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So the consensus these days is that no one really 'won' this generation, right?

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Nintendo won but for the first time the market leader didn't get the market share of the industry games.

And the marker leader dropped off faster than anything done prior.
It seems you did not understand the point I was making. If we look at the position Nintendo got themselves into towards the end of gen 7 and the start of gen 8, what exactly did they win? It's like the 300 spartans, they won the battle but lost their lives.

I don't know, you tell me:



benevolent sexism
I think the point here is not just the sales numbers. Neither sony or microsoft came out in the green this gen, nintendo did.

Also a great point. Nintendo was profitable, so from a certain perspective their victory is unquestionable. The problem is that their profits don't seem to be giving them an edge in number of exclusive titles for their platform compared to the other two companies which have had a much rougher road financially. Is there any good financial reason for the WiiU software drought?
Nintendo won. You can't argue with the Wii's numbers, and on top of that the DS sold even more.

The Wii cost $80 to make but was originally sold at $250

The Wii won
Nintendo won sales wise (which is what matters)
Microsoft won psychologically most gamers moved to the xbox 360
Sony ended up having the best exclusives and the most bang for the buck though


If you go by hardware sales, software tie ratio, overall total sales by territory and most profit earned by hardware manufacturer there was in fact a clear as day winner - Nintendo.

Everyone around here doesn't really care about that though, they want to know who won between sony and microsoft. Wordwide shipments are virtually neck and neck but microsoft has sold more games per box and even in spite of the RROD writeoff , are likely more profitable for 2005-2013 but not by a huge margin.

So I suppose Microsoft took second place. It's not even a contest if you are looking only at north america.

Seeing that above chart though , it looks like if it were up to date sony may have counteracted PS3 losses with PS2 and PSP sales until the PS3 was at least breaking even whereas microsoft lost 3.5 billion dollars designing the 360 that they only recouped a couple years ago. So perhaps the playstation division DID end up making a bit more money then the xbox arm of home and entertainment.


Yeah I think so... All down to preference in some ways anyway, but I think they all have highlights this gen I think. I think 360 pushed us towards the online functionality, PS3 offered the exclusives and Wii... I think it was the most innovative at the beginning and did push towards motion in gaming, but I think after the "novelty" wore off, it was simply the Nintendo games from there on out and despite it selling the most, I dont quite see it as highlight of this gen, but I think its helped next gen/towards the end of this gen, get to the point its at now, so they all did something cool themselves.


I don't get how it's only Nintendo that sucked in the later years

We got the worst Uncharted, worst God Of War, worst Gears Of War and worst Halo late in the generation - and with worst I don't mean that these are completely bad games, but huge disappointments compared to the previous entries in the franchises

The last big Wii hurrah was probably Skyward Sword while it's The Last Of Us for PS3 and no idea what came out for the 360 - I agree though that the missing online-component of the Wii made most of the games not as longliving as others (but then again, most of us play MP games until the next one hits)



As a consumer who buys things that interest him, the PS3 won the generation for me. The 360 had an early lead but then it just ran out of steam and shat all over its own legs before getting to the finish line. The PS3 didn't hear the gunshot indicating the race had started, but then once it started going it never stopped. The Wii was there at the race too, but its mom dropped it off at the finish line and it played with its toys while waiting for the other systems to finish up.
Actually a lump of money now is worth more than "future endeavors." The problem is the WiiU is a massive pile of shit.

I think that pile of money affords Nintendo some security, though. The Wii U can "lose" this gen and Nintendo is still in good shape for the next one; if Sony or MS have a flop, we're talking them exiting the console biz.


Worships the porcelain goddess
This post nails it, considering the sheer length of this generation its hard to hand it to NIntendo despite their dominating performance at the start.

With emerging market sales there's a very real possibility that PS3 will eventually overtake Wii before discontinuation.

Nope. Nintendo crushed it. PS360 are reaching 80 million while Wii stands at 100 million. They made mad profits while Sony and MS lost money. Sony lost mindshare, MS gained it.

