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Should Sony Release PS4 Exclusives on the PC 3 to 4 Years After Release?

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Considering steam's stranglehold on most of PC gaming and Valve's complete control over it, isn't this a bit ironic. I can understand the sentiment but it doesn't seem to translate into much.

Steam is an app on an open platform. Valve doesn't have complete control. They just have the most users, so third parties stand to gain the most by working with them, rather than against them. Publishers like EA can and do make money by having separate apps.


Right. Ideally for Sony, something like Demon's Souls or another PS3 exclusive will one day push PS Now.

Because on their own, those games probably aren't worth releasing on PC. But as part of a subscription package offering many old games? Yeah. Worth.

Really? Dark Souls 3 did amazing sales on PC, I can't believe a subscription package would exceed it. But, hey, differing view and all that...

It hurt sales of Demon Souls PS4 Remaster, that would also get some people to buy PS4s and join their ecosystem.

Assumes that a Demon's Souls remaster is coming. Which would be awesome! (I'm getting a PS4 for Bloodborne, so it's all good). But how long have we been hoping for that? Release on PC with just enough to satisfy PC gamers =/= HD remaster.

Will pc only games get released on the PS4 in exchange?

Errr, XCOM 2, do? :D


They get 100% of whatever they put on their PC store, less the cost of running that storefront. You act like there aren't millions of PC gamers out there that don't own a PS4 but would buy their games. That's the only 'dumb' assumption from a business standpoint.
But than you have no reason to buy third-party games on their store.

If they get involved with PC, you would need to be about selling third-party software on PC. Exclusives exist for a reason and they need them to remain exclusive.

Really? Dark Souls 3 did amazing sales on PC, I can't believe a subscription package would exceed it. But, hey, differing view and all that...

Assumes that a Demon's Souls remaster is coming. Which would be awesome! (I'm getting a PS4 for Bloodborne, so it's all good). But how long have we been hoping for that? Release on PC with just enough to satisfy PC gamers =/= HD remaster.
So you think there is a world where Demon's Souls is released for PC but not PS4? That makes no sense. They alienate their own platform to please some PC gamers they have no business with? Step one is for them to get establish a relevant PC store front, then this kind of things starts to become a remote possibility.
No. They aren't like MS trying to lock someone into a PC ecosystem walled garden like W10. It makes no business sense

I know people hate MS right now but to call Windows 10 a "walled garden" is not a good look.

Moving to the future is not walling yourself off.


Whilst not 4 year-old games, both Helldivers and Everybody's Gone to the Rapture were ported to PC.

When they were new. There is a huge problem of diminishing returns for ports. The older they are the less you can charge for them. If you want to charge more then you need to do the work to call it a "remaster" or include some other selling point, which drives up the cost again and demands more developer resources. Demons Souls is popular enough and considered important as part of the Souls series that a port would probably sell well. But its an outlier and ports of other PS exclusives would be much harder to justify from a cost perspective.


Junior Member
Corporations have never done anything shortsighted before, right? Want to buy a Blockbuster franchise?

The money won't be in hardware forever. Microsoft realizes this. They have a tremendous advantage by controlling the PC platform and DX12. Sony needs to start positioning themselves for the future as well, and that starts with their great games. If you think the lack of access is the only thing keeping everyone from jumping ship from your platform, then your platform isn't very strong at all.

Sony shouldn't be afraid of PC gamers. MS has made a lot of mistakes but at least they have the right idea.

have the PS+ sub transfer over to the PC app. EA manages to make money with Origin, Sony would be no different.

You open this with an incredibly dumb analogy and finish by ignoring the fact that Sony is already prepping for the future. PS Now is them paving the way to life beyond the console. Mobile and streaming will dominate the future. The desktop is not—step out of the bubble. Ownership isn't as important as it used to be.
Really? Dark Souls 3 did amazing sales on PC, I can't believe a subscription package would exceed it. But, hey, differing view and all that...
Surely you see the difference in sales potential between a 2009 and 2016 game in 2016.

It's not about sales. It's about how much money it would make Sony and how it impacts their current ecosystem. You think there are more people who want Demon's Souls than would want hundreds of games for a subscription? I'm not sure, but I'd bet on the subs. Plus, the subs are a more beneficial route.


How do these threads not count as port begging, honestly. It always devolves into a thinly-veiled variety of the "literally everything should be released on steam [and have a 90% off sale within a year]" shit you'd find on the r/PCMR facebook page.
Why do PC gamers do this all the time? Sony is not a third party company. Get over it. They will never want a piece of the PC pie because they can't control it effectively and they have nothing to gain from it. They have no ecosystem with PC, so why would they need to? Nothing is there for them.


