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September Wrasslin' |OT| of The Dreamcast of McGillicutty and "MAH SON!"

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dream said:
Oh yeah, it looks like Summerslam did 350k worldwide, 196k domestically this year. Worst Summerslam buyrate in 5 years.

I guess Vince was right when he said Summerslam would be the beginning of a turnaround for this wretched company. He just had the direction wrong.
This is just like in 2007 when Andy Roddick said that they aren't two guys in the mix( Federer and Rafa), but three. Turned out a month later the third guy wasn't him, but Djokovic.
Bootaaay said:

That might be the dumbest bump I've ever seen.

Even Foley knew to have a table break your fall.


Bootaaay said:

Wow. Hope the $100 and the pain he probably got from that were worth it.

NameGenerated said:
Looks like he just missed the table. Ouch.

Yeah, looks like it. Still a really stupid decision as the table likely wouldn't have helped much. It might've even been worse depending on how the table breaks.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
That might be the dumbest bump I've ever seen.

Even Foley knew to have a table break your fall.

It's pro wrestling's version of the Darwin Awards though. Want to take a ridiculous death bump for a $50 payday in front of a hundred people because you have "passion?" Congratulations - you're hardcore, you're hardcore.


dream said:
It's pro wrestling's version of the Darwin Awards though. Want to take a ridiculous death bump for a $50 payday in front of a hundred people because you have "passion?" Congratulations - you're hardcore, you're hardcore.

Seriously. I went to the Dragon Gate USA show Saturday in downtown Chicago at the old Congress Theater and Jimmy Jacobs and Jon Moxley were throwing each other around on the beaten-up concrete floor (Chicago Street Fight). I was thinking "Damn, that's pretty severe for a couple hundred bucks at most."

I can't imagine someone actually thinking it's a good idea to launch yourself from the 2nd deck for likely a helluva lot less money and in front of a much smaller crowd.


rvd2kewl said:
Seriously. I went to the Dragon Gate USA show Saturday in downtown Chicago at the old Congress Theater and Jimmy Jacobs and Jon Moxley were throwing each other around on the concrete floor (Chicago Street Fight). I was thinking "Damn, that's pretty severe for a couple hundred bucks at most."

I can't imagine someone actually thinking it's a good idea for launch yourself for the 2nd deck for likely a helluva lot less money (and likely a much smaller crowd).

Yeah, that sounds horrible. I thought the whole point of this was to make it look like it hurts without it actually, you know, hurting.

One of the dumbest things I've ever seen in wrestling is Nigel McGuinness headbutting the ring post repeatedly in his match with Danielson. Just absolutely retarded especially since it was in front of, what, 500 ROH fans? How does that make the match better? Was it worth suffering whatever permanent damage that made him fail a physical to the point where WWE was scared to sign him?
dream said:
One of the dumbest things I've ever seen in wrestling is Nigel McGuinness headbutting the ring post repeatedly in his match with Danielson. Just absolutely retarded especially since it was in front of, what, 500 ROH fans? How does that make the match better? Was it worth suffering whatever permanent damage that made him fail a physical to the point where WWE was scared to sign him?

Yeah, that was crazy - the sound his head made impacting the ring post was absolutely sick. That was on one of the UK shows iirc, it may have been a dumb spot to do and stupid in the long run, but it certainly added to the intensity of the match, and I imagine McGuinness wanted to go all out in front of a home nation crowd. Also, he failed the WWE medical because he'd had a series of concussions and torn both biceps during his ROH title run - but it's always been the same way with anyone who holds the ROH title for any length of time; that many 15+ minute title defences, especially working a 'strong' style as guys like Joe, Danielson & McGuinness did, it takes it's toll.


Just saw the Bragging Rights PPV Promo on Superstars....you aren't imaging it. It still has a Nexus angle.

And next week TNA is going live instead of taped, thats all.
theultimo said:
Just saw the Braggings Rights PPV Promo on Superstars....you aren't imaging it. It still has a Nexus angle.

And next week TNA is going live instead of taped, thats all.
I know, I mentioned it last week and nobody believed me.


Bootaaay said:
Yeah, that was crazy - the sound his head made impacting the ring post was absolutely sick. That was on one of the UK shows iirc, it may have been a dumb spot to do and stupid in the long run, but it certainly added to the intensity of the match, and I imagine McGuinness wanted to go all out in front of a home nation crowd. Also, he failed the WWE medical because he'd had a series of concussions and torn both biceps during his ROH title run - but it's always been the same way with anyone who holds the ROH title for any length of time; that many 15+ minute title defences, especially working a 'strong' style as guys like Joe, Danielson & McGuinness did, it takes it's toll.
Nigel is a really sad example. The guy is so talented but has totally wrecked his body to the point that WWE won't take him so he won't get the sort of money he deserves for both his sacrifice and talent. His run as a heel while an ROH champion was really well done. An interesting perspective I like to view it from was that it was actually the ROH crowds who were the heels for turning on him and Nigel was the face for refusing to just give up the title he worked so hard to get.
Oh YAY looks like Matt's stupid videos have rubbed off on others. Melina has taken to youtube now as well:


DKehoe said:
Nigel is a really sad example. The guy is so talented but has totally wrecked his body to the point that WWE won't take him so he won't get the sort of money he deserves for both his sacrifice and talent. His run as a heel while an ROH champion was really well done. An interesting perspective I like to view it from was that it was actually the ROH crowds who were the heels for turning on him and Nigel was the face for refusing to just give up the title he worked so hard to get.

