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So indie RPG, Sui Generis looks pretty neat. Physics based melee combat.

This looks really freaking cool. I mean, clearly it's in alpha, but the potential I see in here makes me really want to back this. I want to play this game. Thanks for bumping this up, I would have otherwise not seen it.

EDIT: The video in this link does a good job explaining what's up with this game: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1473965863/sui-generis (Hahaha@ the intro...his hands, his hands...those gestures.... so awkward!)


Wow sound like an interesting concept and design base. Despite looking a bit off at times it still looks good and definitely doing things we haven't seen much of and I always like games that do that.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
The animation's kind of weird at times, but when it works, it looks so good.

Imagine a top down KOTOR with this kind of combat with lightsabers.

edit: watch the shadows, specifically


I really want to throw some money these guys way, but I can't afford it right now and I don't get paid until Friday :/ Anyone know if we'll still be able to once the kickstarter is done?
The animation's kind of weird at times, but when it works, it looks so good.

Imagine a top down KOTOR with this kind of combat with lightsabers.

edit: watch the shadows, specifically

or Diablo 3.

I hope devs will use this sword of thinking for future melee based games. Countering and blocking have always been a problem in say.. Jedi Knight II Outcast and Academy. Superb online fighting sword combat, but blocking was always honky. And I understand why. Because if your entire character is swinging a sword through the air, with tons of animations going on in different joints, then all that has to be accounted for when another person blocks. it cant just go off in a regular "did not hit animation" or have the sword-animation go through the blocking character without dealing damage (poor gameplay feedback). no, it has to start an entire new sequence of animations.

This is one of the reasons why we don't have Call of Duty: The Crusades or Battlefield 4: Apache Medival Horse gunner expansion packs.

it's simply much easier to do regular gun-gun shooting. Particularly online. It's a shame, because standing from afar shooting all over the place is not as satisfying as dismembering another player.. limb by limb.
or Diablo 3.

I hope devs will use this sword of thinking for future melee based games. Countering and blocking have always been a problem in say.. Jedi Knight II Outcast and Academy. Superb online fighting sword combat, but blocking was always honky. And I understand why. Because if your entire character is swinging a sword through the air, with tons of animations going on in different joints, then all that has to be accounted for when another person blocks. it cant just go off in a regular "did not hit animation" or have the sword-animation go through the blocking character without dealing damage (poor gameplay feedback). no, it has to start an entire new sequence of animations.

This is one of the reasons why we don't have Call of Duty: The Crusades or Battlefield 4: Apache Medival Horse gunner expansion packs.

it's simply much easier to do regular gun-gun shooting. Particularly online. It's a shame, because standing from afar shooting all over the place is not as satisfying as dismembering another player.. limb by limb.

What you did there... I see it.

Melee combat is something in gaming I think needs the most work. I hope they redo this kickstarter.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Jumped up a bit, it's at 103k. Needs less than 50k in 64 hours to make it. It might be close.

I wish some of the 'big' indie devs on twitter would mention it. It seems to be pretty quiet on the social media front.


This game needs to be made so bad. Oh god, it looks so awesome, even if janky in its own charming way.

Totally pledged.

If it doesn't... I'm afraid it'll be held up by publishers as something that the market doesn't want.

"No, they don't want innovation in the RPG market. We've got a forumla and *we* know what works."

And... if it doesn't go through, what I'm most afraid of is that... they might be right. :(
Just donated. I think GAF should get in on this. Really would not take that many people to get it off the ground from where it currently is.


I love it, and for pre-alpha it's very good, but I do agree with the YT comment that aptly points out how they basically look like they are drunk :p That is something they can iron out I hope.

Swinging heavy weapons around should definitely have this kind of feel in combat, too bad so many countless games over the years totally ignore this aspect.

Would definitely buy.

With just a little over 2 days to reach their kickstarter goal I think it has a chance to get there if more people see this video.


Wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man!

That's what it looks like... I can't say I'm impressed with this. Just waving their arms about left/right doesn't look engaging.

You ever watch real kung fu players fight? It looks nothing like a martial arts movie. It just looks like random flailing/slap fight. I would imagine that two dudes in heavy armor swinging around broadswords isn't gonna look like what you see when people do kata. And in the vid you notice the character switching stance to keep the body in balance. In most games the animations are pre-canned so when a stance switched is needed for a strike it is done instantly. Which is something you won't see in real life unless the person is gonna be constantly jumping around before every strike which just isn't possible.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
You ever watch real kung fu players fight? It looks nothing like a martial arts movie. It just looks like random flailing/slap fight. I would imagine that two dudes in heavy armor swinging around broadswords isn't gonna look like what you see when people do kata. And in the vid you notice the character switching stance to keep the body in balance. In most games the animations are pre-canned so when a stance switched is needed for a strike it is done instantly. Which is something you won't see in real life unless the person is gonna be constantly jumping around before every strike which just isn't possible.

