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Sonic Forces - Green Hill Gameplay


never left the stone age
I think that music is straight up unfinished? There are some layers that sound extremely out of place and the volume just goes nuts near the end of the video lol.


Gold Member
a lot of things appear wrong. why are they pursuing 2d platformer sonic when Mania is already coming and superior?

thought forces was going to be more of the 3d adventure style sonic offshoot stuff
It's not a sonic game without every fanboy nitpicking the physics. Also the music sounds nothing like Sonic 4.
It's almost like the physics of the classic Sonic games are an important part of their identity as video games or something, and that when trying to emulate that style it is important to at least get close to that momentum-based gameplay. And that previous attempts to do just that from Sega have failed pretty miserably (Sonic 4, Generations to a lesser extent) so that such a thing would make sense to keep under scrutiny for upcoming Sonic titles.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
a lot of things appear wrong. why are they pursuing 2d platformer sonic when Mania is already coming and superior?

thought forces was going to be more of the 3d adventure style sonic offshoot stuff
It's going to be split like Generations. We've seen 3D Sonic gameplay already.

This is not the same thing as Mania, even in the side-scrolling sections. Sonic Generations was incredible and this is shaping up to be a sequel, clearly.

Getting both in one year is awesome.


I think that music is straight up unfinished? There are some layers that sound extremely out of place and the volume just goes nuts near the end of the video lol.

Yeah as I said Apotos music was the same, it had a cheap synth used for the melody (not as cheap as here though lol) instead of a violin.


Why are there springs underneath the short lips of raised level terrain at the end of straight-aways?

Does Sega think people don't know how to jump?

It is a speed running / high score aspect. The spring slows you down as opposed to avoiding it by jumping slightly beforehand. Avoid it and you can get a better time / higher score. Nothing wrong with it, really.
Hmm. Was hoping they would at least get the gameplay right this time. I didn't like the way classic Sonic felt in Generations and this looks like it's about the same.


Really, gameplay and level design looks pretty much the same as Generations, don't see why all the fuss is about (unless you really hated Generations too).

And please... Emerald Hill is fucking Green Hill with a sea instead of a lake. I'm all for not adding Green Hill again... but Emerald Hill?really?


I'm usually fine with Sonic games but this footage simply didn't do anything to me. It's tiring to see Green Hill Zone being remade over and over again. That music was plain horrible and Sonic games always deliver on that aspect, what happened!? Oh well. Still looking forward to this game and it's new zones and stuff. Good thing it will launch on Switch too.
It's almost like the physics of the classic Sonic games are an important part of their identity as video games or something, and that when trying to emulate that style it is important to at least get close to that momentum-based gameplay. And that previous attempts to do just that from Sega have failed pretty miserably (Sonic 4, Generations to a lesser extent) so that such a thing would make sense to keep under scrutiny for upcoming Sonic titles.

They're not and always have not.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Err, the only resemblance stems from the fact that they are both mimicking Sega Genesis sound with some embellishments.

...and I'd assume, like Generations, the game will use 16-bit+ arrangements for classic Sonic and more modern arrangements for modern Sonic.

It's almost like the physics of the classic Sonic games are an important part of their identity as video games or something, and that when trying to emulate that style it is important to at least get close to that momentum-based gameplay. And that previous attempts to do just that from Sega have failed pretty miserably (Sonic 4, Generations to a lesser extent) so that such a thing would make sense to keep under scrutiny for upcoming Sonic titles.
The 3D games have simply adopted a different style of play. It's not trying to be truly "classic" Sonic anymore. That's what Mania is for.

Generations plays great as its own style of game.


Yeah, Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 1 was the first thing to pop into my mind when I heard the music. Just a mess of faux-Genesis era sounds, tonally dissonant with the level.

Considering that this seemingly has been in development for longer than any Sonic game before it the shape it seems to be in is disappointing.

Guess Who

Imagine a Mario game where, when you jump on an enemy's head, Mario does not bounce and instead falls straight to the ground.

That is almost literally what Sega has made here, and why people are right to say the physics look kinda shite.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
doesn't look bad honestly, except......

I feel this occupies a very weird space now with Sonic Mania. And with the pedigree behind Mania, I have to wonder what that leaves for this game.

Anyway, again not bad. We'll just have to see how things develop.


Sonic is a fangame from Mario anyway, which is a fangame from that boardgame with snake and ladders.

