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So...anyone NOT planning on buying any games this month/rest of the year?

With new Halo 3 dlc on the way, it seems as if the game may take up the bulk of my gaming time the rest of the year (as limited as it is). I mix in TR: Anniversary every now and then with a little Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, but:

CoD4 - rather invest my FPS time in H3
Assassin's Creed - single player game that can definately wait until next year
Mass Effect - want to block out a good month for this game; waiting for a lull next year

If I had a Wii (still have never seen one on a store shelf), then I know I would pick up Super Mario Galaxy.

I usually get all wobbly-kneed when new games come out, so I my crack (especially if many of my online buddies start playing a lot of CoD4 or AC gets VERY good scores). As it stands now though, I don't plan on buying any more games the rest of the year.

Am I alone?


works for Gamestop (lol)
There's so many good games coming up that I haven't even bothered playing Halo 3 anymore. Hell, I didnt even play past the first level. Fuck Halo

Iam Canadian

and have the worst user name EVER
I've got a backlog to get through...but I just can't resist Super Mario Galaxy, Contra 4, or Geometry Wars: Galaxies.

Once those are bought...nothing until Smash Bros. And then...we'll see.

Oh, God, I forgot about the Virtual Console. I don't think I'll get any unless something awesome like Super Mario Bros. 3 or Alien Soldier is released.


No money to buy systems to buy games.

Birthday in 3 weeks + couple more paychecks should help my PS3-obtaining goal. I need CoD4 and Uncharted.
Too many good games coming out, it's just starting to get good.

Halo 3 was just the beginning. I'll still play it for MP, but I'll also probably be playing COD4 MP to mix it up.

In addition to that, Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect are must-haves.

Captain N

Junior Member
I thought about not getting anything and then I hop onto GAF and remind myself why I spend a lot of cash on myself during the holidays.


Trading in Halo 3 for COD4. Finally realized how tired of it I was after playing a few rounds of Team Fortress. Orange Box and COD4 should keep me busy until Uncharted gets out. Not sure about Mass Effect anymore since I just picked up my PS3...have to work out a whole new budget for games =(


Fire Emblem
Mario Galaxy
Ghost Squad

And thats all I can afford for Nov. Thank goodness Brawl was pushed back- In Dec I'm gonna pick up RE:UC and a number of games I have missed (a few on Wii and an endless amount on DS) .... My wallet am cry :(
Killer said:
HOW in hell would you NOT buy a game this+ coming months?!

pls someone tell me :-(

Lots of people buy games and barely play them. If you played all the AAA games you've bought and not given enough time, I'm sure you could go a few months without needing another game. At least I could.

T.M. MacReady

trying to play through what I have now. gonna get Mass Effect and uncharted for sure, and probably GH3 around christmas when I have more disposable income. Thats it though. I'll pass on Assassin's Creed, CoD4, and others since I dont really have the time or cash for 'em now.


TheGreatDave said:
Lots of people buy games and barely play them.

I'm like that. I hate seeing all of my games unfinished, but I can't resist the pull of purchasing a new game. The last game I've finished was Fire Emblem for GCN, and I bought that day one. I think Mario Galaxy and FE Wii will change that though =) Zack and Wiki has a hold on me as well.

It almost seems impossible to willingly not buy a game in the next two months.
I have Orange Box, and all I've played is a ton of Portal and Team Fortress. I haven't played more than an hour of Half Life 2. So why the hell should I buy COD4 when I still have a fantastic FPS to get through?

This is why I'll probably only buy a DS game if I get bored or some downloadable stuff. Shit, I have PGR4 that I've barely played as well.

Joe Molotov

TheGreatDave said:
Lots of people buy games and barely play them. If you played all the AAA games you've bought and not given enough time, I'm sure you could go a few months without needing another game. At least I could.

Yeah, but still...Super Mario Galaxy? You gotta lock that down.
When I even think about not buying anything for the rest of the year, I swear I can hear Rock Band laughing maniacally in the distance.
Joe Molotov said:
Yeah, but still...Super Mario Galaxy? You gotta lock that down.

Mario is the exception. Just cos I don't have anything to play that's like it really. Most the games I'm interested in I have different games in similar genres I can play.


The only game I'm buying between now and Christmas is Assassin's Creed.

