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So indie RPG, Sui Generis looks pretty neat. Physics based melee combat.

Pre Alpha combat video here.
The combat reminds me of a top down Severance: Blade of Darkness.




love this kind of stuff. Will definitely be keeping my eye on it. I can't help but to feel like all this effort into a physics based action system would be wasted on a "click to kill" type RPG though. Imagine a hybrid of this and Dark Souls.
love this kind of stuff. Will definitely be keeping my eye on it. I can't help but to feel like all this effort into a physics based action system would be wasted on a "click to kill" type RPG though. Imagine a hybrid of this and Dark Souls.

Yes, I would have preferred at least WASD based movement.


I can bet already that most people won't like the control of this game. Any time games have heavy physics based movement most people don't like it.


The footage from the video reminds me of baldurs gate dark alliance. Yes, that's a very good thing. Eventhough it's pre-alpha combat, I think it still looks very good.
No offense, they should get the fighting to look decent and fun to play before making a kickstarter. The blocking lookings good, everything else looks like they are flailing around in the general direction of the opponent.
If it's physics based, it's very weird that it's top down. What's the point of being top down if you don't have more control over the movements? It makes no sense to have control from so far away.


Their Kickstarter video felt more like they're trying to sell an engine and not a game.

I'm skeptical they can make a complete game with the team they have. 1 programmer; 2 artists; 1 bureaucrat taking care of technical, administrative, and legal needs; and 1 composer.


I like the idea, will keep a lookout if they manage to make the concept work (they're clearly not there yet).


While it needs work.. physics based combat is something I can get behind. Love to see it as a next gen feature..

If it's physics based, it's very weird that it's top down. What's the point of being top down if you don't have more control over the movements? It makes no sense to have control from so far away.

Its more about physic based combat not control. Its like you and your enemy have an extra big of AI that makes the fight movement look much more fluid and realistic rather than extremely stiff like many games.


The characters stumble around like drunkards at the moment, but I think it's charming

I cant post a link, but go check out real Vicking combat on youtube. A lot of people think that combat is like in movies, but in reality, people were flailing arms like Kermit trying to hit some part of the body and they strife all the time.
But yeah, it look kinda weird for some reason. Maybe the joints are not realistic enough? I mean, if I tried to flail a sword, I would probably look like this.


Let's hope the mythology is interesting, because right now it looks a bit generi
Well its about an ancient evil that as awaken, and you must destroy it using this artifact, your sister, who as disappeared when you were young, kidnapped by an ancient dragon who ate her heart, gave you. You will encounter an elf, dwarf and an enemy who turn out to be a friend.
It will be an original story.
Cant go to Youtube, I'm at the job.
It was some kind of documentary on Vikings I found on youtube, where the guy was an expert in recreating Viking combat. It looked like he was simply flailing around with a sword and a shield on an another guy, but it was like that that people killed each other back then.


I cant post a link, but go check out real Vicking combat on youtube. A lot of people think that combat is like in movies, but in reality, people were flailing arms like Kermit trying to hit some part of the body and they strife all the time.
But yeah, it look kinda weird for some reason. Maybe the joints are not realistic enough? I mean, if I tried to flail a sword, I would probably look like this.

Pretty much. People applying things like Kung Fu look nothing like the movies. It just looks like a lot of random hand movement and hugging.


They posted an update on the Kickstarter page regarding what they are aiming for and talking about the claims of genericism:

Here's a quick update in response to some of the opinions that seem to have formed regarding our game. We are simply expressing some of our thoughts on the matter.

Yes, you start the game as an anonymous villager. The whole point here is that you create your own character and write your own story. If you want to play a named hero with a rich background, predefined personality and a clear mission ahead, then you're looking at the wrong game. Personally, we feel completely alienated from such characters.

Yes, your character does turn out to be special. If you weren't special you wouldn't stand a chance. And here comes a spoiler. Rather than providing you with this astounding power to record moments in time and return to them whenever you please (read save/load) so that you may win every battle, eventually, even by pure chance; we thought it better for it to be an element of the story. We don't just brush over this as an every day "respawn" or other mechanic. Also, to quote our project page, "not as vague mythology but actual chains of events leading to the current situation".

