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Silent Hill HD worse than imagined

Dude with the shades is embarrassing. Massive douchechills.

That said, good videos. I had no idea that the music was fucked in the HD Collection as well. I didn't even notice... but then again, I could only stomach about an hour or so before I sent it back to Gamefly and reinstalled the PC versions.
there really needs to be an "ultimate tweak guide" for SH2/SH3 PC versions. there are a lot of tweaks/tools/etc. out there but none in one central location or with directions/troubleshooting. the game really deserves it. when i finally got SH3 running perfectly in 1080p on my PC i was in shock like it was the first time ever playing it. a thing of beauty.

on the videos: some of the funniest, most clever stuff i've seen on youtube made by average joes. they've gone above and beyond what i expected based on their previous videos like TRSHE. and yes, best part was when he dove for the silver platter in the beginning.

why can't they do this for other controversial series too? if i were a millionaire i would just pay them to make more videos. MOAR.


there really needs to be an "ultimate tweak guide" for SH2/SH3 PC versions. there are a lot of tweaks/tools/etc. out there but none in one central location or with directions/troubleshooting. the game really deserves it. when i finally got SH3 running perfectly in 1080p on my PC i was in shock like it was the first time ever playing it. a thing of beauty.

on the videos: some of the funniest, most clever stuff i've seen on youtube made by average joes. they've gone above and beyond what i expected based on their previous videos like TRSHE. and yes, best part was when he dove for the silver platter in the beginning.

why can't they do this for other controversial series too? if i were a millionaire i would just pay them to make more videos. MOAR.



I'm torn because I think these guys are unfunny d-bags.


the information and analysis on the HD collection is top notch.
Damn, I had hoped that the HD versions would be good. This video does a good job at showing just how bad it really is.

While I was watching this, I looked at my PS2 copies of the games and had this amazing feeling that I was there. I was that guy that played SH1 on PS1 and talked about what a sequel would be like on new hardware. I watched vids of early footage on PS2 with my friends and got hyped. We got it day 1 and played through from start to finish on a 32 inch SD TV. It's sort of depressing me though, fuck, I dunno what to think of this now.


Damn, I had hoped that the HD versions would be good. This video does a good job at showing just how bad it really is.

While I was watching this, I looked at my PS2 copies of the games and had this amazing feeling that I was there. I was that guy that played SH1 on PS1 and talked about what a sequel would be like on new hardware. I watched vids of early footage on PS2 with my friends and got hyped. We got it day 1 and played through from start to finish on a 32 inch SD TV. It's sort of depressing me though, fuck, I dunno what to think of this now.

Yeah, i got Silent Hill D1 and SH2 was the first game i've ever pre ordered (also the only one in the Ps2 gen), i know that feel. :'(


Damn, I had hoped that the HD versions would be good. This video does a good job at showing just how bad it really is.

While I was watching this, I looked at my PS2 copies of the games and had this amazing feeling that I was there. I was that guy that played SH1 on PS1 and talked about what a sequel would be like on new hardware. I watched vids of early footage on PS2 with my friends and got hyped. We got it day 1 and played through from start to finish on a 32 inch SD TV. It's sort of depressing me though, fuck, I dunno what to think of this now.

There was HOPE here. It's gone now.


Good thing he's hinting at bringing SH back to Japan with the new Fox Engine.

Kojipro doing a Silent Hill game?? I'd hit that.

Kojima doesn't exactly inspire a lot of confidence IMO when it comes to the nuanced and subtle scariness of the original SH games.... Hope he takes more of a producer role, but whatever! Take it away Kojima! Just get it the hell away from Korn, the western high budget edginess, and the shit heads who think they know better than Team Silent.


I just watched it for a second time (yeah i know shut up) and jesus, my opinion of mary elizabeth mcglynn dropped even more. i know i posted about it already but jesus, what a spiteful, hateful jerk she is. i can't get over it.