Well right now they make 0$ when someone buys a game for PC. Might as well start making some money on the side by doing close to nothing.

They can expand the strategy to mobile as well. If you buy a game on PS4 or Sony's mobile store and its availiable on the other platform you get both.

It pretty much a third-party version of what MS is trying to do.

If you have a PC and a PS4 and you are going to buy Doom on PC, why wouldn't you give preference to Sony store if you end up getting it on the PS4 as well?

Dude, starting a new store front is not that easy. GOG survives along side Steam by differentiating themselves from steam due to their DRM policies and availability of older games and an excellent customer service to get those games running on your rig. Origin survives because EA makes some of most popular games on planet.

What about the others? Just ask MS how hard it is to make a viable store front, and they make the most popular PC gaming OS.

What does Sony bring to the table? Ability to play games on both PC and PS4? Let me ask you this. As a PC gamer, why would you ever buy PS4 if you can play it on your preferred platform? Why would a PS4 gamer be interested in having a copy for PC? S/he is never going to play it there, because s/he is not interested in playing games on PC. Few of you who are going to respond to this with "I will" make up less than 0.5% of 40 million PS4 sold (I know number is out of my ass, but the point still stands). Furthermore, how many people actually play games twice, let alone play is once on a powerful rig and then on a less powerful PS4?

I think that the day Sony makes a PC store front is the day they will get rid of their hardware altogether.


But than you have no reason to buy third-party games on their store.

If they get involved with PC, you would need to be about selling third-party software on PC. Exclusives exist for a reason and they need them to remain exclusive.

So you think there is a world where Demon's Souls is released for PC but not PS4?

Sure, as I say - basic port. It's as likely as a PS4 remaster. :)

When they were new. There is a huge problem of diminishing returns for ports. The older they are the less you can charge for them. If you want to charge more then you need to do the work to call it a "remaster" or include some other selling point, which drives up the cost again and demands more developer resources. Demons Souls is popular enough and considered important as part of the Souls series that a port would probably sell well. But its an outlier and ports of other PS exclusives would be much harder to justify from a cost perspective.

There's a lot of previously console-only VNs and JRPGs that are on Steam, and more coming. Danganropa is one. Trails in the Sky First and Second are two more.

Which is to say, yes, you're right, but also not-right. PC can be a huge uplift with sales and revenue, but it does require some work, no doubt. Whether that work is worth it is dependent on the game and developers.
Yes all games should be available on every platform. But how does this help Sony? "Oh just port it to pc" like it's that simple. Who's gonna do the porting? Marketing? Support? Is it worth it releasing old games money wise? What if the ports are garbage and have tons of issues who's gonna fix that? What about the bad press they'll get for releasing a bad port? How many of those people that are gonna wait 3-4 years are actually gonna buy it? Will they break even?
Lol@anti consumer talk..really..


Sure, if they want to dilute console sales. Look at sales over the life of a console -- now imagine those last few years remaining flat.

I think Sony will be watching what Microsoft does. Personally--and I'm often wrong; ask my wife--I don't understand how putting your exclusives on another platform will grow the user base of your alpha platform.

EDIT: I really wanted to answer "LOL. No."


Dude, starting a new store front is not that easy. GOG survives along side Steam by differentiating themselves from steam due to their DRM policies and availability of older games and an excellent customer service to get those games running on your rig. Origin survives because EA makes some of most popular games on planet.

What about the others? Just ask MS how hard it is to make a viable store front, and they make the most popular PC gaming OS.

What does Sony bring to the table? Ability to play games on both PC and PS4? Let me ask you this. As a PC gamer, why would you ever buy PS4 if you can play it on your preferred platform? Why would a PS4 gamer be interested in having a copy for PC? S/he is never going to play it there, because s/he is not interested in playing games on PC. If of you who are going to respond to this with "I will" make up less than 0.5% of 40 ,illion sold (I know number is out of my ass, but the point still stands). Furthermore, how many people actually play games twice, let alone play is once on a powerful rig and then on a less powerful PS4?

You'd buy PS4 for games that are not on PC, like a lot of people do.

That's why I said it would appeal for someone who has both the PS4 and PC. Someone that for example has the PS4 mostly for exclusives. Someone who thinks he might get a PS4 eventually.

I don't think Sony is bold enough to pull a move like this, but there is some sense to doing so. If this makes no sense then MS Play Anywhere makes very little sense as well. This move would be about gaining ground on PC and mobile and leveraging the PS4 to do so, with little to no risk.

Sure, as I say - basic port. It's as likely as a PS4 remaster. :)

Any remaster is just a matter of time.


