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September Insanity: Rayman Legends, TW101 (in NA), Puppeteer, Amensia: AMfP, GTAV...


Forgive me if we've already discussed, in fearful reverence, the time-crunching wallet-killer of September.

Anyone else attempting all of the following?

Puppeteer (PS3) -- Sept. 5 (JP), Sept. 10 (NA), Sept. 11 (EU): Barring abysmal reviews, this one's a lock. The extended EU demo is simple and straightforward enough, but we've seen later levels with mine-cart-in-DKCR levels of twitchy skill-based platforming, and Edge vouched for the challenge and mechanics, noting that one staff member spent a year refining the jump physics. Assuming it's more like Rayman and less like LBP, this could be an instant classic. It's said to be absolutely packed with content, with production values through the roof, and it's only $39.99. Also, I should note this game looked a lot more fun once people started using the roll mechanic -- quick and snappy, it's a great way to zone your enemies, dodging out of harm's way and then rolling back to snip, snip, snip with the scissors.

Now that I feel inclined to purchase Puppeteer, I'm starting to realize how loaded September is, and I actually think it's GTAV that may be put on the back-burner. (Knowing they're priming us to double-dip on a PC version doesn't help.)

For my tastes, there's also:

Rayman Legends (WiiU, PS3, Vita, 360, PC) -- Aug. 29 (AU), Aug. 30 (EU), Sept. 3 (NA), Oct. 17 (JP): Receiving perfect and near-perfect scores across the board, it looks like the WiiU and Vita versions are the ones to get, if one has a choice, due to the touch-based Murfy sections. WiiU would be the definitive edition, since you get the true multiplayer experience of four people sharing the same screen, while the fifth player is god in green bottlefly form. But I'm sure it'll be a fantastic experience on all platforms, and should be enjoyed however one has the means to play it. I really dig the Murfy sections -- they give the touchscreen player LOTS to do, so they're kept plenty engaged, and the hilarity that ensues from Murfy killing the other players (accidentally or otherwise) is priceless. :)

Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs (PC, Mac, Linux) -- Sept. 10 (Worldwide): Man, I got into PC gaming just for the first Amnesia, buying a rig far more powerful than it actually requires. And what followed were hours and hours of butt-clenching bliss. I also loved Dear Esther, basically a hyper-atmospheric interactive poem by thechineseroom, who are the devs on the new Amnesia, under the watchful eye of the original devs, Frictional Games. I skimmed a gameplay montage for AMfP and it looks promising. Here's hoping it will meet or exceed the sky-high bar set by the original.

The Wonderful 101 (WiiU) -- Aug. 23 (EU), Aug. 24 (JP, AU), Sept. 15 (NA): Those wily Europeans and Australians are already playing this game, in-between tea time, eating baguettes and wrestling with crocodiles. But in September, I'll finally get to crack open this, my most anticipated game (at the moment) and the latest masterpiece from Bayonetta creator Hideki Kamiya and Platinum Games. The controls that seem so divisive in reviews are of little consequence to me -- I've played the demo so much that I'm cranking out Unite Morphs on the right stick in real-time with no slow-mo in Mission Mode. This game gets priority in September.

Grand Theft Auto V (PS3, 360) -- Sept. 17 (Worldwide): Probably the most anticipated game this fall (by the general gaming populace, I mean), and yet, it's the one I find easiest to wait on. That being said, the apparent improvements to basic gunplay and mobility during combat are encouraging, as is the variety offered by the ability to plot out every aspect of your heists, from minions to vehicles, and then switch between the three protags on the fly, approaching each situation in a multitude of ways. All of that, in a world that looks to be Rockstar's most impressive yet, from the depths of the ocean to the peaks of the mountains, and all the deserts and woodlands and cities/suburbia in-between.

One hell of a month. Anyone else targeting all of these games, or more? Finding time is the main concern.


Getting Puppeteer and Wonderful 101. Probably gonna grab Rayman as well. Waiting for the PC/next gen version of GTA.
Everyone always forgets that Kingdom Hearts HD comes out on the 10th.

But that, GTA V, and Rayman will all be mine this upcoming month.


The only thing for sure for me is Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix. The rest I may wait for those yearly Buy 2 Get 1 Free sales at Best Buy/Target in October.
I don't think I'll buy any of these right now, Rayman Origins and W101 look great but I don't have a Wii U(I know that Rayman is multiplat). I'd buy GTA if it was on PC... which will happen eventually.

oh well, happy gaming everyone.


GTA V and FFXIV are the only games I need, with Dragon's Crown and all my PS+ games for my mobile gaming needs.


Add Killzone Mercenary in there for me.

That + Rayman + maybe Puppeteer.

I'll be waiting for the PS4 version of GTAV. And if it's not coming, well, I can still pick the game up next year


just wonderful 101 this month. The rest of the year is so stacked for me that Rayman will probably have to wait till next year.


I'm buying ... KH HD 1.5

Nice to have a slow month before October (WWHD, Pokemon XY, Tearaway) and November (PS4, Knack, Zelda: ALBW)


Friendly message to NA Wii U owners: I hope Wonderful 101 is on your buy list. It's an excellent game that hasn't yet stopped surprising me in ways I couldn't even imagine.

I'm loaning GTA V but otherwise it is going to be a quiet month. Rayman Legends gets the same treatment from me too but that's an August release here.


