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Seriously considering the Xbox1 over the ps4

Seems a bit of a ludicrous thread, but here's my 2 pence:

Right now the XO better suits you're needs, and is actually priced correctly thanks to all these discounts and bundles. So if you really want a gen 8 console right now, go for that.

On the other hand, DNLA support will come to PS4 eventually, Third Party racers should perform better on it, additional wheel support is apparently on the cards, and there will obviously be Gran Tourismo soon enough, so there are reasons to hold out for a PS4, at least until Project Cars, assuming they don't try and pull any parity bollocks. Driveclub was a huge cock up, but if they can figure out the net code issues that's aces, and the offline stuff still makes it a good racer.

But just get an Xbox if you want one, for fucks sake.


Even though I love my PS4 to death... I think the XBO offers the best 1st party games at the moment. I have to admit I'm jealous.

2015 should turn things around... although I still need to be convinced of whatever is releasing between uncharted and the order 1886 and bloodborne. People keep telling me about those games but 2 of them release in february so they'll need more to keep 2015 interesting.
Even though I love my PS4 to death... I think the XBO offers the best 1st party games at the moment. I have to admit I'm jealous.

2015 should turn things around... although I still need to be convinced of whatever is releasing between uncharted and the order 1886 and bloodborne. People keep telling me about those games but 2 of them release in february so they'll need more to keep 2015 interesting.

Think you can probably expect Ratchet & Clank, and Tearaway inbetween those.
Gotta love all the backhanded comments about GT not coming for a few years. When Kaz has said at a number of interviews he is aiming for 2015/16, and previous delays were due to PS3 architecture.

Forget previous delays, and say it comes out fall 2016, do you honestly believe the PS4 will still be $399? Hell he could probably grab a PS4 bundled with GT7.


Gold Member
If I were to buy either an X1 or PS4 right now, I'd probably go with the X1 because it has 2 games that I absolutely must play, Sunset Overdrive and Halo:MCC.

I still think that long term the PS4 will have the better library but for now, there's more stuff I want to play on X1.


Get the xb1, if you are into sim racing f5 is a much better game now than it was at launch (and it was pretty darn good at launch) FH2 is an absolute masterpiece of a game, and worth the price of entry alone. Driveclub I would say is OK, but slightly less fun than need for speed, also if you get ea access you get need for speed in the vault for free.

DLNA is good and works, and has some cool features (like having a draggable time line in the companion app thing).


So you have a PS4? How much did you pay for your DS4 rechargeable battery? What about your DS4 audio adapter?

For the XBO its $25 for the charge kit AND $25 for the audio adapter (I know because that's how much they cost me).

I'm not saying the Ps4 is worse machine than the X1. Both systems have good and bad features, both have areas were they are better an worse than the other

I'm just saying that this first year Microsoft has done a MUCH better job than Sony in terms of exclusives and OS support.
Which is why I really really hope X1 starts leading in sales. Until that happens Sony will keep with their current mentality of "We are selling a lot so why should be care about doing a better job"


I think the XB OS is much better if only for suspend, but even with the 180p boost most games get, it makes a huge difference for native display tv IMO. Things don't have that slightly blurred look the 900p games have.

Still, I like both. The horsepower of the PS4 and the better performing/looking games and the fun usability of the XB ecosystem are both really attractive. But as it stands, the XB cannot compete for any of my multiplatform time since they are almost always inferior, which stinks because I think playing on the XB would technically be more enticing otherwise. Things are just integrated so well.

But if I am paying for a game like Dragon Age, I am going to get the best console version I can, and the PS4 will almost always win.


Seems a bit of a ludicrous thread, but here's my 2 pence:

Right now the XO better suits you're needs, and is actually priced correctly thanks to all these discounts and bundles. So if you really want a gen 8 console right now, go for that.

On the other hand, DNLA support will come to PS4 eventually, Third Party racers should perform better on it, additional wheel support is apparently on the cards, and there will obviously be Gran Tourismo soon enough, so there are reasons to hold out for a PS4, at least until Project Cars, assuming they don't try and pull any parity bollocks. Driveclub was a huge cock up, but if they can figure out the net code issues that's aces, and the offline stuff still makes it a good racer.