Yes, our world is under duress, you won't be picking daisies. As for a looming threat, you may have no idea what it is until it's too late. Nothing is as it seems. There is no evil in our world. There may be lack of scruples, ruthlessness or just genuine oversight, but motives are often complex and valid to those who hold them.

What you should be paying attention to when reading our brief summary of the premise are the "ifs" and "buts". We dislike linear story, we hate linear story, no, we truly despise linear story. If you asked us what is as pleasant as being poked in the eye, we'd have to answer "linear story".

We have not given you a story. We have intentionally lured you into thinking of this as a fairly typical fantasy RPG. Guess what? We don't like those either. We are of a skeptical nature and when faced with the usual fantasy claptrap, much like an inquisitive child, our answer is simply "but why?". There is lots of because in our world. We have taken what appears to be generic fantasy and given it a whole new twist. A lot of effort has gone into this and to reveal it would be to throw it all away. We hold it more dear than the funds we are trying to raise. If by not revealing it we fail in securing your support, then so be it.

We have been asked about character interactions and such. Well, sometimes we want to chat and sometimes we just want to kill stuff. Must be those hormones. Thing is, when the latter mood takes us, and some whining NPC decides to illustrate their sensitive nature to us, the solution is clear: smack 'em in the gob, throw 'em in the river, then perhaps evaluate whether their home looks to be a suitable place to store our booty. If this errant behaviour should upset someone, well, let them come. That, to us, is role playing. What we tend to be presented with in "games with choices" is something like this:

1) Help the distressed peasant now
2) Help the distressed peasant later
3) Help the distressed peasant reluctantly

That is not role playing. We don't know what it is, but we don't like it.

You may encounter characters with sunny dispositions that are not always genuine and heartfelt. You may find yourself trying to divine your interlocutor's true intent, hopefully you are well versed in the arts of subtlety and sarcasm. You may also encounter characters with good or even noble intentions, and yet these intentions may not be in your best interests. Our game will certainly feature moral dilemmas and ambiguities.

Undoubtedly much of what we say sounds familiar and doesn't strike you as original, but perhaps it has at least conveyed something of our ethos. Take home what you will.

I don't hold many illusions that these guys will pull this off, but at least the technology is there. I think this game comes from a very id-like heritage of technology-first development, and as a programmer first I can at least empathize with that approach. The "be born as a peasant and just live in a world" is something that is genuinely interesting as a concept, with or without an overwhelming threat existing in the world.

This is probably the perfect level to introduce a Kickstarter at if you're an unknown: show us what you have, show us how you're different, show us your vision. They are still missing a bit on that last element, but I am certainly backing.


I initially dismissed this because of the generic KS image and name, but I'm extremely impressed by their video. Backed.


I like what I'm seeing here. Peasants, Knights all drunk and flailing away with swords? I'm in.

I'm skeptical they can make a complete game with the team they have. 1 programmer; 2 artists; 1 bureaucrat taking care of technical, administrative, and legal needs; and 1 composer.

Remember, id Software did start with four programmers.


Gold Member
It looks at this stage like control would be very awkward. More realistic looking in some ways, but awkward to control.


I can bet already that most people won't like the control of this game. Any time games have heavy physics based movement most people don't like it.
Oh god, you just reminded me of LA Noire for some reason -- Cole, you idiot, do you really need to run in huge circle in order to turn around? Ever heard of pivoting in place?


Technology behind this demo is amazing, even godlike if You consider that was made by one guy and its in such polished state already.


It's a really intriguing concept. If they can make the combat look less... comedic this is going to be something really special.


Severance: Blade of Darkness

Speaking of which, everyone should check this game out. It's a spectacular game that probably had a significant amount of influence on the Souls games. It's incredibly difficult, mostly for the right reasons.

You can pick up stools and use them as weapons.

You can also use skulls as weapons.

Oh right, and you can dismember enemies and the blood flow system is pretty advanced.

Three different characters with different styles of combat. There is a sweet combo and counter system.

Not without its faults but yes, pick it up. Pretty sure it's abandonware at this point. E-mailed Codemasters about a digital release and they said they had no plans for it. It's also unlisted on their website soooooo...



