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Shadow Of The Eternal's Impressive Use Of Cryengine 3 - A Wii U Turning Point?


Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
Until we get concrete information, everything is an assumption. And using Occam's Razor as a guide, we see a game using Wii U buttons. At this time, we can assume the game is running on a Wii U. Yes, PC games are often demonstrated using Xbox 360 controller buttons, but those same controllers also have official drivers to work on PC's. Why would Dyack et al add Wii U buttons prompts to this demonstration? Maybe to tug on Wii U owner's hearts. Or maybe it's running on a Nintendo devkit. I don't know. But until given proof otherwise, I'm going to accept the simpler possibility.


I love how we have "it doesn´t look impressive" and "it probably doesn´t run on WiiU" on the same page. Never change GAF.

Hey, one of us is right!

The particle effects in the last part of the demo is by far the most impressive part; everything else is either OK and bolstered by a solid art direction (the backgrounds), or straight-up awful (every single one of the character models).


Hmm...I would say that KZ:SF, Infamous: SS, and Deep Down look much better than this...not saying that this looks bad though. If it is indeed the Wii U version, then I will be impressed.

I'll be honest, when I first saw that gameplay of Kill Zone, I thought it was a PS3 game. Honestly it didn't look all that good, especially with games like Remember me, and Beyond coming up.


Game's being crowdfunded. They are going to want their prototype product to look as amazing as possible, even if that means sticking Wii U button prompts on the PC prototype.
Just got to the end of the demo. The hallways look worse than Skyrim with flat lighting.
Only impressive moment is the lava but this is mostly paintings, cut scene and some luminant lighting. Theres not much texture work, and the lava texture is very stretched looking.

The character models are quite poor and lacking detail.

The game looks alright, very basic - doesn't seem to be far in development and doesn't stand out against the last gen titles except some pretty lighting in places. Other than that its mostly seeing design choices we don't usually see and a bit brighter environment than you are used to.

Nice use of Cryengine but am confused whats either impressive or impossible here. Its a game that probably runs on the WiiU, thats about it.
I'll be honest, when I first saw that gameplay of Kill Zone, I thought it was a PS3 game. Honestly it didn't look all that good, especially with games like Remember me, and Beyond coming up.

I have played all the major FPS's on PS3 and none of them even come close to looking as good as Shadow Fall.


I'll be honest, when I first saw that gameplay of Kill Zone, I thought it was a PS3 game. Honestly it didn't look all that good, especially with games like Remember me, and Beyond coming up.

Each to their own but I really must believe you are intentionally downplaying or need corrective lenses.


El Capitan Todd
Now it's not Wii U level graphic, until it will be confirmed so. Once confirmed, it will be simply ugly graphically.
calling it now.


doubt this is running on wii u. not that i don't think it can run it. looks absolutely like something i'd expect wii u to run. i just don't believe they're far enough in the process to be attempting console builds.


Until we get concrete information, everything is an assumption. And using Occam's Razor as a guide, we see a game using Wii U buttons. At this time, we can assume the game is running on a Wii U. Yes, PC games are often demonstrated using Xbox 360 controller buttons, but those same controllers also have official drivers to work on PC's. Why would Dyack et al add Wii U buttons prompts to this demonstration? Maybe to tug on Wii U owner's hearts. Or maybe it's running on a Nintendo devkit. I don't know. But until given proof otherwise, I'm going to accept the simpler possibility.

You have a point, sure. But I think the bolded is a fairly strong argument, given that they are trying to drum up hype and support for their kickstarter effort, which is mainly focused on getting the goodwill (and dollars) from fans of the original Eternal Darkness, a Nintendo-exclusive.

This is what I assume. Coupled to it being such a small team and given that it's usually far easier to develop on PC first and then port to console. I didn't mean anything in my first post to imply that the WiiU wouldn't be able to output such visuals. I have no idea and am indifferent.


I'll be honest, when I first saw that gameplay of Kill Zone, I thought it was a PS3 game. Honestly it didn't look all that good, especially with games like Remember me, and Beyond coming up.