Consumers think they want this but they don't because it will devalue the Sony PlayStation 4 they're already emotionally invested in, it'll create an anti-competitive atmosphere which'll detract development dollars from great, revolutionary exclusive content you can only play on PlayStation 4 such as Detroit: Become Human and Resident Evil VII and gamers don't want to spend thousands of dollars building a PC so they can play the type of technological marvels you'll be able to play first on the Sony PlayStation 4 Neo.

It's a lose-lose for consumers and Sony.


Why do PC gamers do this all the time? Sony is not a third party company. Get over it. They will never want a piece of the PC pie because they can't control it effectively and they have nothing to gain from it. They have no ecosystem with PC, so why would they need to? Nothing is there for them.

Because some people literally believe there is a moral obligation for Sony to do so. To what extent it's a disingenuous belief to cover up garden-variety port-begging is anyone's guess.

They're for whatever reason clearly not as [vocally] passionate about the idea of campaigning for PC-to-PS4 ports even though kb+m support should be a cinch to implement.


Surely you see the difference in sales potential between a 2009 and 2016 game in 2016.

It's not about sales. It's about how much money it would make Sony and how it impacts their current ecosystem. You think there are more people who want Demon's Souls than would want hundreds of games for a subscription? I'm not sure, but I'd bet on the subs. Plus, the subs are a more beneficial route.

Dark Souls 3 has hit 1m on PC. And, whilst there may be more who would pay for a subscription on the PS, it all comes down to money - you say they're the more beneficial route, but if only a small number of people subscribe, then it obviously isn't.

Something neither of us know for sure, really, so *shrugs*


I think we should really differentiate tent-pole exclusives from other exclusives. I can't see how people can argue the draw of Helldivers is the same as Bloodborne, or Uncharted is the same as Everybody's Gone to The Rapture.


have the PS+ sub transfer over to the PC app. EA manages to make money with Origin, Sony would be no different.

I still think they'd lose more subs than they would gain doing something like that, as most would just go back over to Steam once they've beaten the Sony game, and not sub to Plus.
They'd also probably have a harder time getting the monthly games as they'd have to convince dev/pubs, it's a good deal giving your game away for free on 2-4 platforms.

It just doesn't have many benefits to Sony, outside of potentially selling more of their games, but that becomes null after they lose more on royalties and subs.
There's a lot of previously console-only VNs and JRPGs that are on Steam, and more coming. Danganropa is one. Trails in the Sky First and Second are two more.

Which is to say, yes, you're right, but also not-right. PC can be a huge uplift with sales and revenue, but it does require some work, no doubt. Whether that work is worth it is dependent on the game and developers.
Literally none of these examples provide situations analogous to Sony's.


Sony should just put all their games on steam and lock them at 30fps with a max res of 720p, just for shits and giggles.
That's why I said it would appeal for someone who has both the PS4 and PC. Someone that for example has the PS4 mostly for exclusives.

I don't think Sony is bold enough to pull a move like this, but there is some sense to doing so. If this makes no sense then MS Play Anywhere makes very little sense as well.

What value does having a digital PS4 copy of a game have to a PC gamer? I thought the whole point of this was so that they wouldn't have to buy a PS4?
I don't see what they would have to gain from that XD

No. Sony still believes the following theory is true: Exclusive games attract customers to buy their consoles.

Just because Microsoft has given up on that idea doesn't make it false.

Ms hasn't give up on that, on the contrary, they are betting on that.

What they changed was their end goal, it's no longer making people buying xboxes, but rather getting people to buy from the win store.
Consumers think they want this but they don't because it will devalue the Sony PlayStation 4 they're already emotionally invested in, it'll create an anti-competitive atmosphere which'll detract development dollars from great, revolutionary exclusive content you can only play on PlayStation 4 such as Detroit: Become Human and Resident Evil VII and gamers don't want to spend thousands of dollars building a PC so they can play the type of technological marvels you'll be able to play first on the Sony PlayStation 4 Neo.

It's a lose-lose for consumers and Sony.
RE7 is multiplat title, not exclusive.


Never gonna happen, do you see what happens with PS1/PS2 and PS3 games? They get remastered or re-released. If they ever go on PC people can just make mods and less people will buy them or care.

Not to mention, they would inherently lose value : "I'll just wait 3/4 years to play them at max settings on a better PC".


That's why I said it would appeal for someone who has both the PS4 and PC. Someone that for example has the PS4 mostly for exclusives.

I don't think Sony is bold enough to pull a move like this, but there is some sense to doing so. If this makes no sense then MS Play Anywhere makes very little sense as well.

It does make very little sense in terms to selling their hardware. Sony is more interested in selling their hardware, not maintaining their PC OS as the most preferred gaming OS.