Nintendo killed it so hard this past gen that they basically stopped two years ago.


It seems you did not understand the point I was making. If we look at the position Nintendo got themselves into towards the end of gen 7 and the start of gen 8, what exactly did they win? It's like the 300 spartans, they won the battle but lost their lives.
In that aspect then the PS2 "lost" because of all the momentum Sony lost with the PS3, PSP and Vita as far as sales, mind and marketshare. That Sony has been doing a lot of right things over the years and riding this huge PR hype just shows that they're serious to get back to it.
i dunno. if we go by sales, yeah, nintendo won. but are we really about sales here? i had like 4 games for my wii for the entirety it was out..


What I learned in this thread is that the PS2 didn't win its generation because Sony screwed up with the follow up.

I don't know, you tell me:


It's going to be 2024 and people will be posting this picture from 13 years in the past.


I don't think this gen is over yet. PS3 is still hitting strong with exclusives may take 2nd place away from microsoft if 360 support dies off for XB1 like it did with the original xbox


Also a great point. Nintendo was profitable, so from a certain perspective their victory is unquestionable. The problem is that their profits don't seem to be giving them an edge in number of exclusive titles for their platform compared to the other two companies which have had a much rougher road financially. Is there any good financial reason for the WiiU software drought?

I get the impression that they're just using the 3ds for profit atm so they're not exactly going all out on the wii U where it looks like decent first party games are going to die. As a Vita owner I sympathize with Wii U owners.


They may have won in sales, but i'd argue there is a good amount of people who did not buy a game beyond wii sports, based on the attachment rates.
You mean the attach rates that, until the Wii U launched, were pretty damn close to the PS3's?
Wow not a single red in for Nintendo and Sony didn't do too bad, however ouch for Microsoft that's a big loss.

Nintendo has been in the red for the last two years. The chart conveniently stops just beforehand though :)

Also Sony lost twice as much money this generation as Microsoft (in that chart between 2006-2010), so I don't get your "Sony didn't too bad however ouch for Microsoft"?


It seems you did not understand the point I was making. If we look at the position Nintendo got themselves into towards the end of gen 7 and the start of gen 8, what exactly did they win? It's like the 300 spartans, they won the battle but lost their lives.

1. Many warehouses full of money
2. Most consoles sold

What more is there to it?


imo Sony came dead last. They went from the most successful console ever made to struggling against MS.

1. Nintendo (mostly due to profitability)
2. MS (From Xbox to Xbox 360 huge gains)
3. Sony (I've given my reasons)

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Seems like something of a wash for everyone. Nintendo won big, then in the space of that same generation, lost it all in time for the next go around. MS won big, but then set to work sabotaging themselves with stuff like Kinect and letting their first part go to ruin. Sony lost big, but managed to reforge themselves back to being in the strongest position for next gen.

If you want to go solely by money, Nintendo had the win, but money aint everything as our good friends at RIM/Blackberry can attest. Hearts and minds are just as big a value on any "win chart" for the long term.
I don't get how it's only Nintendo that sucked in the later years

We got the worst Uncharted, worst God Of War, worst Gears Of War and worst Halo late in the generation - and with worst I don't mean that these are completely bad games, but huge disappointments compared to the previous entries in the franchises

The last big Wii hurrah was probably Skyward Sword while it's The Last Of Us for PS3 and no idea what came out for the 360 - I agree though that the missing online-component of the Wii made most of the games not as longliving as others (but then again, most of us play MP games until the next one hits)


You forgot to mention in the last Wii years you got the worst Zelda, I wonder why!

