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Self-driving trucks will hit the road in Ohio

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COLUMBUS, Ohio — A self-driving truck will begin traveling on two Ohio roads next week after state officials announce details of new investments to support innovative transportation technology.

A vehicle from self-driving truck maker Otto will travel a 35-mile stretch of U.S. Route 33 on Monday in central Ohio between Dublin and East Liberty, home to the Transportation Research Center, an independent testing facility. It will travel in regular traffic, and a driver in the truck will be positioned to intervene should anything go awry, Department of Transportation spokesman Matt Bruning said Friday, adding that “safety is obviously No. 1.”

Tests of self-driving vehicles have been made in other areas. Anheuser-Busch said last month that it had completed the world’s first commercial shipment by self-driving truck, sending a beer-filled tractor-trailer on a trip of more than 120 miles through Colorado. The company said a professional truck driver was on board for the entire route. Several automobile companies have tested self-driving vehicles on public roads in California and Nevada, and Uber is testing driverless cars in Pittsburgh.

Kasich has pushed for Ohio to be a leader in the fast-advancing testing and research of autonomous vehicles. State officials say Ohio is well-positioned for such a role for many reasons, including a significant presence from the automotive industry in the state, partnerships with university researchers, and the seasonal weather changes that enable testing a variety of driving conditions in one place.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Amazing how fast self driving tech is moving, that's a lot of retrenching for truck drivers coming up though.... How many truckies are there in USA!?


Amazing how fast self driving tech is moving, that's a lot of retrenching for truck drivers coming up though.... How many truckies are there in USA!?

Quite a lot and it is one of the top jobs available in economically depressed areas, so yea, this is going to have recriminations.


Amazing how fast self driving tech is moving, that's a lot of retrenching for truck drivers coming up though.... How many truckies are there in USA!?

There's debate as to how accurate some of these classifications are but....

Most common jobs by state;




The future is happening right now isn't? I love driving, but there are travels that are simply too boring or too tiring for a human to do, so I welcome this tech as long as it's optional


Amazing how fast self driving tech is moving, that's a lot of retrenching for truck drivers coming up though.... How many truckies are there in USA!?

Most employed job in America with 3.6 million drivers on the road.

Driverless cars will force us to question the jobs cultist full employment nonsense we adhere to. We will either prosper, or America will be a study in how much poverty a first world can absorb until it crumbles.

What these guys would migrate to - service jobs - were directly called out by the White House as "high-risk" jobs for automation, too...

They can always get an education! But who has on average $35,000? Oops, forgot to mention; deep learning systems now learn faster than humans. This is where most replacement will happen, in cognitive work.

Fun times for America. The jobs con man inheriting the White House is going to face the beginning of the biggest social issue of the 21st century. Machines are not a minority, so this excuse won't work.

Also, fun fact for those saying "both parties are the same" jazz: Obama admits we need a basic income, and there were those in Clinton's campaign planning on making one using a retrofitted TANF program.

Enjoy your precarity.
yep there is no stoping that train, we really need a Basic Universal Income, professional counseling and reorientation for these people or things will get nasty

no one is doing any of this. its gonna bite us in the ass more than any big problem today, except climate change.

Two Words

Most employed job in America with 3.6 million drivers on the road.

Driverless cars will force us to question the jobs cultist full employment nonsense we adhere to. We will either prosper, or America will be a study in how much poverty a first world can absorb until it crumbles.

What these guys would migrate to - service jobs - were directly called out by the White House as "high-risk" jobs for automation, too...

They can always get an education! But who has on average $35,000? Oops, forgot to mention; deep learning systems now learn faster than humans. This is where most replacement will happen, in cognitive work.

Fun times for America. The jobs con man inheriting the White House is going to face the beginning of the biggest social issue of the 21st century. Machines are not a minority, so this excuse won't work.

That's ok, people will just blame minorities and Obama


Jeez. Given that self-driving cars will eventually remove the need for truck drivers, and software developers will develop/improve self-driving cars, are we going to see software-developer take over that map? I went into the right field.

I would assume there will demand for engineers who specialize in robotics too.
At least until software engineers create programs that to that work.
And then they create software that creates software.


Most employed job in America with 3.6 million drivers on the road.

Driverless cars will force us to question the jobs cultist full employment nonsense we adhere to. We will either prosper, or America will be a study in how much poverty a first world can absorb until it crumbles.

What these guys would migrate to - service jobs - were directly called out by the White House as "high-risk" jobs for automation, too...

They can always get an education! But who has on average $35,000? Oops, forgot to mention; deep learning systems now learn faster than humans. This is where most replacement will happen, in cognitive work.

Fun times for America. The jobs con man inheriting the White House is going to face the beginning of the biggest social issue of the 21st century. Machines are not a minority, so this excuse won't work.

