how Insomniac calls themselves: an independent 3rd party developer. They just have an exclusive deal with Sony.


So this is some sort of pseudo moral high ground they are pretending to have?

We're too good for that. We won't stoop to their levels.

I don't see what compels these guys to say what they do. I really don't. I guess they figure someone out there will swallow their bullshit.
Also you have this

Hirai told Nikkei that the format holder will work closely with third-party software publishers on promoting new titles with in-store marketing and special events.

I doubt Sony's doing that just to be nice to those 3rd parties.

Darunia said:
seconded, do want to know. that avatar is hypnotic. Solidsnake always has the best ones

It's Kendra Wilkinson from Girls Next Door.


badcrumble said:
Um, gonna agree with the people saying that they ought to be buying themselves some exclusives.

That's a pathetic view, those money should be invested in new IPs and not in making already healthy franchises unplayable for some.

Are we interested in playing the games or peeing on those who can't?

And it's not like the 1'st party published SCE titles aren't able to compete with the made exclusive 3'rd party titles.
Not in my opinion.
VonGak! said:
That's a pathetic view, those money should be invested in new IPs and not in making already healthy franchises unplayable for some.

Are we interested in playing the games or peeing on those who can't?

And it's not like the 1'st party published SCE titles aren't able to compete with the made exclusive 3'rd party titles.
Not in my opinion.
You are talking about a product that is integral to your platform. At this point, if you are in a war with your competitors and they have the ability to exclusively purchase the input to your console or you have the op to bid on it, you better bid, because if you do not, you cannot make that many games yourself.


Tieno said:
I'm just saying how Insomniac calls themselves: an independent 3rd party developer. They just have an exclusive deal with Sony.

But wouldn't that be interpreting his words wrongfully on purpose? :)


GAF's Bob Woodward
SolidSnakex said:

IIRC, that's rather typical of Sony. They may not offer money for a game's development, but promotional and marketing deals are not unknown with third parties. Not a big difference, effectively..again, like Dr_Cogent says, he's trying to place himself on a moral higher ground that isn't a million miles away from what they're suggesting others are doing anyway.


TheKingsCrown said:
You are talking about a product that is integral to your platform. At this point, if you are in a war with your competitors and they have the ability to exclusively purchase the input to your console or you have the op to bid on it, you better bid, because if you do not, you cannot make that many games yourself.
But we would also see a lot of money going unused, I mean what is it 50mill USD for exclusive downloadable GTA4 content (dunno if it has been debunked).

That's enough money for two high profile titles and the industry could have been with a new studio (yes I know there's need for talent but it's developed through making games).

It's not like they, R*, wouldn't have put out online content had they not been paid because there's a lot of money to be earned.


kaching said:
Not "they". Jack Tretton. Let's confine this to the real culprits.

They means Sony. Jack Tretton represents Sony. He is a face for them. I think "they" applies just fine. If it isn't "they" as in Sony - JT should STFU then so he doesn't give that impression.

When I go to a customers site, and say things - I'm representing my company when I say said things. So I watch my f'ing mouth as a result.


Junior Member
How noble of Sony. With this sort of philosophy, they can lose this console war with their chin held high.


He has said a lot of stupid things in the past, but Jack is correct here... They do have a good mix of 1st/3rd party stuff... There's no denying that... Their 1st party is really impressive, and they do attract dev's as well still, like Ninja Theory for example, the LbP guys... And, we don't know yet for sure, so it stands, but they still have MGS4 and FF...

But, he's wrong in one point here, and it's that dev's like money, and MS has too much for themselves to know what to do with... They don't have the numbers edge to pull more exclusives now like they had, they need to put down some bank on some more...


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
speculawyer said:
What do you think will happen if Sony loses exclusivity to MGS 4 and Final Fantasy?
Thats beside the point. Tretton was obviously wrong, LAIR, Heavenly Sword, I think Motorstorm and now that Quandric Dream company, all were made by independant Dev who were independant and making games for other platforms before, but now making "exclusive" games for PS3.
Its fairly obvious they are doing something to get exclusive games it may not be as specific as just a straight up money hat. But he was clearly wrong.


Lift the cloud of bullshit to reveal what Jack is really trying to say

"We don't have anywhere near as much money as Microsoft."


GAF's Bob Woodward
szaromir said:
How do you know that?

They apparently only follow EA and Ubisoft in terms of the size of their development/publishing effort - claimed to be larger than MS's and Nintendo's combined. Look at the volume of titles they produce. Maintaining an operation like that costs money. They have signed up quite a lot of independents to deals recently also (i.e. late PS2/early PS3 timeframe) - Factor5, Media Molecule, Slant Six Games, Zoe Mode, Relentless, Ninja Theory, most recently Quantic Dream..

As far as I can see, the sheer size of their investment in development and games is second to none among the platform holders. They just don't, according to Tretton, hand bags of money to publishers for games that Sony isn't going to publish.
Mojovonio said:
Lift the cloud of bullshit to reveal what Jack is really trying to say

"We don't have anywhere near as much money as Microsoft."

Or "third parties want way more to go PS3 exclusive than they need to go 360 exclusive."


Mojovonio said:
Lift the cloud of bullshit to reveal what Jack is really trying to say

"We don't have anywhere near as much money as Microsoft."

Probably. And considering how much they are in debt (up to their eyeballs) with the PS3 - I don't see how they can afford to shop around for exclusive IPs either.
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