Yeah, I always thought Nigel never got the full respect he truly deserved during his title reign. The New Jersey crowd especially, iirc, would always just undeservedly crap on him. I still feel like he has the worst luck because after getting dropped by WWE he comes to TNA only to get a small push and then dumped to the side.
Anyone else follow Colt Cabana's podcasts on http://www.welovecolt.com/ ? They have all been really entertaining. Samoa Joe is on the latest one. I haven't listened to it myself yet, but I heard it was really good.

Also, am I the only one watching TNA? Where the hell did Spanky come from?! Also WTF @ him wearing that bath robe again.
AdawgDaFAB said:
Anyone else follow Colt Cabana's podcasts on http://www.welovecolt.com/ ? They have all been really entertaining. Samoa Joe is on the latest one. I haven't listened to it myself yet, but I heard it was really good.

Yeah, Colt's podcasts are awesome, best wrestling podcast by far - they've all been really entertaining, but I especially enjoyed the Punk one (obviously), Bull Pain, Chad Colyer and Adam Pearce. Can't wait to listen to the latest.

Isn't it October already? Whoever makes the new thread, mention Dragon Gate USA's first ever internet-PPV;

Generation Me I just can't buy as bad guys when they come out in fruity tights and look like little boys. Also to the one that with dark hair, just because you are chewing gum does not make you a heel.
I got a feeling that might be more a thing with TNA's booking because I've heard that they were really good heels in PWG and other places before. However, I can see where you're getting at with the outfits.
They're pretty good heels in PWG, but they get most of their heat there because they signed for TNA and because they're always bullying their little brother Malachi. Personally I think their move-set is a bit too over the top and flippy than is necessary for a heel team.
Bootaaay said:
Yeah, Colt's podcasts are awesome, best wrestling podcast by far - they've all been really entertaining, but I especially enjoyed the Punk one (obviously), Bull Pain, Chad Colyer and Adam Pearce. Can't wait to listen to the latest.

Took another look at Colt's site and http://tsmradio.com/coltcabana/ is where you can download all 10 of his podcasts.

Bootaaay said:
They're pretty good heels in PWG, but they get most of their heat there because they signed for TNA and because they're always bullying their little brother Malachi. Personally I think their move-set is a bit too over the top and flippy than is necessary for a heel team.

That was something I was concerned about when they turned heel. Since I've never actually seen them work heel I didn't know if they change their ring work up enough to play the heel role or not. Guess we will have to see if they learn to adapt.


Well this finish was supposed to be Nash causing a dq, but nash messed up so they made up that finish on the spot.

Edit: This feud is so bad that they are cheering the supposed heels.
Who cares if Hogan is going to be there next week? He is there like every other week and he never does anything. He can't wrestle so what is the point?
BoboBrazil said:
Who cares if Hogan is going to be there next week? He is there like every other week and he never does anything. He can't wrestle so what is the point?

Seriously, all he does is come out and cut some rambling promo about how "we're raising the bar, brother" time and time again. He's more of a waste of space than Bret Hart has been since returning to WWE TV.
Oh wow! I thought they would just ignore the whole X-Div title swap and did it just to get the home town pop for Jay.

Fake-Edit: So basically she took over Traci Brooks' old role I suppose. I guess thats a step up from Extreme Expose.
AdawgDaFAB said:
Oh wow! I thought they would just ignore the whole X-Div title swap and did it just to get the home town pop for Jay.

Fake-Edit: So basically she took over Traci Brooks' old role I suppose. I guess thats a step up from Extreme Expose.

They should have just ignored the title drop, since it was just won back off of tv. That doesn't do anything but devalue Lethal. Also, there hasn't been one promo from someone talking about the royale saying how much they need the 100,000 or what they could do with it. Atleast have some undercard guys talking about it. Otherwise why have the stipulation?
Dixie's father Bob Carter, as most people know, is the CEO of Panda Energy (TNA's financial backer). Well, I recently found out Janice is his wifes name. Which means Abyss's 2 stupid weapons are named after Dixie's parents. With how annoyingly insipid Russo booking can be sometimes, I would NOT put it past them to have the Carter's be THEY <_< ... >_> ... >_<.
AdawgDaFAB said:
Dixie's father Bob Carter, as most people know, is the CEO of Panda Energy (TNA's financial backer). Well, I recently found out Janice is his wifes name. Which means Abyss's 2 stupid weapons are named after Dixie's parents. With how annoyingly insipid Russo booking can be sometimes, I would NOT put it past them to have the Carter's be THEY <_< ... >_> ... >_<.

I thought it was supposed to be those guys from AAA? Maybe they are reforming the DUNGEON OF DOOM:lol
AdawgDaFAB said:
Dixie's father Bob Carter, as most people know, is the CEO of Panda Energy (TNA's financial backer). Well, I recently found out Janice is his wifes name. Which means Abyss's 2 stupid weapons are named after Dixie's parents. With how annoyingly insipid Russo booking can be sometimes, I would NOT put it past them to have the Carter's be THEY <_< ... >_> ... >_<.

I hope not, TNA should use this opportunity to bring some Mexican and Japanese hardcore wrestler as THEY.
BoboBrazil said:
I thought it was supposed to be those guys from AAA? Maybe they are reforming the DUNGEON OF DOOM:lol

Yeah, if I had to pick something I would say it is most likely going to be the rumored AAA clique. The Carters thing was just something I thought up, knowing Russo's trolling booking tendencies, when I noticed the names.


september thread was the worst in a long long time. also didnt help that Blandy became the champion and NXT was turned into a diva search.

hope october's better, cause it certainly cant get any worse
Lunchbox said:
september thread of the worst in a long long time. also didnt help that Blandy became the champion and NXT was turned into a diva search.

hope october's better, cause it certainly cant get any worse

Well TNA should definitely spice October up with their changes. Some of the ex WWE guys should debut as well as Mickie James. Also THEY will be revealed.
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