Wow, that video really impressed me, the animations looked incredibly fluid, and I love the realistic feel of the combat, the skeletons disintegrating, the heavy looking knock back of the mace, and the spell(?) throwing away that guy. And the story concept is intriguing, specially that "no evil, but complex motives" thing.

I'll kickstart it as soon as I can spare some money, but I'm wondering if they can achieve their goal.


More representative of what real fights are like wearing a full body teakettle than I've seen before. I like it and its fun.


So much effort to make realistic physics for the world and for movement, and then the fighters look like 2 drunks throwing mindless blows, the guy with 2 swords kills a heavy armored opponent while he sustains several blows of a heavy axe... yes, everything is soooo realistic!

I simply don't see the benefits of real physics in this type of game...

But I really like the engine. I would love to see a 3rd person action RPG with realistic fight and damage.


Stephen Fry led me to the Kickstarter Page of this game.

Looks very intersting. Even if the animation look a bit weird (they say that they'll have someone specificly for the animations, the ones in the video are just placeholders) the aspect of physic-based animation especially in fighting intrigues me very much.

I pledged even if I don't see it reaching its goal unless they get a lot of press in the next few days.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA

We've got some pretty cool features planned for our inventory system. We're going to be using a "slotless" inventory system. In practice this means there's over a hundred slots and you don't see them. This allows you to equip many combinations of things, rather than being limited to articles of clothing or armour that cover a fixed part of your character's body.

To make clothes we use a dedicated cloth simulator and other tools we've developed. This allows us to make realistic clothes very quickly and easily. It also allows clothes to change depending on what else you're wearing. For example, long trousers will tuck into boots realistically.

This is just a placeholder but our inventory view will be somewhat similar:
more: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1473965863/sui-generis/posts/355023


Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
I got a laugh out of that dude getting hit by the magic missile and stumbling out afterwards.

It does look a bit awkward, but imagine that's what it really looked like in a huge melee battle. You wouldn't be riposting and pirouetting and flipping and shit. Agreed that it would be better suited to a Dark Souls type game than a Diablo-esque game.


whoa talk about innovation !

It's amazing. Why someone didn't point it earlier ? I didn't it existed.

Hey guys, thanks for the positive feedback and support! That's almost starting to sound cheesy but I really do mean it.

As the combat is at the moment, we only have swinging weapons. Every attack is chosen out of a set at random, and while each have their perks, it's up to you to react and adjust your aim, or even cancel it (by simply letting go of the mouse button) in favour of parrying. It makes for very skilful gameplay whilst being hugely dynamic and simple to operate. Parrying is automatic, but you're at the mercy of physics, and learning to rotate your character so your parrying arm is better placed to deflect the incoming blow is key.

I spent a long time playing Mount and Blade, and not to blow my own trumpet but it was one of the games I was very good at, and I'm obviously talking about PvP against some very good players. While it is seriously fun, combat is not very dynamic and it's not hugely fun to watch unless you can appreciate the skill involved in what's going on. It is purely mechanical and looks kind of silly. With only 4 directions of parrying, all of which you can attempt every single attack (if you're quick enough), it is entirely possible to, say, make a macro that cycles parrying every direction, rendering the entire system exploitable. This is not a criticism, I love the game, it's just the nature of a mechanical system.

This is very, very early combat you're looking at here. Think typical isometric game, where all you can do is left-click. If you were watching someone play the third installment of a game who's name I shall not mention, and all the person was doing was left-click attacking, I think it would be far less enticing. We are going to have special strikes you can incorporate into your build and even stabbing weapons as either an alternate attack, or more specialised weapons like spears. These will be pin-point accurate, based on our epic collisions and bring in a whole new play-style to the early gameplay you're seeing in our videos. We would also like to include double-tap behaviours for dodging and a wide variety of close-quarters utility thaumaturgic powers.

Shields will play an important role in defensive melee combat, and instead of providing a static defensive bonus, when you aren't attacking you will adopt a sort of bracing stance. It will be up to you to angle the shield into blows, and allow you to perform bashes and other offensive maneouvres. Skill points are very limited, and choosing to incorporate a shield into your build will be a significant build choice, rather than just a damage/defence tradeoff.
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