No, they don't have to do anything. If you want the games, buy a Playstation 4. That is the point of the exclusive deals.
Because some people literally believe there is a moral obligation for Sony to do so. To what extent it's a disingenuous belief to cover up garden-variety port-begging is anyone's guess.

They're for whatever reason clearly not as [vocally] passionate about the idea of campaigning for PC-to-PS4 ports even though kb+m support should be a cinch to implement.

PC gamers make it seem as if PC rich gaming existed long before consoles and history will tell you that PC gaming benefited more from Consoles than Consoles ever did PC. All of a sudden, now exclusives and walled gardens are anti-consumer when they have been that way for YEARS. I'm literally cackling at the disgrace of that statement.

The absolute entitlement....


Consumers think they want this but they don't because it will devalue the Sony PlayStation 4 they're already emotionally invested in, it'll create an anti-competitive atmosphere which'll detract development dollars from great, revolutionary exclusive content you can only play on PlayStation 4 such as Detroit: Become Human and Resident Evil VII and gamers don't want to spend thousands of dollars building a PC so they can play the type of technological marvels you'll be able to play first on the Sony PlayStation 4 Neo.

It's a lose-lose for consumers and Sony.

Hey wait a minute...

...You forgot to add "emotional marvel" to Detroit.


Sure, as I say - basic port. It's as likely as a PS4 remaster. :)

There's a lot of previously console-only VNs and JRPGs that are on Steam, and more coming. Danganropa is one. Trails in the Sky First and Second are two more.

Which is to say, yes, you're right, but also not-right. PC can be a huge uplift with sales and revenue, but it does require some work, no doubt. Whether that work is worth it is dependent on the game and developers.

Those games require exponentially less time and resources to port than something like Demons Souls or Uncharted. Again, even if Sony were willing to compromise their platform exclusivity they would have to believe that the sales of a PC port of a 4 year (or older) game would justify the cost of making the port.


As a PC gamer, why would you ever buy PS4 if you can play it on your preferred platform?

This ignores that there's a lot of people out there that would be interested in buying a Sony game on PC but have no interest in buying a PS4. Millions, actually.


Gold Member
People still hoping for that Bloodborne PC port it seems.

This ignores that there's a lot of people out there that would be interested in buying a Sony game on PC but have no interest in buying a PS4. Millions, actually.

The games they are supposedly interested in should make them interested.
Seems to be someone port begging for Playstation games on PC every week here.
Why would they ever devalue their console like MS has?
This ignores that there's a lot of people out there that would be interested in buying a Sony game on PC but have no interest in buying a PS4. Millions, actually.

How many people would drop Playstation hardware and eco system support if they could just get Sony exclusives on the PC? Millions maybe?


They have no reason to put their games on PC their console is selling excellently. On the other hand, if the new ps4 doesnt sell as sony expects it wouldn't surprise me if sony goes the route that microsoft is taking with the xbox.
This ignores that there's a lot of people out there that would be interested in buying a Sony game on PC but have no interest in buying a PS4. Millions, actually.
Give me some hard numbers.
How many people would drop Playstation hardware and eco system support if they could just get Sony exclusives on the PC? Millions maybe?
Oh nah breh, they should totally cannibalize the most profitable part of their business that allows for the creation of all these games people are begging for..


Sony would probably be more interested in porting their PS4 exclusives to the PS5 than to the PC. And three to five years after release would pretty much put you there.


What value does having a digital PS4 copy of a game have to a PC gamer? I thought the whole point of this was so that they wouldn't have to buy a PS4?

If he has a Ps4 and a PC as I mentioned it has the value of being able to play third-party game on both machines without having to pay twice.

It does make very little sense in terms to selling their hardware. Sony is more interested in selling their hardware, not maintaining their PC OS as the most preferred gaming OS.

I see a way they'd make some money without losing any exclusive. I'd go for it, you never know what is going to happen in the next gen, maybe their console fails for whatever reason and having a presence on PC might be a good outing.

Another door it would open up is for PC and PS4 "Exclusives" that are actually can only be purchased on Sony store. Would be very convenient for VR for example or deals like SFV.


This ignores that there's a lot of people out there that would be interested in buying a Sony game on PC but have no interest in buying a PS4. Millions, actually.

Yup...Like I said before on the off chance I do get one it will be used along with the games I get for it. Where as, even if they came out with their own storefront and sold 5+ year old games I'd still buy them.


This ignores that there's a lot of people out there that would be interested in buying a Sony game on PC but have no interest in buying a PS4. Millions, actually.

While this is true, do you really trust Sony to not fuck up their own digital PC storefront? And then there's the question if if said storefront would interact with the console ecosystem in any way.

I mean, Microsoft is having a hard time with this now.
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