I'll wait for the PC or next-gen port of GTAV, already ordered Rayman Legends (which will arrive early tomorrow), already own The Wonderful 101 (which is sometimes frustrating, but mostly awesome), not interested in Amnesia. I might get Puppeteer later on.

The one thing in September that I do plan on getting is the Castle of Illusion remake. October will be a bigger month for me with Sonic Lost World, Batman Arkham Origins and maybe Wind Waker HD.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Kingdom Hearts for a week then no game but GTA exists for me.

I've gone back to playing one game at a time, and I enjoy that a lot more. So puppeteer, Rayman, W101, etc can wait
I'm getting Rayman Legends and Wonderful 101, probably not right away though. I've never played a GTA game, but GTA5 is a maybe.


As usual like every month, buy nothing, play my backlog and wait for these titles to hit £10 or go to PSN+ Instant Game Collection. It's great to be a patient and cheap ass gamer.


Rayman, Legends, Castle of Illusion, Kickbeat, Puppeteer and Killzone Mercenary for me. And that's all by the 10th of the month. :-( My wallet is already getting scared.
I'm getting Rayman, in part for the reviews and the fact that I get Origins free for preordering it. I've never played a Rayman game, but I do love platformers. I'm also getting Grand Theft Auto V... when it releases on PC... which probably won't be September. If it's not at least October or early November, I won't be paying full price for it.

Foxix Von

Oh shit, Puppeteer is out NEXT MONTH!? I thought it was way out. Shit, well count me in for Puppeteer and Killzone Mercenary. I'd consider rayman for the vita but it sounds like they bungled up the vita multilayer, though I might be wrong on that though. At the very least I want to hear more in regards to how it operates in reviews.

The Lamp

As usual like every month, buy nothing, play my backlog and wait for these titles to hit £10 or go to PSN+ Instant Game Collection. It's great to be a patient and cheap ass gamer.

Except for when the games don't get sequels because people didn't buy them when they came out.
Puppeteer, Killzone Mercenary, GTA V, Rayman Legends at some later date and Lone Survivor (PSN). Yup, been saying it for a while now, September Is crammed full of games I want to play. Will probably be the busiest month of the year for me.
Just Wonderful 101 for me this month. I'm still a little salty about the Rayman Wii U incident, so I'll wait until it drops in price like it's predecessor. October's going to be a painful month though.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
The Wonderful 101 and GTA V will be mine. Though I do want to pick up Rayman Legends down the road, and maybe rent Puppeteer.
The Wonderful 101, Rayman Legends, GTA V, and Killzone Mercenary for sure. Awesome month of games incoming. Interested in checking out what Puppeteer is all about. Haven't really looked into it too much, but it looks like something I'd enjoy.


It's a good problem to have so many games to want, I once read that "9" is the typical software attach number for a console, but ever since coming to Neogaf.com and seeing what's out there, paying more attention to the games that are coming, I'm sure that "next gen" I'm going to blow right past that number very soon (as I did when buying "gems" for the Wii at dirt cheap prices this year after reading up on recommendations here on the forums.) I've found that if I stop thinking about "genres" and start thinking about "fun and enjoyment," then there are too many games and not enough time. I love it!

I will be getting Rayman Legends and Wonderful 101, not necessarily day one (I'm inclined to wait for at least $49.99 for most games). I may try GTAV, it's been a very long time since I've played a GTA game (Vice City was the last one I played) but if there are uproarious accolades for the game, then I will...get the PC version ;-) I'm very eager for the "next-gen" to kick off farther than it has already so I don't want to make Xbox 360 purchases anymore.
(WiiU started the gen already.)

I'm for sure getting The Wonderful 101. I'm like 75/25 on getting GTA V; I've been swept up in the hype despite preferring to wait for a next gen/PC release. I'm a maybe on Rayman Legends because I still haven't finished Origins. Puppeteer looks interesting but I'll probably wait for a sale because October is going to be hilariously expensive.

October: Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl, Wind Waker HD, Rune Factory 4, Pokémon X & Y, Sonic Lost World, lol. :(
Oh crap, how could I forget the 3DS? Come to think of it, I'm actually going to have to make some pretty tough choices, there's just no way in hell I can play everything I want to (luckily for me though, Rune Factory 4 is going to be all I need for some time. It's the only one that I NEED lol


Insane month.. A new game every week. Puppeteer, Killzone Mercenary, GTA V, Rayman Legends etc.. Won't be getting 101, I no longer own a Wii U. I have yet to beat Amnesia, so I'll wait on A Machine for Pigs.

Is Diablo 3 not coming out next week? I've seen zero talk of it.

Most people are waiting for the PS4 version.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
I'll be getting GTA V and either Killzone Mercenary or Rayman Legends. Not sure which yet. I'll be getting both down the line obviously, but only one in September. Also Puppeteer is a game I'll be getting down the line but not in September.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm for sure getting The Wonderful 101. I'm like 75/25 on getting GTA V; I've been swept up in the hype despite preferring to wait for a next gen/PC release. I'm a maybe on Rayman Legends because I still haven't finished Origins. Puppeteer looks interesting but I'll probably wait for a sale because October is going to be hilariously expensive.

October: Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl, Wind Waker HD, Rune Factory 4, Pokémon X & Y, Sonic Lost World, lol. :(


Kingdom Hearts HD
Rayman Legends
Wonderful 101

Will be good (if Gamefly bothers to ship anything out to me)
Rayman Legends and GTAV are must buys for me.

Depending on impressions, I may get Diablo 3. I've always wanted to give it a shot since my computer can't run it.
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