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Smash Bros Brawl Dojo Official Update Thread: Goodbye, Cherry-don

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Well, let's look at the bright side... Forget it! Who the hell am I kidding anyways? There's no bright side for this.



Regarding todays update:

THe graphics, holy shit they're amazing! and the level looks awesome as hell.

I want thsi game so badly, but I will take the delay, if sakurai needs it.

But seriously a week in japan, whats a week gonna do? :\


TheKingsCrown said:
I was mocked too,

...but the fact that we were both right does NOTHING to take away from this F'ing INJUSTICE. I know the game is finished Nintendo. Why not just tell us the real reason? Is it because you want more money bags than we have already given you? HMM?

I dont understand how delaying the game gets them more money. I have to agree with the idea that this a production problem.
Taking a step back, even Melee shows some rough spots where the game wasn't quiiiite done to where they wanted it. I want Brawl DONE, and done right absolutely every step of the way. And if that means waiting another month, I'll take it.

But importing just got incredibly hard to resist. Sounds like localization and the US WiFi Connection systems may not be quite ready yet. There's going to be virtually no secrets left unturned by the time we get it...


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
dyls said:
I don't buy this "completion of the game" bullshit at all. This is a shortage of discs problem, I guarantee it. The pre-orders in Japan hit a certain level, NCL realized they hadn't allocated enough discs for the Japanese launch, took discs allocated for the NA launch, and left us waiting an extra month.

I just don't understand how there can be production problems on DVDs. It's completely inexcusable.

Beautiful stage, though.
I dunno, I think Im just gonna tell myself that they are using the extra month to improve/tweak certains parts of the game and to beef up online servers.

/wishful thinking


Feep said:
I believe ALL OF MOTHERFUCKING GAF owes me an apology.

Also, the next time I say something, maybe you guys'll listen.

I...I apologize...

now I need to go and cry...somewhere...



No bald cap? Lies!
Fucking delays. Hopefully something good will come of this and by something good I mean people buying No More Heroes.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
It's only a month guys, you're acting like Nintendo killed your mother or something.

It's also the shortest month of the year.

Plus more time for playing Layton and what have you.

Also, this stage is amazing looking. Makes me really want a Pikmin Thrwii.
Man God said:
It's only a month guys, you're acting like Nintendo killed your mother or something.

It's also the shortest month of the year.

Plus more time for playing Layton and what have you.

Also, this stage is amazing looking. Makes me really want a Pikmin Thrwii.
Umm, this game was supposed to be out at launch?



The graphics are amazing.


Man, some of you get emotional. Of course, this is true for megaton good news updates, too. >_>

Ironically enough, the stage is actually beautiful and the text is some of the Dojo's funniest in a long, long while: "... ... What am I saying. Of course it’s not safe." I'm not sure whether the double ellipsis or using a period for a question is the greater part of this.


I also apologize for acting like a dick to GAF, but it really sucks when everyone just assumes you're a lying piece of crap. I guess this IS the internet, after all...skepticism is as essential as breathing, here.

I'm sorry too!


Well I was gonna skip buying No more hereos since that, along with advance wars and brawl would be over $100 in a month for games. I guess ill be getting all three now though.

God, this sucks shit. February 10th was the perfect time to release it for me, as it was the week after I start my new semester and made the return to school less easier. Now, it releases in March, where I will be knee deep in my studies. Goddammit.

This is also my birthday update, BTW. :(

traveler said:
Wait, what? How does "1 week delay in Japan" translate to "1 month delay in America?"
I don't have a fucking clue. The game is basically finished. Production problems, maybe? I just hope it isn't a business-related thing and Nintendo isn't releasing it yet because Wii is still selling out or some shit.


I'm still trying to figure out how a 1 week delay for Japan translates to a month delay for the United States.

Localization taking longer than expected, I suppose?



Well, this does put a damper on my plans to have a nice "import Smash Launch party" before a number of buds go back to class.

Ah well...I'll just have to make it so that they can all start failing their Spring Semester the FOLLOWING week. :D


Mockingbird said:
Man this delay better be so they can give extra time to hype up another third party character.

Given the only one week delay in Japan, I'd highly doubt it.

But I'd sure love to be wrong


dyls said:
I don't buy this "completion of the game" bullshit at all. This is a shortage of discs problem, I guarantee it. The pre-orders in Japan hit a certain level, NCL realized they hadn't allocated enough discs for the Japanese launch, took discs allocated for the NA launch, and left us waiting an extra month.

I just don't understand how there can be production problems on DVDs. It's completely inexcusable.

I believe this to be the reason.

If it means no supply issues for the launch, it's fine by me. I'm not a huge fan tho.


oh crap i just realized this comes out during finals weeks




FUCK i was just talking about it also god dammit

Anyways the stage is fucking AMAZING. Should be awesome.

As for the delay.....well itll help me because I will finish some major tests for school right before it releases now. Now they at least have my full attention :(.

Fucking pisses me off that we found out so last minute to.... :(


Master of the Google Search
The delay sucks but personally I don't care. I wouldn't have been able to play the game anyways. Plus tonight I got a Pikmin stage! Sure is a great night


Insaniac said:
oh crap i just realized this comes out during finals weeks

Finals in early March? o_O
Man God said:
Not really. Melee with online was going to be out by launch. This is Brawl. Quit your bitching.
Listen, if there is a GOOD, gameplay altering / character set altering reason for these delays, then FINE. I want it to be the game of the forever. But we don't have any evidence of that right now. All we have evidence of is that Nintendo is fucking manipulating its consumers and its business to maximize profits. And as consumers who are done with Galaxy etc., its not something that's easy to swallow.


Haha it's been delayed what? A month? Remember the good ol' days with Nintendo? You ladies are getting a little emotional.

This new stage looks boss though. It'd be really great if when using Olimar you could use your pikmin to build something useful in it.


TheKingsCrown said:
I was mocked too,

...but the fact that we were both right does NOTHING to take away from this F'ing INJUSTICE. I know the game is finished Nintendo. Why not just tell us the real reason? Is it because you want more money bags than we have already given you? HMM?

look on the bright side...you don't have to change your forum name. :p

so what's your theory as to why nintendo is delaying the game if you're sure the game is absolutely done?

it's definitely weird that japan only has to wait 1 more week while the u.s. waits another month, though. anyone have info on nintendo's manufacturing process?
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