Beyond looks incredible yes. Reminds me of God of War 2 on the PS2...it had no business being there, lol. Late gen titles will indeed look amazing, but on a technical level KZ still beats them. :)


If it was the PC version, it wouldn't have Wii U button prompts, would it?

When far cry 3 was unveiled nfans were certain it was demoed on wiiu because of some button prompts.

I love the big red arrow.


Must be missing something here?
Why would they give a PC version WiiU button prompts?
dont think of it as the pc "version" and it might be easier to understand. Think of it as an "in development" version. Early in development games will often just use the lead Sku art and prompts. Having worked in multiplat development for many years, seeing Xbox button graphics on the ps3 version of the game doesn't phase me anymore.

Anyways juding by the look of the game, I have no doubts that it could be running in wii u configuration, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was demoed on a pc, as optimizations and such often happen late in the process.


Looks like the old N64 Eternal Darkness prototype.

Just kidding. Looks awesome.
Really weird they didn't ask him if it was running on a Wii U. As soon I saw those button prompts that would've been the first thing I asked lol.


The turning point, if there is one, will most likely be whatever Nintendo's own studios make coupled with the fact that hardware actually gets sold at an acceptable level.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
PC until proven otherwise, buttons be damned. Not because of how it looks, but because I don't see the rational in taking an early prototype of a project that doesn't even have the funds to finish, made on a PC with a PC release planned regardless of consoles, and running on a primarily PC centric engine, and then demonstrating it on a Wii U devkit while making no mention of such thing.


My money's on that being a PC build. I don't doubt that the Wii-U is capable of more than we've seen so far, but I'm not buying that such an early work-in-progress is running on the console.
So the game is both unimpressive compared to other PS3/360 games yet too impressive for the Wii U? Well, I would say I'm surprised but...I'm really not


No additional functions
My money's on that being a PC build. I don't doubt that the Wii-U is capable of more than we've seen so far, but I'm not buying that such an early work-in-progress is running on the console.

The tessellation on the stone walls is what makes me think it's on PC. Is the Wii U even capable of tessellation?


its def a pc build, for reasons stated already, you will always dev on a pc, having said that, graphically it doesnt look much beyond what current gen can do so expect it to look similar on 360/ps3/wiiu if it ever gets ported to them


The tessellation on the stone walls is what makes me think it's on PC. Is the Wii U even capable of tessellation?

As far as we know, it has absolutely no problems with tessellation.

People think the thing is a lot less capable than it actually is, sadly.

EDIT: But yeah, they are early in development, so they probably don't have a Wii U build yet.


The tessellation on the stone walls is what makes me think it's on PC. Is the Wii U even capable of tessellation?

Just because something like a brick wall is good looking doesn't mean that it's tessilated (or any other key graphic buzzword is popular).

Sometimes, the easiest answer is the simplest one, how about they just modeled in some nice depth?


So the game is both unimpressive compared to other PS3/360 games yet too impressive for the Wii U? Well, I would say I'm surprised but...I'm really not

I thought Wii U was a next generation console? That's only when convenient? I would say I'm surprised but... I'm really not.


man now that i made up my mind to avoid wii u purchase this arrives....
and i am not a pc gamer.....

still hope for future ps4 release...


No additional functions

As far as we know, it has absolutely no problems with tessellation.

People think the thing is a lot less capable than it actually is, sadly.

EDIT: But yeah, they are early in development, so they probably don't have a Wii U build yet.

Well that's good news! I think the Wii U is capable of a level above PS3/360 as well, but we just haven't seen it yet. I'm counting on Retro's next game and maybe the 3D Mario to be the first graphical showcases for it.

This demo is definitely a step up from the HD Zelda demo we saw when Wii U was first announced. I still have my doubts that they showed the game running on Wii U hardware, but if it can pull off this level of fidelity, I'm impressed. At least that means the capability is there if the developer puts the effort into it.


man now that i made up my mind to avoid wii u purchase this arrives....
and i am not a pc gamer.....

still hope for future ps4 release...

Well, you probably should hope that it comes out for Wii U first because it most likely won't see the light of day.
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