I'll get Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3 for for my Christmas holidays though when I have a whole week off to devote to them.
Circuit City FTW next week
VF5 - 39.99
COD4 - free COD3

Then I'll be set for a longggg while. I've decided I'm not getting Rock Band for the foreseeable future.
Buying CoD4, Mario Galaxy, Rock Band, Mass Effect.

Renting Ratchet, Assassin's Creed, and Uncharted; not a slight against the games but I'm trying to keep expenses down and I get two free game rentals each month.

Honestly I have no idea how I'm going to get everything played along with stuff that I'm already working on like Orange Box and Ace Combat 6.

I can't remember a fall where I had more games that I want desperately to play across three consoles no less. Not to mention handhelds and downloadable games.

Congrats to anybody who can resist spending hundreds on games this fall.


There are 3 potentially AAA blow your mind type games coming out in November alone. Each have a good chance to be incredible. Mass effect, assassins creed, cod 4 that is. Cant wait.


Buying Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and Mario Galaxy.

I may get CoD4 on the PS3 is the online proves to be better than Halo 3, but probably not as I'm generally not a fan of CoD titles.


~Kinggi~ said:
There are 3 potentially AAA blow your mind type games coming out in November alone. Each have a good chance to be incredible. Mass effect, assassins creed, cod 4 that is. Cant wait.

Dude, you're forgetting one of the best games to come along in a long time. Though I can see why if you dislike having colors in your video games. Honestly, November is all about Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings.
I'm most likely not buying anything for the rest of the year. My plans are Mass Effect sometime next year, rent Orange Box, CoD4 and Creed nevar.


AniHawk said:
Dude, you're forgetting one of the best games to come along in a long time. Though I can see why if you dislike having colors in your video games. Honestly, November is all about Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings.

Mass Effect uses the color blue like a Michael Mann film.
There are way too many games I have to get (already released and yet to be released this year). I wonder which ones will go unfinished.


The original plan was to not buy any new games in November. I have about 22 games that still need to be finished and to buy a new game would be madness. However I don't think I will be able to resist Assasin's Creed.


I won't be able to stop buying games for the rest of this year and into the beginning of next year. Methinks it's about time I start putting in more hours at work to pay for all of this shit!

Edit: Well since everyone else is putting what they will buy I will too:

Super Mario Galaxy
Links Crossbow Training
Assassins Creed
Need for Speed: Pro Street
Smackdown vs. Raw 2008
PS3 System (Edit: Got it today!)
Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction (Edit: Got it today!)
Drakes Fortune

That may be it?...nah, I'll impulse buy some stuff too!
nah bought VF5 Today


Black site Area 51
Solider of Fortune 3
Need for Speed Pro Street
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2008 on Wii, PS3, Xbox 360 and Nintendo DS
Mario Galaxy
Rock Band
Resident Evil
Ghost Squad
2 Zappers
Mass Effect


Gold Member
I'm keeping my money for a Holiday and lots of booze, so I'm not gonna be rushing out to get games. If it fits in my budget


Sadly, all my money is going towards the "buy myself a new computer" fund. I think for most of this month I won't buy anything, but in December I'll grab either Assassin's Creed or Mass Effect.

As for multiplayer, well, heh. Halo 3 and Orange Box have me beat.


Why are you reading a video gaming message board when clearly you're not interested in video games? This is directed to anyone not purchasing any games for the rest of year (excluding those who made this decision due to financial reasons).


BradVanDam said:
nah bought VF5 Today


Black site Area 51
Solider of Fortune 3
Need for Speed Pro Street
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2008 on Wii, PS3, Xbox 360 and Nintendo DS
Mario Galaxy
Rock Band
Resident Evil
Ghost Squad
2 Zappers
Mass Effect

Damn, are you really buying 4 versions of SvR 2008? If so, then you sir are quite the WWE fan... I myself will just be buying it for the PS3.
I am seeing entirely too little NiGHTS in this thread for my liking.

If you value your cherished pet's life (yes, I've got your cherished pet here with me, I kidnapped them all earlier), you'll pencil NiGHTS in somehow.


Segata Sanshiro said:
I am seeing entirely too little NiGHTS in this thread for my liking.

If you value your cherished pet's life (yes, I've got your cherished pet here with me, I kidnapped them all earlier), you'll pencil NiGHTS in somehow.

I've paid off NiGHTS once again now that it appears that Sega might maybe do something decent with the sequel perhaps.
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