Imagine a Mario game where, when you jump on an enemy's head, Mario does not bounce and instead falls straight to the ground.

That is almost literally what Sega has made here, and why people are right to say the physics look kinda shite.

Yes he clearly doesn't jump on multiple ennemis at the end. Let's just misinform now, at this point it's not like people give a care after all.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who immediately found the music to be grating. I thought there was something wrong with my ears.


I mean...it looks good?
  • - Rolling seems to actually increase speed on slopes
  • - Sonic's weight doesn't look like his shoes are made of painted gold
  • - The lighting looks and feels great
It looks better than Generations's version did at least. The level looks engaging and meshes pretty well.

The only issue i see is that for some asinine reason, the faster sonic goes, the closer the camera zooms in on him

The music is uh.....lets just say, it's not what I expected from Sonic Team's musicians.


Also, why are the invisible springs from Lost World returning?

Sonic could've easilly made that jump but the game decided to put a spring there, and it's not even like you can use it to move along smoothly, your speed stops dead in its tracks when you touch the thing

It's a trap... something to slow you down... not a benefit.


Gotta admit I agree with you. It is off.

Gameplay legitimately does but I wonder if that's the intent on mood. Forces seems rather dark and that music has shrill cheeriness to it that seems almost deliberate.
It definitely contrasts with the music we heard in Modern Sonic's stage.


Neo Member
I think it looks great (even if I am tired of them using Green hill again). Not too big on the music though. Part of me is hoping that its some sort of placeholder music but I doubt that's the case. Hopefully the rest of the soundtrack is much better. After the amazing soundtrack of Sonic Generations, I am expecting a lot out of the soundtrack.
Honestly I like the simpler look, the Gens version looked too busy to me. Also I appreciate that it's NOT the same song again and is actually an original one.

Was legit nice to see IMO. Hopefully the Switch version looks as close to the other versions as possible and is at 60fps.


It looks alright, nice and clean, interesting grass.

The video looked like it had moments of slight slowdown though...I wonder if they used the switch version for this.

Gunstar Ikari

Unconfirmed Member
Was classic Sonic really necessary?

Modern has looked fine. The game should have just had that

Same reason as always, they have to tack on slower gameplay otherwise the game would be eaten alive for lasting 90 minutes.

To be honest, I'm kind of tired of 2D Sonic in general. I'm sure that I'll end up grabbing Mania, but if they canceled it tomorrow I wouldn't even blink.

Guess Who

Yes he clearly doesn't jump on multiple ennemis at the end. Let's just misinform now, at this point it's not like people give a care after all.

I say "almost literally" because I'm more expressing the scale and obviousness of the mistakes this game makes with its movement than pointing out a specific problem, although the enemy-bouncing in this footage is comically shitty.


A few things.

-Music sounds horrible, not because of the sound quality but it sounds NOTHING like Green Hill. I know SEGA has to pay to use Sonic 1/Sonic 2 music tracks, so it's a shame they were cheap enough not bother paying the licensing fee to play Green Hill. Even a 8-bit remix of Windy Hill or Seaside Hill would have been better. They paid for the fee to use the track in Sonic Mania (and likely other fees to use Sonic 2 zones too), so it screams 'We don't care' the track not having a proper remix in forces.
-Level design looks lazy and nothing like Classic from Generations. Sure, he felt 'off' in Gens but at least the level design still had the 'spirit' of the classic games. Here, it feels like it was thrown together. The strange spring and booster placement shows this quite clearly.
-Visuals look great for both Sonic and the level itself. I had a feeling the Nintendo Direct footage was the Switch build running and this gameplay video proves that; this seems to be running on PC's or PS4/Xbox One. So the level has a high resolution, great coloring and looks great. The fact it 'seemingly' runs at 60 makes it even better.
-Sonic himself and the stage/objects/etc look 'Classic' like, which is great honestly. Love the touch of Green Hill losing it's water and it being covered with sand. Hopeful they can expand the level (if there is an act two) to use the sand in a creative way to make the stage stand out.
Man this looks whack.

I tried to pinpoint why comparing it to the original and I think my issue is that the background look too clean and makes the speed look bad. When I went and saw the original I saw that the background felt different and in the older game we also had more of the bottom part of the scenery in screen. I think the checkered pattern also affect our visual?

I don't know maybe I am just crazy, but the speed looks weird. It looks stiff.
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