I just watched it for a second time (yeah i know shut up) and jesus, my opinion of mary elizabeth mcglynn dropped even more. i know i posted about it already but jesus, what a spiteful, hateful jerk she is. i can't get over it.
Yeah, that's the disappointing part for me. I really like the songs she did and always thought very highly of her but listening to her talk about the original VA was devastating. I don't really know what to think anymore.
Yeah, that's the disappointing part for me. I really like the songs she did and always thought very highly of her but listening to her talk about the original VA was devastating. I don't really know what to think anymore.
Yeah she came off as a major asshole to me. Her mocking and belittling of the original voice actors was just so strange. Especially based upon the fact that if it wasn't for the original designs of SH2 and SH3 she wouldn't have had the privilege to work on the (very portly done) "remasters" of the game to begin with.
Yeah she came off as a major asshole to me. Her mocking and belittling of the original voice actors was just so strange. Especially based upon the fact that if it wasn't for the original designs of SH2 and SH3 she wouldn't have had the privilege to work on the (very portly done) "remasters" of the game to begin with.

Ugh, watched it again.

Yeah, everything she was saying was almost as if she was convincing herself of it as she was mentioning it. It's easy to talk shit about others' work when you can't even believe in what you are doing for money AND you are conveniently detached from the source of the work itself. It's kind of pathetic how much of a typical coward she is and such things should be beneath an adult.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
started SH1 last night, finally

man...the dithering lol
Well, the dithering gives the game a very grungy look. I'm convinced that they pursued the use of a grain filter in SH2 as a result of the dithering in SH1 working out so well.


yeah, it fits i like it.
and unlike most people, i like shitty old psx 3d

but it was just jarring at first. probably because i haven't played a psx game in a while


The second video was remarkable. Not only did it point out how terrible the new version is, but how brilliant the original voice performances were all along... and made me fall in love with them all over again.
I just watched it for a second time (yeah i know shut up) and jesus, my opinion of mary elizabeth mcglynn dropped even more. i know i posted about it already but jesus, what a spiteful, hateful jerk she is. i can't get over it.

Yea, horrendous in fact. All the other folks involved are in a great deal of denial it seems. Total shit justifications all over the place.

What a travesty this has been. Tom H should be ashamed as well as Konami. I'm glad I didn't support this one. I'll take my pc copies any day. There really was no reason for me to consider buying it anyway.


Neo Member
Did Hulett seriously say that only girls and Twin Perfect like Silent Hill? What a douche!

I also like how he bitches about the combat and monster design when all of that was intentionally created that way. Someone who does not understand the science and nuance of horror should not be in charge of producing a horror game. >_>

Anyway, I'm more inclined to believe Guy Cihi when he talks about Team Silent being detail obsessed and implicit in their sound design.


I knew that SH2/3 HD had problems but I didn't realize the extent of those problems until I watched this video.


It seems the fundamental problem with this release is how Tom Hullet felt he could improve on the original and, along with McGlynn, developed delusions of grandeur about the conversion.

McGlynn was so 'chippy' about being a serious 'actor' and belittled the original voice cast as being amateurs whenever she had the chance.

Lessons have, I hope, been learnt by all involved.

In addition to this it's made me really want to play SH2/3 again, just not he HD collection versions.
Man this release is a train wreck. Great video - for the most part (when the videos try to be humorous... it is not good).

I felt like it could have been vastly improved if the trio didn't try so hard, for so long, to stay in character, particularly the ponytail+sunglasses cretin. Then maybe it would have been a focused, searing 45 minute video instead of two hours of self-parody.
I really dislike these guys. They collate the errors and changes, yeah, but they drown them out with Twitter readings, snippets from interviews, and screaming unfunny jokes at strawmen.


i didnt buy this stupid collection, but after watching these videos
all the new voice acting sounds like a fucking shitty anime dub
that's literally all i could picture in my head during every single one of those clips


He said something like "they're not threatening at all after the first WTF moment", which i think is bullshit, if you play at a decent difficulty.. playing SH1 on hard for example with very limited ammo and dying in few hits, was extremely tense for me.
Of course when you know the game backwards and front, that tension will dissipate, but that's just how it works.