Just compare first party releases from Sony to Nintendo from 2010-2013 and you'll see it's not even close. And Uncharted 3 is so much better than the first game, COME ON MAN!

edit: I actually do agree with the sentiment of Steam winning. They really upped their game and made people like me (who don't give a shit about PC exclusives) start caring about PC gaming. Bravo Gabe :)


Sales say that Nintendo won that generation, and that's with them abandoning their home console platform years before its successor launched. What helped them win this generation is already working against them in the next.
If we talk purely on sales Nintendo won
If we talk purely on gained mindshare, Microsoft won
If we talk about games Sony won (but only by adding the recent years when microsoft gave up)

The thing is last gen the PS2 had all three. The sales, the games, the mindshare. So if you need all three to "win" a generation, nobody won yes.

But if we are honest, Microsoft acheived the most relative to where they were in the previous generation and from the fact the 360 was only their second console :- something people sometimes forget.

Nintendo in the long run did not gain or lose with the Wii. Yes it made a metric fuckton of money, but most people still preferred to just put a bunch of shoverware on it and call it a day. Third party support has been Nintendos biggest thorn since the Snes and nothing has changed.

Sony lost a huge amount of marketshare and goodwill with the PS3. In some ways it was a absolute disaster. However, they made up for it with the investment in their first party content which is no starting to really bare some amazing fruit. Its also first party content that unlike nintendos, challenges third partys to push the platform. Nobody tries to beat mario, but we have seen a few games that try to outdo uncharted.

Overall I say they all won. The only outright winner however was us, the gamers.
I don't get how it's only Nintendo that sucked in the later years

We got the worst Uncharted, worst God Of War, worst Gears Of War and worst Halo late in the generation - and with worst I don't mean that these are completely bad games, but huge disappointments compared to the previous entries in the franchises

The last big Wii hurrah was probably Skyward Sword while it's The Last Of Us for PS3 and no idea what came out for the 360 - I agree though that the missing online-component of the Wii made most of the games not as longliving as others (but then again, most of us play MP games until the next one hits)


Actually, while SS was a last big hurrah for the Wii, so were the Project Rainfall rpgs


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
Mass Effect? said:
I love this picture. Mostly because I love charts. And the colors are a good added bonus.

So what's the consensus? If the PS3 outsells the Wii before it's done selling, does the PS3 win?
In that aspect then the PS2 "lost" because of all the momentum Sony lost with the PS3, PSP and Vita as far as sales, mind and marketshare. That Sony has been doing a lot of right things over the years and riding this huge PR hype just shows that they're serious to get back to it.

The PS2 wasn't the CAUSE of the momentum Sony lost with the PS3. the PS3's pricing (and to a lesser extent their online network) cost them that.

The Wii irreparably damaged nintendo's relationships with core gamers and third parties, period. They gained a TON of money from 2006-2010, but wrecked their console business model in the process.

The PS3 actually didn't lose Sony mindshare at all. financially it was a disaster, but sony gained SO much goodwill with the PS3 after the launch of the slim that they erased microsoft's lead entirely and are poised to cruise to an easy win with the PS4 before it starts. PS3 gamers right now are the most satisfied owners right now period.

I love this picture. Mostly because I love charts. And the colors are a good added bonus.

So what's the consensus? If the PS3 outsells the Wii before it's done selling, does the PS3 win?

of course it does. This current gen is still WAY too active to be considered "finished." We just saw the most successful console launch of all time on current gen platforms this year (GTAV), Both Sony and MS have huge hitters for current gen still lined up, and EA and Activision have committed to cross platform games for another two years.

start talking "who won the gen" when it's actually over in 2015-2016.


Valve is the clear winner of this gen that dragged on for so long PC gained a big foothold in gaming again.

Between Nintendo, Sony and MS it's a real hard call. Nintendo didn't win cause the Wii died premature, 360 slumped in the end too but gained huge marketshare over the og box, PS3 might have surpassed the 360 now or will soon and it might surpass the Wii in the end but turning that ship around still didn't make it win the software sales war for now.

Mory Dunz

Why are we having this thread again? Isn't this the exact same thread as last time?

general agreement.

There is no consensus here

A consensus would be that everyone agrees that no one won this generation by what you said.
Instead, we have differing opinions on who won the generation. It's not really the same thing.
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