Also, fun fact for those saying "both parties are the same" jazz: Obama admits we need a basic income, and there were those in Clinton's campaign planning on making one using a retrofitted TANF program.

It's certainly going to put Trump's populist protectionist stances in opposition to the establishment, pro business wing of his party. Kasich is even singled out in the OP as being a big proponent of this development.


I would assume there will demand for engineers who specialize in robotics too.
At least until software engineers create programs that to that work.
And then they create software that creates software.

This is already happening. Deep learning, in some respects, is exactly this.


no one is doing any of this. its gonna bite us in the ass more than any big problem today, except climate change.

They will, it's just a question of how much damage will happen to the fabric of society until the politicians realize this is not a problem they can kick away and is just beyond any ideology, Basic Income isn't a thing that you can pin at either left or right if you see the big picture.


Jeez. Given that self-driving cars will eventually remove the need for truck drivers, and software developers will develop/improve self-driving cars, are we going to see software-developer take over that map? I went into the right field.

Just until robots can start writing their own code. Why pay a lousy hooman $100k a year with benefirts and insurance/pension when you can have a robot/AI write it for free?

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
I was under the assumption that there still needs to be a person inside the truck. Says so in the OP too. No ones gonna lose their job.


I was under the assumption that there still needs to be a person inside the truck. Says so in the OP too. No ones gonna lose their job.

as the technology progresses why would we need a person inside the truck? A bored out of his mind person inside a truck, what a dream job


I was under the notion that there still needs to be a person inside the truck.

There may be, but this still doesn't change the fact that's until the technology stabilizes as well as the fact you will assuredly need fewer people.

If companies start platooning, they only need one human for every X cars, with all of them linked like a hivemind. You can bank if companies go that way, you only need 20% of that labor force. This is how you get the migration and decline within the service sector economy as well.

Worse still, as one's tasks are more delegated to the machine, so goes their income. The loss of the job isn't the only problem, but the rise of the job being insoluble to our social impositions.

Having a human in there doesn't change the fact this is incredibly destructive for the way we think, as it accelerates precarity and unsustainability within the work itself, be it as a job or wages within it.

How feasible is this when you consider the scope of software development?

Look up Enlitic or Watson. These are deep learning systems, and they're poised to change the medical industry.

Walmart fired 7,000 people a few months ago, likely because inventory and stocking could be better categorized by deep learning than actual programming and personal accounting of such tasks.

In fact, bringing it back to this, consider for a moment Nvidia made a driverless car with less than 100 recorded hours towards the project. Deep learning played a role.


I was under the assumption that there still needs to be a person inside the truck. Says so in the OP too. No ones gonna lose their job.

Because they're testing it. That requirement is obviously going to be reduced or removed at some point.


Trucking is one of the very few professions left that allow you to earn a middle class income without spending thousands/tens of thousands of dollars and years of your life getting a degree.

Interesting times ahead for this country 🤔


I was under the assumption that there still needs to be a person inside the truck. Says so in the OP too. No ones gonna lose their job.


This is basically testing. The driver is just there to take over in case things go sideways.
The instant the threshold is reached where automated incidents are less frequent than human ones, there's no reason to keep the human drivers; if anything, they'd be a liability. Might even be sooner than that.
That image isn't nearly as dire as people posting it make it out to be. Yes, it's a lot of jobs, but if you read the article, there's this:
"The prominence of truck drivers is partly due to the way the government categorizes jobs. It lumps together all truck drivers and delivery people, creating a very large category. Other jobs are split more finely; for example, primary school teachers and secondary school teachers are in separate categories."

Tractor drivers are in there, etc. I bet postal workers are in there, as well. Sure, they may all be on the chopping block eventually, but I feel like most people here are envisioning this as all long-haul truckers or something.
Also, just because one job type is "most common" doesn't mean there aren't a ton of other job types that, in the aggregate, far eclipse this single job type.

Again, there's no doubt that a reckoning is coming for truck drivers, but I believe that it is overstated with images like this posted without context or analysis.


I don't think this is going to massively impact existing truckers, but I'd certainly think twice if I was young and looking to get into it.

I'd like to see what the number of delivery jobs that require the driver to do work on either destination is. For instance, when I worked in restaurants, the delivery guy who drove the truck also unloaded everything into the restaurant for us. My uncle drives for a tv channel that broadcasts sporting events, and they help to set up the equipment when they arrive at a destination, which could literally be anywhere in the US. They also help to repack the equipment, etc. It isn't always just driving.

What's the point then?

Lower incidence of accidents, drivers could arrive faster/"drive" longer hours without stopping, don't need two drivers working in pairs, etc.
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