Actually, I think the Silent Hill series has serious problems with this. For the most part, monsters in the games aren't scary or threatening after the first time you encounter them. A lot of the themes of SH are based around the unknown, and once you see a particular creature for the 30th time, it's easy to see them as just some thing to beat up or shoot.

That's one of the reasons I'd love to see the series move more toward a "use once and done" kind of set-up in terms of monsters. Like, go more of a Shadow of the Colossus route, where you see that enemy, you're forced to face it, and then once you've defeated it you never see it again. Easily the scariest and most threatening parts of Downpour were where I was encountering a situation I'd never been in before and knew I'd never see again.


I really dislike these guys. They collate the errors and changes, yeah, but they drown them out with Twitter readings, snippets from interviews, and screaming unfunny jokes at strawmen.

Yes that's the problem with the videos, a lot of quotes come off as out of context.
Also they seem obsessed (going by their other videos i've seen of them) with demonstrating who's the biggest fan of SH is, which is pathetic.
That said, i liked this video because it explained fairly well all the problems with the game in the first part, and let me listen to the horrible new VO in the second part, without having to buy this crap.

Actually, I think the Silent Hill series has serious problems with this. For the most part, monsters in the games aren't scary or threatening after the first time you encounter them. A lot of the themes of SH are based around the unknown, and once you see a particular creature for the 30th time, it's easy to see them as just some thing to beat up or shoot.

That's one of the reasons I'd love to see the series move more toward a "use once and done" kind of set-up in terms of monsters. Like, go more of a Shadow of the Colossus route, where you see that enemy, you're forced to face it, and then once you've defeated it you never see it again. Easily the scariest and most threatening parts of Downpour were where I was encountering a situation I'd never been in before and knew I'd never see again.
Not saying that couldn't work, infact, i think they should take hint from stuf like Amnesia, where you don't "fight" monsters in the first place, but it also depends on the player's power.
In SIREN 1 the Shibito were consistently threatening, because whether it was the first time or the 100th, you were dead in an instant against them (mostly due to the crap controls, :p) while in Blood Curse, you were more agile and powerful, so the Shibito lost a bit of their threat whenever you managed to put your hands on a decent weapon, and you could handle even 3 of them at a time.
On the other hand, i think pushing too much on this can become detrimental, i never finished Haunting Ground because i felt simply too helpless and it became a chore, getting me out of the atmosphere, at some point, when the big dude came out and i had to run the other side of the map YET AGAIN.

Of course lot of people loved that game, so it's subjective stuff.


Would you guys fancy a SH2/SH3 REMAKE on Fox Engine with the original VO and Team Silent staff to wash our eyes away from this trainwreck?


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
Would you guys fancy a SH2/SH3 REMAKE on Fox Engine with the original VO and Team Silent staff to wash our eyes away from this trainwreck?

while we're at it let's get kojima to make policenauts 2 and then when that's finished we can go cure alzheimer's and maybe squeeze in the dissolution of the republican party


aka II VerTigo II
Wow, I was expecting a small glitch report from this video. But now I know not to purchase the HD collection. What a mess


Did Hulett seriously say that only girls and Twin Perfect like Silent Hill? What a douche!

I also like how he bitches about the combat and monster design when all of that was intentionally created that way. Someone who does not understand the science and nuance of horror should not be in charge of producing a horror game. >_>

Anyway, I'm more inclined to believe Guy Cihi when he talks about Team Silent being detail obsessed and implicit in their sound design.

Wait, I might have overlooked this. Where is the exact quote?


I'd love to hear what Hullet's reaction to all this is.

Does he have a twitter? We should post this on there and see if he says anything.

EDIT: Look what I found http://www.tommhulett.com/

EDIT2: Its pretty obvious going through the comments that people are discussing the video. Its also pretty obvious that they seem a little biased to say the least.


Man this release is a train wreck. Great video - for the most part (when the videos try to be humorous... it is not good).

Yeah, the personalities aren't terrible likable, but their tech analysis and ability to collect information was commendable. They got preachy and bitchy at times, but overall I can't help but appreciate this 2 hour project.

One-sided arguments are just obnoxious to watch. For example: Clint Eastwood talking to a chair.


