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So It's September 11th Today....

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Still 11 minutes away for me.

I guess this thread might turn into 'where were you that day' stuff. Which is fine. I was at school and they turned the TV on. We were silent as we watched things burn.

9 years ago.


naw, 10:50 on the 10th still. Will be back later

Senior year, sleeping. Mom woke me and said I had to watch this :(

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I can hardly remember anything about Augusto Pinochet's coup against Salvador Allende's government in Chile. I wasn't born back then.

EDIT: Wait, I think my calendar is wrong.


Never forget.


#1 movie in America on 9/11/01


I'll always remember 9/11 and how the loser kid who went home for lunch came back and fucked it up royally.

Said a bus full of terrorists took over the WTC with guns.


I still remember the day it happened perfectly. I was in school and at the time i was preoccupied with other stuff. I overheard people talking about what happened, but i didn't really pay much attention to it. It only set in when my Science teacher started talking about it. "Kids, you're going to remember this day for the rest of your lives."

Ain't that the truth.
Its weird to think that my cousin-nieces who are 5-6 werent around for it.

Then again, the freaking Nintendo DS is older than they are.
I was walking in the hallways back then when I heard the news. The Principal came in the PA system and announced it. Walked into the Computer Class to watch it on TV.


I'm stuck in 1999-2003 anyway....that's where my mind is. So yeah, it feels weird it's been 9 whole years.

Oh, and next year will be INSANE.

If you thought the Koran burning stuff and Ground Zero mosque stuff is big news, next year we will be dealing with shit that will put that to shame.


CS class in high school. I couldn't see the projection screen that was at front of the class so I didn't realize what was going on until the next period. Then it hit hard.


I remember waking up and my grandma was staying with me as my folks were vacationing in Florida at the time (and ended up staying a lot longer than they wanted) and sitting there until I had to go to school. My fucking jaw dropped when the second plane hit. It's all any of the teachers could talk about, and we're in Canadia.


It was a beautiful, sunny day with a slight early fall chill in the air in southern Indiana.

I was driving on my way to work when the top of the hour news 8am CST said a plane hit the world trade center. I thought nothing of it. Just a terrible accident.

By the time I parked and got to my desk at 8:20am CST, somebody down the hall hollered that a 2nd plane hit the other WTC building.

About this time everyone realized that something was up so we all huddled in the bosses office around a radio and like 45 minutes later we heard that a plane hit the Pentagon. About this time, people in my office were starting to freak out realizing that we were really under attack. Then an hour later we heard that another plane possibly crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. It was full on panic by then. Nobody got anything done at work the rest of the day.


On the West Coast so it was really early when the towers hit but I remember waking up early that day because I liked to watch Jerry Springer early on WPIX in New York before school. Instead of Jerry though, they were only showing a still picture of one of the towers burning and I had no idea what the fuck was going on.
i was in gym class in 10th grade and the gym teacher, who was an ex-marine vietnam vet came in and told us. he seemed pretty upset and angry.

Invisible Man

aka SexyNerd
6th grade in Tech class. Thought it was a joke at first because I couldn't believe it. I realized something was up when the teachers were acting weird and then they sent us home early.
It's actually kind of bizarre that I remember a conversation my 9 year old self had with my mother.

She picked me up from school and asked, "Do you know what a terrorist is?"
And I answered, "Yeah, they visit you from another country!"

9 year old me thought she meant 'tourists'.
Holy shit. 9 Years? Crazy. I remember being in my 8th grade biology class hearing about it. At first I did not believe it till I got home. RIP to the people who died and my condolences go to the families of the people who died whom are still dealing with the loss and recovering..
I was in social studies in high school.
Another teacher knocks on the door, our teach walkers over, they whisper, he comes back and says "Um, well, seems that two planes just crashed into the World Trade Center in New York".
Pretty much the rest of the day we were watching the news coverage in all my classes.
It was very surreal.


Rindain said:
I'm stuck in 1999-2003 anyway....that's where my mind is. So yeah, it feels weird it's been 9 whole years.

Oh, and next year will be INSANE.

If you thought the Koran burning stuff and Ground Zero mosque stuff is big news, next year we will be dealing with shit that will put that to shame.
Huh? Did I miss something or is this just your gut speaking?


rpmurphy said:
Huh? Did I miss something or is this just your gut speaking?

It's my common sense/gut speaking. The 10th anniversary is sure to ignite extreme emotions and bring out tons of crazies.


I've got the same memory that most of you guys got here too. I was 11 at the time and my dad woke me up in the morning freaking out that a bunch of terrorists had hijacked a plane and crashed it into the WTC. In school, my teacher couldn't take her eyes off of the TV and we pretty much got nothing done that day. It's one of the strongest memories that I have from so long ago.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
9th grade. They had TVs in each classroom and all over the caf, watched it live...


Unconfirmed Member
home sick from school.

I remember my mum waking me telling me there had been a plane crash in New York. Saw the second plane hit and then ended up watching the news all day.

I was actually set to go to there on October 18th as part of a history class school trip. It was obviously cancelled and I've still never been.


5th grade english iirc. I just moved from Brooklyn to NC. There were a lot of kids in my class that didn't even know what the twin towers were. Very strange and sad day to say the least.


terrdactycalsrock said:
6th grade...now a college sophomore
6th grade. just heading into college. Again. (Took a year off. Took a year of one program, starting a different program this Jan)
Can anybody from New York describe how the whole thing was like to them?

I remember waking up at 5:30 A.M Pacific Time and out of the blue I turned on the TV to see a burning building. I didn't know what the hell was happening at the time.


my english teacher's brother worked in the pentagon (he was unhurt). it was weird seeing him frazzled, he was a cool, laid back kind of teacher.

I remember the rest of the day every class just sat and watched CNN.


Beat EviLore at pool.
Fuck been 9 years already that shit is crazy. Anyway when the attack happened it was in the 6th grade. Around 3 period or people started to get calls home from the loudspeaker. I never thought anything of it. The whole day it kept on going it was crazy they didn't tell us nothing. I finally heard real news was on the buss home. Other then that though looking back on it now. Behind me during lunch they called names out to go home. When they did this some girl behind me was crying. Another crazy thing during that 3rd period i seen the skyline of the city.

Fuck thinking about it I have a few crazy tales. Another was September 10th coming home from Boston. I seen the skyline the final time and when in Boston we stayed at the same hotel as one of the terrorist did.


Equus Bellator Apex said:
It's crazy to think that the attack happened 9 years ago.

It still feels like it happened yesterday.
It feels like it happened 9 years ago, too much shit has happened.
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