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Shitty games that your dumb ass paid full price for


Fuck this game. Absolute biggest disappointment I've ever played.



Fuck this game. Absolute biggest disappointment I've ever played.

You should try playing Sticker Star.

That's probably my vote. I was sooo excited for it. I just kept getting more and more angry that I actually paid money for that as I went through it and that very very rarely happens with me.


I got Lair two weeks early because the store broke street date hard, so I couldn't even turn around and sell that shit anywhere for a while - and at my first attempt to they wouldn't take it because they had too many copies being traded back in.

Also to a far lesser extent, Final Fantasy XIII, which while bad (at the time, I've warmed up to it some), wasn't fundamentally broken.

You should have tried selling the game on eBay or something, you probably would have sold it for a decent amount if you had an early copy
Don't know if its shitty but I bought Gears of War 2 on day one full price, played the tutorial opening section, put it down and came to the conclusion that I had all the Gears I could ever want in my life. Never once played it since and none of the other Gears games. One was enough for me for life it seems.


Neo Member

  • Tekken 6 had a crappy single-player gameplay that i cant wrap my head around how they released it like that
  • project cars, i thought it was a racing car, turned out its a driving simulator
  • finally, POP:TFS was so bad, that it almost ruined the amazing Prince of Persia: Sands of Time Trilogy


Crash bandicoot 3 for the Gamecube, I didnt know any better. I felt so bad after getting home from the store that I had to return it the next day, it's the only game that i've returned in my entire life. Can't think of any others quite as shocking.


Junior Ace
Firewatch is the most recent one. I should've looked into who was behind it, but I was in a rush to use a 20% off coupon.


Really the only one that comes to mind is this one:

What a pile of poo this game was. As a kid I returned it for a new copy at Toys R Us because for some reason Night Crawler's power in the game was to walk through solid objects. I thought this had to be a bug, because there was already an X-Man who had that power. Instead of a Night Crawler sprite they could have just used a Kitty Pride sprite (She was called Sprite at the time, so it would have been a Sprite sprite) Of course the new game had the same 'bug' as the old game and in general it sucked so I soon sold it off to a used video store.

Nowadays I feel like there's less of an excuse for this to happen. We have so many ways to see videos, read opinions, try demos, Steam even has their refund policy, that I am pretty informed with every purchase I make, and don't make a full priced purchase unless I'm sure I'll like it. The only avenue for decision making we've lost is game rentals. This was a staple I relied on heavily in the previous generations and is very difficult to do now.


Nowadays I feel like there's less of an excuse for this to happen. We have so many ways to see videos, read opinions, try demos, Steam even has their refund policy, that I am pretty informed with every purchase I make, and don't make a full priced purchase unless I'm sure I'll like it. The only avenue for decision making we've lost is game rentals.

This is very true. Other than trying to determine logistical estimates, I feel this is why video game companies are so persistent on hooking in consumers early with pre-orders. Once money has been thrown down on a pre-order with little information known, a lot of people are reluctant to withdraw their money and continue with a purchase even when it's apparent that the game is a steaming pile of crap.

Even worse is when this practice is combined with a deliberately broken street date and the review embargo is still upheld. Gearbox is a king at this. I'm looking at you Duke Nukem Forever & Aliens: Colonial Marines!

Oh and in recent memory, WatchDogs takes the cake for me. I should've known better!


Gold Member
Really the only one that comes to mind is this one:

What a pile of poo this game was. As a kid I returned it for a new copy at Toys R Us because for some reason Night Crawler's power in the game was to walk through solid objects. I thought this had to be a bug, because there was already an X-Man who had that power. Instead of a Night Crawler sprite they could have just used a Kitty Pride sprite (She was called Sprite at the time, so it would have been a Sprite sprite) Of course the new game had the same 'bug' as the old game and in general it sucked so I soon sold it off to a used video store.

Nowadays I feel like there's less of an excuse for this to happen. We have so many ways to see videos, read opinions, try demos, Steam even has their refund policy, that I am pretty informed with every purchase I make, and don't make a full priced purchase unless I'm sure I'll like it. The only avenue for decision making we've lost is game rentals. This was a staple I relied on heavily in the previous generations and is very difficult to do now.

Holy crap, forgot all about that shitshow.


Total War: Rome 2. I even built a new PC for this bloody game. Fortunately, the game got better (mainly the DLC campaigns) when I played it 2 years later, but I did not need to pay full price for it.

Hearts of Iron 3. The AI did not even work. Was playing coop with my buddy as France/UK. We were building up a desperate defense to see if we could hold on against Germany's inevitable breakthrough.... which never happened. Braindead AI could not even organize a half-decent attack. I did play it 5 yrs later with all the xpacs, and it was good fun and I'm glad I played it, but it wasn't worth full price.

Guild Wars 2. I'm kind of disappointed I bought this at all. If anything, this was confirmation that I am not the MMORPG type - at all.

Blood Bowl 2. This is not the fault of the game, but I haven't touched this at all since I bought it. Could have waited for a Steam sale, in hindsight.


Marvel vs. Capcom 3.
Not because it was necessarily bad; hell, I liked it a good deal. But it became obsolete in nine months because a better version that couldn't be upgraded to via DLC or anything came out for a budget price.