I'd love to hear what Hullet's reaction to all this is.

Does he have a twitter? We should post this on there and see if he says anything.

EDIT: Look what I found http://www.tommhulett.com/

EDIT2: Its pretty obvious going through the comments that people are discussing the video. Its also pretty obvious that they seem a little biased to say the least.

I also watched their whole "The Real Silent Hill Experience". Almost perfect analysis of all the games (I only disagree with them about the ending point of the series. They say 4, I say 3.) and you also actually get reactions from People involved with the franchise including Hullet who obviously doesn't know what he's talking about.


I also watched their whole "The Real Silent Hill Experience". Almost perfect analysis of all the games (I only disagree with them about the ending point of the series. They say 4, I say 3.) and you also actually get reactions from People involved with the franchise including Hullet who obviously doesn't know what he's talking about.

Can you link?
I'd love to hear what Hullet's reaction to all this is.

Does he have a twitter? We should post this on there and see if he says anything.

EDIT: Look what I found http://www.tommhulett.com/

EDIT2: Its pretty obvious going through the comments that people are discussing the video. Its also pretty obvious that they seem a little biased to say the least.

Hulett's comments are moderated. He only allows the positive ones to be seen publicly.
I'd like to hear from the developers in light of this video. The fact that other developers reverse engineered the original games for their collections really highlights how poorly they approached this project.


Just finished watching the whole Real Silent Hill Experience videos they made. Very interesting. I had no idea Homecoming / SM were that bad. And Origins... Oh dear. Shame this happened. (Never played any of the games after 4. Just started with 1 as I never played that one but did watch the story cutscenes on Youtube.)

I hope they do Downpour as well some time. Maybe I missed it but don't see that one anywhere.

They mention around 1000 times how good SH3 still looks and it really is true. Fantastic design in that game.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Just finished watching the whole Real Silent Hill Experience videos they made. Very interesting. I had no idea Homecoming / SM were that bad. And Origins... Oh dear. Shame this happened. (Never played any of the games after 4. Just started with 1 as I never played that one but did watch the story cutscenes on Youtube.)

0rigins isn't bad, to be honest. Yeah, the breakable weapons kinda suck and the amount of weapons you can lug around get pretty ridiculous, but it's still an overall very enjoyable game. Probably the closest any of the non-Team Silent SH games have been to the classic SH formula. SM is.. divisive. Some love it, others hate it. YMMV. But Homecoming? Yeah, shit stinks bad.


0rigins isn't bad, to be honest. Yeah, the breakable weapons kinda suck and the amount of weapons you can lug around get pretty ridiculous, but it's still an overall very enjoyable game. Probably the closest any of the non-Team Silent SH games have been to the classic SH formula. SM is.. divisive. Some love it, others hate it. YMMV. But Homecoming? Yeah, shit stinks bad.

Yeah I probably should have been more clear in my post. Game itself didn't look that bad but meant the whole storyline / lore kind of thing. They focus heavy on that in those videos and Origins is well... destroyed hard in those videos. It makes no sense at all. :p

The other two games make no sense at all story wise either and looked as really bad (Silent Hill) games to me.
I agree with them about graphical glitches and slow down ruining experiences. But for music and voice acting, if a person hasn't played the original they wouldn't notice anything wrong with them at all. They second part of this analysis sounds like fanboys whining to me.


I really enjoyed this two part video. Are there any non-SH videos that get as in-depth over a game or movie?

I would love it if they did something like this with the original FFXIV.


I agree with them about graphical glitches and slow down ruining experiences. But for music and voice acting, if a person hasn't played the original they wouldn't notice anything wrong with them at all. They second part of this analysis sounds like fanboys whining to me.

It's not fanboy whining, the point of a remaster is to stay faithful to the source material.
It's like someone restoring the MonaLisa and adding stuff in the background or changing the colors, if you've never seen the Monalisa you may not notice, but that's beyond the point.

If the HD collection was a remake (like Resident Evil Rebirth on Game Cube) then i'd be alright with changes, but a remaster? Fuck no.
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