But just get an Xbox if you want one, for fucks sake.

How many solid third party racers are there these days? Even the launch title NFS Rivals had equal performance and resolution on both consoles with only DOF missing on XBO. Racers seem a bit easier to get solid performance from than other genres, and MS first party racers always review well.

So I'm not even sure the "third party racers perform better on PS4" sentiment is going to exactly hold true, and it seems like MS first party is making better racers than Sony first party.

I guess we will see when the inevitable next Forza vs next Gran Turismo comes out.


Sounds like you should get an XB1 first, OP. Nothing wrong with that. I only have a few small frustrations with mine.
I have both (PS4 Day1) but have been playing the XB1 pretty much exclusively the past 2 months. With my limited gaming time, I don't play "indies" so the XB1 library has been much more appealing for me. Unlike many here, I do enjoy the Kinect games plus Xbox Fitness. It's pretty sad that Sony has put little to no priority with their media playback on PS4. Can't wait til the PS4 AAA exclusives explode in the scene next year. The differences between the 3rd party versions was why I initially bought the PS4 but frankly, once gaming the lack of 1080p hasn't been much of a hindrance to enjoyment.
Go with which controller you like and which exclusives you enjoy. At the moment, MS is firing on all cylinders which Sony has been coasting since launch.

Two Words

What is the point of this thread? Buying isn't an Xbox One doesn't need council approval. Just buy one if that is what you want.


If like racing games (including somewhat arcadey ones), Forza Horizon 2 looks great. That and Halo: MCC have me wanting an XB1 real bad like.


In my opinion all such threads like these the OP has already made up there mind.

Racing games I miss a next gen motorstorm and even an excite truck...too many sims


I can only encourage you to purchase the Xbox One. Great console that covers any desire you may have.

Don't like zombies? Got you covered in Dead Rising 3.

Want to drive a car but don't have a driver's license? Got you covered in Forza 5 and Forza Horizon 2.

Do you have a strong desire to go to space, but feel unsure of the futures of space tourism? Got you covered with The Master Chief collection.

Not to mention all the enjoyable third party games.
Seems like OP knows what he want to buy. Just save up for both in the future.

I bought my PS4 a year ago and now I'm going to be buying a X1 during Black Friday. Enjoy gaming my friend.
I've gotten every system day 1 except for this generation. I got my money ready and the plan was to buy the ps4. However, thinking about it now, I can't think of any real reason why i should. I'm in there for racing games and I got a ps3 over an 360 because of the wheel support.

Sony seems to have fucked up wheel support and most of all, no DLNA so far. I usually got the PS and then waited for the Xbox and then the 360 to drop big in price and pick up some good used games. Now i'm thinking of doing the opposite.

I can get the 360 for much less money, pick up Forza used and GTAV for about the price of a ps4. Then when GT7 comes out pick up a ps4 then.

Does the Xbox1 have DLNA? Anyone that have only one system so far pine away for the other?

If that's your deciding factor then by all means go with Xbox One, but I think it's a little silly. You want a device that can play 99% of your media content on your PC? Then get a Chromecast, Roku, or Amazon Fire TV stick for less than $40.


Only other thing I could possibly add to this thread is my good friend traded in FH2 after a week for Driveclub and hasnt looked back. He 100% FH1 but opions and everything, PS4 doesnt have what you want so get a Xbox.
That's a better media box than Xbone or PS4

This is nonsense.

The PS3 is indeed a MUCH better media box than the PS4.

However, the Xbox One is better than the PS3.

It has a similar media remote, DLNA, 3d Blu-Ray, music service, plus it can watch TV through the HDMI in and control all of the above through voice commands. It has a similar selection of streaming services like Netflix etc but it actually has a few more.

Lastly, the Xbox one can play back virtually any file including the popular MKV while the PS3 chokes on tons of files. Ps3 also have cinema via which restricts playback further.

The xbox is a much better media box.
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