I agree with this. I have watched quite a lot of real fights BUT even with armor and heavy swords people tend to be more "focused". In real fights with adrenaline surge they tend to be a)more focused and fast - usually if they are professional/amateur fighters b)look completely loose and stupid like the guys in the video. But this is a videogame, so some realism should be sacrificed in the name of more engaging experience.


I should point that they are well aware that physics-based animations can look awkward at the moment.
They also claim it's one of the first features they are planning to improve if they get enough funds:

It's actually very impressive.

The most important thing I got out of the video is that there are very sound reasons that the ball and chain flail wasn't very commonly used.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
There Will Be Blood... And Fire And Shields!
Update #13 · Nov. 27, 2012 · 5 comments

We've had quite a few requests and questions about blood, fire and shields. What better way to show we intend to do these things than getting started on it? So, we got to work, made some early versions of these features and put them in a video for you!

We've added blood sprays for the more painful blows, the effect is still simple but we already see the potential of the animation resulting from all the physics. When our character rendering system is complete we plan to add lots of proper sticky yucky gore, wounds, dents and the lot. And not just on characters. For now we've made weapons get nicely spattered until they're covered in the stuff.

Just a fiery pit for now but it's procedural, volumetric fire. It's 3D, there are no repeating animations, we can shape it however we want, make it envelop and react to objects etc. Those physics again. The colours need tweaking but we're pretty happy with this early result.

We basically just strapped a shield to the character's arm and added some basic blocking behaviours. Even though we've done very little the physics are already doing a lot. Shields are supposed to be a big build choice and just as we hoped they're proving to be extremely effective.


short video. Fire with physics could be a ton of fun.


The game does look amazing, I wonder if they'll make the total? I'm sure it was at £100,000 yesterday so that's £18,000 in a day or so, they have 39 hours left. If they can have another day at £18,000 or so then I think the ending bump should push them over the total.


That combat looks hilariously awesome.

Could be revolutionary when optimized and refined.

It is already revolutionary.
I love how they just add shield to animation and it started working without any additional scripts.

This look amazing in my opinion.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
I just did basic math. If they reach their goal we're looking at 1666 pounds/month per person. Is it a sensible salary for UK? Also we're actually looking at less than that since Kickstarter and rewards will eat a part of their budget.

I just afraid that they didn't ask for money they really need and the game will be too barebones if completed at all.


I would love to Kickstart this, but this is an instance where I can see the game realistically not being made. The team is scattered all over and they don't seem to have any professional experience of making a game. As much as it pains me to say so, I'll have to sit this one out and hope they make a game that I can buy when it comes out.


needs more combat control, like stance changes, etc. But yeah I'm interested. I want to know more.

I don't follow the "drunk" jokes. People are used to video games not showing actual heft of weapons. Combat is slow and I think maybe one or two hits of that flail would do it instead of 4.


I don't really need a tag, but I figured I'd get one to make people jealous. Is it working?
Twenty hours and £17k to go. Bumping since I'm interested.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
Just pledged - argh hope the project makes it. That Madoc guy seems like a coding guru.

RPGs (and other applicable genres) need to rethink the way they handle their combat mechanics/animations and Sui Generis looks like it's a step in the right direction. I'd love seeing weapons actually striking each other, parries and feints (isometric Chivalry?) - helps build that immersion. Of course behind the scenes it's a numbers game but the whole procedural combat animation idea is intriguing.


Just pledged - argh hope the project makes it. That Madoc guy seems like a coding guru.
yep, that's exactly how he comes out from all these videos and updates.
The fact he coded all this stuff from zero by himself is a genuinely impressive feature.
Pair this guy with a competent designer and add decent funding to the recipe and wonders could happen.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
I downgraded the pledge to the lowest tier because I'm sure that they won't deliver on their promises. They need a couple of millions to deliver on their promises of the actual content and they don't have a dedicated writer on the team, no concept artist and only one modeller. They will need some investor to deliver and this means that the project will be changed. I hope that he will release the mod tools in case they fail so other people can do their own content or help them flesh out the game. Basically I'm giving my money away just because the guy made this fantastic engine instead of using his talents to make money.


Seems like an interesting tech demo (though i'm not fully sold on it yet) bt everything else abut the game seems incredibly bland and generic.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Seems like an interesting tech demo (though i'm not fully sold on it yet) bt everything else abut the game seems incredibly bland and generic.

often happens when programmers are at charge. Also it's just a tech demo.
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