The game is still nutty as hell as a fighter, but Ultimate MvC3's sudden release was really, really annoying.


I've honestly bought too many games at full price that are terrible. I'm much better now and haven't bought a terrible game in years.

I think the last bad game I bought at launch was Last Rebellion on ps3. I love me some indie RPGs but that one hit me hard. I was in college and money was tight so it sucked. I think that's why I am so much better about my purchases now.



Had some fun moments but it was mostly mediocre to bad. We only bought it because the local shop had a very limited selection on games. It was also very expensive.

At least we were able to exchange it later for Goldeneye and a very small extra fee. So worth it.


Had some fun moments but it was mostly mediocre to bad. We only bought it because the local shop had a very limited selection on games. It was also very expensive.

At least we were able to exchange it later for Goldeneye and a very small extra fee. So worth it.

I can't unsee that the bobsled in the bottom looks like a stylized fat character raising his arms in celebration.
TMNT (Ultra Games/Konami) on NES killed my joy.

As of late, Destiny just went to show how ugly something can be that's ultra-hyped.

Speaking of ugly, ZombieU for WiiU - what an abobo of a game that is. Some good ideas, but let me down bigtime. Such is the way of many 3rd party launch titles.
I told myself that I was done with CoD after I sold Black Ops. Then I allowed myself to get sucked into the Modern Warfare 3 hype and got it on launch day. No idea what I was thinking.


The last time I had the feeling I paid too much was a year ago with The Order 1886. I am really split with this game, high production value, nice design and characters. But the story in the secind half takes a nose dive, characters acting out of their personas.

So at the end I really think The Order has a little part in my heart, but I have paid really too much for this, especially digital full price. XD



I think these games were both $39.99 at the time.

Super Dodge Ball was kind of awesome at first but both games were broken in similar ways in that you could spam a certain move and never lose. In NBA Jam I think you could turbo run into the opposing team's ball carrier, hit a button, and the the ball was yours. Then the players didn't try to defend so you could just slam drunk over and over until you outscored them by like 100 points.

With Super Dodge Ball there was some kind of power attack that if timed correctly, simply couldn't be dodged by the enemy team. The timing wasn't at all difficult and so the game was impossible to lose once you mastered it.

I remember trying to re-package dodge ball with saran wrap and a hair dryer then getting shot down by a Toys R Us employee when I tried to return it. My sole income as a kid was mowing lawns at 5 bucks a pop so I was completely devastated.
Universe at war earth assault. I was hungering for an RTS and had some warhammee RTS and this in hand. Let the guy next to me sell me on the it should tide you until starcraft 2 line. It was bad and the multiplayer was dead.



Back in the day when they were all behind glass, saw the cover loved it. Got home and realized it was a rail shooter.....died a little inside.


You should try playing Sticker Star.

That's probably my vote. I was sooo excited for it. I just kept getting more and more angry that I actually paid money for that as I went through it and that very very rarely happens with me.

If I had bought it I'd agree (it was gifted to me). Sticker Star had a battle system I had fun with, but at the end of the day, it was so fucking pointless. There is no incentive for fighting, it waste your stickers and you can't fight without any. You get coins for fighting, but you don't really need them if you skip fights. Plus, the best stickers come from objects or you can find in the world, I rarely, if ever bought stickers. If they gave fighting more of a purpose, it would've been a great addition.

As for fully paid for disappointments, Fallout 3. I didn't enjoy any of the side quest with the exception of a few and never felt like exploring gave me much. Too much of the world had that "seen it" feel as most environments and vaults looked/felt the same. I did enjoy Mothership Zeta though.
Skyward Sword

I mean I got the limited edition Wiimote so it's not all bad. Yet the actual game I found tiresome and riddled with control related problems. I should have waited.

Sell it! I hated the game for the same reasons and sold the collector's edtion about a year later for a profit.


L.A. Noire. I began to realize that the game wasn't as good as I initially thought it was the more I played it.

Lunar Dragon Song. In my defense, I'm an avid Lunar fan and wasn't expecting the game to be so awful.

Of those two, LA Noire was the only one that I bought impulsively. I was hyped for Dragon Song for some time prior to its release.


Firewatch for PS4 was a recent regret of mine. The FPS, the glitching...I had high hopes for it too given the hype and Twin Peaks comparisons floating around. Maybe I'll give it another shot someday but man.


Shadow the Hedgehog. Bought it in the 10th grade. had it pre-ordered, got it the day it came out. Had to drive through brutal traffic with my mom. Popped it in my Gamecube and it was absolute crap. Didn't even finish the game. Ended up selling it on eBay with the beanie that came in as a pre-order bonus. Somehow made a profit.

You should try playing Sticker Star.

That's probably my vote. I was sooo excited for it. I just kept getting more and more angry that I actually paid money for that as I went through it and that very very rarely happens with me.

I never played Sticker Star because Super Paper Mario made me wait and get impressions before blind-buying.

I bought Super Paper Mario on good faith, on account of the previous two games being some of the best games ever made. That's why Super Paper Mario is the biggest disappointment I've ever played.
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